Naruto is an awesome show. I'm on episode 227 going to 228 when it comes out in english.If anyone else watches it, feel free to express your views and opinions'. 

Well here, here's the link to the first episode.'ve heard of it, but I've never seen it.
I love what I've seen of Naruto (about 13 episodes or so), but I'm in no way a hardcore fan like some people. Also, I greatly enjoyed reading it in Shonen JUMP while I was still actively collecting it. It amuses me how most people back then were (and still are) gaga over Sasuke. I always liked Naruto better myself
I have a few Naruto songs on my playlist at the moment. Can't help but love SODA YO! ... erm, Haruka Kanata ^^
Yeah.....Sasuke,not that cool to me anymore because......I know a secret about him that people that watch the american series or isn't on the new episodes doesn't know what it is, Dattebayyo!!!I love what I've seen of Naruto (about 13 episodes or so), but I'm in no way a hardcore fan like some people. Also, I greatly enjoyed reading it in Shonen JUMP while I was still actively collecting it. It amuses me how most people back then were (and still are) gaga over Sasuke. I always liked Naruto better myself
I have a few Naruto songs on my playlist at the moment. Can't help but love SODA YO! ... erm, Haruka Kanata ^^
Yeah.....Sasuke,not that cool to me anymore because......I know a secret about him that people that watch the american series or isn't on the new episodes doesn't know what it is, Dattebayyo!!!
Yeah it's a good secret but anyone who likes Sasuke will be crushed/shocked.I know the secret too. I jumped ahead by way of Wikipedia. That secret won't reveal itself until much later in the American series. That's the mark of a good show to me: when I can spoil the ending for myself and still highly enjoy the show. Reading the plot synopsis and watching the show are a totally different ballgame.
Same here!I love the Naruto series, I watch Shippuden on Youtube.
Uhhhh sorry to say, I'm part of the Anti-Deidara Fanclub on some naruto forums place.Naruto RLZ. I'm so obsessed with it I overloaded my computer/MP3/Flash Drive and school folder with Naruto pics and episodes and manga and AMVs. You like the Akatsuki! Me too, one of my fav charactures in the whole series is Deidara.
Youtube rlz it feeds my want for Naruto and other anime shows ^_^.
The thing about the 3rd hokage, was tooooooooo long!I know Itachi is a bad guy and all but he's still one cool dude.
Call me wimp but the Episode The Third Hokage..Forever almost brought tears to my eyes.
One of my favorite characters was Haku. His story moved me too. Even though he only made a brief appearence in the grand scheme of things, he had a huge influence on Naruto. By the way for anyone who doesn't know, Haku is my avatar. ;D
I loved the Naruto Marathon on Friday April 6th. It was awesome!.
I think that Itachi is a god-modded character.
Its annoying how everyone thinks hes the best.
*coughs* wuss *coughs*My first post on this forum shall be diverted at Naruto. Hence my custom title. You're lucky that you actually CAN have a Naruto gang at your school. Almost everybody at my school absolutely HATES Naruto, because they're probably to lazy to actually watch it and see for themselves if it's cool or not. And on top of that, I'm one of the most un-popular kids in my grade. Well anyway my favorite female characters are Anko and Temari, and my favorite male characters are Gaara and Neji. I also love the Fourth Hokage and I think the Kyuubi kicks butt. I also like Naruto when he has the Kyuubi Chakra, like in the fight with Sauce-gay.
Haku rules too, and "The Third Hokage... Forever" also made me cry. Don't feel wimpy, cuz that's the first time I've cried in AGES. xD
U should post a picture of ur Haku and Hinata cosplay!I am dating the number one Naru-tard of the world.
Don't get me wrong, I love Naruto as well, but I am not as die hard as my boyfriend.
I first got into Naruto a year or two before the manga was ever released in America. I was on a anime based forum and lots of people there liked it. So, one of them suggested I check it out, and I started to download it.
I instantly fell in love with Haku and Hinata. I have a Haku keychain attached to my car keys, that I never take off. -It's straight from Japan, since a friend got it for me there- I am making a Hinata and a Haku plushie. And I am making a cosplay costume of Hinata after the time skip... Yes... I like them that much. I am even thinking of cosplaying Haku.
Then I met my boyfriend... He is obsessed with Rock Lee and is trying to grow his eyebrows to look like his... o.O;;; I threatened to shave them while he sleeps. Even though he is more die hard, I know more of the series then he does.
And even though I know what's going to happen as I watch the newer episodes, I still enjoy them.
Though honestly, I prefer the manga to the anime.
Though for the English version... I am so tired of "BELIEVE IT!"
My friend's and I use this English catch phrase as an insult now.
For example: "You're so dumb, not even Naruto can "BELIEVE IT!""
But over all, the voice panel for English Naruto. The voice actor for Mighto Gai-sensei is my favorite by far. xD When he was at an anime con and someone asked "Who do you see your character from Naruto paired off with?" he took the mike and calmly stated, "Gai-sensei and Rock Lee." Causing many fangirl squeals and laughter.