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Private/Closed Naruto AU: Roleplay

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Explosive tags...?!?

Thinking quickly, he took the water in his pouch, and tossed it up in front of him. Without a handsign, he yelled out.

“Ice barrier!”

Within a moment, the ice barrier fabricated as soon as the explosives went off, just narrowly shrouding the mist ninja in hard ice. The explosion shattered the ice, leaving Kai relatively intact, other than a bit shaken. He closed his fist and turned to the two fellow genin next to him.

“This ape thinks he can fling feces our way and get away with it! Let’s hunt him down! I am a hunter nin, I will find him! Follow me!”

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
It hadn't been long after his encounter with Zaku when Tomiko had arrived. He thought for a second before approaching her, he knew that she was upset over everything. Especially upset that he had stepped in.

Maybe I should stop getting involved with her...

Yasu was extremely close to turning around and ignoring her, but another glace and he noticed her face. The face he remembered was gone. The bright eyes, the large happy smile, the way the muscles in her face moved when she laughed or grinned. All of it was replaced with a somber, empty looking expression.

No, I have to do this for her.

He took a sharp breath in, and made his way to her. He was extremely nervous to talk to her after the time in between exams, but he had to do it.

"Hey Tomiko..." He managed to breath out with a hand behind his head.
Sagisō smiled with a hint of mirth, her eyes easily ignoring the walls and people of the stadium and locking onto the trio of Kiri-nin. The explosion that'd gone off hadn't exactly been the most discreet of events and Sagisō had swiftly moved to scout it out with her Byakugan. Watching the Kai get a faceful of dust was strangely satisfying, and she'd immediately gained a favorable impression of the ninja who'd orchestrated the little skit. Though... she did feel a little ashamed that a ninja like Kai, who'd been so easily led around by his nose, had been able to reduce her to such a pitiful state during the exams. Although what was troublesome about him was more the sedatives that'd been hidden in his senbon and his fanatical xenophobia than anything else.

While he'd already lost to her and been eliminated from the subsequent rounds, Sagisō had no problems with kicking a man while he was down, and certainly wouldn't shy away from screwing Kai over if given the chance.


Previously Swirled
"ENOUGH!" Jenna screamed as she sent a wave of ice in both directions in hopes of immobilizing both Katsuo and Kai.
"I am tired of seeing you two fight, now make up, or leave each other alone, or I will be forced to freeze you both as punishment!" She hated all forms of conflict, so seeing the two ninja going head to head before the exams started made her blood boil.
Taiyo grimaced as he watched the Mist-nin fire an ice attack, he felt proud for not getting involved, he slowly stepped away and decided to talk to someone else. He saw Azumi in the distance and something clicked in his head.
That was the girl who was talking to Orochimaru before that crazy girl attacked me, I think she's also my next opponent, lemme see if I can probe any information out of her. He walked over to Azumi with a calm demeanor, wanting nothing more than to have a polite discussion.
"Forgive me dearest Hokage. But it appears that there seems to an...incident I am in need to resolve. I'll be back in a moment."

Mei, who had been informed of some commotion involving a Kiri-nin by one of her guards, decided to go resolve the issue herself as she quickly vanished from the area. Minato had an eyebrow raised, but decided to let the Mizukage handle whatever this issue had been.

Mei soon arrived behind Kai and company, and had just caught wind of his pledge to peruse which only caused Mei to let out a sigh.

That youthful vigor can have its benefits...and its annoyances it seems.

"I believe it would be wiser to just drop whatever issue you have." Mei said as her guards, Chojuro and Ao, remained by her side as she aimed to get Kai's attention as she noted he seemed rather upset over something. Not that Mei knew or quite honestly cared as she aimed to put an end to this before it got out of hand.

Azumi had half-considered simply ignoring Zaku's question but decided that there was little harm in talking with him as it concerned her match-up. Zaku was likely arrogant enough to not care about it too much as given what she presumed was capabilities worthy to get to this stage combined with this favor from Orochimaru based on her observations he likely felt he had already won. Which was fine, if Zaku underestimated the competitors that only served to her benefit. The less Zaku knew or thought of her the better.

"I am against Taiyo." Azumi explained flatly. Azumi had known little about him given that Taiyo's match ended before hers had and she had been focused on the Zaku/Kiro situation that concerned the Snake-Sannin.

Tomiko's head moved up a bit when she heard a familiar voice. As both she and Madoka had seen Yasu as he addressed Tomiko. Tomiko kept her lifeless gaze, though she tried to mask it with a weak smile.

"Oh, hey Yasu. Figured you'd be getting ready for the finals." Tomiko replied, her tone had noticeable less energy in spite of her attempts to force some in as to not worry Yasu. The last thing Yasu needed was a distraction.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Heh, that guy?” Zaku rolled his eyes. “Easy prey for you, lost his scroll on the first hour of the forest of death. He and Yasu are weak, you got a lucky match up.”

Zaku didn’t mind azumi, albeit her eyes seemed to giving a judgmental look about her. Zaku could care less about it though, as she was a ninja, it came with the job.


Kai was surprised at Jenna’s reaction, placing a hand her way, bending the ice around him in a forked shape. We can both bend ice? While she isn’t battle savvy, why did she attack?

“We cannot let the Xeno leave untouched! He must face the music! Can’t you see cousin?!”

Kai was surprised that the Mizukage got involved, even addressing him directly, he quickly took a knee and bowed to Mei.

“Lady Mizukage!” Kai said with respect. “The Xeno filth tried to attack us, our values, trying to even Bomb us! They should know their place, as this violence will not be tolerated! We should put them down or else we’d be made a mockery of!”


Previously Swirled
"THERE IS NO NEED TO SPILL UNESSESARY BLOOD! EVEN IF HE IS A XENO, HE IS STILL A HUMAN WITH THE RIGHT TO LIVE!" Jenna shouted at Kai, storming away from them, she needed some time to cool off after the outrage that Kai had displayed. She did want to learn more about Katsuo, but not like this, not unessesarily.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Kanshi used his glass to protect himself from the blast, but was angry once he realized Katsuo retreated and at Jenna's attempt to stop him. He was about to agree with Kai and try to kill Katsuo, but then the Mizukage appeared. Though he didn't kneel down like Kai, her presence got rid of the idea of bloodshed.

Of course it's the Mizukage who stops the fight when there just might be a killing. And what the hell is wrong with my clan mate? Trying to stop it as well! And she doesn't even want to be a Chunin... what even is the point of being a ninja if she just gathers information?! If she really wanted to help our clan she should try to be an Anbu or something, instead of wasting all that potential.

"Yes, the foreigner could've killed your own ninja and he disrespected your village! How could you let him escape so easily?" he asked looking directly at the Mizukage." Then he turned to face Jenna, who somehow managed to infuriate him further.

WHAT KIND OF EXCLAMATION IS THAT?! THE DAMN LADY DIDN'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE HER KAGE!!! I might have to go killing to cool off after this...

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Yasu could tell something was up with Tomiko, she didn't seem to want to talk.

"I know what you're trying to do, it's not gonna work. I'm used to trying to people to stop worrying about me, and I can tell you that this isn't gonna stop me from worrying..."

He looked at his feet, trying to summon up the courage to say something. It was uncomfortable to have to talk while she was in this state, but it had to be done.

"I... I'll win, okay? I promise I'll beat them both... If-If I let them beat me there's no way I could face you! I want to be able to face you! To keep doing things with you! So that's why..."

He looked back down.

"That's why I'll win..."

He turned back to the wall he was originally sitting against.

"I think we'll be starting soon, so I'm gonna go prepare."
"There is no such thing as an easy fight. That kind of thinking leads to an early grave in this world." Azumi countered. While having confidence in ones self was a necessity to overlook and just presume victory is yours was a premature thought. One could never account for everything no matter how sure of themselves of of their opponent's capabilities they were.

"The only thing to bring "mockery" to our nation is your attitude. Wanting to commit such an act is a poor reflection of our nation. These exams are about showcasing the best of the ninja world and you two are showing the worst traits of our own." Mei replied, as it had been quite clear she disagreed with their view on what was to be done. Her tone was firm and her expression cold in spite of her more fiery attitude a majority of the time.

"We have worked long and hard to build back up Kirigakure's reputation and I will not allow you both to undermine that with your actions here. We are to avoid fights outside of the exams, not be drawn to them. And yes, I can tell based on your language & word choice that you had as much to do with this outside of just being picked on. One must learn to turn the other cheek rather than be baited into confrontation. And murder is not the solution to anything." Mei explained as she never was one to scold people but given the rather...extreme suggestions among ninja of her nation something had to be said.

Tomiko noticed that Yasu had seen through her attempts to downplay her feelings. Seems that either Yasu had been good at reading people or she herself had been too easy to read. Not that it seemed to matter too much, as Tomiko focused on the pledge Yasu gave her to win. Tomiko had been unsure what motivated Yasu to do that but the sentiment had been...touching to a degree.

"You'd better, we did make a promise to get to the finals and since I wasn't good enough to get here you have to show everyone what you can do." Tomiko replied as she offered some encouragement even if that self-dig had not escaped Madoka's notice.

"Indeed, we wish you luck and know you will do great." Madoka added on as support for Yasu.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Kanshi's eyes widened at Mei.

This bitch for real?! Murder is not the solution to everything, my ass! That kid Kiro better show all these retards that Kiri is the best village despite the idiotic ideals of our Kage.

Despite what was going on inside Kanshi's brain, he decided to have a bit of fun and pretend to be sorry. He bowed down sarcastically and then pretended to have an apologetic look on his face while looking at his Kage.

"I'm sincerely sorry for all this, I'll try to be more lenient when someone insults your village. Come, Kai, it's time we should head to watch the Exams," he said, turning from his Kage to his cousin.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“No, Kanshi.”

Kai stood up, not even looking away from Mei. He didn’t seems all to convinced. He was shocked at how poorly the mizukage’s actions had been. He couldn’t leav this alone.

“Reputation as what, Mei?” He said, calling her my her first name. “As weaklings? Ones can can be taken advantage of? These are values I cannot stand for, even if you are the Mizukage. Surley you must mean something else, or are my ears telling me the truth?”

With The young female Yuki’w attitude and mei’s nonchalance about the bombing of a mist ninja, he was troubled, troubled at where this was going to go.


“Heh, then clearly you haven’t seen him. Would you say a toddler is a far right?” Zaku teased. “No, right? Same principle. He go through by luck, and that alone. Luck is his only positive.”

Zaku was unconsciously surprised Taiyo had made it. Either it was a huge amount of sheer dumb luck, or it was skill. If it were, how could he have been tricked so easily earlier?
Azumi had kept the same expression as Zaku made his point to talk down Taiyo as it seemed he was quick to dismiss him based on a prior experience. Something that Azumi had presumed was a risky assumption to make, but if that's how Zaku operation it only served to her benefit if he made these assumptions prior to all his battles.

"Maybe. Though two weeks is an eternity in the ninja world. You may discount him on "luck", but luck alone does not get one to this stage. In any event I will treat him as an opponent worth my full attention and deal with him efficiently to advance forward." Azumi replied matter of factly. Azumi had ambitions far beyond this battle as she envisioned herself winning this entire thing, but she had to focus on Taiyo first the foremost and had not been prepared to fall in the trap of overlooking him in spite of Zaku's low opinion.

Mei folded her arms over her chest, though her disappointed expression simply gave way to a sigh as she shook her head. That kind of thinking, that attitude had caused far more problems for Kirigakure than either of them had any way to know of. But that obliviousness had far from been an excuse for such a behavior; something she aimed to make clear as she locked eyes with Kai.

"And what is strength in your eyes? Picking fights on foreign soil just because you feel your pride was shot. From what I have been informed of that explosion was an excessive retaliation when you decided to try and attack someone outside of the exams. There are easy ways to show our nation's strength that do not extend to alienating all possible allies. I will see to it this "bomber" you've encountered is confronted and dealt with properly. However your actions and what you desire to do will reflect far more poorly of our nation than it would fix anything." Mei replied back to Kai as she could tell he was someone with a clear strong sense of national-pride based on the briefing she had been given about this situation but it had been just as clear he failed to understand how that mindset might hurt Kirigakure's reputation more than build it up. Something Mei had experienced herself during those dark days of civil war in the age of the bloody mist. Something she desired to never have happen again to her people.

"I want to know that I can trust you both to act responsibly long enough to avoid making another scene. If you can do that, I'll let you be. But be warned, I will not hesitate to step in if you cause some more chaos during these exams. Do I make myself clear?" Mei asked with a tone that would send a chill down the spins of most as she let out just enough killing intent to have gotten her point across. Mei may have been known for her beauty, but she had not become a Kage without reason.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai bit his tounge. He hadn’t known that Mei was that much of a pacifist. He had slightly been revealed at the thought of his attacker being punished and convicted, but the he realized he would be punished by her pacifistic terms. Would most likley be a slap on the wrist and trust would be it. Kai hates the thought. She seemed weak, controlled by the opinions of others without regard for the mist as a whole. If the bomber wasn’t prosecuted, it would send a message to everyone that the mist will allow anything to go by unpunished, an image that Kai was not satisfied in seeing happen.

Upon hearing her words and possible threat toward him and his cousin, he was disgusted, but had to tolerate it, as she WAS the Mizukage, and he could treat her like any foreigner, even if he disagreed with her.

“If a Xeno attacks us, they’ll be put down like dogs, no matter who they are. We cannot guarantee the actions of others, for they are outside our control. I promise not to start any conflict, Though mark my words Mizukage, if anything were to happen, and fighting breaks out against us again, your ideals will have been proven a LIE.”


Previously Swirled
It was at this moment that Jenna realized, she ignored her Kage, so she ran back and bowed down before Mei.
"My sincerest apologies, Mizukage, I was fed up with Kai and Kanshi's foolishness and felt the need to calm down, completely unaware of your presence," Jenna felt as if she was going to cry, but knew she had to keep her composure.
While she couldn't hear their words, it was easier enough for her to read their lips. After 'eavesdropping' on the conversation between the bevy of kiri nin she'd come to a conclusion. Her lips curled in contempt as she watched, 'Fools who wear their emotions on their sleeves'. They wouldn't last long. With such passionate distaste for 'xeno' and those above-board and abrasive tactics, the mist would be doomed if any of them ever became Kage. They'd alight the wrath of their enemies and provoke their way to destruction. Even if the mist were time fold stronger than they currently were, such an attitude would quickly destroy them.

A wise leader knew how to 'kill with a borrowed knife', or at the very least 'hide daggers behind smiles'. Did those genins really think the era of 'The Bloody Mist' came to an end because the village decided to elect some pacifist Kage? Being too powerful paints a huge target on one's back, if the mist really had continued being so arrogant, the other villages likely would've united and destroyed it. If one wants to build power it must be hidden behind a facade of weakness else risk the fear and retaliation of the other nations.

At least the leaders of Nadeshiko Village understood this principle. Even though they had fighters comparable to the Kohona's legendary Sannin, the other villages were none the wiser.
"It's not a matter of ideals, but practicality. Our nation has already bathed in blood for so long and I will not have that image of those bloody days be our nation's legacy." Mei countered simply before she overheard the apology form Jenna as she gave her apology which Mei felt had been a bit much but she smiled at the girl all the same.

"No need to apologize. Go and enjoy your time here in Konoha. I hope you all have a good time and will be strong enough to not let these demons consume you." Mei advised to Kai and Kanshi in particular before she and her guards vanished as she made it back to her seat with the other kage as Minato glanced at the sun and saw that the time had come.

Time to allow the fires of the new generation to flare.

Minato stood up, pressing a button on his color to activate a mic on his collar before he spoke to the crowd and more importantly through the speaker in the rooms the competitors would be able to hear from.

"The time draws near for the Chunin Exam Finals. All competitors please make your way from the waiting room and follow your guide-nin to what I will call the "loading dock." You'll see what I mean when you get there. And everyone else find your seats for the exams shall begin in mere moments." Minato explained as Azumi overheard the Hokage's words as she got up and saw the Konoha-nin assigned to lead them there as he motioned for the competitors in the room to follow. Disregarding the fact that neither Kiro nor Yasu had been in the room with them. Either way Azumi followed the Konoha-nin as she had began to think over the best way to go about her first match along with wondering how this would work given they had not been sent to the main arena right from the start. Which puzzled the Ame-nin, though she had been willing to see what had been prepared for them.

Azumi got her answer as she along with the other competitors as they were led underground and saw a series of underground platforms. Four of them to be exact, with marked spaces for each competitor based on their bracket spot. The idea seemed simple enough though the Konoha-nin turned to the competitors to explain.

"We will have the finals matches simultaneously. These platforms will lead each pair of competitors to a different section of the arena for their match. Each section will have a different terrain waiting for you. What that terrain for your match is will remain to be seen. In any event the competitors please take your places." The Konoha-nin advised as Azumi understood simply enough and got on her space as she presumed the one next to her was for Taiyo.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Zaku arched an eyebrow, looking around the dark ‘loading dock’, as the other genin seemed to be separating to their own platforms.

“What’s this? A garage exam?” Zaku joked, making his way to his platform.

It was too dark to see, but he felt the temperature drop a bit, the ground feeling coarse and dense. He wondered what exactly he was stepping in, since he couldn’t see anything. He crossed his arms as he reached his standing position, awaiting the exam to officially kick off


Previously 5DigitNeb
Hashima had noticed all the interactions between the remaining participants but decided to ignore them and just relax and get ready for her match. Once hearing the sound of the Hokage she stood up from her seat and did as instructed, which led her to an underground area for her battle. She went to her space and waited for Kiro to reach his.


Raiku had taken a seat in the spectator's area of the stadium, which he had to admit was quite large. He began thinking about the weird dreams he had since he started training with Shisui.

Raiku went into the area for the first exam, and once everyone sat down the proctor explained it was a written exam, meant to test our knowledge as ninja. Some of the questions Raiku was able to do... but he felt as if there was another purpose for this exam. He noticed others began using some of their powers discreetly, and that's when it him him. This was an exam to test his spying skills. He activated his two tomoe Sharingan, and began looking at the answers of others and writing them down in his own paper, although he made sure it wasn't too obvious that he would get caught and fail.

Eventually, the time was up and Raiku had all his questions completed, however there was one more. Raiku deactivated his Sharingan, but he felt sure he would be able to use it again and cheat his way into answering it, he wasn't even shook by what Ibiki said could happen if he got it wrong. He saw some other people quit and decided not to blame them, if he didn't have his Sharingan he might have quit himself. Once everyone who quit left, Ibiki showed that the question was whether or not to take the risk in order to become Chunin... and Raiku had passed. He nodded in confidence as he got ready for the next exams...

Kanshi nodded at the conversation, being a bit happy by Kai's words towards the Mizukage, a few moments after she left, he heard a speaker saying for the Exam participants to follow a ninja, and assumed the Exams must be started. "Let's go Kai, we don't want to miss your fellow Mist ninja fighting there, do we?" he said as he pulled his cousin's arm.


Previously Swirled
"Might as well," Taiyo sighed as he walked to the entrance of the final exam, he felt proud that he got this far, but at the same time, he began to doubt if he could really become a Chunin. It would suck to come so far just to fail, there was always next year, he was lucky to have come so far already, but that would mean nothing the minute he was deemed a failure. He walked into the dark room and stood on a platform, unknowingly next to Azumi, this was going to be hard, but he felt a shard of confidence in himself.
Kiro got up suddenly, jumping at the voice that came from the loudspeaker. “What the...?!” Kiro exclaimed as he sat up and looked around. All he remembered was blacking out in front of the Mizukage after using lightning armor without the curse mark to make his way to the arena. He had to admit that his speed was second to none when he was in that form. As for where he was, Kiro sat up on a couch in what seemed like the stadium’s medical area. He didn’t have his shirt on and Kiro assumed that he was because the medic was probably healing some of the wounds he had received through his training. Speaking of his medic, Kiro turned around to see her just staring at him with some pink on her cheeks. She seemed only a few years older than him, but that wasn’t the point. That’s when Kiro noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt as well as the announcement was telling all the competitors to go somewhere. “Um, uh, excuse me!” Kiro exclaimed, jumping off the couch, grabbing his clothes before running out into the hall. ‘That was awkward.’ Kiro thought to himself as he tried his best to put on a new set of his signature outfit while running.

By the time Kiro arrived to the lounge area where the rest of the competitors were, most of them were gone. Kiro didn’t even know where to go because he hadn’t been paying attention to the instructions. “Damn it.” Kiro cursed as he ran his hair through his head, pacing around the room. Was he actually about to fail because he didn’t know where to go?!

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Yasu followed his instructor-nin onto the loading dock, waving goodbye to Madoka and Tomiko as he did so. He could feel himself moving, but he wasn't sure were. The air got noticeably chillier, and he could feel a certain coarseness to the ground.

What in the hell is happening?

Suddenly he stopped, the loading dock still pitch black. He did a quick breathing exercise, hoping it might help him calm his nerves.

In, out, in, out, in... hold it... out.
When the Hokage had called for all the examinees to the 'loading dock', the Hyūga had been going over her equipment and getting her weapons ready. Although she was good at shurikenjutsu, it wasn't really her preferred form of combat. Over the past week, she'd placed an order for a specially crafted weapon that'd suit her needs a bit better. She'd wanted to show it off during her meeting with Azumi, but the weapon simply hadn't been ready yet. It'd been delivered mere moments ago, in a small flowery box, and the smile on Sagisō's face couldn't have been brighter. Since she'd left she hadn't had the chance to follow any of the guides but a quick scan with her Byakugan found all the exam candidates piled into a dark corner of the stadium. Not the most welcoming area, but who was she to judge.

As she made her way to the loading dock she noticed a rather disheveled young man pacing around the waiting room idly. There was a look of panic about him as he swept his hands through his hair and muttered curses under his breath. It was rather obvious that he'd been an examinee, and it was even more obvious that he was completely lost.

"...lame." Sagisō watched him for a few brief moments before pity filled her eyes and she decided to lend a helping hand...or in this case a voice. "Sigghhhh~ To think there'd actually be someone who'd gotten lost on their way to the fields..." She waved her hand towards him idly. "Follow me, stick close and try not to disgrace yourself anymore... To think there were also people like you among those cocky Kiri-ninja... I really don't know where that 'Kai' gets his confidence from with teammates like you..."

Kiro had nearly lost his composure by the time he heard a soft voice speak near him, causing him to tense up. ‘Lame?’ He did his best to regain his composure as he turned around to see the person who spoke. ‘It’s that girl...’ Kiro’s mind immediately jumped to the same young woman he saw before the exams started. The one who kept her eyes mysteriously covered. Kiro allowed his eyes to interlock with hers to be able to get a better look at them. ‘Magenta.’ They had something interesting about them but Kiro couldn’t quite place it. Before thinking about them further, Kiro was suddenly sent back to reality when he noticed Sagisō was waving. He managed to catch the tail end of her first statement but didn’t get to process it in time as his answer showed. “Yeah...” Kiro said as he started to actually listen to what she was saying.

Halfway through the rest of her words was when Kiro actually realized what she was doing. ‘She insulted me, didn’t she?’ However, Kiro’s expression didn’t reveal his thoughts as he just slightly smirked and let Sagisō have her moment. It was not often one got the chance to catch a disoriented Uchiha. He managed to catch the interesting segment about Kai and wondered what she meant by her statement. He decided to keep that thought for another time as he had more pressing things to attend to. Kiro spoke up after she was done speaking. He wanted to give a response to her accusations but decided against that as he would rather not have her just walk out on him. “I appreciate the help.” Kiro instead said, a bit surprised by his grateful tone. He understood why it was though. “Lead the way please, I’d rather not make an embarrassment of myself anymore than it has to be.” Kiro spoke as he prepared to follow Sagisō.
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Sagisō merely nodded, at least this mist ninja didn't have his head so far up his keister that he could- cough. "At least you're not as bad as other kiri-ninja that I've met, just a bit lame... But I hear if you try really hard you can overcome your...errrr, navigational deficiencies."

She wasn't exactly sure how this guy had made it past the forest of death (Maybe luck?) but she wouldn't question it. There were only a few people that she genuinely wanted to fight; the Uchiha, and Azumi. She didn't even care for the Chūnin exams as much because she knew it was possible to achieve chūnin without passing the exams, in fact, most ninjas had earned the chūnin rank without the examinations. Maybe after the exams had ended she'd spend a few months in Konoha before returning to Nadeshiko Village.

With that thought, Sagisō paused, abruptly freezing mid-step and turning into a statue. 'Now that I think about it... I'm of age... I'm expected to only come back once I've found a husband...' The sudden realization had been the cause of her abrupt freeze. If she really got defeated during the chūnin exams wouldn't she need to marry the victor? Her eyes flew back to the figures that she'd seen in the waiting room, 4 of them had been males and if she included the candidate behind her... well he'd probably get eliminated in the first round anyways. He didn't look too reliable. Though, to be fair none of the guys seen really looked like 'husband material'. The kiri-nin(Zaku) seemed to wear a stupidly cocky sneer on his face, there was one guy who seemed to be panicking before the exam had even begun(Yasu) and had taken to breathing exercises, the guy behind her was clearly a lost cause (Kiro), and the last two(Yasuo & Taiyo)...well she wasn't really sure what to think about them. She had a favorable impression of the guy who'd bombed Kai, but she wouldn't marry him over that.

Considering the people gathered here were supposed to be the elite of the younger generation... the ninja world seemed to be lacking...
Katsuo reemerged once everything had calmed down and quickly approached the two dojutsu wielders standing away from everyone else, half a grin visible on his face as he stopped a few feet away from the two, directing his attention towards Sagiso, his gaze focused a firm.
"Nice to meet you Sagiso, sorry our introduction is so short notice, im Katsuo, ill be your next opponent." He informed the young kunoichi, aware she may already know everything he's saying and maybe even more, given the circumstances.

"And....I believe its Kiro....ive heard good things about you, maybe we'll meet in battle someday." He said in a somewhat chivalrous manner before making his way past the two, his grin only widening once his face was out of view.

"Oh....and I hope you dont mind if I use our match to 'agitate' a common enemy....see you around." He added quietly while continuing forward, waving towards the two over his shoulder.
Kiro wondered what had happened between Kai and this female to get her so worked up about Kiri-Nin. Kiro didn’t know Kai that well so he couldn’t figure what about Kai had set her off. His mental tone did change when Sagisō brought up his navigational difficulties. ‘Of course the one time I get lost.’ Kiro just sighed as they continued to walk. He took this time quickly analyze her features. She was quite beautiful and if Kiro had a more lighthearted personality, he probably would’ve been interested. Instead, Kiro figured that her body was used as a tactical advantage that could be used against other weak-minded males. Something about Sagisō did give off the vibe that her looks wasn’t the only thing to her. Other than her body and her eyes, Sagisō’s attitude felt much different compared to the women he had scene. Kiro would definitely have to keep an eye out for her.

Once they arrived at the area they were supposed to be at, another genin walked up to them soon after. ‘So her name is Sagisō.’ Kiro wondered how Katsuo seemed to know as much as his name, much less his skill. Kiro just nodded in respect before Katsuo walked the other way. “So he’s your opponent?” Kiro spoke before he thought it through. “Anyways, Sagisō, thanks for the help once again. It’s a shame that we met on such terms, but I would recommend you not too underestimate me should we face each other.” Kiro warned Sagisō, but thanked her the same time. Hopefully he finished his fight fast so he could witness her battle against Katsuo. Just judging by their demeanor, it seemed like a battle that must be watched. Kiro then headed over to the location he was supposed to be at, without getting lost, before awaiting the next orders.
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Once all the ninja had gathered on their platforms, the Konoha-nin who had led them there flipped a single switch as some gears began to turn. Soon enough, all the separate platforms began to rise up from underground up to the main arena. Once the platforms surfaced, each pair would find a different field awaited them.

For Yasu and Zaku, they would find an arctic setting. The ground covered in ice along with some protruding glaciers around the pair.

For Katsuo and Sagiso, they would find their battle ground to be a series of grassy hills along with some open plains in-between to shift between flat and elevated ground.

For Hashima and Kiro, they would have to do battle in what appeared to be a swamp. With old trees and some vines around the murky water.

And for Azumi and Taiyo, they would see a rocky field along with numerous slopes which only highlighted how diverse each field had been for each battle. Once Minato had seen the platforms arrive and the competitors had gathered the Hokage stood up to explain the general rules. More so for the audience though the competitors likely needed the reminder amidst the sudden change in terrain.

"We have now arrived in the first round of the Chunin Exam Finals. As you all can see the competitors have each been split up in their own specialized zone for their own battle. Each battle will continue until one opponent cannot continue, gives a verbal submission, dies or the match is stopped by the proctor. One one battle ends, that victory will be escorted out of the arena and we will wait for each and every battle to finish thereafter. Once each battle has concluded, the arena will be altered and will we progress to the next round of battles and this pattern will repeat until there is one ninja left standing." Minato explained. Before he went on a short speech about the purpose of the exams; how it is about showing the best and brightest of the ninja all around the world in good-spirited competition to promote a sense of unity. Something that Azumi scoffed at as during the entire time Azumi had given Minato and all of the 5 kage of the great nations a glare.

Easy for you to talk about "fair competition" when your nation has had a skewed view from above...

Minato also added on that winning was far from a guarantee of getting a promotion and encouraged each Genin to give it their all for even a performance in defeat might be more worthy of ascension. Azumi scoffed on that notion as she held the belief the only way to ensure she advanced was to win this tournament. Before long Minato held his hand up.

"Now then, begin!"


Previously Swirled
Taiyo gulped, this opponent, Azumi, seemed like a tough one. He realized that he really needed to take the exams seriously now, but the only problem now, what attack to open with. His opponent seemed to be hesitant, he needed to take this opportunity while he still could. So, he decided to throw some flaming Senborn her way and see how she reacts.
She gave me the first move, I have to attack quickly, no Ninjutsu yet, let's keep it at Taijutsu and Genjutsu for now.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai was hard pressed to break eye contact with Mei, his expression unseen behind his mask. Kanshi’s words brought him back to reality. He slowly began to walk toward the stadium, allowing himself to be pulled by Kanshi’s arm.

“Fine, lets go. At least then we can see the true spirit of the mist shine through.”

Kai quicky darted from building to building until he made it to the top of the exam stadium, noticing the entire ground of it split open and rise from the ground! What is this xeno trickery??


The icy battlefield stood before them as the platform rose into the air. Zaku now facing his long awaited opponet: Yasu. Can’t say this is gonna be fair, but who do I care? Zaku started off using very little chakra at all, revving up his implants and yelling.

“Crippling Soundwaves!”

The attack he had sounded rippled through like a vibration, practically unseeable. He bender the very chakra of the attack towards Yasu’s location. The Soundwaves were much faster than when he used it in the forest of death
Lako looked at the time and cursed. He pulled on his jacket and took off. He sprinted passed building after building each one seeming to blend into another. He skidded around a corner and spotted the arena. He darted past a group baffled security and ran up steps two at a time. He walked into a spectator box scrabbled for a seat next to a bewildered looking lady. He flashed a smile at her and scanned the arena for Taiyo.

He gulped as he stared at the contestants. "Taiyo, Taiyo where are you" he murmured aloud. He spotted him and smiled broadly
"Go on you good thing" he shouted

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Yasu could hear the sound waves before he noticed the distortion in the air. It bounced off of the ice making a rhythmic high pitched ringing sound. He took a step forward, which was about as far as he could walk before he had to hold up his hand.

"Wind Style: Nuetralization!"

A very loud, forceful gust of wind materialized in the arena behind Yasu. It pushed forward, colliding with the decapitating sound wave before both fizzled and died out.

Good to know it's working.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Heh, looks like he showed his hand. Focusing more on the wind portion is he? Doesn’t he know I’m the master of all things air? Zaku sneered over to his enemy, kneeling down. He aimed both of his implants at Yasu. He put something in one of them before shouting.

“Decapatating airwaves!”

He shout out his bursts of air that could crush bone, two of them in two different directions. The left and right of him, closing in. On was slightly higher than the other as to have a higher chance of success. The item he had put in his implants had been thrown out, a long wire of sorts, revolving around with two metal spikes, moving like a windmill at blinding speeds due to the shockwave of air
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Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
The first wave had been easy to deal with, but from here on out Yasu could tell it would be trickier.

"Full body Nuetralization!"

This time, instead of wind coming only from behind him, air pushed out in all directions from Yasu. Once again the waves fizzled out, but the metal spikes continued to move towards him. Yasu unsheathed his blade, moving towards to meet the metal device head on.


With a flash of steel and sparks, Yasu flew past the metal object. His sword managed to deflect most of the damage, but a spike caught his arm as was showing with a noticeable wound.

Damn, gotta be more careful.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Heh got him! Not as much damage as anticipated, but it works. Let’s see his moves be as quick with that wound in his arm. Zaku has been wary, the neutralization technique didn’t seem to be a joke, but looked primarily defensive in nature. He knows that projectiles won’t work much on me, most of his arsenal is based on weapons. But if all of his attack power is wind and weapons...he’ll get stomped by me!

Zaku kept his distance, aiming his implants at Yasu again, this time actually putting a bit of chakra into the attack rather than minimal amounts. He made his first handsign of the battle, on both of his hands.

“Decapatating airwaves!”

The radius of the shockwaves this time were wider, covering a larger surface area. Since it was coming from both of his hands, he put them diagonally from each other, that way it had even a larger surface area than the way they were already projecting. This variant can crush boulders, chop trees and pulverize flesh, lets see if he can cut through this!!
Katsuo felt the soft ground beneath his feet, perfect for the situation, his composure was calm yet serious, his eyes were closed and unwavering, he was ready.
"You better not hold back!" He reflected on the words his Mom had beaten into his skull the past few weeks, it made the young man laugh. To think he hadnt the need for his full power this far into the exams pleased him greatly, but that time was over, now he would fight like a warrior.

"Sagiso....lets go." He spoke just loud enough for her to hear before suddenly and without warning, he darted forward at blistering speeds, his image blurring and streaking, the gap between the two young genin vanished almost instantly.
Katsuo struck his hands together, chakra pooling up in the center of his palms.
"Mountain Shifting Palm Style!" He roared internally, a palm strike now aimed for her upper abdomen.

Ichiko looked on from the stands, a somewhat unpleased expression on her face. "Fast kid....for now."

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Full body Neutralization!"

Yasu put more wind force into this neutralization, sensing the added power to Zaku's airwaves. The chill wind of the arena was being thrown around, along with pieces of ice that Zaku's airwaves had broken. It took roughly double the amount of time, but eventually both Yasu's and Zaku's airwaves stopped once again.

This isn't good, my Neutralization takes more chakra than his airwaves do... I won't win unless I do something fast.

Sensing the urgency Yasu sprung forward, propelling himself faster using wind from chakra points on his legs. He closed a significant portion of the distance between him and Zaku before diving behind a large icy rock on the battlefield.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai, who was watching the battle throughout easily maintaining contact witch each of them noticed one slip by. What? One escaping my vision? Katsuo struck his hands together, calling out his attack before throwing a quick strike that seemed to defy all logic. The Xeno has speed, this is the one that attacked earlier, now I can see how he was able to go so far away so quickly. However, lets see if that speed will help him at all against my previous opponet.

Kai seemed to like the idea of his two most hated genin battling to the possible death. Which ever one lost, was a win for him


As the two wind waves canceled out, Zaku didn’t break his usual smug expression. At this rate, that powerful cancelation technique would use up a lot more chakra than he would, leaving his enemy high and dry. Right as he though the though, the enemy genin flew over toward an icy rock. Zaku hadn’t expected it, blinking, but quickly adjusted.

“You honestly think an ice block will stop me? I won’t even need to use my airwaves for this!”

Zaku took out an explosive kunai, which was a kunai with a explosive rage attached to the end. It was a short fuse, no longer than two seconds. He quickly activated the tag and tossed it at the ice rock, aiming to over shoot it just a little in order to hit the person behind. By then most of the timer had gone out, mere milliseconds from exploding

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
An explosive tag, a flash of black heading straight for the tag, an explosion behind a different rock, icy rocks scattering like debris through the arena. It all happened within a second. A sort of "Blink and you'd miss it." type of action. Yasu sprung forward, propelled again by the wind. He ended up right in center of the debris, right where he wanted to be.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!"

Yasu put extreme force behind the attack and the shards of rocks flew toward blistering fast towards Zaku.


Yasu's back hit the rock and he pulled a feather dart from his puch.

He's either gonna use airwaves or, knowing how cocky he is, decide he doesn't even need to. In that case an explosive tag is the most obvious choice.

He readied the feather dart to intercept the tag and move it away from him.

You're too easy to predict Zaku, I'll be two steps ahead of you from here on out.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Zaku was shocked at the utiliziation against him. It was like something right out of a fantasy novel: a warrior charging through the failed explosion, debris all around utilizing it as his own weapon. Either way, it wasn’t good. Crap! I’ll have to use one of my new skills!

Zaku hadn’t like to use his newly obtained skills since they costed a bit more Chakra than the rather free airwaves. He put his hands on the ground, which was easy as he was already crouching. With a few hand signs he shouted.

“Splicing Sound fall!”

Suddenly, cracks formed a circle around Zaku, a burst of air coming from all the cracks, forming a parameter around himself. Unfortunately, several rocks made it through as he was calling out his attack, striking his shoulder and jaw, drawing blood. The barrier of boulder crushing air doubled with the speed he’s already going out, this will be like a blender! Hahaha!!