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Private/Closed Naruto AU: Roleplay

"Maybe you're right, it does sound a bit extreme to be branded as a traitor for giving my opinion." Mori chuckled at the thought of it. "What is the worst that can happen? Realistically I could get thrown out of his office and be called some names, and Lady Kurotsuchi might want to hear what I have to say and allow me to stay."

"I just need to make sure to show some respect, use the proper honorifics, be polite and confident. That shouldn't be too hard right?" Mori said as he began to check his pockets and pulled out a notepad and a pencil. "There we go, I knew that it would come in handy. Alright, so I should bow when entering, greet Lord Tsuchikage and Lady Kurotsuchi, ask them to stop fighting fights that have no real reason to even exist like the skirmishes at the border, explain why it is better for the village to gain allies and warn them about the attack on Konoha by Orochimaru as Iwa could very well be next in line for destruction." He said as he jotted down some bullet points.

"Alright, I am feeling a bit better about my visit. I just hope that I stay this positive when I actually am there." He said as he put the notepad away.


Previously Swirled
God dammit, I can't find anything here.
Despite there being a multitude of women in the section that he was looking in, not a single one of them seemed to be blonde, and the ones that were blonde, well let's say, their beauty years have passed them. Point was, Taiyo wasn't finding Tsunade anytime soon, so the only course of action would be to look for Sakura and determine their plan from there. At least this time, he knew who he was looking for and it wouldn't be too hard for him to find Sakura.

Maybe she found her, but then again, wouldn't she send me a signal or something. .
A deep breath was all that was needed for Kiro to process the most recent events. He had been building up chakra just in case, but another idea came to his mind. In fact, there was one simple solution that could end all this madness. “Fine... let’s go Kai.” With that, Kiro turned around and took a few steps before he heard a voice, causing him too stop.

“There’s a reason why Uchiha shouldn’t be separated from their own blood.” Though it may have been worded like a warning, Fugaku stated it as if it were a fact. However, Fugaku remained in his usual composure, simply observing the two Mist children.

Though Fugaku disliked the current situation they were in, he was further disgusted at the thought of the Mist having an Uchiha in their midst. Parading such a disgrace would make a mockery of their Uchiha name. The boy was arrogant, stubborn, and a weak minded fool. This alone showed the incompetence of the Mist. From what he could see here, it seemed as if the Mist could barely even control one of their most feared clans. If they couldn’t handle the Yuki, how could they hope to keep the Uchiha under control. If the cursed seal on the boy’s neck was any indication, it would seem that their control was already slipping.

“You should understand what I’m saying Yuki child.” Fugaku was simply testing the waters here. If what Raiku said was true, then perhaps a word from an Uchiha would be enough to provoke the boy’s temper. “You believe him to be controlled by that mark, do you not? I can help test that theory right now.” Though Fugaku doubted Kai would take him up on his offer, he wanted to see how gullible a Yuki-Nin really was.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jin simply stared back at Asuma. While he did seem respectful and showed Jin’s higher status as a top priority, his words seemed muddled. Asuma was speaking as if he knew generally when Kiro was, and then spoke as if he didn’t have any idea where they were. Jin, somewhat confused by the smoker’s words, stomped on his ice bridge he created. A solid square of ice broke off, perfectly matching underneath his feet. The ice square decended down to Asuma, stopping two feet from eye level with him. He looked down on him with an authoritative demeanor.

“You know where he is, don’t you?” He said, not fooled for a moment. “Tell me, and this can end right now. That is if there is truth in your words.”

The rest of the mist army continued to stare coldly, matching their Kekkei Genkai. The Yuki honor guard had stopped hitting their spears on the top of Kohona’s wall, which was unsettling, as they have been at that for an hour. Their sudden change in this seemed to be planned, all of them in Synch. There was a plan afoot, or at least a contingency. The Yuki were confident for good reasons.


"Is all this simply for a trophy? Or do you fight for something more...something stronger, that you refuse to admit? Tell me!"

As Azumi yelled this out, she kneed Michi in the gut. He coughed, his air knocked out of him. He was thrown to the ground, collecting his breath. Slowly rising, he panted, his frail frame fidgeting. He slumped to the side, his deranged eyes convulsing erratically, and his mouth twitching.

“Trophy....TROPHY?!? You think thith ith about trophies?!” The lispy shrill voice of Michi scratched. “You were ALWAYTH on top...the top of the clasth. No once cared for the little guy, no one cared for the one who wath beat everyday for being weak! You....YOU....alwayth with the golden sthpoon! Top’ths on bottom now!! Who’ths the weakling?!? Who’ths the sucker?!? Who’ths the misfit?!?! WHO’th Should never have been born?!?!?!”

With that, Reaver Aimed to tackle Azumi, to claw at her once he got on top, just like the analogy he had used. Reaver’s body shook all over, both out of goosebumps and out of weakness. He let out a war cry, trying to use force to finish off the Ame female.


Hama marbled at the way Tsuki danced on the water like a beautiful Nymph, creating ice pads wherever she brought her dancing toes. Hama put her hands together and chuckled. Ah the youth, so vibrant and full on energy. It seemed so long ago since she had begun to walk on water, but for Tsuki, this was her first time using ninjutsu as well. It had to have been a magical experience for her.

“Splendid! Well done water lily~” Hama beamed. “I can see great potential in you, your quite the natural! That’s all the training for tonight, I have to prepare for your regiment. feel free to play around with your newfound power~”

She was sure that her words were only a platitude that Tsuki would ignore, as her excitement seemed only quenchable by action. She did admire her energy, which would no doubt be a great asset in training. Hama never thought she’d be back in to the training of other ninja, but this girl, Tsuki, she seemed to be the only exception.





Zaku woke up from his nap, seeing Kou tug at his shoulder. He was mildly annoyed by the younger boy’s intrusion, but decided to allow if for now.


“Come take a look at this.”

Kou grabbed zaku’s wrist and begun to drag him out of the room. Zaku rubbed his eyes, deciding to humor the boy, walking with him. Kou brought him around the corridor and into an open area. There were many sound ninja simply sitting down or slouching over in a centeral square room. Their faces seemed dull, depressed, and bleak. Zaku blinked, looking to Kou.

“What am I looking at here?”

“Them boss.” He said pointing to the people. “Why are they so sad?”

Zaku never really noticed it. Weather it was a recent thing or something that’s been here for a long time he had no clue. But he decided to speculate.

“I dunno, I guess they are dissapointed from the failed attack. That tends to happen when you get your butt kicked by leaf loving pansies.”

“So that’s why...they feel sad that they lost....”

With that, Kou got an idea. Visual lightbulb could practically be seen. Ran across the halls, quickly going into rooms and collecting things. The sounds of rummaging were audible, especially inside a sound village. Zaku arched an eyebrow as Kou came back into the main room, with what seemed like a record player, although Zaku didn’t even know they HAD a record player.

“Where’d you find THAT?”

“Oh it was in that grey haired guy’s things. If found it with a whole bunch of boxes and-and-

“You mean the storage room?”

“Yeah! That.”

Genuinely curious to what Kou had planned, Zaku watched he assembled the record player, finding a slightly roughed up record, filled with dust. He placed it under a the pin, as the machine turned on. Music had come on, slow at first, before turning into actual music.

The beat to the music began to play through the previously soundless halls. The people in her room turned to look at the record player, playing an upbeat tune of violins and drums. It was a very bubbly and happy tune, one that had Kou quickly hopping up and down.

“Kou...what are you doing?”

“I’m making everyone happy again!” Kou said with a hopeful smile. “C’mon everyone, it no time to be sad, come on and dance!”


Zaku knew this was just Kou asking for his feelings to get crushed. Everyone in the room just looked at one another. Nobody moved a muscle, that is, until Yukimaru showed up. You the jinchurki was motionless, until giving a one legged small bow to the boy.

“I’ll take your offer with grace.”

Yukimaru’s soft tone was then followed by him raising a hand in the air, beginning to dance in an elaborate and cultured manner. His toes barley touching the ground as he swerved his body in different steps like the wind. Zaku was surprised that Yukimaru actually went along with it, and Kou was full of excitement at this, a glimmer in his eye. After Yukimaru had begun to dance, one by one others in the room began to do the same, their depressing frowns becoming smirks, smiles, or even laugher. Soon the entire atmosphere at changed into one of a party or dance hall.

Zaku was amazed at the transformation, looking at Kou. He had a power...a power he couldn’t place. One that could bring people together. Tomiko and Zaku, Sakura and her foreign allies, now even the sound village as a whole. Kou gave Zaku a toothy grin, Zaku laughing in response. He’s some kid.
Kiro slightly grinned when Kai didn’t respond to Fugaku’s bait. It would seem that Kai still had faith in him, which he was silently grateful for. “You speak as if you know the Uchiha. But the thing about that is I don’t really care.”

Fugaku shook his head when he heard that last remark. He had expected the Yuki not too answer. Either way, his point was being proven at this very moment. If Kiro was actually under the control of the mark then why were his actions so similar to how he would normally act? It was clear that the boy was in control of himself otherwise he wouldn’t be allowing his words to get to him.

“Kai, leave this idiot. He has no idea what he’s talking about.” Though he said that, Kiro partially doubted his words. Whoever this guy was seemed suspicious, his chakra alone had Kiro on edge.

“Fine, you say I know nothing. Yuki-child, is that boy’s name not Kiro Uchiha? Has your ally not been born and raised in the Mist? Does he not feel any sort of hatred towards his clan?” Fugaku glared down at Kai now, half expecting the Yuki-Nin not too answer. It didn’t matter as he was already getting into Kiro’s head.

‘Who the hell is this guy?!’ Kiro clenched his fists, doing his best to control his rising chakra. One hit was all he needed to kill the bastard. How did this random Leaf Ninja know all of this?! Maybe he was an Uchiha...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“You believe him to be controlled by that mark, do you not? I can help test that theory right now.”

“I hold little interested in any other Xeno intrusions. Your mere existence in this situation is a bother as it is.”

He although had a lot of internal processing to work out. Many things have happened in the past two days, so much so it was difficult to fully wrap one’s head around. Surely his head would become clear once he returned to pure just soil.

“Kai, leave this idiot. He has no idea what he’s talking about.” Kiro said to him.

“R-right. Come now.”

“Fine, you say I know nothing. Yuki-child, is that boy’s name not Kiro Uchiha? Has your ally not been born and raised in the Mist? Does he not feel any sort of hatred towards his clan?”

“I don’t care what you want, need, or think. What I do know is that you have taken a a mist ninja, belonging to the mist. NOT the leaf. You have forfeited your right to raise an opinion on this ever since you captured us.”
Azumi cursed as she was tackled to the ground by Michi and as she used her hands to try and pry Michi's off her body she heard as he cursed her out, slur and all. As he poured his heart at her as he revealed the real meaning behind his trophies. Azumi seemed to finally see it now.

But she had not time to dwell on that, as she had to force Michi off her before he clawed her eyes out or worse as she used her good arm and aimed to deliver a punch to Michi's face as she tried to force her former academy classmate off of her in one swift action with the little energy she had left.

Azumi looked to see if there was more to "Reaver" than there was, to see if he was worthy to join her cause. And after all this, Azumi finally believed she had the answer.

Tomiko watched as Mori seemed to be jotting notes about his future meeting with Lord Tsuchikage and Lady Kurotsuchi. Honestly it was kinda cute, made him come off as a school boy taking notes in class and it was good that he was willing to push through it and not let the fear of unrealistic consequences get in the way of speaking his mind.

"Sounds fair to me, and I am sure you will. Just gotta focus on what you need to say and worry less on hypothetical fears that may not even happen. And hey, if you let me tag along I can help keep that positivity going." Tomiko offered to Mori with a smile of her own.

As Sakura tried to find Taiyo, she remembered something about a signal to give him for situations like this. But said signal was supposed to be used when Sakura found Tsunade, of which she had not but she found something where that possibility could exist.

So as Sakura thought it over, she decided to go for broke and just try a signal. Sakura walked back up the stairs and made sure she'd be visible should Taiyo glance up at the second floor as she pulled off a bright yellow scarf Ino gave her as a parting gift and began to spin it around on one hand. To an outside, it appeared she was either just playing with it out of boredom or fanning herself with it. Though Sakura hoped it would work enough for Taiyo to see it and he'd be able to put two and two together.

"I suppose that is fair enough, though I think you marching in full force is going to unsettle our citizens to say the least. If you could go about this in a...more casual manner and with some escort we can arrange that much." Asuma said, making what he felt were fair conditions outlined to the Yuki head. Simply send one or two in, allow the Leaf to tail them just to ensure they'd take Kiro & Kai and then leave with nothing more to it.

"I can take you there personally. If you accept that Lord Yuki." Asuma added on, but kept the location vague until the "terms", which were light as they were and subtle enough to not come off as pure demands, had been met.

Tayuya was silent as she considered Anko's offer to her. In truth, while she still held Lord Orochimaru in high regard and her own verbal counters, Tayuya did have to admit what she said...almost made sense.

Tayuya always thought that the people he gave the mark to were special. Ones he saw true value in, ones he offered an escape from their troubles and strength in exchange to help his ambition.

But with Anko's account of countless given the mark at random, and someone like Kiro being given the mark despite having having no back-bound of character quality that stood out to speak of made her question such a selection process. Was it really random? Was it really just a cause of being...being seen as tools and he would give them out and those words to anyone who even had slight potential. And if what Anko said was true, if there was a path where she had that kind of choice...

"Come to me, and together we can pay back a cruel world everything you are do."

Tayuya shook her head as cursed as she struggled and tried to force herself out of her restraints, which given the nature of said restraints and her condition was impossible, though neither stopped her from spitting venom as she glared daggers into Anko.

"Orochimaru doesn't see us as just that, we are invaluable to his cause. He helps us achieve our goals, he rescues us from the gutter of this shitty world and gives us another chance! I would expect you of all people to understand, but you wouldn't understand anything you filthy traitor! You and Kiro are spineless shits without an ounce of loyalty and you can go fuck yourselves! So don't try to pretend you can lecture and understand me you bitch!" Tayuya cursed out at Anko, a tear even fell down her cheek which showed Anko she was pouring her heart and soul into it. Perhaps this was a lost cause, as it seemed Tayuya was not like Kiro and could be easily swayed away from his grasp by her personal account.

But...there was a glimmer. A sign that, for a moment, Tayuya thought about what she said. And that glimmer was all Anko needed to see to know that this girl perhaps was not too far gone. Perhaps there was a chance, no matter how small, to get her off this self-destructive path.

And for the sake of anyone that monster aimed to exploit, she needed to try and reach that part of her.

"I understand that much, perhaps if you simply shared your story and nothing more I'd understand you. You are right, I don't know what you've been through, and it is that lack of knowledge that prevents me from really speaking with you. You don't need to reveal anything about Orochimaru's operations, I just want to know how you came to meet him. To know what you went through, so I get that needed context." Anko explained, as Tayuya began to cool down...if only slightly from her outburst moments ago as her anger was replaced by confusion.

"W-why? What the f...why do you even care about that? This is some bullshit trick or something I'm not stupid." Tayuya spat, as she showed a credible amount of disbelief as Anko nodded before she would respond.

"I can see how you feel that way, and I can't do anything to force you to believe me. In spite of what you think though, I do care. We are alike in being valued by that snake, in being given a sense of purpose. Which I why I want you to understand just what kind of man you are going to bat for, but I can't understand your connection and offer advice for you going forward if you keep who you are in the dark." Anko explained as Tayuya was silent for a minute. Then another, and another, and another all the while Anko remained in the room and didn't press it more. Eventually, a sigh was heard as Tayuya glanced away from Anko but gave a nod.

"Fine, it won't make a difference anyway..."
“Hm, it seems the Yuki’s ignorance is as great as I remember. No matter, even without your input, things are still running smoothly. What do you think Kiro?” Fugaku gazed over in the young Uchiha’s direction.

“Heh, I would like it better if you just shut up. Like I said before, I don’t care what some trash, irrelevant Leaf shinobi has too say to me.” Kiro replied, turning his head slightly to the left so he could get an angle on the Leaf ninja.

Before replying to the rather insulting remark, Fugaku sighed and closed his eyes. “So if you won’t listen to some trash Leaf shinobi, then tell me...” Fugaku then opened his eyes, revealing a three tomoe sharingan, glaring at Kiro. “What do these eyes tell you... child?”

‘Wait... eyes?’ Kiro turned around completely to see Fugaku’s imposing sharingan looking down at him, only a few feet away.

Kiro’s calm expression slowly went from shock to fear and then finally anger all in a matter of seconds. The bastard that had been speaking to them this whole time was an Uchiha. This same guy who looked down at him like he was some child. The same ninja who spoke as if he could read him like a book.

Kiro remained still for a moment as if he had been paralyzed by the sharingan’s genjutsu. However, that wasn’t the case as Kiro slowly began to chuckle. This Uchiha had the nerve to speak down on him as if he were a child. Too even speak his name so casually. It completely disgusted him. His chuckle continued on for a few moments even causing Fugaku to raise an eyebrow as he watched the boy.

Suddenly he stopped and raised his right hand as a gesture to show Kai he was alright. The chakra that had been welled up inside of him finally stabilizing. “Kai, it’s fine. Answer his questions. Tell him what he wants to know.” Kiro might as well have made it an order with his tone as he continued too stare down Fugaku.
"I don't see why you couldn't tag along, in fact it can only help. You were sent to represent Iwa in the Chunin Exams after all and actually made it there on time, you being there with me can only support my cause. It is also reassuring to know that I am not alone in there, but don't expect the fear to be gone. Fear is always there and although it may be a pain to deal with at times, it can help you keep your feet on the ground and allow you to rise to greater heights. I just need to make sure that it won't take over my mind." Mori said as he returned Tomiko's smile before walking in silence.

"After we go visit the Tsuchikage, I want to visit the cemetery and the Memorial Stone to pay my respects. I feel like the ninja who died for our village should know that their death was not in vain as Iwagakure grew into a rather safe haven in which children like us don't have to fight on the battlefield, but instead have the chance to grow up and help the village grow." He looked up at the sky, noticing a few early stars. "I know that I would be happy to find out that children can grow up in a safe haven and don't have to fear war when I die, wouldn't you be happy about that as well? After all, it would mean that our home made allies and that there is peace. Do you know where I can buy some incense in Iwa? I feel like that is the least we can give them."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Michi’s heart and mind lashed out with every scratch and bite. Nails and fists, shoves and kicks. The fight that had once been about clever tactics and power had now simply devolved into a slugging mess of muscle clawing at victory. Michi yelled at her, preparing a final blow to her face...before he was hit himself. He urked, being thrown off her and landing face up on the ground. A small trail of blood escaped his twitch lips, his eyes flickering closed and open, trying to stay conscious.


That’s all he could muster before falling cold into unconsciousness. His inferior physical strength to Azumi had been a weakness, one that Azumi had exploited. While this was the case, Azumi was still long since poisoned, something that had begun to catch up to her. This fight was over.


“Hmph. If this is an elaborate deception you will receive an even greater punishment than I had for your civilians. But I accept.”

Jin touched down to the ground, his tall form still taller than Asuma. His stern expression seemed like one that demanded blood if things did not go his way. Asuma had him, that is, if he delivered on his word. A lot rested on his shoulders, the fate of many of lives. With one loud thunderous slamming on the honor guard’s Spears, the entire mist contingent seemed to have vanished into a haze, like they had never been there. Where had they gone? Nobody knew, but one that is.

“Show me where they are. Now.”


Kai internally rolled his eyes at Kiro’s behavior. It was prideful, arrogant, more signs that the curse mark had begun to take effect. Kai clenched his fist, looking at the other Uchiha.

“Fine. This one time. I would not blame him if he hated his clan, hated YOUR clan, Xeno scum. You bring nothing but pain and suffering in your wake, even this instant. Your corrupt failure of a clan is the Pinnacle of Xeno filth. If he hates you I would understand, as I would be in his shoes. Your disappointment of a clan is an stain on the world of the ninja, and if I had the power, you would be dead. Here and now.”

Kai voiced his opinion finally, a rather ballsy and violent one, but one never the less. He stood his ground against the stronger Uchiha. The area grew colder, as Kai shipped his head to Kiro in a fashion that made it seemed he had enough to kiro’s prideful antics.

“Does THAT satisfy your curiosity? Can we FINALLY go now?”


Previously Swirled
The Leaf-nin's search for his partner seemed fruitless, with no one even coming close to Sakura's trademark pink hair.

Come on, why am I having so much trouble finding women, I mean this bar is literally full of them, why is this so hard?

Taiyo was stuck pacing around in frustration until he saw a yellow scarf spinning around. The very first though that came to his mind was that it reminded him of Susei and the bandana she gave him, which caused a feeling of homesickness to well up in the genin. The next thought he had was that it was probably some drunk person who was doing whatever drunk people do, however he decided to explore due to his curiosity getting the best of him, and on the off chance that it was Sakura.
While she did acknowledge Hama's words, they faded into the background as the Yuki-nin danced on the water like the water nymph that Hama compared her too. However one detail that did stick out to her was Seiun attempting to leave with her glasses and notebook.

"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU DON'T LEAVE UNTIL I SAY SO, NOW SIT DOWN!" And enjoy the show to come~" The last part said in a manner that eerily mirrored Hama's voice, it even startled Tsuki, regardless, she still danced without a single ounce of care of the lack of sleep.
Watching his master dance, he had to admit it was quite captivating, it was clear that whatever was going through the young girl's mind, it made her have a sense of freedom. Once Seiun heard the words that he could go and leave, he was thrilled at this revelation, as he got up and began to walk back to his resting spot.

"SIT DOWN! and enjoy the show~" Those words were enough to scare Seiun back into submission, whilst simultaneously making the rouge shinobi ponder his master's future mental state.
Fugaku smirked as just by looking at the boy’s eyes, he knew he had gotten into Kiro’s head. As for the other brat, Kai couldn’t have played his part any better...

“I would not blame him if he hated his clan, hated YOUR clan, Xeno scum. You bring nothing but pain and suffering in your wake, even this instant. Your corrupt failure of a clan is the Pinnacle of Xeno filth. If he hates you I would understand, as I would be in his shoes. Your disappointment of a clan is an stain on the world of the ninja, and if I had the power, you would be dead. Here and now.”

Kiro couldn’t agree more with what Kai had said. It was almost exactly what he needed too hear. However, out of everything that Kai did say, the words relating to ‘hate’ had been heavily emphasized, strangely influencing his mind. It rested, sat there as it began infecting his mind with thoughts previously unthinkable. Hate was truly something complex but could also be considered simple at the same time. Kiro didn’t really know where this overwhelming feeling was coming from even though it continued to invade his thoughts. However, these weren’t his thoughts, were they? Was this anger, the power welling up inside due to this immense form of hatred?

‘This Uchiha scum. Talking as if he knows me. Thinking I’m beneath him. No, I can’t let this guy get away with this.’ Kiro looked at Fugaku to see a smirk on his face. Kiro opened and closed his fists as the chakra he had been building up began to seep out. ‘Damn that Uchiha! He thinks I’m some child? I’ll show him! I’ll show the Uchiha!’

Lifting up his left index finger from his crossed arms, Fugaku took serious notice of the boy’s rising chakra. ‘Impressive. This could get interesting.’ For his age, it seemed pretty good, but the question was, what did he intend to do with it?

Suddenly, Kiro lazily lifted up his left hand and slightly pointed his index finger at Fugaku, a little grin on his face now.

“Say my name.”

Not only had the boy’s expression changed but his chakra as well. It caught Fugaku’s attention, the chakra didn’t seem to be just coming from one area. Then Fugaku remembered the boy had said something.

“Excuse me?”

Kiro scoffed at the question and his response came out as if he were daring Fugaku.

“Don’t play dumb. I said say my name.”

Though he seemed a bit skeptical, Fugaku decided to go along rather than prolong the inevitable.


A loud crash was heard, the sound of a heavy thunderclap announcing Kiro’s power up. The lightning armor’s entrance was thunderous, as if the heavens had sent their spear down, striking the Earth below! Yes, this form was true divinity! Sparks of the majestic blue electricity snaked out in multiple directions before trailing after it’s owner. Once the lightning chakra had cloaked him, Kiro instantly vanished, only appearing behind ‘Fugaku’ not even a second later. He had easily broken through the sound barrier now. Kiro kicked ‘Fugaku’ straight into the nearest building. The force of the kick was so powerful compared to the small building that it destroyed a huge part of the front as well some of the insides.

“Fucking Uchiha! Don’t ever desecrate my name with your voice again!” Kiro exclaimed as he glared at the debris. He took a deep breath as he allowed the lightning armor to dissipate. His breathing turned into light panting as he began to take in the after effects. Taking the lightning armor off really did put a good amount of strain on his body and chakra. However, the sight of the Uchiha’s dead body would be enough to make up for using so much in just that one attack.
Indeed, even in Azumi's supposed moment of triumph she felt the poison work its dark magic through her body as she coughed violently and felt some blood trickle down her chin. No doubt a combination of the poison in her system and the agony her body endured from Azumi's weapons. Her vision began to blur slightly, which only compounded her growing grim situation as she began to crawl towards Michi's prone body.

I swear, if you don't have an antidote in there...

Azumi felt herself grow weaker as she got closer, the poison & general fatigue only increased as she tried to push that aside as she made it to Michi's body and tried to find an antidote of any kind he might have on hand. She needed to combat this poison, and she knew she had little time to waste. It was now, or never and there was no telling what shape she'd be in if the poison consumed her completely.

However, she found nothing as she searched him. No antidote to speak up, as she cursed to herself. Realizing that Michi likely didn’t use one given his gas mask acted as a safe guard to his poison.

Her vision blurred more, her motions became sluggish as she felt herself going out. In that brief moment before she lost consciousness was a resolve to survive this and even a light prayer to her Angel before she fell limp on top of Michi as both of them were not left lying in the broken battle field. At the mercy of the open elements with their future unclear and far from certain…

In a flash, the nin Asuma were with vanished as well. Likely to try and find those missing Yuki in the event that they'd try anything during this. Whether they were successful or not mattered little as Asuma had to focus on the task at hand as he took a moment to breath in his cigarette before he puffed out some smoke and simply gave a nod to the Yuki head.

"Very well. Though I think we should save the punishment talk till we get to your Kiri-nin. With that, just follow me." Asuma said as he would begin to lead Jin into Konoha towards where he had last seen Kiro & Kai. The sooner this Yuki headache was dealt with, the sooner some things around this village could returned to even some semblance of normality and stability.

That hope was shattered when he felt a chakra spike and in the distance saw a blue flash. Asuma was unsure what that was, but he had a bad feeling at the pit of his stomach as he began to pick up the pace to try and see whatever or whoever caused that.

Whatever it was, Asuma could not help but believe it would not lead to anything good…

As Tomiko listened to Mori's desired vision of the future. A world where children would not grow up in fear, that they'd have a future to look forward to. It was nice, and something to strive for even if that goal was as lofty as it was, but then again who was she one to judge anyone for that?

"I think that sounds like a fine goal, and I believe we can help get our nation to realize that as well. I'd say you have the spirit of a quality Tsuchikage yourself. And I would be happy to accompany you to the cemetery. I think respecting our fallen brothers & sisters of Iwa who served our nation well is a fitting gesture." Tomiko said with a nod to Mori as he found his resolve admirable which caused her to giggle as she gazed upon the stars.

"You've changed since the Academy. I could never have imagined you then saying something like this. I'm impressed." Tomiko admitted with some pride to Mori which showed him she was proud he seemed to find ambition that she felt he lacked during those academy days.

Sakura felt like a complete idiot spinning that scarf around for the period of time she did, but her efforts seemed to pay off as below she finally saw Taiyo's face as he approached the scarf. Sakura continued to wave it hopeful Taiyo would see her make-shift "signal" and get to her so she could stop making herself look like a moron in public.

One way or another, Tsunade or a clue to her had better be in that room Sakura desired to get into. Sakura had endured too much humiliation between this and that creep from earlier for all this to lead to a dead end.


Previously Swirled
At long last, the Leaf-nin had found his pink haired partner who was indeed the culprit of the waving scarf, much to his relief.

"Well that's no more so I assume you haven't found Tsunade yet?" Taiyo greeted his partner, turning to the entrance to the VIP room. "Cool room, I'll see if I can get us in," The genin then knocked on the door, only to get the same response Sakura did.

"Sorry little boy, this is a VIP room, don't gotta pass, ain't getting in," This cause Taiyo to pause for a bit before a devilish spark appeared on his eye.

"Sir, I don't think you understand our situation, we were sent by the Road Sage himself, and we aren't leaving until we find who we're looking for. So either let us in, or there will be consequences," Once these words were spoken, the man behind the door almost broke down in laughter.

"Oh yeah, and what is a little brat like you gonna do?" At these words, the devilish spark started to spread until his entire eye seemed to darken in a glare.

"I was hoping you'd say that...FLASHING BURST STYLE!" The genin triggered his signature jutsu, kicked down the door and beat up the guy behind it. Once he deactivated his jutsu, he turned to Sakura, the glare still in his eye.

"Well, we got in, aren't you gonna join the party?"

I'm so gonna get my ass kicked...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai couldn’t believe his eyes when Kiro fires off his signature justu. He had openly attacked someone! Not only did it violate the book of Xenos, but it would make this leaf situation very...VERY difficult. While the head of the Uchiha was dead, there would be a plethora of other ramifications to come of this. The best thing to do is to run...run out of here as fast as we can to get home.

“Kiro, we need to-“

Before he could even finish his sentence, Kai was interrupted by a pillar of ice materializing right between him and Kiro. Several other pillars arose as well, boxing in Kiro to only a small two foot area. Stop the pillars, Jin stood, his honor guard somehow had made it to the other pillars. In perfect stench they were there, staring him down like hawks.

“So. THIS is what you do when we come to bring you back home.” Jin said authoritatively. “You murder a clan head of another simply out of petty squabbles? You bring shame to your already sullied name.”

The honor guard slammed their spears twice all at once on the top of the ice pillars, indicating their will to the head Yuki, as well as to pass judgment down on Kiro. Kai was taken aback. He clenched is fists.

“B-But father-!”

“Do not speak if you value your tounge.” Jin snapped, his wrath seeping from his voice. “You will be dealt with later.”

Soon, the entire mist contingent appeared nearby the scene. It was a big fuss. Citazens, mist ninja, and Kohona security alike at commingled around the zone, after all a lighting strike in dead silence wasn’t just going to be ignored.
"A Tsuchikage? Me? Hmmm, you might be right. Never thought about it but who knows? You might get some stiff competition for that mighty title. I'm....glad to have you by my side in the Tsuchikage office and the cemetery. I promise to be by your side as well when you need me." Mori grinned and heard Tomiko comment about him changing.

"You're not the only one who's surprised. Last week I just wanted to be a tool for the Tsuchikage, like I told Yasu when we first met. Konoha and the people I met there, friend and foe, really made me look at my life differently. At first I was freaking about how wrong my vision of the world was, I even freaked out when I left the hospital, but after that I got to thinking; why live to be a tool and not really change much of my village when I have the possibility to try and directly change not just my village, but the villages of others as well?"

"Not gonna lie, Academy me was an idiot. I missed like half of my education, more if you weren't there to haul me back, and it is coming back to bite me in the ass. I have no clue how to use or dispel Genjutsu that isn't an E-rank. Ninjutsu is decent and Taijutsu is great, but Genjutsu is a serious issue. I spent hours in the library trying to find out how to train that, but to no avail. On the bright side, I learned a lot about the various Hidden Villages and politics. I just hope that I can learn how to dispel higher ranked Genjutsu but I've yet to find someone to train with." Mori sighed as he looked up. "Since when did I become so...open about myself and my feelings?"
Judging from the growing audience, it seemed fair too say that Kiro had put on quite the show. Kiro hadn’t planned to be the follow up to the festival. Though his act had been electrifying, the crowd didn’t seem as ecstatic as they were during the earlier performances. In fact, the air around the after party had grown pretty cold. That was to be expected considering the ice pillars surrounding him.

They could surround him if they wanted. It didn’t matter, he was getting out of this one way or another. Kiro looked up above the pillar directly in front of him, catching the feet of the Yuki’s leader. ‘So this is where Kai gets his attitude from.’ Had Kiro truly felt threatened by Jin, perhaps he would’ve been shivering with fear as he did in the presence of a certain woman only a few days prior. Yes the man and his honor guards seemed menacing but he had doubt that they would do anything to harm him. That’s what Kiro was betting on atleast. At the very least, deep down inside Jin, there must’ve been some satisfaction in seeing the Uchiha’s clan head... ‘Wait, that Uchiha was the clan head?’ Kiro gently shook his head, believing it made no difference. It didn’t matter what position they held, all the Uchiha were the same in his eyes.

“Like I care what you think of me. The Uchiha said my name so I killed him.” He said the words so casually, speaking as if he had just squashed an annoying insect. “Now I would appreciate it if you put these ice pillars down. I’m not the enemy here.” For some odd reason, the extent of Kiro’s brutal actions hadn’t fully dawned on him just yet. In fact, one could go so far as to say Kiro wasn’t thinking logically at all...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The Yuki did not waver to Kiro’s tone, in fact, it seemed only to escalate the situation. Jin’s eyes became fierce and the veins in his forehead became visible. It seemed Kiro’s Arrogance had struck a chord with him. Pointing his finger at Kiro, the area around him began to lower in temperature drastically. From 50°, to 30°, to 10°, and finally - 10°.

“On your knees!” He yelled at Kiro. “Beg for your life!”

The honor guard raised their spears, aiming g it at Kiro, their blue spears glowing a much darker blue, nearly black. If he were to jump out, they were ordered to kill on sight. They were the most well trained Yuki there were aside Jin himself, the would not be so easily fooled. He wanted to see Kiro grovel, beg for mercy and his life. He lacked discipline, something that he was going to correct, here and now.

Kai wanted to object to this punishment. It was cruel, and extremely unsual. His father would never do this to a Yuki Clan member, even if they had killed a Xeno’s Village head. The one reason he could find was...

Kiro was an Uchiha.

Of course. His father had always warned him to stay away from that clan, the only clan he considered a rival in power. All other clans pailed in comparison to the strength of both of those clans, although the Hyuga and Terumi came close. Could it be that Jin was still holding Kiro as under that of a mist ninja? Did he not know the curse mark was controlling his actions? Or was he doing this just for satisfaction?
"Oh is that right? Well if you also aim to be Tsuchikage then just know I don't intend to let you beat me there." Tomiko gave a light chuckle to Mori before she overheard him as he also seemed to realize how much he had grown but also seemed to have a strong sense of regret over what he failed to learn at the academy due to his case of playing hookie.

Particularly in the area of Genjutsu resistance, something Tomiko herself considered average at during her academy days but worked to improve that area little by little even if Taijutsu & to a lesser degree Ninjutsu were her focus.

"Well, there's nothing saying we can't make up for lost time when we come back. I'm no expert, but I can help you get the basics of it and we can build from that. I was gonna train anyway so why not kill two birds with one stone?" Tomiko said, as she made her interest in training with and helping Mori clear to her Iwa-companion though whether he'd accept the offer was another matter entirely.

Sakura stood behind Taiyo, as she seemed to have a stupefied and speechless expression on her face. Her eyes wide open, jaw hung open and just a complete look of disbelief written on her face as Taiyo used his ninja talents to assault someone right before her very eyes.

W-what is he thinking!?

"Are you crazy!?" Sakura said, and it seemed her fears had value to them as in an instant Taiyo would be greeted by that black haired woman from earlier as a sharp scalpel was pointed right at his jugular. A cold glare showed her intent as she was quick to meet the apparent assailant before he even fully entered the doorway.

"You have five seconds to explain yourselves. I'd use that time very wisely." The woman threatened as Sakura was quick to pull a kunai as she moved to the woman's side, though she seemed far from concerned at her presence as Sakura scrambled to salvage the situation.

"L-listen, we didn't mean to make a scene here. Just a tense atmosphere and we really needed to inspect this room, it's very a mission of great importance." Sakura explained, before a loud snort could be heard within the room.

"Oh a mission huh? So you two brats are ninja after all then?"
Sakura looked into the room and found, among other frightened members of the VIP section, a lone woman at the end of a deserted table. A beautiful blonde, with blonde hair, a green jacket and a purple diamond mark on her forehead...along with a curvaceous figure that was impossible to disregard. And something Sakura struggled to grasp even as the realization of finding their target hit all the same.

That...that has to be her! I mean, I knew Jiraiya said that she retained an "true woman's figure" but this is nuts! There's no way she can be his age, just no way!

Immediately, several Konoha-nin under Asuma & Might Guy’s command swarmed around the area as the Yuki-leader seemed to be in the process of handling the situation. Though the apparent death of the Uchiha Head was not something they’d just disregard themselves.

Though even they were not alone. Thin as their forces were at the moment, there were some ANBU under the command of Shisui Uchiha who remained as all of them encircled the Yuki Clan and Uchiha. Shisui’s eyes shinned crimson red as he glanced over to Jin and spoke with a commanding tone.

“Lord Yuki, for this blatant act of unwarranted aggression with the assault and fall of a clan head, we demand you hand over Kiro. Now.” Shisui stressed as he placed a hand on a sword along with the ANBU he could bring with him. Asuma, Guy and their nin also seemed ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. Guy having even brought up the secret weapon in the nunchucks which showed how serious the normally flamboyant Taijutsu specialist took this.

“I would advise you comply with this humble request. Least we needlessly escalate this even more.”​

A new voice caught the attention of the group, as Itachi Uchiha arrived on the scene, along with his team as they finished their extended mission only to have been informed of the attack on Konoha by Oto and just arrived in time to see members of the Mist village as they seemed to make a scene which included the “death” of the Uchiha Head.

Itachi’s own father.​

Itachi had wondered about that itself and as one listened his words seemed composed and reasonable, but the faint hints of aggression were present as he stared at the Yuki Head with his crimson eyes as his Sharingan stared daggers into him, though his internal emotional was focused on Kiro more than anything as none of the interfered with the Yuki…but made their presence and intentions quite clear as they all seemed ready to strike if needed.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kou’s eyes lit up, seeing everyone dancing and having a fun time, as opposed to the previous glooming setting. The music echoed through the halls of the sound village, who’s name had fit the setting. Zaku tapped his foot to the music, watch as Yukimaru and Kou started to get into the music, far more than the others at this ‘festival’

Kou for a ratty little thing seemed to be a pretty good dancer, doing hops and handstands along with the music. He front flipped out of his handstand, landing with a resounding clap from the spectators. Zaku wondered how he was able to move this good and flexible, maybe because he had to learn how to be quick on his feet in the streets, who could say?

Yukimaru gave him a sly smile, aware of his own abilities. He gave a point to himself before he hopped back, cartwheeling to the side, twice in a row before skidding his hand on the ground. When there, his legs swerved around in the air, not touching the ground as he stopped to momentum of the cartwheel. His movements were as smooth as his fighting style, sliding to his feet with satisfying ease. It was a dance fight!

Over to the side of the dance battle, Sakon & Ukon, as well as Kidomaru stood propped against the wall. The spider like ninja, seemed to be analyzing the smallest of details in the crowd, his bandaged back giving him an aching pain. Sakon has his hands behind his head, seemingly stretching his unique body

“What do you think Tayuya would say about this?” Sakon asked the spider.

“She’d either say she hated this type thing, or call us pansies for not joining in.”

“I hate it too.” Ukon murmured. “That’s one think we agree on, right brother?”

Sakon got up from the wall and walked into the every growing partying crowd. Ukon didn’t know what was happening, being a head on the back of Sakon’s neck.


Sakon gave a snicker before beginning a dance of his own. He motioned his arms to the side, his legs hoping up and down like many of keltic dances. His hands and arms came in and out, the dance unique to him amongst the rest of the dancers.

“Relax brother, it’s like the festivals back home.” Sakon said, oddly at ease. “Except without any pork sacrifices and the gemeni queens.”

“I don’t like back home! Otherwise I would have mentioned it!” Ukon bit. “If you want to dance, you can do it alone!”

Ukon split from his brother with a huff, storming back to the wall with the injured Kidomaru. He crossed his arms and leaned on the metal wall, rolling his eyes at the entire festival. It was idiotic and a waste of time. Using energy for unnecessary reasons such as this were bothersome. He twitched, noticing four of Kidomaru’s hands snapping their fingers to the beat of the music, which he growled at.

“Do you want any more broken bones in that body?”


Previously Swirled
Well, here comes that ass kicking I was anticipating. Just gotta play it cool, and deal with this.
Out of habit, Taiyo had looked over to the sides as he started to have some shame over his actions, while doing so he spotted a beautiful young woman, who happened to be blonde, and seemed younger than Jiraiya.

That must be Tsunade, fits the quota, and I know how to kill two birds with one stone.

"Ms. Sakura, you talk with Tsunade, I'll deal with this," The Leaf-nin suggested to his partner before turning to his elder whilst clearing his throat.

"Ms., I can understand if you're frustrated with us, and you have a right to be. The door is broken, which will be played in full. My pink haired partner over here had nothing to do with it, I was being illogical and rash, however I can assure you I have the necessary funds to pay for the repairs, so please, let us complete our mission and I will pay for the damage costs in full,"
‘He wants to see me beg?’ Like he would give the bastard that privilege. Kiro took a deep breath as he felt the temperature drastically drop. He clenched his fists as he did his best to stand the cold. Besides the pillars surrounding him, his sharingan allowed him to see the enormous amount of chakra gathered outside. Escape seemed near impossible at this point. Though getting on his knees would’ve been the safest bet, Kiro’s pride would never allow it. In fact, he didn’t care who it was, telling him to beg was damn near unforgivable. The attack he performed earlier put a good amount of strain on his body but Kiro would have to endure it for now. ‘Damnit!’

Perhaps due to his lack of options, Kiro could feel the cursed seal begin to act up, tempting him to use it’s power. Though it was tempting, Kiro firmly decided against using it. He wouldn’t succumb to it’s calling just yet. Anko’s words were still fresh in his head and if her words meant anything, then he wouldn’t dare use the cursed seal. Kiro had killed the Uchiha Head with his own power after all so perhaps his power still meant something. ‘Looks like I’m going to have to try that.’ As for what ‘that’ was, it had been only an idea. Not only did this technique require an immense amount of chakra, Kiro had never even tried it before... which meant it was a bad idea.

Kiro glared at the Yuki Head, almost as if he were challenging him. “Sorry to break it too you but...” Kiro put his right hand in front of him and performed the seal of confrontation as his chakra began to skyrocket. “I don’t fear the cold.” However, before he could even continue the initiation of the technique, his focus was snapped when he heard a familiar voice.

“I think you should take that offer.” A puff of white smoke appeared next to Itachi. Once the smoke began to clear, it revealed Fugaku who had placed his left hand on his son’s shoulder, glaring at Jin with his sharingan. Not only was his expression as serious as ever, Fugaku seemed virtually untouched, no form of damage on him. Even though many people were probably questioning what had happened, there was a more important matter at hand.

“As the victim of this assault, I believe it would be fair if we were the ones to deal with him.” Fugaku let out a sigh as he crossed his arms and looked into the ice pillars. “Though the boy deserves to be punished for his actions, I’d rather him be alive to not only receive it, but also live through the consequences.” Just using such a primitive form of the lightning armor required a great amount of chakra control, which Fugaku respected. However, the chakra the boy had been building up before he lost focus seemed even more dangerous. To the naked eye, one wouldn’t be able to tell, but with the sharingan and even the byakugan, one could see Kiro’s fiery chakra growing at a quite unstable rate. However, from what Fugaku could see, the boy didn’t even seem to know what he was doing. Had the boy continued, it could’ve been fatal not only to Kiro but to the unsuspecting amount of people around him as well.

The boy was clearly an idiot...

Eyes flittering with emotion, first utter shock and astonishment, then confusion, which soon turned into disappointment before finally settling into an amused mirth. With her Byakugan open Hinagiku had been able to see the very working of Kiro's chakra pathway, the way the formless energy flowed through his chakra passages and weaved itself into jutsu. The minute Kiro had started to gather chakra and mold it through his body, she'd immediately recognized the unique pattern of the Raikage's lightning chakra mode, Kumogakure was, after all, the Hyūga's most hated enemy and Hinagiku was quite familiar with many of their signature jutsu, particularly the Raikage's signature jutsu the Lightning chakra mode the lesser known black lightning.

The mere thought that a genin level brat that was no older than 16 was pulling off the lightning chakra mode had filled the Hyūga mistress with shock, however, as Kiro continued to fuel his jutsu the movement of the chakra begun to differ from what she was familiar with. At first, she had assumed the boy had managed to retrofit the jutsu and push it to greater heights, but time soon proved her wrong. Instead of strengthening the Lightning chakra mode the boy's horrendously poor control, not only in molding the chakra but also it's lackluster vibrations, not to even mention the sheer amount of chakra he'd thrown down the drain by pushing his chakra through inefficient maneuvers, meant that what was once a B-ranked ninjutsu at the top of its class, had now fallen to...subpar standards.

It wasn't terrible by any means, in fact, it was rather impressive that he'd even been able to pull off even that shoddy imitation, but it wasn't worth losing her composure over.

Hinagiku had already finished going through her whirlwind of emotions before Kiro had even properly started up the LCM, so she watched impassively as the boy wielded his butterknife of a jutsu against Fugaku in reckless abandon, and was completely unsurprised when Fugaku reappeared unscathed. The real LCM would've pushed the user's speed to levels where even the Sharingan would've had trouble reacting, but the jutsu Kiro currently displayed didn't even deserve the name Lightning chakra mode. Just looking at Kiro's strained and exhausted state had her shaking her head. The lightning chakra mode was primarily a chakra flow technique and was primarily supplementary. As it only had to do with the way chakra flowed through one's body, it shouldn't have placed such a massive burden on the user's chakra reserves unless one had pumped far too much chakra into the technique and had basically wasted the majority of it letting it dissipate into thin air. The shocking aura one acquired when wielding the LCM was both a method of attack and defense, but as far as the Hyūga was concerned the sheer output shown by the Raikage was unnecessary as a smaller, but more condensed layer of chakra would've done the job better. She figured he was just being flamboyant, and his habit of yelling out his attacks with deafening loudness only contributed to her assumption. Either way, the Raikage was a kage level fighter and had the excess chakra to spare on showing off, but as for the genin in front of her? He'd probably blown a sizeable chunk of his chakra reserves just on achieving the imposing clap of thunder that arrived upon the jutsu's ignition, which, while visually impressive, was impractical.

Besides the atrocity that was his chakra usage, he'd also failed to understand what was truly required of such supplementary arts, and the damage he'd dealt to his own body was fully revealed to her eyes. In this case, his mistake wasn't doing something wrong, but failing to do something entirely. Arts such as the LCM and the 8 gates were powerful, but they required an equally powerful body that would be able to withstand their impact. If that wasn't the case, each and every Hyūga would simply force open the first 7 gates with their gentle fist and completely dominate the taijutsu world. The main reason the aforementioned scenario didn't occur, was because the Hyūga didn't train their bodies to such an extent. To be able to fully wield a technique of such power one needed a sufficiently powerful body, the likes of which was obtained by the insanity that Might Guy called training. Even a single glance at the Raikage's well-toned body would show the type of training he'd put himself through so that his body could withstand the high-intensity vibrations of lightning chakra.

To put everything simply, if Kiro did manage to perform the perfected version of the LCM, he'd likely kill himself before engaging his opponent. Pitiful, to say the least. When combined with Kiro's wild arrogance and unyielding behavior, the situation looked almost comedic, like watching someone boast rambunctiously about their skills when in truth they were scraping bare minimum. Well, given his circumstances, it was still rather impressive. Now that she thought about it, her own daughter Sagisō had also attempted an elemental chakra mode with her wind-natured chakra, creating something that was equally as disgraceful as the boy's shoddy attempts at the LCM. No, in fact, her possession of the byakugan made it a humiliation to the clan's name, just thinking about how poorly Sagisō had executed that technique caused Hinagiku to blush with shame.

Coughing lightly and emerging from her thoughts, Hinagiku casually sauntered over to the group, taking a position opposite to Fugaku on Kiro's other side. Speaking lightly in a low voice that only Kiro could hear she berated, "You should rethink how you execute that technique boy, the lightning nature is not like the fire nature, forcing more chakra into your techniques is not the proper way to improve them."

Leaving such a vague comment, Hinagiku refocused on the task at hand her eyes seemed to fix onto Jin's face, but in truth, she was no longer paying attention to the Yuki clan, but rather their Ice. 'Maybe...I can have someone come and gather this Ice afterward, then we can construct a pool in the Hyūga manor..."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Sorry to break it too you but...” Kiro put his right hand in front of him. “I don’t fear the cold.”

That was the WRONG thing to say.

In a split second, the honor guard’s spears fire blasts simultaneously, filled with chakra. They weren’t meant to kill, but more so heavily mame and freeze over the parts of the body that it hit. All the while Jin lowered the temperature even further inside their newfound torture chamber.

“You are nothing. Insolent child. Your power is meaningless and your life is forfeit. Beg for mercy, beg for your life, beg for me not to break off every little bone in your body in the process!”

The tentative dropped to -30 degrees inside the torture chamber, and if they had hit, the blasts from the honor guard would have beat him bloodied and cold. Upon the crowd gathering up, shisui made a point to hand over Kiro to them upon the death of their head...until their head showed up again besides Itachi.

“Would you look at that, fugaku back from the dead.”

“As the victim of this assault, I believe it would be fair if we were the ones to deal with him.” Fugaku let out a sigh as he crossed his arms and looked into the ice pillars. “Though the boy deserves to be punished for his actions, I’d rather him be alive to not only receive it, but also live through the consequences.”

“Under the right of retribution of the Yuki, a book to which I created, you would have full ownership of Kiro and his actions. However, before then, I want to hear him beg for his life. After all the trouble I’ve gone through and the time I’ve wasted search for this disgrace, is deserve that much.”

Kai couldn’t believe it. His father, willing to leave Kiro behind? Didn’t he know the curse seal was the reason behind his violent behavior? He wanted to say something, but was afraid his punishment would be quickened to right here and now. He gulped st the prospect, deciding to keep his mouth shut in the meantime
"I don't expect to become Tsuchikage before you do, after all you trained and lived for that title much longer than me, nor do I think that I am more suited for that title than you. But by no means does that mean I will just let you surpass me. Consider that a promise!" Mori grinned as he extended his fist towards Tomiko as a way to put power behind his words.

"I really shouldn't be surprised that you know Genjutsu and are willing to help me, yet I am to some degree. I accept your offer and just a tip. Next time you say 'Killing two birds with one stone' to an Iwa-nin, do me a favor and change it to 'Killing two birds with one rock'. I'm sure atleast someone out there will laugh about it." He snickered at what very well could be the worst joke he ever made.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zino froze at the sound of his master and turned around shaking, clearly terrified. He gulped before trying to give a smile.

"J-just h-heading home... d-don't mind me, heheh..."

Suddenly he stopped shaking and activated his one Byakugan and traced it to the sound of the voice he just heard.

"If you betray your word and do not give Kiro over to us in one minute. We will cleave through everyone and everything until we find him."

Who the heck is Kiro?! And why is this guy from the group saying he'll kill everyone to get to him?!

Zino came back to where his normal vision was at the sound of Hinagiku, ordering him to retrieve all Jonin Hyuga. He gave a solemn nod and as quickly as possible went back to the Manor and relayed her message.

He as quickly came back and turned to the Yuki group, them seemingly not killing everyone, yet.


Raiku was enjoying the festival quite well actually. He was however a bit confused at Sagiso and Shura's appearance.

Isn't that Shiho's brother and the girl from the mission? What are they doing up there.... then again I guess they're Hyuga so who cares.

However, very soon the mood was effectively killed by the Yuki clan.

Are you kidding me? I was having fun too, and now they're looking for Kiro? I hope the Jonin stop him, I mean the guy's probably in prison.

He was very quickly proven wrong at Kiro's appearance in the festival, and more surprised at Fugaku being near him. As soon as the temperature started heading down Raiku activated his Sharingan to see what was happening more clearly. He saw the clap of lightning and then the jutsu Kiro used at the exams, and could see the kick moving when he did it against Fugaku. He was not that surprised to see his clan head dodged it as he could see it but was honestly offended Kiro would try assaulting him.

Now he's got to go to prison. No way the Leaf would just leave that unattended, right?
"So long as you ensure the boy comes with us when all is said and done, and he does not fall here. You are more than free to do how you please with him."
Itachi and others were busy getting over the surprise, to what level depended on the individual who saw the Uchiha Head "return" from the dead, when a new voice had been heard. Standing on a building just above where the Yuki torture session was held, stood Danzo along his personal guard in Torune Aburame and Fu Yamanaka. All around the Yuki area several ANBU nin had appeared, which raised an eyebrow as far as Shisui had been concerned since as far as he had been aware a majority of ANBU outside of his command were out of the village on missions.

Where did Danzo have such a....personal stash of such ninja? Those old Root rumors were right on his mind, and even if they were on the same side it was a bit curious. If not troubling...

The ANBU Danzo brought seemed ready to snatch Kiro at a moment's notice, their hands to their weapon's pouches as all they needed to make the move was a signal from Danzo. Though he held back as Danzo simply observed; his gaze shifted from Kiro to Jin as he waited to hear the necessary assurance from Jin.

The others present simply watched, as none of them felt the need to jump to Kiro's aid. Given he attempted to strike down the Uchiha Head, there was zero incentive and his attitude only seemed to hurt his sympathy case. Though Guy could respect his resolve, and really seeing any kid get this kind of treatment was a little on the cold side. Still, none of them appeared ready to jump to Kiro's defense just yet.

Bad joke or not, Tomiko seemed to be drawn to the spirit of it as she giggled before she extended her fist back to Mori and gave a fist bump to him as she smiled at her Iwa companion.

"I wouldn't want anything less than your best! Wouldn't be meaningful to reach the top if I don't have quality competition along the way." Tomiko said as she seemed to accept that Mori would give her his best in order to not allow Tomiko to surpass. A challenge that Tomiko had been eager to take on.

"I know some Genjutsu resistance, and I'm willing to do anything to help after you helped me in Konoha. And sure, two birds with one rock seems more fitting." Tomiko said as she smiled and gazed into the stars before a thought entered her head.

"Say, should we set up camp? Or keep going forward?" Tomiko asked Mori as it seemed late and advisable they stop to set up camp but she wanted his view on it.

"Mission? What mission is that? Given it's something you are willing to assault people and break into places to do, I think we have a right to know. And know now. We can discuss matters of payment for damages after you answer that question." Shizune said with a stern tone as she kept the sharp scalpel close to Taiyo's neck as Sakura moved by Tsunade, as the "elderly" blonde eyed the pair with a slight glare.

"L-look, we do not have any ill intentions. Neither of us do, it was just a heat of the moment thing and really it is something of great importance. It concerns Konoha." Sakura explained which causes Shizune to ease up...if only slightly as Tsunade raised an eyebrow. Sakura sighed as she looked the Sannin in the eye before she explained further.

"Our nation...was attacked, by...by that snake Orochimaru..." Sakura said, which caused Shizune's eyes to widen while Tsunade had a frown on her face just at the mere mention of the name.

"...we managed to fend him off....but not without great cost. Our leader is in critical condition and...." Sakura started to say before she felt a slight chakra spike as Tsunade cut her off with her presence alone before she would speak up.

"I can already see where this conversation is going. So I'll just make this short and sweet. The answer is no."
"Hey, if I didn't fight Reaver I would have never stuck around long enough to hear your scream. But that is besides the point, you're alive and apart from your arms you are in a decent condition. Speaking of said arms, how are they? Did Madoka and Pinky do a good job on your arms?" Mori said as he looked up at the sky.

"I'd say we set up camp. Iwa is still miles away and the distance we cover in a night is not worth losing sleep for. We both took a beating today and who knows how many bandits or similar stuff we might encounter? The worst part is that the Land of Earth has not nearly enough plant life nearby to create a fire, guess we'll have to resort to using the blanket of the person on guard duty, so when I am on guard you use my blanket as well to stay warm. I will go on guard for atleast the first 4 hours and then I'll see when I wake you up to relieve me. How does that sound to you?" Mori said as he looked around.
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Previously Swirled
"Yep that's what happened," The Leaf-nin nervously confirmed, now turning to Shizune while trying not to impale himself, "Now could I please have my neck back? I kinda need that to live," On the outside Taiyo seemed relatively calm, albeit a bit nervous with a twitching eye, but internally he was livid.

No? The hell you mean no?! I BROKE DOWN A DOOR AND BEAT THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF SOME RANDOM GUY TO GET YOU AND YOU REPLY WITH NO?! At least you're a respected ninja and also beautiful, otherwise there would be pain.
It seemed that it was going to be forever before she stopped flaunting her new ability to walk on water, but finally, the young Yuki-nin had ran put of energy, as evident by the sluggish way she walked over to Seiun to grab her belongings.

"Alright then, I'm tired. Seiun, Carry me home please," Tsuki told her slave, only to be met with a look of either confusion, disgust, or a mixture of both. Either way, it seemed like her slave had not been too keen on compliance.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me, carry me home, or there will be consequences~," Once again, her voice began to take a tone that was eerily similar to Hama's which caused Seiun to submit, picking her up and starting to walk.
Barely falling asleep, Tsuki's little celebration of her new skill finally had come to a close

Well, well, well. Looks like our little water nymph has finally decided to lay her head.

The rouge shinobi showed no initiative to prevent his master from taking back what was rightfully hers. And he started to walk back home until his master told him this.

"Carry me home please,"

At these words, Seiun gave his master a look which could be interpreted as confusion, disgust, or a mixture of both.

Now I know you didn't just ask me that.

"Or there will be consequences~" Once again, Seiun couldn't help but submit once he heard that voice of Tsuki's.

I gotta get a stronger will, or comply on the first ask...
‘What?!’ Kiro froze and it wasn’t because of the extremely low temperature. ‘That voice- No, I refuse to believe it!’ Unfortunately for Kiro, his ears didn’t lie. That voice belonged to the Uchiha he had just tried to kill. “N-no...” Kiro mumbled, fog coming out of his mouth as the cold air finally started to get to him. All the confidence he had gained crumbled as did he when the ice beam struck his body. His will to even endure this suffering fractured like ice as he realized the trickery he had been subjected too. Kiro fell to his knees and looked at his shaky palms, his vision beginning to blur. He could hear some more voices on the outside, only keeping track of a few.

One in particular spoke about his technique and the difference between lightning and fire nature. He wondered why that was said of all things and then realized that whoever had spoke probably could see his chakra at the very least. The statement made some sense considering how he was raising his chakra but contrary to the belief, it wasn’t for his lightning armor. Kiro looked in the direction the voice came from outside the pillars. What he saw nearly caused him to give up. Seeing that chakra along with all the other insane chakra around him all but confirmed he wasn’t getting out of this.

The only way to get out of this without breaking all of his bones was to beg. Too surrender his pride and self-respect. Toss his dignity by the wayside. He had already been tricked by the Uchiha, which nearly broke him mentally. Anyone could play him for a fool but an Uchiha... that was something that he could never forgive himself for. This showed that even his own most powerful technique was nothing. Though it was flawed, it proved that his power was meaningless, worthless when it actually mattered.

In the end, what more could he lose but his life? Kiro had been fooled by an Uchiha, which he hated to the very core of his being. He had been shown his power was pathetic, as evident by his powerful technique being a total failure just like him. Worst of all, if this kept up any longer, Kiro’s bones would break, ruining his career as a ninja. Kiro was already on his knees so all he needed to do was beg. But why could he not do it?


Fugaku noted Danzo’s arrival and simply sighed before looking back at Jin. “I agree with those terms as well. As long as the boy lives to see Leaf punishment, then you may do as you wish.” Fugaku told Jin while simultaneously agreeing with Danzo once again.


Kiro began to lose feeling, his body becoming numb as it started to freeze. Just hearing those words from Fugaku, though it angered him, Kiro also began too doubt his reluctance to give up. They all stood there, waiting for his bones to shatter one by one until his body gave out. It seemed allowing his body to break wasn’t even the main event. ‘They’ll pay. They all will.’ That’s when Kiro understood what he had to do. It was so simple that Kiro would’ve slapped himself had he any feeling left. It was ironic considering his previous stance on the action. There was no point. There was no point to any of this at all. It wasn’t worth surrendering his future, his ninja career for this sort of pettiness. Not only that, but if all his bones were broken, then how could he ever hope to get revenge? To see them beneath his feet, begging him for mercy. If it was one thing he lived to see then that was it. All Kiro needed to do was sacrifice now and he would be repaid with their blood eventually.

“Damnit! I- “ Kiro clenched his fist before punching the cold, hard ground. The hit drew blood, his right hand nearly breaking. As much as Kiro hated the idea, he had to do it.

“Fine... please just stop.” Kiro slowly looked up at Jin, bloodlust and hate in his eyes. Kiro cursed the man’s very existence and wished him a brutal death. “I beg of you to spare me of this suffering. Spare me of this pain.” Kiro wanted his words to bleed venom, but his tone sounded as if he truly regretted his actions. He would make sure this man bled by his hand one way or another. “I beg you to give me this chance so one day...” He lifted his bloody fist in the direction of Jin. “I can return this chance you’ve given me. Spare me and I swear by this fist that I will repay your gratitude. So please end this!” No matter what, Kiro would see to it that Jin would suffer tenfold. It wouldn’t be now, tomorrow, next week or even next year. But one day...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jin snapped his fingers, the ice pillars beginning to steam away, lowering them casually to the ground. After Jin touched down on the ground, the honor guard did so afterwards. He walked to where Kiro was groveling before him. He put a foot on his back, looking directly into his eyes.

“See? People like you should know your place. At the foot of your betters. You are nothing, and you will return to nothing. You are banished from the mist village, and put under house arrest of the leaf. If you ever wander outside their care, you will be killed on sight. Is that clear, Xeno?”

At the current temperature, he easily expected the Uchiha to be in shock, unable to respond. He gave himself a satisfied smirk, his deed had been done. Kiro has been humiliated in front of the entire Yuki Clan and all of the leaf. Removing his foot from Kiro, he turned to Kai with a death glare.

“Kai. With me. Now.

Kai winced under his mask at the time. He was incredibly serious, even for him. He looked at kiro’s battered body, the curse mark visible to all to see. The treatment he was given despite all his device as a mist ninja...if felt wrong. Everything about this was wrong. He never objected to anything his father decreed, but banishment? Public humiliation? Couldn’t he see Kiro wasn’t under his own control? Now he expects the leaf will tear him to shreds for what he’s done. It was savage.

Kai cautiously made his way next to Jin, the Yuki Honor guard surrounding him. Kai locked eyes with Kanshi, even though he was wearing a mask. The honor guard struck their likes against the round, Jin not bothering to turn to face the leaf.

“Our business is done. See to it that the trash is taken out.”

After he said this, the contingent mobilized yet again, coated by the rays of the moon. They hopped from building to building in perfect synchronization. Their very footsteps were planned to all match up.
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Danzo gave the non-verbal signal, as his ANBU would jump in to Kiro. The aim simply to swarm the Uchiha and apprehend him before he had a chance to recover from the earlier torture session.

"We will personally bring this one to his holding cell. I will speak with the council about this, and yourself of course Lord Fugaku, about what shall be done with our resident Oto-defector." Danzo explained to Fugaku, along with everyone present which caused Itachi to raise an eyebrow given Danzo seemed to "claim" Kiro rather quickly. Danzo seemed to sense this and decided to address it as he faced the father & son Uchiha pair.

"I understand you may believe it'd be better to have the Uchiha look over Kiro until that happens, but his actions effect the village as a whole. Not simply any one clan. It is better this way, I'm sure you can understand our reason to take such matters and hope you will understand." Danzo further added as his agents attempted to secure Kiro with the aim to take him away; likely to a holding cell until a later meeting on what was to be done with him could be arranged.

"N-no? I'm sorry, um, Lady Tsunade but don't you want to at least hear what we ask of you before..."

"No. I am well aware of why you are here. Minato is out of commission, and you want me to come in and replace him as your next Hokage. It is not gonna happen, so you two should just drop the issue and walk away."

Tsunade cut off Sakura's words, as Shizune did lower the scalpel from Taiyo's neck as despite his...violent entrance, she sensed neither she nor Sakura had hostile intentions. Sakura looked at Tsunade, who seemed to show a firm disdain for the mere name of Hokage. Something Sakura found disrespectful, but she kept that thought to herself before she would speak to Tsunade once more.

"We're not asking you come and become our now Hokage. Minato is, while in critical condition, alive and can recover. We just need you to assume a temporary role during this recovery process. Given your famed reputation for making the medical unit a standard among ninja teams you have a natural knack for leadership. It would be to the benefit of everyone in our village, I implore you to at least consider this." Sakura said as she pleaded her case, though as the slight scowl on Tsunade's face indicated the Medical-legend seemed far from swayed with her words.

"Fools who are naive enough to chase after the mantle of Kage all share the same fate...an early trip to the grave. Even if it is a glorified rental, I have no incentive to stick my neck out in what has been proven to be a job with a certain death sentence. I tend to play the odds, and while my luck has been lacking...even I know a no win situation when I see it." Tsunade said as she outlined her reason for not wanting the title of Hokage; even on a temporary basis.

Shizune frowned, as she knew there was a deeper reason than that. Though even if there was Sakura seemed visibly frustrated with Tsunade's response though tried to settle herself. Getting overly emotional would only hurt their cause, and she was not about to just leave empty handed given what was at stake here.

"Oh yes! Madoka and Sakura's patch job has been a good substitute, though I should naturally recover by the time we get to Iwa itself." Tomiko assured Mori as she heard his question of the plan before he outlined the sleeping and watch plan as it seemed simple enough.

"Makes sense to me, though I can take the first shift really. You didn't have the nicest time with that Reaver either, and I want you to get your fair rest after all you've done for me." Tomiko said, as she offered to take the first watch even if she was appreciative of Mori volunteering to do it.

A young girl sat on the side of the road.

Anko sat in an office, as she wrote down Tayuy’s personal account in a journey and cross referenced her story with what information the Leaf had on hand which concerned details Tayuy’s direct personal account could not fill in.

Her clothes dirty and tethered, her hair greasy, her skin paled and malnourished. All signs of someone without home or anyone to provide care; only a flute in hand and a hat for anyone generous enough to offer change as she played songs for people who passed by.

The struggle to get by all too evident on a casual glance, Anko summarized as it was not helped that the town offered the young girl no help as it had been all but isolated in a literal sense.

Huijin Village. Located on the outskirts of the Land of Rice Fields, though it had been rebranded years ago as the Land of Sound when a certain Sannin came and took it as his own. Not that the people of the village had been aware of that, as contact with the outside world was all but lost for a simple yet chilling reason.

The village had been surrounded on all sides was a thick forest. A beautiful forest, least that’s what the original settlers must have believed when they moved in. In truth, the forest itself was apparently cursed as these demonic entities known as Doki thrived within the forest. Creatures with no sight, no speech and as far as Anko could tell no history for what they were or where they came from. What was known, based on Tayuya’s account, was that they would seek out anything that ventured into the forest and consume them which led to a nickname “Forest of A Thousand Lost Souls.”

There was one road that led away from the forest, and escape through it was impossible as the Doki would come and claim them. However, from what Tayuya explained, her village found a way to allow for some level of trade to sustain themselves. A way to survive, to appease them….

Two men came for the girl. Her struggles were futile, her pleads of mercy fell on deaf ears as they would drag her kicking and screaming towards the forest. Those in the town cheered on, as if celebrating her demise.

The custom that had developed was the need to offer a sacrifice to the Doki. Sending someone into the forest to be an offering, which proved to be effective enough to allow them to send one to trade and bring in needed resources to allow them to survive. A necessary evil, though it also served as a convenient means to deal with the poor and those worse off within the town. And as was the case with Tayuya, many “selected” had been far from a matter of any choice or even consideration for the literal sacrificial lambs.

She was tossed in the forest, and her attempts to run back to the road cut off by the sharp spears as the girl had no other option but to run.

Try to run from this doomed fate, to find salvation beyond the edge of the forest.

But it would not come, as the creatures came with ferocity and surprising speed. A tumble down a hill caused her to come face to face with these soulless beasts, as she frantically crawled up a tree to try and escape. This was a futile action, and her options seemed grimly limited as the tree was brought down and she landed with a thud on the ground.

With the creatures around her, and all other options gone, the fear struck girl did the only thing she could think to do. She began to play on her flute. A desperate action from a desperate girl as she seemed to beg for help to come save her through her musical signal.

But instead, something else happened.

The girl, whose eyes were closed in fear, had taken note of the creatures actually stopping once she played the flute in fear. Once the girl opened her eye, she saw the Doki seemed to stop. Curious by the sound she produced.

These creatures, could not speak, could not see and apparently not think but it seemed they could hear. Anko guessed that they were sensitive to sound which helped with finding victims, but it seemed the music of the flute had a special effect on the creatures.

A miraculous discovery, as quoted by Tayuya herself.​

The girl saw this, and given it was her once chance to survive she began to play a song for the creatures. At first, she simply guessed it was something that amused them. But as she shifted tunes, she found it had different effects on the creatures.

It made them move around, some made them attack trees at random. And the girl realized the music was not something that amused the creatures. It was influencing them, surrendering themselves willingly to the tunes and allowing them to do critical thinking actions for them. With this discovery, the girl realized she had effective control over them.

She had power. And as her fear subsided, the cast out “street rat” aimed to use this to her benefit. The girl would play songs for Doki for the next several hours, trying to understand which notes, tunes, melodies and rhythms did what for the Doki. As a chilling melody played through the forest which had to confuse the people in her village.

A melody of death, as Tayuya coined then. Anko noted Tayuya did not settle for revenge then and there. She simply left the forest with her Doki in toe, content to leave them there and move on. Which showed, even with all that had happened then she still had some level of humanity. That she was better than vengeance.

Which made the next part of Tayuya’s account all the more tragic.​

The young girl, with her three new “friends” in toe, soon began to leave the forest. As she had no desire to go back to a people who were willing to cast her out for slaughter so casually. However, her path out of the forest was soon met with a strange paled individual. One with the eyes of a snake.

“You show strong spirit my dear. A shame that you were considered trash to your own people.” The man said with a chilling voice as the girl frowned as she brought her flute to her lips.

“Look, I’ve had a long day so I don’t need you. Get out of my way, or my new friends here are gonna make you get out of my way.” The girl threatened as the “snake man” seemed far from intimidated, even in the presence of these monsters as his grin only grew.

“My child, we need not be adversaries. I understand you, more than you could ever imagine.” The snake man said as the girl seemed unconvinced as she gave him a scowl.

“Understand me? Don’t give me that! Nobody could understand me, and after today everyone is my enemy!” The girl cursed as she sent her newfound Doki companions at Orochimaru.

Anko let out a sigh as she wrote that section down. When she heard this part, she oh so badly wished it had a different ending; that the demonic Doki managed to slay that real monster then and there. But when it came to her former sensei, these stories didn’t get those happy endings.

“W-what…what are you?”

The girl was on her back, a panicked expression on her face as her trio of Doki had been soundly defeated by the man. Who didn’t have so much a scratch on himself. The man eyed the scared girl with the same grin…though he subtly shifted it to appear a little less menacing.

“The only one who understands you. Now now my dear, there is no reason to be afraid. Like I said, I understand you. The world is a cruel place who will cast you out without second thoughts. But I have a way to give some payback to this world. I see value in you my dear, I see worth your people lack. Come with me my dear, and I can help you gain the strength to get back at this world.”

And that Tayuya would do, but not before Orochimaru decided to “help” her get back at her village. In that he swayed her to use her Doki on the village itself; feeding into her fury at the villagers and having her slaughter them as a show of the power she could get under her guidance.

This made it all the more tricky, as it seemed the root of Tayuya’s loyalty to the Sannin was her hatred of people due to this incident and general upbringing and him presenting himself as a means for her to get payback. A savior to her, not too uncommon for other followers. While Anko still believed there was something to reach within Tayuya, it would be quite the uphill battle as she gathered her report and went to present her findings; Tayuya herself would stay in a holding cell until what to do with her had been made clear.
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Previously Swirled
Once the scalpel was removed from the proximity of the genin's neck, he had let out a sigh of relief. And once he had heard Tsunade explain her reasoning for denying the position of temporary Hokage, Taiyo let put a sigh with a different tune, the tune of exhaustion. It was clear that the blonde beauty wasn't exactly keen on taking a job which in her eyes, led to an early death. However, Taiyo was sent here on a mission and he was determined to finish what he had started.

"Ms. Tsunade, I would like to ask you something. Why don't you think that Jiraiya, the Toad Sage himself who is the man who sent us to retrieve you didn't take the mantle of Hokage himself? I don't have a definitive answer for that myself, but what I do know is that if he did, he would be ready to die for his village. To me, it sounds like your being selfish here, considering the fact that without a leader, the other villages would pounce on the opportunity to walk over us like doormats. I'm can guarantee you that if we had a Kage, even if temporary while Minato recovers, it would greatly reduce that and Ms., you are the best candidate," After saying all of that with little breathes in between, Taiyo had to inhale quickly before saying his last sentence. Whether this helped or not, the Leaf-nin knew one thing, he wasn't stopping until he left with Tsunade in tow.
The man had the nerve to place his foot on him even after he had complied... ‘He will pay for that!’ That was Kiro’s only thought as he watched Jin and the Yuki leave the area. Soon after, Kiro felt his body being pulled up by the Anbu. Though Kiro tried to struggle, his body was so weak that all it took was one punch to the gut too force him into submission.

“You should calm down child, this isn’t the Mist. Things are different here and— “

“Fuck you!” Kiro shouted, enraged that Fugaku even spoke to him. “Damnit! If it wasn’t for you Uchiha, I wouldn’t be in this mess! I’ll-I’ll...” Kiro never got to finish as he slowly lost consciousness due to a genjutsu Fugaku placed on him. ‘Insolent brat.’

Unfortunately, Fugaku couldn’t argue against Danzo’s point. Kiro’s assault was now a matter of national security. If Fugaku demanded Kiro to be placed in the possession of the Uchiha, it would definitely lead to some mistrust and turn the tides against the rest of the Uchiha. Things were already a bit rough as it stood and with Danzo being in charge, the Uchiha had to be careful with their actions. Still, Fugaku didn’t trust Danzo enough too let him have an Uchiha for an unknown amount of time.

“We’ll discuss this but I want to make one thing clear, being away from the clan for so long has turned him into the degenerate we see before us. Without the right guidance, should the boy continue down this current path, he will become irredeemable.” Fugaku knew full well that Danzo knew what his statement meant. He lightly shook his head and knew there would be ramifications when the others heard of what transpired. But as of right know, the village’s well being was of more importance. He believed his son as well as Shisui also knew this was the safest course of action for both the village and Uchiha.

Approaching the group of Anbu, the edges of her lips hooked upwards slightly in a light, but confident smile, Hinagiku suggested, "Well...how about you leave him to the Hyūga clan then~?" Taking the position of neutrality, she proposed a compromise. "Leave him in the Hyūga clan, but you'd both be free to send your own 'prison wardens' to keep an eye on him. That'll work for everyone right?"

Since Hinagiku had chosen to be more or less neutral on the matter, she would allow both Danzo and Fukagu to take a step back while ensuring they'd both be able to keep an eye on Kiro and without handing him over to the other.


Above the darkened, silver grey clouds which wept bitterly over the scarred lands of Amegakure a single sheet of paper floated. It was the whitest of hues, brightened even further by the unimpeded rays of the sun, and it seemed to defy gravity by floating peacefully without any loss in altitude. Casually, the paper flew, soon joined by another identical sheet, and soon a third, fourth, eighth, twentieth, hundredth, thousandth...

Slowly, and without warning, the sky had been filled by the dance of ten thousands of sheets of paper, floating along the invisible ripples of the wind. Collecting on an unseen cyclone the sheets were swept into a spin, a rotating vortex reminiscent of a tornado, and at some point, within that vortex appeared a single, blue-haired Kunoichi, the papers dancing around her in worship.

She looked down, her gaze placid, and as if at her whim, gravity took hold of her figure causing her to plummet through the clouds, piercing the darkened sky in a way that was, in one word -divine, and in two -stunningly beautiful. As she fell the broken clouds scattered, and beams of sunlight swathed over her figure, illuminating the very area as if to grace her presence. The area in question? The Amegakure training grounds. As she neared her landing point, the swirling torrent of paper she'd left afloat scattered, shooting through the clouds as individual pieces of paper, each creating a hole, ever so small, in the cloud-covering above and casting one more beam of ever so brilliant sunlight over her descending figure.

The paper sheets, like beams of brilliance, shot down towards the kunoichi, as if in a bid to be the first to descend. Soon, they caught up with her, and as it would appear, just in the nick of time. The sheets gathered to her back, forming into an ephemeral pair of paper-white wings, and the remaining sheets danced around her with elegance as she slowly descended towards the ground. By the time she'd stopped descending, the clouds had cast a golden hue over the training field, illuminating her face and creating something unique within the village, the single spot that the dark dreariness of the rainclouds could not taint.

The paper angel, Konan, hovered calmly, her gaze settled onto two bodies laid prone. She was silent, but with a wave of her hand, sheet after sheet of paper gathered around the fallen figures of Azumi and Reaver, seeking to collect the two ninja in their embrace.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Hama chuckled to herself, watching as Tsuki brought her slave to good use. She had been learning quick, in more ways than one. If she was lucky, she may have someone to pass down her legacy...perhaps. That is, if the girl could stomach it. Hama kept her smile on her face, walking away from Tsuki’s homestead. On her way back to her own home in the Yuki Core district, her eyes caught the Mizukage’s mansion, which no doubt held a rightfully confused Mei inside.

Hmmm...I wonder if she has figured it out yet. Or if she has even gotten back from her trip. It’s like Jin planned this specifically to evade her notice. Clever boy. Speaking of clever boy...

Hama walked by past her home, not entering it or even paying it a mind whatsoever. Instead she walked toward a small island connected to a pier that held her house on it. The island had a weak graves scattered about, the honored dead of the mist. She tilted her head at a particular grave. One labeled ‘Jako Yuki.’ She couldn’t help but giving whiskful expression. She didn’t seem sad, but more so dissapointed. Dissapointed about so much work, squandered. She had really tried her all for it. It’s a shame it ended up like it did.


Zaku watched as the dance fight had escalated into a full on dance war. Kou had begun to sweat because of how much effort he was putting into to it. Both Yukimaru and Kou had become a flurry of movements, each one trying to outdo the other in the dance fight of the ages. Heh, now Aren’t they getting carried away? The water bug vs the street rat. Have to say though, this entire event is still surprising. To think we’d ever be dancing here, in the sound village...

The dance fight had begins to devolve, both Yukimaru and Kou getting tired of their drawn out dance of the eons. Quick to get a good last impression, Kou propped out his chest, leaving his arms to fall down like they were limp. He turned his head and gave a suave look to the crowd with his legs cocked out. Yukimaru at the same time, rose a leg up, keeping the other firmly on the ground. He stretched one arm to the air and the second he put on his face, with his thumb on his cheek and index finger on his nose. They ended up back to back with each other, doing both of their poses. A dramatic finish.

An eruption of applause followed, Kou and Yukimaru trying to control their hefty breaths. They exchanged looks of mutual respect and glee, with Kou giving a toothy grin and Yukimaru giving a sly smile.

“If you fight half as well as you dance, you could run me out of a job.”

“Hehe, it was nothin’ really.” Kou rubbed the back of his head. “Just a little somethin’ I picked up on the streets.”
Danzo was pleased to see Fugaku complied so easily, and given no one else voiced any objections not even Shisui or Itachi Danzo gave a signal as he had one of his ANBU make the motion to try and get Kiro, but before he could follow up with that Hinagiku offered her "compromised" view of things which caused Danzo to shift his gaze over to Hinagiku.

Much like Fugaku with himself, the position seemed fair enough. Especially given he'd be allowed a warden to watch over him, and if Danzo tried to protest it then he'd be seen as pressing for Kiro which would raise suspicion. Particularly with the Uchiha head, heir and a valued member in Shisui were all present. So he would have to allow this offer to go through, as fighting for this Uchiha would not be worth that risk.


"That does sound like a fair middle ground. But I am curious why the Hyuga Head would bare an unneeded responsibility of housing a traitor to the Leaf? One of a clan not their own no less." Danzo said, as he was curious over this detail but had not rejected the proposal which was the more important thing.

The name of Jiraiya that was mentioned by this Genin did cause a slight shift in Tsunade's cold expression. One of an eyebrow raised as she was surprised to hear these two kids were apparently under Jiraiya's care for this "mission" of theirs.

Odd, he's not the type to travel with teams. Not since Minato's team went through his ranks...

"That seems like quite the claim you have their, and a bit hard to believe." Shizune added on, as the idea these two were on a mission with Jiraiya seemed a bit much to believe for her taste. Sakura caught this quickly and was quick to back her ally's claim.

"It's true! We were assigned to Jiraiya when he was tasked for this mission, if you want proof I can arrange a meeting with his presence." Sakura added on, as getting the Toad Sannin here should be a simple enough ordeal for her with their signal. Shizune turned to Tsunade, who for once actually seemed to be considering their words before she'd speak up again.

"Fine, I'll grant you this chance with him. I want to hear this proposal from his own mouth anyway, given this was his mission I presume. But we do it on my terms, and on my time." Tsunade explained as she made her outline of concessions clear to both Genin present.

Azumi seemed to slip in and out of consciousness for a short period after she initally went out. Her vision blurry, her senses and perception of things clearly disoriented.

However, she felt....something, begin to wrap around her. Something that felt akin to a warm embrace, a feeling that Azumi had been all bur foreign to...though that may have been the poison messing with her senses more so than what the paper itself did.

Azumi glanced over, and in her ever weakened state, could only make out a faint outline. Azumi wasn't even sure if what she saw was real, or just some vision in her blurred sight. But the outline told the story all the same, a story Azumi held true to her heart which caused her to smile weakly as she faded into unconsciousness once more as she surrender her body to the warm embrace.

The angel herself had come. Had come to give them salvation.​

"Well," She begun, her delicate facial features relaxed into a soft smile as her limpid pupils floating her gaze over to the Uchiha. "For one, the Uchiha seem to have some reservations with handing a prodigal son of their clean over to be treated so...roughly. The boy hasn't committed any crimes against our village...yet, but I'm sure their emotional plight is understandable. At the same time, emotions can't come between matters of village security. If so, who better than the Hyuga to take care of the boy? After all, these eyes of ours won't be decieved."

Simply put, the Hyuga were the most suited for job, and they were also conveniently in a position of neutrality."How about it, Lord Danzo, Lord Fugaku?"
"You do have a point, Reaver did a number on the both of us. The main difference is that I nearly lost my ability to stand and you took his 'Spear of Lugh' or something at point blank range, but I know that you are too stubborn to listen to arguments based on injuries so listen to this." Mori said as he turned towards Tomiko.

"How many people want you to make it home safe and healthy? Madoka, this Sakura person, Inuzuka girl, Lightning guy with chains and I have no idea what you and Yasu spoke about but I am willing to bet that he would want you to make it home safe. I promised Madoka to bring you home safe and healthy, that means no fights and a good night's rest. Do you really want to betray the trust of your friends?" He said as he wove some hand signs and slammed a hand onto the ground.

"Earth Style: Rock Dome!" A dome made of rock shot out of the ground with an opening in the front to use as a door and an opening on top. "This should be good enough to spend the night in, what do you say?"
Like Danzo, Fugaku was also a bit curious as to why Hinagiku would offer such a proposition. What business did the Hyūga’s head have with the boy? He figured Hinagiku had her reasons, which she did. Either way, it was better than letting Danzo get his hands on a vulnerable Uchiha. That he was certain of.

Fugaku deactivated his sharingan as he glanced at Danzo before focusing his attention toward Hinagiku. “Like you said, the safety of the village should be prioritized. If you’re willing to handle the boy, then I have nothing against it... just try to keep him in one piece.”