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DPPt/HGSS New team: with 16% more Skydiving Mime


Bearded Trout Warrior
Mr Mime @ Light Clay
Timid nature
Filter Ability
-Light Screen
-Substitute/Barrier/Thunderwave/Any number of things
-Baton Pass/Healing Wish

EVs: Full speed and split HP/Defense

Royal Air Force Mime at your service... with goggles and everything :D [don't even try to catch that]
If I go for Baton Pass; this will be my lead.
if I decide not to go for baton pass, my next pokemon will lead XD
Light Screen/Reflect for the support they offer
Third attack something baton passable; Barrier will greatly help Flareon in particular. If I go for healing wish, I'll probably have some form of status inducing attack or Safeguard.
Healing Wish after I've set up the barriers... might go for status or safeguard if I have enough health left.
Baton Pass after performing all three if I can.

Flareon @ Sitrus Berry/Leftovers
Brave Nature
Flash Fire ability
-Fire Fang
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash/Iron Tail

252 HP
60 Defense
196 Special Defense

Intended to come out on a special attacker and absorb one, maybe two hits as it Curses itself up to power. Curse covers Flareon's rather low defense, while boosting its massive Attack

Fire Fang for STAB and decent power.. Best flareon really gets outside of its special movepool :/
Quick Attack Compliments well with curse since it entirely bypasses the lack of speed... Won't be a OHKO move, but will still be moderately powerful and can easily catch something off-guard for the kill right after a Fire Fang.
Rock Smash/Iron Tail for Rock coverage. Something of a tough choice here.
Rock Smash always hits and has a 50% chance of hitting for 1.5x damage next time around [lower their defense]
Iron Tail has [after the inaccuracy is calculated in] a 21% chance of lowering defense, meanwhile a 30% chance of missing entirely..

I believe I'll go for Iron Tail over Rock Smash, considering I probably won't have time to live through many Stone Edges... seeing as critical hits break through defense boosts especially >>;

Rampardos @ Liechi Berry
Adamant Nature
Mold Breaker ability
-Head Smash
-Zen Headbutt
-Rock Polish

Full attack and speed. Fear it.

Essentially, This guy is meant to Rock Polish, Take an attack as it does so, Head Smash itself into Liechi Range [if it isn't already there] and then Head Smash itself into a coma... I intend to have him take out at least two pokemon, or at least one and a significant dent into a physical wall.
Head Smash because as I said with Relicanth: STAB'd Head Smash REALLY FREAKING HURTS.
Earthquake in case they either switch out a Rock/Ground pokemon.. Rhyperior may be a bit of trouble still.
Zen Headbutt In case a fighting type switches in after the first KO, or on the turn I'm Polishing.
Rock Polish Puts my speed just over 400; still within grasp of Ninjask, but that couldn't be helped even if I went with Jolly. Keep in mind: I intend to have Mr. Mime's barriers up for this guy to live past Rock Polish.

Kingdra @ Wide Lens
Modest Nature
Sniper Ability
-Dragon Pulse
-Octazooka/Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam/Signal Beam

112 HP
72 Defense
252 Sp. Attack
72 Sp. Defense

I cry because the annoying Kingdra I want isn't possible to be bred ;_;
I want both Dragonbreath and octazooka, but it isn't possible.. stupid non-dragon Octillery >>
Anyhow, this one is perfectly viable without the Barrier support my Rampardos pretty much requires to set up.

Dragon Pulse is going to be my basic Damage-dealing STAB. Hits all but steel types for neutral damage.
Octazooka because I already have a powerful STAB for hitting nearly every type... why not take a weaker attack with a lovable effect that gets souped up to standard coverage power after STAB boost? 50% chance of lowering my opponent's accuracy.
Hydro Pump again because I've already got Dragon Pulse for neutral coverage, I'd rather take a more indirect approach with my other STAB. This way I'd have a far more powerful attack with an inaccuracy for when the risk is worth taking.
Ice Beam will give me Grass and Flying coverage, as well as better Dragon coverage than Dragon Pulse.. is a bit more powerful than Signal Beam as well
Signal Beam will offer Grass, Psychic and Dark coverage, and could also provide a bit of a suprise for the latter two it covers. As far as I know, most people would expect Ice Beam XD

Xatu @ Flame orb
Timid Nature
Synchronize Ability
-Psycho Shift
-Silver Wind/Hidden Power Fighting
-Calm Mind

EVs in speed and special attack
4 in HP if needed to ensure it's an odd number.

Status absorber and inflicter. Could effectively switch into a Thunder Wave [if I'm positive thunderBOLT isn't coming] that could be directed at Kingdra/Rampardos to null their boosted speed.. But mainly I plan on using it as having a 100% accuracy burn infliction.
Psycho Shift will let me pass on burns with 100% accuracy to my opponents as they come, even though the burn orb means my health will sap slowly
Psychic for STAB and decent power after a calm mind especially
Silver Wind over Shadow Ball so I'm not walled by Dark types
Calm Mind if I didn't switch it into a thunderwave, I'll use this before it sets in and starts to damage me. Boost my special defense, my offense, and next turn I can Psycho shift to effectively boost my defense
*Note: Burn orb's burn doesn't hurt on the turn it activates, so any turn that I used Psycho Shift, and the first turn it activates, I won't take damage.

Magneton @ Brightpowder
Timid Nature
Magnet Pull ability
-Magnet Rise
-Tri Attack
-Mirror Shot

EVs in Speed and Special attack

Courtesy of Sem... sort of XD
His Magneton outsped my Earthen attacker, though Magneton doesn't have the speed to stop many of the non-STAB Earthquakers.

Magnet Rise for the reasons stated above
Tri Attack because it wins on an annoyer/attacker
Discharge High paralysis rate when I want it specifically, and also a decent powered STAB
Mirror Shot for coverage on Rock/Ground types, and a chance at lowering accuracy.

I'd like to think this team is rather balanced this time XD
Aside from triple Ground weakness, which Magnet Rise is meant to help with.. if not, a Xatu switching in and burning you might.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
That Rampardos is awesome and I really like that Flareon!

With Xatu, I thought that his ability, Synchronize, would pass on the burn status from the Orb automatically, without the need for Psycho Shift?


Bearded Trout Warrior
Thanks ^^
Rampardos' set might actually be a standard, I'm not all that sure XD

I can't say I'm entirely disappointed that Synchronize doesn't pass on Flame/Toxic Orb statuses, but no it doesn't.
If it did, I wouldn't have to Psycho shift the first pokemon, but I also wouldn't be able to remove the status from myself as easily *points at the fact he takes no damage on the turn he uses Psycho Shift*. And if Synchronize did work, it would only be on the first one out... not entirely sure Xatu will live past the first pokemon, but between Calm Mind's special defense boost, and Burn's attack lowering, it might XD

Synchronize is only on the Xatu so I can pass Paralysis on... if I hadn't seen that window of switching into a Thunder Wave, it would have Early Bird to protect against sleep somewhat.
Rampardos' Set is kinda of standard. Not many use it but meh.

Anywho, if you do give it a Liechi Berry, consider Natural Gift. If you are desperate, it gets a Base 80 Grass move to hit some water types. One time use, but if you can dent Swampert with it, you're in business.

Maybe Crunch as well, but hitting Fighting Pokemon is good too.

I've seen Stone Edge as the main move so Rampardos isn't killed in a flash, and then Had Smash is on the set as well. But...I can't say no to an attack that hurts that much, can I?

Too bad there isn't any wish support. Wish support wold let Rampardos launch another Head Smash.

Otherwise, looks fine.

And too bad it isn't the G/S/C gen. You would've have been able to get Octazooka with Dragonbreath.


Bearded Trout Warrior
And too bad it isn't the G/S/C gen. You would've have been able to get Octazooka with Dragonbreath.

I want that TM back ;_;
Dragonbreath was awesome.

And the primary reason for Head Smash was to activate the liechi... I'll consider Natural Gift though, that could be really helpful sometimes.