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Actually, Joel asked me to control his characters until he could come back. I would like some help knowing what to do with them though. Like for example, what are the teams they're in right now doing? I know i was informed about Airi but i completely forgot what was said.

For the other matter, right now i would prefer that we stay as an AU with the canon characters but my answer could change later
Will you be keeping them until he gets back? or just until the end of exams?
Unti he gets back

Personally I don’t think you should run so many ocs. On discord he stated he’s got no idea if/when he’ll return.
Plus your posts are going to be very cluttered. And because of his absence, we’d like to change the plot so it’s not so reliant on his character, so you’d be controlling somewhat useless characters.

This is just my opinion however. I simply find taking over his ocs is just a big inconvenience, but your free to do as you please.
Personally I don’t think you should run so many ocs. On discord he stated he’s got no idea if/when he’ll return.
Plus your posts are going to be very cluttered. And because of his absence, we’d like to change the plot so it’s not so reliant on his character, so you’d be controlling somewhat useless characters.

This is just my opinion however. I simply find taking over his ocs is just a big inconvenience, but your free to do as you please.
You underestimate my power!

Seriously, i've managed 4 OCs in the past. I think i can manage this
Okay, well it’s not others jobs to keep essentially dead ocs alive. I suggest you either build up an actual use for them or drop them.
Currently your simply asking others to give them a use.
I know that. But i try to be as helpful as i can for him. He won't really let me help him with his other problems so this is the least i can do for him. And i only ask for a little help with his OCs. You don't have to help if you don't want to but i'm asking for other's to help too


Previously Sarah316
Important Announcement

Alright, so unfortunately @Joelkjn the fox has stepped away from Pokecharms due to IRL reasons. The Duration of his absence is indefinite, so we need to re-plan for a few down the line plot points.

As the Graduation exams proceed, we also need to discuss what will take place after the exams.

First things first though:

It's been discussed a bit in the Discord channel, but I also want to put it here.

Would you rather we stay an AU (an alternate timeline using canon characters), or would you rather we do something completely original (Original Characters would replace the likes of the Kage as no canon characters would exist)

It goes without saying that doing a full Original verse would require far more work, but would also allow for a lot more leeway down the line.

Think about that for a bit and we'll do a discussion/vote to determine the results.

For something more immediate, the absence of Airi and Genjiro will leave their teams short, and unbalance the teams hailing from each village. I can control them up until the end of the exams, however, beyond that we'd need a solution; replacement characters, or something in that vein.

@DarkHydraT @Retro Master @5DigitNeb @Killerbunny the god @Godjacob @Mystic Zander @Sarah316 @Sky5372 @Hungry Badass @Nukas @Swirled @Grand Master Koop @kyuukestu

Depends how much total control of the world building we want. I think an AU story would work easier but I am up for anything.
Important Announcement

Alright, so unfortunately @Joelkjn the fox has stepped away from Pokecharms due to IRL reasons. The Duration of his absence is indefinite, so we need to re-plan for a few down the line plot points.

As the Graduation exams proceed, we also need to discuss what will take place after the exams.

First things first though:

It's been discussed a bit in the Discord channel, but I also want to put it here.

Would you rather we stay an AU (an alternate timeline using canon characters), or would you rather we do something completely original (Original Characters would replace the likes of the Kage as no canon characters would exist)

It goes without saying that doing a full Original verse would require far more work, but would also allow for a lot more leeway down the line.

Think about that for a bit and we'll do a discussion/vote to determine the results.

For something more immediate, the absence of Airi and Genjiro will leave their teams short, and unbalance the teams hailing from each village. I can control them up until the end of the exams, however, beyond that we'd need a solution; replacement characters, or something in that vein.

@DarkHydraT @Retro Master @5DigitNeb @Killerbunny the god @Godjacob @Mystic Zander @Sarah316 @Sky5372 @Hungry Badass @Nukas @Swirled @Grand Master Koop @kyuukestu
An AU sounds fun, but complete OC's is brimming with potential


Previously Kid_Nukas
Important Announcement

Alright, so unfortunately @Joelkjn the fox has stepped away from Pokecharms due to IRL reasons. The Duration of his absence is indefinite, so we need to re-plan for a few down the line plot points.

As the Graduation exams proceed, we also need to discuss what will take place after the exams.

First things first though:

It's been discussed a bit in the Discord channel, but I also want to put it here.

Would you rather we stay an AU (an alternate timeline using canon characters), or would you rather we do something completely original (Original Characters would replace the likes of the Kage as no canon characters would exist)

It goes without saying that doing a full Original verse would require far more work, but would also allow for a lot more leeway down the line.

Think about that for a bit and we'll do a discussion/vote to determine the results.

For something more immediate, the absence of Airi and Genjiro will leave their teams short, and unbalance the teams hailing from each village. I can control them up until the end of the exams, however, beyond that we'd need a solution; replacement characters, or something in that vein.

@DarkHydraT @Retro Master @5DigitNeb @Killerbunny the god @Godjacob @Mystic Zander @Sarah316 @Sky5372 @Hungry Badass @Nukas @Swirled @Grand Master Koop @kyuukestu
I personally would prefer using only OCs, it just seems like more fun to me. I will create and control any characters that are needed from me in order to make that happen if that's one of the big issues. I think a full oc cast would be so cool.
Damn it damn it! Why me?

Needless to say despite Hitomi's attempt to play it cool with her expression internally she was screaming when she was asked what they should do. Given Kiyoshi's rather impulsive charge they found themselves alone on an island. Or at least what this section of the maze could be called as shallow water surrounded them on all sides and they seemed paired with other teams who were around the island. Thankfully they seemed to have not noticed them yet or simply had not cared as Hitomi tried to consider their options.

"W-well....there doesn't seem to be any hidden secrets on this island. Though a quick once over might reveal something. If not and perhaps more importantly we should focus on getting off this island and try another door." Hitomi suggested, trying to think of something productive to do though internally she had concern of the other teams. Would they leave them be, or would they attack if they tried to leave the room? Hitomi had been unsure but they needed to do something and figured movement with caution was better than sitting about as she tried to settle her internal nerves.

Just in case you didn't notice it before, your team actually was noticed. My character covered them with a cloud of ink. Snuck's character reacted to it.

A flurry of movements as smoke bombs erupted and vague silhouettes dashed two and fro. Obscured by the smoke, the kumo-kunoichi hadn't been able to discern the appearance of the new team, however, what she did notice was a pair of figures dashing in their direction. That wasn't too concerning though, they might've just been panicked.

What was concerned was the slab of earth that'd pushed out of the ground. Her nagging anxiety told her to attack them before they could fully set up their jutsu, however, of the three jutsu Shinkai actually knew, none of them were offense-oriented. Fingers clenched together in hand seals, the Kumo shinobi did what any self-respecting cephalopod would do in this situation --she inked.

Jet-black and dark as night, a stream of ink began to spurt from Shinkai's mouth, quickly mixing with the smoke cloud, staining the room, and anyone unlucky enough to get caught, in the inky liquid.

Kiyoshi heard Hitomi's question and was a little confused by it, it was just a short swim, after all, nothing to be alarmed about. "Yeah, I'm fine now that we are away from that other t-" Just then he realized what she was actually referring to. The room now that he thought about it did seem to have some voices coming from it before, and those voices apparently let loose a couple of smoke bombs that started to fill the room.

"Ok so maybe it wasn't the best idea to come here. This is fine, maybe we can just go back the way we ca-" Then he noticed the door that had exploded not long ago reformed with a new riddle that they did not have time to solve. There was no way to get out of this without some confrontation. Just then as the smoke passed over Kiyoshi, he felt himself begin to get covered in a dark black substance. "Eeeew, what the heck is this crap. Ok, we need a plan to get out of here. Any ideas Hitomi?" He was honestly unsure what to do, as he could barely see anything, including their opponents.
Okay, i'm sorry. I know i said that i would try keep @Joelkjn the fox's OC's in the roleplay but i don't think i'll even be able to stay at charms right now. I'm taking a break from charms because of IRL stuff is what i'm saying. I'm really sorry if this causes you inconvenience. I'll talk to @Joelkjn the fox and see what he would want to do with his OC's but if you all feel like my OC's would just be in the way, feel free to remove them from the roleplay as i don't know when i'll return
Okay, so couple changes —several in fact— the new village roster looks like this;

  • Team Leader: Yasami Inuzuka
  1. Zadol Uchiha
  2. Shizuka Aburame
  3. Shihasu Senju
  4. Hagiwara Kurama
Land of Iron
  • Team Leader:
  1. Mako Kobayashi
  2. Suranoha
  • Team Leader:
  1. Zentō Mugen
  2. Suisentō Mugen
  3. Kentō Mugen
  • Team Leader: Chōzu Eitsumai
  1. Sayaka Tomonaga
  2. Hitomi Masako
  • Team Leader:
  1. Sokaze Koto
  2. Kiyoshi Hozuki
  3. Nikota Terumi
  • Team Leader: Kazuma Hikoto
  1. Fumiko Yamamoto
  2. Melia Kamizuru
  3. Jōdan Chikara
  • Team Leader:
  1. Sashi Chiratsuki
  2. Sora Yotsuki
  3. Shīnkai Myōsida
  • Team Leader:
  1. Shuju Akai
  2. Takuma Chikawa

As you may have noticed, Sunagakure and the Land of Iron are now understaffed while Konoha is overstaffed. This may or may not become an issue later down the line.

The current status of the teams leaves teams 3, 4, 7, & 8 with one less member. Team 4 is actually well off considering the intro of Swoobat. In any case, to compensate for this imbalance of teams, you'll be given the choice to create alliances between teams if you so desire. For example, teams 1 and 2 could merge into a 6-person team.

Of course, to maintain the difficulty of the maze, the traps and trials will be bumped in difficulty.

Since they weren't all that hard in the first place, it's more that...you'll actually be faced with a moderate challenge now.

The new teams have been reduced to;

Team 1 (Red): Kentō Mugen, Shuju Akai, Shīnkai Myōsida

Team 2 (Yellow): Shihasu Senju, Sora Yotsuki, Sayaka Tomonaga

Team 3 (Pink): Kiyoshi Hōzuki, Hitomi Masako

Team 4 (Purple): Zadol Uchiha , Jōdan Chikara, Hagiwara Kurama

Team 5 (White): (invisible cause white :v) Suisentō Mugen, Suranoha, Sashi Chiratsuki

Team 6 (Green): Melia Kamizuru, Nikota Terumī, Zentō Mugen

Team 7 (Orange): Fumiko Yamamoto, Sokaze Koto

Team 8 (Ice Blue): Mako Kobayashi, Shizuka Aburame

How exactly you 'lost' your team member in RP will be left to the digression of the teams.

Regarding each of the teams, Team Ice Blue, @Godjacob , @Grand Master Koop , ya might wanna...move more. You've only physically moved once.



  • Teams are unbalanced due to character losses.
  • You can now choose to create your own teams (in RP).
  • Maze is now harder, traps more lethal.
  • Ice Blue Team needs to move.
@DarkHydraT @Retro Master @5DigitNeb @Godjacob @Mystic Zander @Sarah316 @Sky5372 @Hungry Badass @Nukas @Swirled @Grand Master Koop @kyuukestu
Okay, so couple changes —several in fact— the new village roster looks like this;

  • Team Leader: Yasami Inuzuka
  1. Zadol Uchiha
  2. Shizuka Aburame
  3. Shihasu Senju
  4. Hagiwara Kurama
Land of Iron
  • Team Leader:
  1. Mako Kobayashi
  2. Suranoha
  • Team Leader:
  1. Zentō Mugen
  2. Suisentō Mugen
  3. Kentō Mugen
  • Team Leader: Chōzu Eitsumai
  1. Sayaka Tomonaga
  2. Hitomi Masako
  • Team Leader:
  1. Sokaze Koto
  2. Kiyoshi Hozuki
  3. Nikota Terumi
  • Team Leader: Kazuma Hikoto
  1. Fumiko Yamamoto
  2. Melia Kamizuru
  3. Jōdan Chikara
  • Team Leader:
  1. Sashi Chiratsuki
  2. Sora Yotsuki
  3. Shīnkai Myōsida
  • Team Leader:
  1. Shuju Akai
  2. Takuma Chikawa

As you may have noticed, Sunagakure and the Land of Iron are now understaffed while Konoha is overstaffed. This may or may not become an issue later down the line.

The current status of the teams leaves teams 3, 4, 7, & 8 with one less member. Team 4 is actually well off considering the intro of Swoobat. In any case, to compensate for this imbalance of teams, you'll be given the choice to create alliances between teams if you so desire. For example, teams 1 and 2 could merge into a 6-person team.

Of course, to maintain the difficulty of the maze, the traps and trials will be bumped in difficulty.

Since they weren't all that hard in the first place, it's more that...you'll actually be faced with a moderate challenge now.

The new teams have been reduced to;

Team 1 (Red): Kentō Mugen, Shuju Akai, Shīnkai Myōsida

Team 2 (Yellow): Shihasu Senju, Sora Yotsuki, Sayaka Tomonaga

Team 3 (Pink): Kiyoshi Hōzuki, Hitomi Masako

Team 4 (Purple): Zadol Uchiha , Jōdan Chikara, Hagiwara Kurama

Team 5 (White): (invisible cause white :v) Suisentō Mugen, Suranoha, Sashi Chiratsuki

Team 6 (Green): Melia Kamizuru, Nikota Terumī, Zentō Mugen

Team 7 (Orange): Fumiko Yamamoto, Sokaze Koto

Team 8 (Ice Blue): Mako Kobayashi, Shizuka Aburame

How exactly you 'lost' your team member in RP will be left to the digression of the teams.

Regarding each of the teams, Team Ice Blue, @Godjacob , @Grand Master Koop , ya might wanna...move more. You've only physically moved once.



    • Teams are unbalanced due to character losses.
    • You can now choose to create your own teams (in RP).
    • Maze is now harder, traps more lethal.
    • Ice Blue Team needs to move.
@DarkHydraT @Retro Master @5DigitNeb @Godjacob @Mystic Zander @Sarah316 @Sky5372 @Hungry Badass @Nukas @Swirled @Grand Master Koop @kyuukestu
Ah, right @[soul]
@[soul] ...

this was a terrible name change... ugh

I don't like tagging people manually.



Quick tutorial though, in case anyone else needs to tag Soul.

  • The code for tagging a user is shown below
    • [ USER = *user number here* ] *text here* [/ USER ]
  • User number can be found in the URL either by;
    • Hovering over their name.




    • Going onto their profile.




  • Thus my user number is 212935
  • To manually tag you would do;
    • [ user= user number ] Any text here [/user]


Which produces

Christmas Vampire

That concludes today's lesson, please leave your Fees with the assistant on the way out. o/


  • upload_2019-7-10_11-35-29.png
    5.5 KB · Views: 59
  • upload_2019-7-10_11-37-43.png
    2.5 KB · Views: 59


Previously Kid_Nukas
@[soul] ...

this was a terrible name change... ugh

I don't like tagging people manually.



Quick tutorial though, in case anyone else needs to tag Soul.

  • The code for tagging a user is shown below
    • [ USER = *user number here* ] *text here* [/ USER ]
  • User number can be found in the URL either by;
    • Hovering over their name.




    • Going onto their profile.




  • Thus my user number is 212935
  • To manually tag you would do;
    • [ user= user number ] Any text here [/user]


Which produces

Christmas Vampire

That concludes today's lesson, please leave your Fees with the assistant on the way out. o/
Thanks, I was actually wondering how to do that.


Previously Swirled
@[soul] ...

this was a terrible name change... ugh

I don't like tagging people manually.



Quick tutorial though, in case anyone else needs to tag Soul.

  • The code for tagging a user is shown below
    • [ USER = *user number here* ] *text here* [/ USER ]
  • User number can be found in the URL either by;
    • Hovering over their name.




    • Going onto their profile.




  • Thus my user number is 212935
  • To manually tag you would do;
    • [ user= user number ] Any text here [/user]


Which produces

Christmas Vampire

That concludes today's lesson, please leave your Fees with the assistant on the way out. o/
Im sorry Kyuu, I had no idea. My apologies extend to everyone else.