Well, you can either stay with team Kakashi, about to be jumped and mugged brutally by Team Hama, or you can follow Team Sagisō and her band of not so cooperative co-operatives while they possibly get chased down by team Iwa.*climbs out of grave*
Lel the afterlife isn’t that bad...Beware of Broly spoilers though, especially from me
Thx for wishing me back tho Shen, what’s up?
More precisely, where should Kiro be and what should he be doing?
Eh, most of your characters fall into a nice combination of tropes so I think none of them will fall to stuff like Ninjutsu conservation or the Worf Effect.Oh yeah I forgot those characters had storylines
Tsuki: You suck
Seiun: You suck
Hinagiku is, for example, an Iron Lady, while mixed with a Lady of War and a few other things.
For Mei, I'm trying to run a The High Queen, mixed with The Woman Wearing a Queenly Mask for Mei, along with a few other things.
Furījia will develop into a Pretty Princess Powerhouse, Politically Active Princess and a Silk Hiding Steel by around Shippuden.