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DPPt/HGSS Nem's team


Former Administrator
Ok, here goes...this is my current competitive team...I cant remember exact EVs, but vaugly know what I invested in

Breloom@Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
EVs in Attack, HP and Speed I think
Seed Bomb
Mach Punch

Hardy nature (Didnt breed, probably not ideal)
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Scizor@Scope Lens
Quirky (again didnt breed it)
EVs in Attack speed and Spec Def
Iron Head
Night Slash
Swords Dance

Thunder Fang
Flare Blitz
Extreme speed

Kingler@Razor Claw
Jolly Nature
EVs in Attack, def and speed
Brick Break
Swords Dance

Now, this wants replacing

Thunder punch
Ice Punch
Cros chop

Yes, its the PBR one. I want to replace it. I have laods of phsyical attackers, so want something different. I was thinking Glaceon

? Nature
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Trump Card?
Water pulse?

Problem I then have is no earthquake support, but I'm not sure who else to replace.

Yes, I know it isn't the most blanced team but I like offense =p


Bearded Trout Warrior
Scizor has TWO abilities you know....

You can pretty safely assume that Nem is going with a Scizor that has Swarm, they can be just as powerful as Technicians.
it's rather annoying to receive any form of Ambiguous answer from someone who himself hasn't done proper research.
Breloom@Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
EVs in Attack, HP and Speed I think
Seed Bomb
Mach Punch
Classic :D Sub can be considered over protect but its all a matter of setting really.

Hardy nature (Didnt breed, probably not ideal)
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Togekiss can go a few ways, depends what you want to do with it. Modest and Calm natures are best (Modest for special sweeper set and Calm for pure flinching/harraser.) Roost would be awesome here, so replace Wish and if you want to make it a sweeper maybe try Nasty Plot instead of Psychic. Item wise id say slap a leftover on it.

Scizor@Scope Lens
Quirky (again didnt breed it)
EVs in Attack speed and Spec Def
Iron Head
Night Slash
Swords Dance
if its technician, quick attack can do some surprising damage, plus its priority which might just put the ball in your park. If its swarm your build seems pretty good to me, Roost is always a consideration depending on how much coverage you need.

Thunder Fang
Flare Blitz
Extreme speed
Great moveset for a choice bander :D

Kingler@Razor Claw
Jolly Nature
EVs in Attack, def and speed
Brick Break
Swords Dance
looks good to me, possible other moves would be Rock Slide, X-Scissor and Brick Break. I would strongly consider X-Scissor to cover Grass types.

? Nature
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Trump Card?
Water pulse?
Glaceon can make a great Choice spec pokemon. So Modest nature is ideal, for moves id go for Icebeam, Shadowball, HP Fighting (if you can manage it) and maybe water pulse, im really not sure about the last slot lol so any filler can do. If you dont feel like using C.Specs then I suppose Wise glasses can do pretty good too.

If you want EQ coverage I would consider Gliscor as a great addition to your team.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here's moveset suggestions for Breloom and Togekiss:

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal

- Focus Punch
- Spore
- Leech Seed
- Seed Bomb

Use Spore and then Focus Punch them whilst they're vulnerable. Leech Seed is there because it owns, and Seed Bomb for another STAB attack for those who would resist Focus Punch.

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Serene Grace

- Air Slash
- Aura Sphere
- Roost
- Thunder Wave

Thunder Wave an opponent and then slaughter them with Air Slash. 30% chance (I think) that they'll be unable to attack due to paralysis, and 60% chance that they'll flinch from Air Slash. Aura Sphere for anyone who resists Air Slash (especially Rock/Steel types) and Roost to make this thing even harder to kill.

For EQ support and to add some extra defense, Cresselia, Gliscor, Skarmory and Weezing are the best choices in my opinion.
Heres a Glaceon one


Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Water Pulse/Hp Fight

Hail to put its ability to good use.
Ice Beam for obvious STAB
Shadow ball for a good sp attck move
Water Pulse gets rid of any rock,fire or ground types that will trouble you or HP Fight gets rid of Rock,Normal,Steel,Ice types so its up to you but I prefer HP Fight
Heres a Glaceon one


Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Water Pulse/Hp Fight

Hail to put its ability to good use.
Ice Beam for obvious STAB
Shadow ball for a good sp attck move
Water Pulse gets rid of any rock,fire or ground types that will trouble you or HP Fight gets rid of Rock,Normal,Steel,Ice types so its up to you but I prefer HP Fight
If your gonna use hail might as well go for Blizzard instead of Ice beam, it never misses during Hail.
Hmmm..for Earthquake Support...how about a Flygon? Great movepool, decent Attack, ok Sp. Atk and decent Speed.

If you really want the special version...raise Trapinch to Level 65 so it learns Earth Power.

Flygon@Wise Glasses/Life Orb/Choice Specs
EVs into Sp. Atk and Spd
-Dragon Pulse
-Earth Power
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast
-HP Electric/Ice/Fight/Rock/Draco Meteor/Roost

First two moves are for STAB.
Flamethrower or Fire Blast to hit Steels.
HP to fill any gaps.
Draco Meteor for hit and Run.
Roost to offset any Life Orb damage.

Personally, Physical is better here....

Flygon@Muslce Band/Life Orb/Expert Belt/Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly/Naughty/Lonely Nature
EVs into Atk and Spd
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Steel Wing/Fire Punch
-U-Turn/Roost/Aerial Ace/Fire Blast/Fire Punch/Crunch

Dragon Claw and EQ for STAB.
Stone Edge/Rock Slide and Steel Wing to hit Ice.
U-Turn when using a Choice Band to switch and get some damage in.
Roost Rules with Levitate.
Aerial Ace cause a team almost always needs a never-miss move somewhere.
Fire Blast and FIre Punch are to deal with Skarmory and Ice.
Crunch to hit Ghosts and Psychics.

Preferred moves with a Choice Band/Expert Belt:
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge

With U-Turn and Stone Edge, it hits 11 out of 16 types for Super-Effective damage.

Preferred moves with a Life Orb:
Lonely/Naughty Nature
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Punch/Fire Blast

Preferred moves with a Muscle Band/Expert Belt:
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
-U-Turn/Fire Punch