Katsuo sat cross-legged on the dirt bed prepared for him, already in deep meditation by the time the sun had peaked over the horizon. He visualized his core, the inner workings of his chakra network, and the locations where it pooled up in his body. He could see a dense illuminated orb of water in the center of his being, it swayed back and forth gently, naturally correcting any ripple that occurred on the surface of the massive chakra ball.
But residing directly to the right of it, were dense strands of violent lightning style chakra, all of which seemed to be coiling around one another, violently clashing in flashes of light on occasion.
"Calm and cool....yet violent and sporadic.....two natures that dont get along, forced into the same body. They may cause issues with one another, and may make training a bit difficult, but there mine nonetheless..." Katsuo assessed the two drastically different types of chakra, attempting to get his energy 'acquainted' to this foreign power he'd only recently tapped into.
The water energy quivered, before dispersing into large coiled tendrils that slowly edged there way towards his lightning chakra. As the water made contact with the lightning, violent flashes of energy occurred, causing the two types of chakra to essentially bounce away from one another. It had been clar to him for awhile now...these energies didnt want to co-exist.
"Hm....still doesnt look good....." The young traveler-nin slowly opened his eyes, relaxing his posture and exhaling slowly. He'd done this routine on wake-up every day since he obtained lightning chakra, but the result was always the same. While this had been a bit disheartening, he refused to stop. He would find a way to make these natures work in unison, make them his own. There had to be a way....right?