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DPPt/HGSS New group, Please rate....

First time on a forum and i need advice on training......
Here's my mid-team:

Persian @ Razor Claw
Rash nature
-Fake Out

Hitmonchan @ Expert Belt
Iron Fist
Lonely nature
-Mach Punch
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch
-Ice Punch

Speed Boost
Quiet nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass
-Fury Cutter

Tangrowth @ Life Orb
Sassy nature
-Poison Jab
-Knock Off
-Power Whip

Typhlosion @ Scope Lens
Impish nature
-Brick Break
-Quick Attack

Tyranitar @ Wide Lens
Sand Stream
Quiet nature
-Stone Edge

Thanx in advance!!!


Bearded Trout Warrior
For your persian, consider Fury Swipes in all of its glory. Between Technician and STAB, every hit will be at a power of 40, giving you a max power of 200. The only reason I'd suggest it over Return is the capability to break through Substitute. If you don't see substitute all that often, then your Persian's set looks fine the way it is; Return is much more reliable than Fury Swipes.
If you do go for Fury Swipes, King's Rock, Wide Lens, and the Razor Claw you already have on are all good items for it. Wide Lens helps with the obvious inaccuracy, King's Rock gives a compound flinch chance since the attack is multi-hit, as well as giving U-turn a Flinch chance. Finally, the Razor Claw will give every attack an individual critical chance, which easily allows for more damage to be dealt.
Also for Persian: Adamant or Jolly Nature work best with it, unless you're going to have a special attack on the set... Rash boosts special attack, though I think you'd do better to just use the set you have with a different nature. Fake Out + U-turn is a great combo.

Any reason your Hitmonchan has Ice Punch on the set twice? Adamant or Jolly Nature, again, would be ideal for Hitmonchan... Not that Lonely hurts it much, most physical attacks would already be fairly close to a OHKO.

Ninjask's nature -would- cripple it if not for that ability it bears. I've got a couple sets you could use for it:

Ninjask @ Focus Sash / Pinch Berry
Any Nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass

This set is horribly susceptible to taunt, but it's gotten the job done for me when I used Ninjask. There are a few ways you can use it.
Protect - Substitute - Protect - Substitute - Protect - Baton Pass. Pass five speed boosts and still be at half health so you can pull it off again later, possibly with a pinch berry later.
Protect - Swords Dance [Focus Sash protection] - Protect - Pass 2 Speed and 2 Attack, but you only get one use.

Ninjask @ Pinch Berry
Impish or Careful Nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass
EVs in whichever Defense is boosted by the nature you choose and in attack.

Ninjask has enough speed to survive without training in it, so long as you know not to send it out on something that's used Agility or otherwise boosted speed.
The training should allow you to fairly well take a hit from attacking type [physical or special] while you Swords Dance. Be wary of some of the more powerful attackers, as well as Super Effective attacks.

I'm oddly getting a headache, so that's all I've got for the moment.
Green color are my edits to the team.

First time on a forum and i need advice on training......
Here's my mid-team:

Persian @ Focus sash
Rash nature
-Fake Out

Don't need Razor Claw when your only gonna be scouthing hits and killing low HP pokes.

Hitmonchan @ Expert Belt
Iron Fist
Lonely nature
-Mach Punch
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Punch

Don't get why you had 2 ice punch slots there. Fire punch can work too but thunder is better for bulky waters.

Ninjask @ Focus Sash
Speed Boost
Quiet nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass
-X-Scissor or Aerial Ace

Sadly your nature really doesnt help your fav. stat with ninjask which is speed but yeah I wont say its a necessity since you have a speed boosting ability. Changed up the attack and added a focus sash to guarantee you getting at least 1 swords dance to pass.

Tangrowth @ Life Orb or Muscle/Choice band
Sassy nature
-Poison Jab
-Knock Off
-Power Whip

Just adding muscle/choice band for consideration since you have no recovery move for the life orb and Tangrowth does not strike me as a mixed attacker or a glass cannon.

Typhlosion @ Scope Lens
Impish nature
-Brick Break
-Quick Attack

Tyranitar @ Wide Lens
Sand Stream
Quiet nature
-Return or Thunderbolt
-Stone Edge

Thunder really does not have a reliable accuracy. If you want to keep the tyranitar mixed you should substitute it for thunderbolt if not then Return would be your best option.

Thanx in advance!!!

Edit: Might of repeated some of what Ruko said since I took a long time to finish this up >


Bearded Trout Warrior
Just a note: Most people play with an item clause, so Focus Sash on two of the pokemon won't be allowed usually.

Tangrowth, I'd suggest against the Life Orb on as well, but I don't agree that it should be exclusive to recovering and mixed pokemon. Your tangrowth actually has a decent nature, though Relaxed would suit a higher stat boost.

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
-Power Whip / Energy Ball
-Stun Spore / Leech Seed

Leech Seed can provoke switches, and with Tangrowth having considerably low special defense, that may not be good. Ancientpower gives a special attack, as well as flying coverage and a chance at boosting all stats.
Tangrowth's base special attack is higher than physical, so I'd recommend a mixed set like I've shown, but feel free to replace Ancientpower if you've attack trained or want to stay strong in just one stat.

Your Typhlosion is... odd to say the least. It has a special attack lowering nature and a mixed moveset... What were you trying to go for with it? Would you like it to stay mixed, or would you like a special attacking set for it? It's just really not looking good [to me] right now ^^;

As for Thunder on Tyranitar: The lack of accuracy is bad, but on something that doesn't have special attack training, that risk is more worth it than knowing you won't KO with the accurate attack... the choice is still yours though.
I'd suggest rebreeding with Dragon Dance, personally. It turns Tyranitar into even more of a god.

Tyranitar @ Sitrus / Lum Berry
Adamant Nature
-Fire Punch [Brick break works if you don't have Emerald or Platinum access]
-Dragon Dance
EVs are very mixed
152 HP
152 DEF
104 S. DEF
100 SPD

Able to outspeed everything shy of a Ninjask after three speed boosts, which your own Ninjask can help with. Even without Ninjask, Tyranitar is plenty bulky enough to take non-fighting attacks for three turns. Sitrus Berry will help surviveablity, while the Lum will block pokemon that will inevitably want to status you.
Thanx for the help, it is much appriciated!

Um, Persian, I used to have Fury Swipes, but it didn't help me much. I used Bite as a filler.

Hitmonchan's double Ice Punch is a typo, the last attack is Thunder Punch, go figure!

I'm just beginning to learn about EVs and Nature effects on training pokemon, so I kinda messed up on Ninjask. It's only on lvl 50, so I can restart on a Quiet one soon.

I'm not too keen on going to Battle Tower for Muscle/Choice bands, but I think I can receive one in a trade.

I guess I wuz going for a mixed sweeper, but I didn't know what pokemon to use for that, so I ended up using Typhlosion out of context. He is still in training( lvl 61) so I can turn him around.

Tyranitar is an old favorite transferred over from leaf green. His skills never changed, except for Stone Edge, so I have to touch up on him.

Once again, I thank you for your time and would like to ask more questions, but do I need to start a new topic or no? I'm new at forums....


Bearded Trout Warrior
No, it can continue in this topic just fine :)

As I said with Persian, Return is more reliable if you don't face subs or just don't like Fury Swipes. And bite makes for good ghost coverage.

Hitmonchan looks good, in that case.. a suggestion is Sky Uppercut over Close Combat. 153 power after Iron Fist and STAB, as opposed to Close Combat's 180. Hitmonchan has decent special defense, and it's often overlooked, but close combat wrecks it.
Up to you whether to sacrifice a bit of power and accuracy for defense.. I think I'd stick with Close Combat myself.

Ninjask, if you use it as a pure baton passer and not as an attacker, nature/EVs hardly matter on at all. They'll make a difference in a few situations, but not many.

Typhlosion I really can't help with much.. I don't have any experience with it aside from looking up its moveset XD
You'd probably do better just looking up a moveset for it on smogon or somesuch. I do know its nature is crippling to its best stat, and not helpful if you were to go for a phsyical Typhlosion.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here's a fairly standard Ninjask:

Ninjask @ Liechi Berry/Petaya Berry

- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Protect
- Aerial Ace/X-Scissor/Swords Dance

Between Substitute and Protect, you are guaranteed to get the maximum six boosts provided from Speed Boost if you've taken no damage beforehand, although 6 Speed Boosts is severe overkill usually anyway, so don't worry if you can't get all six. Baton Pass needs no explaination, and the last slot is up to you - Swords Dance gives you another stat boost to pass at the risk of getting mauled, and it also leaves Ninjask with no attacks at all, but one Swords Dance passed to the right Pokemon along with Speed Boosts can doom your opponent if they no longer have the means to stop you from sweeping. Otherwise, an attack in the final slot is generally more reliable - X-Scissor does more damage, but Aerial Ace's never-miss accuracy makes it a very reliable move. One other thing to note is that depending on your HP, either 3 or 4 Subs will trigger the Berry hold item this set provides, giving you yet another stat to pass.
Typholsion@ Choice Scarf
Mild / Rash Nature
252 S. Atk / 112 (+4 for every IV point away from 31) Speed / Rest into Attack

-Brick Break / Shadow Claw

With the Speed EVs given, along with the Choice Scarf, you'll outspeed quite a few Pokémon.
Eruption is a crzy move when Typholsion is at 100% health. This set works best as a lead, so Eruption gets the most power possible.
Flamethrower is better when Typholsion has lost some of its health.
Brick Break is a physical option to deal with some special wall switchins, namely Blissey.
Shadow Claw, also gets mention to hit Rotom and Cressila.
Earthquake hits other Fire-types who like to try and steal off a Flash Fire boost.

I mentioned this before, but this set works best as a lead Pokémon. Eruption is a crazy move, especially with STAB.
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