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DPPt/HGSS Need help on a team I'm making in the near future

Alright, so in my Diamond version, I'm planning on making a in the near future, but I only know what I want them to be. I have looked through the guide that was stickied, but I keep getting confused by it, so maybe someone here could help me.

This is what I want for my team.

Mightyena- Physical
Houndoom- Special
Rampardos- Physical
Salamence- Physical
Xatu- Special
Altaria- Not quite sure...

I'm not very skilled at figuring out these things, so maybe someone could help me figure out the best nature and movesets for them.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this.
Woot I get to help Meep :D Here are the builds I can think of with your pokemon of choice:

Mightyena w/ Toxic Orb
Quick Feet Trait
Adamant Nature
- Howl
- Crunch
- Rock Smash
- Facade

Use the quick feet trait with the toxic orb to sweep teams. Sadly Mightyena has a mediocre movepool so not much variation is possible. Me First might be an option after quick feet activates to give you an element of surprise :D

Houndoom w/Life Orb
Flash Fire Trait
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast/Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Will-O-Wisp

Similar strategy with this one. Nasty plot up, preferrably on a poke thats scared of Houndoom (read grass types) and then sweep with your boosted stats. Will-o for opposing physical pokes.

Rampardos w/Choice Scarf
Mold Breaker Trait
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Crunch / Head Smash
- Pursuit / Head Smash

Rampardos is a true glass cannon so using choice scarf and jolly makes him outspeed alot of stuff, which helps his survival alot. Use Head Smash wherever you dont want the dark move.

Salamence w/Life Orb
Intimidate Trade
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge

Dance, hit hard. Very simple stratagy that has worked well forever @_@. A variation on this would be using Choice Band to hit a bit harder but loose your attack freedom. If thats the case replace DD with Flamethrower for coverage.

Xatu w/Lum Berry
Synchronize Trait
Modest Nature
- Thief
- Psychic
- Wish
- U-turn

A more annoyer then special sweeper set but it works very well. Switch it into something thats probably gonna thunderwave (like a blissey) and then watch as synchro kicks in and then lum berry. Follow with a quick theiving of the enemies item and then Wish followed by U-turn to heal your team.

Altaria w/Leftovers
Natural Cure Trait
Careful Nature
- Roost/Rest
- Toxic
- Aerial Ace
- Earthquake

Since you already have alot of aggresive pokemon on your team I decided to show you a defensive Altaria set. Heal Bell, Safeguard and Perish Songs are all viable options for the Toxic slot if it doesnt appeal to you.

Hope this helped :D


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
How about this for Houndoom

Houndoom w/Leftovers
Flash Fire
Crunch/Pursuit/Substitute/HP Grass
Crunch/Pursuit/Substitute/HP Grass

Dark Pulse on Houndoom will do more damage than both Pursuit or Crunch, even if the opponent switches out and suffers double damage from Pursuit. Also, Nasty Plot is in my view one of the best moves in the game, and getting rid of it on a Special Sweeper is a big mistake in my opinion.