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New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

(OOC: Well, I'm not to sure... I thought Rage was running toward the Pokemon and unleashing whatever attack they have, but I may be wrong. But I'm not trying to be God Moddish. Munch is actually really strong, was born with high stats.)

Munch kept himself crouched down, the flame just hitting his top fin. He yelped in pain and arose, the smoke thinning out.

Riley blinked in amazement, "He's... Still standing? Wow, he must have some fight in him!" She said to herself. She thought about her next move and shouted it out, "Munch! He looks a little weak from that last attack, use Water Gun, followed by a tackle!"
(OOC: I think its just the stuff I'm coming up with, it just sounds god moddy so I'm just saying...)

The attack had just hit Munch's top fin, it didn't look like it hurt much.

"Charr!" the small Pokemon let out a weak yelp.

"Don't worry Charmander, were not gonna lose!"

"Mudkip, he looks a little weak, use water gun and follow up with tackle!"

"Damn it! Use Dragon Rage and then Smokescreen!" Zach ordered.
(OOC: Well trying toning it down a little bit then if you think you might be.)

Munch opened his mouth and shot out water as forceful as he could.

They all watched in amazement as Water Gun and Dragon Rage collided, creating a big flash of light.

Riley used her arm to shield her eyes. When Riley looked what the outcome was, a smirk slowly formed on her face. "Victory...." She said to herself.


Former Moderator
OOC- Serenai, DarkPokemonTrainer, if you two don't improve the quality of your posts right now, I'm deleting the lot of them.
(OOC:Okay will do that..)

There was a blinding flash of light as the two attacks colided, they both lifted their arms to cover their eyes. The light cleared.

"No! Dam it, Charmander couldnt cut it, damn!" Zach said, staring down at the ground. "Charmander, return!" Zach said as the scarlet red light enveloped Charmander, sucking him into his travelling home.

"That was a good battle, I guess I'll see you around huh?"
Quint was temporarily thrown off by the fast and sneaky attack, and tried to shake it off. "S-Sentret!" Quint started to say. He hesitated a moment, and then shouted loudly. "Defense Curl!" Sentret made an agreeing noise, and jumped into the air, and pulled itself into a tight ball. The speed of the packing, however, was nearly insane. The pokemon began spinning madly, and when hit by the spider web, the attack seemed to simply get caught in the wind distortions and wrap itself around the sentret, creating a netted sentret ball. Quint felt his hopes sink into the pit of his stomach, and he had another idea.

"Sentret!" Quint commanded. "Use Quick attack!" The sentret writhed around in its ball before it began spinning again. The pokemon kicked up a bit of dust, and was launched at Spinarak. The webbing gave way, and the sentret uncurled out of its tight ball, a flying quick attack aimed directly at Sentret.
Spinarak finished spewing silk out of his abdomen, and turned to see a wildly mad face of the sentret crashing towards him. Spinarak took the hit to the face, and was slammed across the field. He got back to his legs, and had the most devilish look on his face that a Spinarak could manage.

"You know what to do, now do your worst." Emmanuel said sinisterly, just loud enough for Quint to hear him.

Spinarak's eyes went black, along with the pattern on his abdomen. Then, his entire body went slightly see-through black, and then increased in size by tenfold. Night Shade at it's best.

"Oh my..." exclaimed Quint, he obviously hadn't seen such a move before. He was entranced that such a small Pokémon had such a large and diverse repertoire of moves at it's disposal.

Spinarak’s eyes reappeared on it’s now massive shadow form, purple in colouration and glowing. A beam of multi-coloured light appeared from them, and the Psybeam smashed it’s way through the individual molecules of air towards the little normal type.
Quint and Sentret were both petrified as the beam tore through the air, sending waves of energy across the field. The beam slammed into Sentret, rocking the poor thing from head to toe. Sentret fell to the ground, his psyche nearly torn to pieces from the attack. Quint slumped to the ground, his palms quivering with anger. Then, as if defying all logic and reason, Sentret stood up. His eyes had turned harsh, filled with determination. A white glow seemed to eminate from Sentret, filling Quint with a kind of hope and desperation. The wind seemed to stop, no movement dared interupt this attack. A look of question was turned towards Quint from his Sentret, and a silence covered the field. "I trust you." Quint said, slowly staggering back into a standing position. "Sentret! Go!" Quint said, aiming his finger at the Spinarak.

Sentret nodded at his trainer, and turned back to the Spinarak. Sentret became a blur, too fast for Quint's eyes to catch without warning. "Sentreeet!" The pokemon cried. Sentret was in front of Spinarak in mere seconds, but the glowing had faded from the rest of his body, and was most intense in his paw. Sentret thrust its flowing paw, and the light stopped for the moment before it made contact. Then the attack came into true fruition.

A blast of white energy let loose, decadent with stars and intensity. Quint's eyes stared in awe and wonder as the beam split the air itself. The grass surrounding the closest area to the attack seemed to be ripped out of the ground, and fluttered off in the created air. Quint felt the first wave of air hit him, and he was caught off guard, and pushed to the ground. Sentret stopped the attack after three or four seconds, and was breathing very heavily. The pokemon had used its last resort, and Quint was fairly certain that was the only attack needed in that battle.
Spinarak's massive shadow form looked down at the brightest light it had ever seen, and tried to cover it's eyes as it began to shrink from Night Shade wearing off. As the bug had returned to it's normal size, Quint's Sentret charged forward with unnatural agility and strength.

"What about the... Eh?" Emmanuel was utterly confused, as was Spinarak.

But Emmanuel could only stare in utter shock as his faithful companion was blown past his face by the sheer brute force mustered by the small normal type. Spinarak's silver central horn shone in the late morning sun as he flew past his trainer at a startling rate of knots into what Spinarak saw to be a patch of brambles, with a honey tree in the centre.

"Shizzziiist!!" The bug type screeched as it slammed into the brown of a -

"Teddiiii!" The landing pad screamed in pain.

"Uh oh... NOT good!" Emmanuel exclaimed, and motioned for his brother to come over to the crash site. Quint returned his Sentret and joined his brother in running across the field. As Emmanuel neared the brambles, he saw a big scramble of a small, brown coloured pokémon and his Spinarak.
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Quint ran over to his exhausted Sentret and returned him to his ball. "Good job Sentret. I didn't know you had that in you." Quint clasped the ball back onto his belt, and turned to the sound of Emmanuel and his Spinarak hitting a tree. His Spinarak cried out, but then an unfamilliar noise rand out.

"Teddiiii!" Quint heard a pokemon call. Quint ran over to the area of the call, and saw the Spinarak being shoved off of a Teddiursa. Quint picked up the crying teddiursa and turned to his brother.

"I'm gonna get him to the pokemon center, however he doesn't look too bad, but I'm gonna catch him so he'll get a bit of rest." Quint explained in one breath. Quint reached for an unoccuppied pokeball, and tapped the teddiursa with it. The pokemon gave a little exclamation, but he was sucked in too soon for him too struggle in protest. The pokeball gave a relaxing click before it even started shaking, and Quint sighed in relief.

Quint turned back to his brother, and held up the ball with the teddiursa inside. "We're good. You ready for Violet City, Bro?" Quint started. "I think it's just a little farther down this path."
"We're good. You ready for Violet City, Bro?" Quint began to say. "I think it's just a little farther down this path."

Emmanuel turned around to his brother with haste.

"No, we are not ‘good'. You forget my arachnid companion in your haste to save a teddy bear…"

With that, Emmanuel rushed into the bushes, and tapped his Spider with its Poké Ball. Emmanuel returned to the path and to his awaiting brother, and stood there in silence. He started walking, obviously not happy with Quint for totally forgetting about his Spinarak.

The brother caught up with Emmanuel, and tugged on his black jacket.

"Hey, sorry about forgetting your spider that bro," Quint apologised as he ran along side to keep up with his brother's pace. "It's not my fault! Your stupid spider-rak fell on this innocent lil… thing! It's cute though, right?"

"…you need to stay off the sugar, really."

"Aww, you're so mean! What's up with you?"

"Your ferret thing squashed my bug between a tree and a honey covered sloth, that's whats up. Now stop asking me, and get in the Pokémon Center."

Emmanuel saw a look of surprise as Quint realised they were surrounded by various buildings of different shapes and sizes. A tall wooden tower stood off in the distance, swaying slightly. The Pokémon Center in this town had a purple roof, obviously to keep with the name of The City of Nostalgic Scents. After watching his brother gawp at the new environment, Emmanuel shoved his brother in the healing building with a smack to his biceps.
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[size=8pt]ooc| Raaaaaawrg. I'm so out of shape it isn't funny D': Hopefully this won't turn out as disastrous as I imagine it being.

With the sliding of the front doors came the shrieking protest emanating from the grooves that the glass panels had been fixed into. A collective shudder passed through the buildings inhabitants before they returned to their own separate conversations, some grumbling scattered snippets of displeasure with the occasional ‘needs to be oiled' and ‘when are they going to fix that?' floating around. From the front counter, a pair of faces peered towards the front door before turning back to one another. The rosy smile of the nurse seemed remorseful as she turned back towards the girl before her.

"We'll have to get a technician to look at that soon, it's gotten fairly irritating and I don't think the pokemon are too fond of it either." Her slender fingers abandoned their post at the keyboard to smooth out her crisp white apron, regardless of whether or not there was anything to adjust.

Joy was looking as pristine as ever, if not slightly flushed from the sudden flux of trainers in the center. Her clean ensemble and perfect posture created a heavy contrast to the weathered trainer leaning over the counter, elbows propped up on the smooth surface to cradle her chin in her palms. Where Joy's nail beds were filed and polished to shine, the girl's were dirty and, for the most part, chewed to a blunt end. Curly chocolate tresses fell into unruly ringlets down her neck, with the occasional handful twisting over her shoulder to sit awkwardly over her collarbone. Looking none too concerned by the great comparison that she created, she chewed at her lower lip with a grin on her face.

"Nurse, you need to chill. You're doing such a great job taking care of everyone here, I'm sure they won't think any less for a squeaky door." The brunette beamed amiably at the flustered nurse before the older woman turned away to retrieve the tray of pokeballs that had just been pushed through a small window peering in from the back room.

"Thanks Belle, that's really sweet of you to say. But it's not going to stop them coming."

The pair shared a grin before the visitor turned away from the front counter, sweeping a lock of loose fringe from the alert green eyes they had started to obscure. Clipping five of the six tiny spheres onto her belt, she adjusted the ruffled yellow top that had started to ride up above her dark shorts. With a flick of her thumb, she tossed the little sphere onto the floor where it hit with a hollow metallic noise before bouncing back into her hand. From the red matter that had spurted spontaneously from the capsule, a grinning pikachu stretched merrily before sauntering around the cool floor as she took in the sterilized, cheery atmosphere. Both trainer and companion shared a grin before the girl began to dig through her bag aimlessly, with the bright little pokemon perched happily on one of her sneakers.

It's so short. I'm so disgusted with myself right now D
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[[OOC: Belle, don't call yourself a lazy slag. You're amazing.]]

Quint was almost overcome with the different sights and smells, his eyes shining with wonder and awe until his brother gave him a gruff shove right into the pokemon center. His feet tripped over each other, but luckily not spraining or twisting themselves as he was pushed into the pokemon center, to which the door gave a whining protest. His ears let out their own protest at the noise, and quint scrunched his eyes closed. The wooden tables at the previous pokemon center were glass here, and everything seemed to be a step up. The hotel section was bound to be fantastic after all of the pizazz in the lobby.

Quint walked to the counter, past an exhausted young traveler-lady. Quint approached the pretty nurse, and plucked two pokeballs from their resting spots on his belt. "This one is a Teddiursa that was smushed by an oncoming Spinarak," Quint sad, placing it on the table. "And this one is the Sentret that sent the Spinarak flying onto the Teddiursa." Quint placed the last ball on the table, and reached for his wallet. "How much to stay?" Quint asked the nurse.

"Oh, we don't charge for staying here." The nurse said, taking the small pokeballs from the counter.

"Pardon?" Quint said, his fingers locked into position in his pockets.

"Oh, in towns like this, we don't charge people. The only cities I know of that charge people are Goldenrod and Cherrygrove." The nurse explained, punching numbers into a computer.

"Oh," Quint said, removing his hand from his pocket. "Well then..."

"Here's your key." The nurse said, handing a keycard to Quint.

"Thanks!" Quint said happily, turning to his brother. "Emmanuel!" He called. Upon no response, Quint further called, slightly louder. "Emmanuel!" No response. "I'm going to the room! C-34!" Quint called before dashing off to their room.
(OOC: Revising for my GCSE English Language section B test, so... yeah. Extra description :p)

After shoving his brother inside the Pokémon Center, Emmanuel also entered the building. The doors moaned under the constant slavery they were put through around the clock, and Emmanuel gave them a passing glance as they groaned and dragged themselves back together for the next few moments of rest.

Emmanuel walked across the main floor of the center, to his right were computers. On the wooden, sheik desks were the standard keyboards and mice, and also a small silver structure on the left of each screen. "That must be the Pokémon storage facilities…" thought Emmanuel to himself. A couple of people were perched on chrome and leather stools at the technological sector of the center, withdrawing and depositing their friends, partners or items. Others were simply checking email.

To his left was a lounge. Several massive couches were slung across the floor, along with the largest pile of beanbags you ever did see. Colours erupted from that corner; blues, yellows, reds: A vast contrast to the black and silver of the storage facility. A few trainers relaxed their weary bodies from a hard day in the field; a couple shared a small chair and hugged each other; a pair of Sentret played hide and seek in the beanbag pile. One dived in the middle whilst the other created a hole in the top. Surely enough the pile collapsed and both emerged with a squeak and a grin.

The main desk approached him; Nurse Joy and another young woman were talking across the plastic and wooden barrier separating the hurt and the healed. Nurse Joy was as perfect as ever, pink hair leaping down her white apron and a hat with a red cross to indicate a healer. The woman next to her, however, was as scruffy as you could get, but that didn't matter to Emmanuel. Her chocolate brown hair was relaxing gracefully over her petite shoulders, revealed through a yellow dress like top. Her eyes were a grand green, glowing in the artificial light of the front desk.

"Wow… Perfecto," Emmanuel muttered to himself with a wink at the girl who Joy called ‘Belle'. Before he could further his dreams with the green eyed angel, he carried on walking up to the escalators, dropping Spinarak's Poké Ball in a box at the side of the desk, labelled "For Healing." His brother was barking orders at him to meet him at room C-34, so Emmanuel unwillingly and unusually complied.

His mood was slowly slipping into sadness as he glanced over his shoulder at Belle, keeping her in his sights as much as possible as the escalator rose into the second floor. She disappeared from sight, and Emmanuel sniffed in sorrow. He continued along the corridor, not taking note of the higher quality carpet in comparison to Cherrygrove City.

His thoughts turned to this afternoon — Falkner. The city's Gym Leader. Emmanuel wasn't sure what a Gym was like, or what Falkner was like either. "Maybe something to look up on the computers downstairs…" mumbled Emmanuel to no one in particular as he turned into corridor C.

C-10 passed, C-20 passed, and then C-30. The long corridors only served to emphasise just how big the Violet City Pokémon Center was, of course because Violet is one of the largest cities in Johto. C-34 was the room at the end of the corridor, so as a result Quint and Emmanuel got a window overlooking Route 31. As Emmanuel entered his room, he noticed his brother reminiscing on the balcony, savouring the faint breeze and smelling the sweet Violet City air.
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[[It might be one of those tl;dr situations, but it's better than the two to three paragraphs I was gonna post.]]

Quint reared his head back, his vision fuzzy and watery as his eyes began to close. A fiery sensation filled his nose as his body began to quiver with his short, empty breathing. Quint suddenly seized forward, his entire body tensing up. A burst of air was let loose from his mouth at an amazing speed of 120 miles per hour. Quint sniffed a little bit, and shook his head form the sneeze. "The City of Nostalgic Scents" was more like "The City of Annoying Allergies" to Quint. He turned around and walked off of the balcony, into his hotel room. Quint took a look around the room, stopping his steps for a moment.

The wall paper was a bland tan color decorated with red, flowery designs along the bottoms and tops of the walls. The ceiling had a few light fixtures, but nothing really amazing. The carpet was plush and soft to the touch of even his nearly senseless feet, and made him feel like he was walking on a floor of marshmallows. An older, 24 inch color TV was sat atop a small dresser laden with lamps and pamphlets to get you to come back to the hotel or pay for the adult channels. One of the happier attractions was the small kitchen with a mini bar separating itself from the rest of the room. The ceiling fan was on, blowing gentle breezes onto the two beds, each identical in size and shape, both adorned with the same, perfect white sheets, red comforters, and entirely orderly pillows.

Quint slung his backpack onto the bed, which landed with a resounding thump as his brother sat down on the bed loudly, his shoes flying off of his feet as he kicked them towards a wall. The TV began with a small noise of fuzz, and Emmanuel was soon flipping through the channels with a casual sigh mixed with both relief and boredom. Quint happily walked over to the kitchen with slow, relaxed strides. Quint began by opening one of the large, wooden cupboards in the kitchen next to the small refrigerator and stove. He found a few plates and bowls in this one. Quint closed the cupboard and made his way around the kitchen, checking the various cupboards. He found very few cooking ingredients, but plenty of different utensils. Quint's face furrowed a bit in angry concentration. He then realized he hadn't checked the refrigerator. He moved over, and opened the door. Jackpot.

Quint saw before himself a veritable smorgasbord of different vegetables, berries, and cooking ingredients. A wide grin grew on his face, and Quint pulled out various ingredients for their lunch. Quint moved to the stove and turned up one of the burners, which glowed red with heat. Quint pulled his PokeGear up to his chest level, and looked through the programs until he found the radio function. He flipped the radio to a good channel, and began going about the kitchen, his feet tapping to the rhythm as his actions thumped and tapped to the baseline. Quint eventually had a very basis, crustless sandwich cut in halves on a plate, and he sat it on the counter.

"Take one half," Quint chimed "I'll take the other. Main course will be ready in a little bit, so hang tight!" Quint reminded his brother as he moved back over to the boiling pot of water. "Macaroni shells to be put in for..." Quint murmured to himself, looking over the bag. "Huh. No cooking instructions. Well, I'll guess!" Quint said cheerily, pouring the shells into the boiling pot of water. A small clatter was heard as the shells hit the bottom of the pot, soothing to Quint's ears. Emmanuel sneaked over and stole one half of the sandwich, and took a bite. Emmanuel mulled the bite over in his mouth a second, and then took a look down at it. Ht peeled up the top piece of bread, and turned to his brother.

"You ushed hoo mush mayo!" Emmanuel said, his speech garbled through a bite of sandwich. Quint turned to him and stared for a moment.

"Was that kind and constructive criticism?" Quint asked patronizingly.

Emmanuel swallowed rather loudly. "Yeah, but expect a much more subtle sandwich to the face next time, spider-slayer." Emmanuel said, returning his attention to the TV. Quint shrugged and turned back to his cooking. He pulled a wooden spoon from a well-placed utensil holder, and stirred the pasta around in the bowl.

"Ooh! Sauce!" Quint said, turning to the fridge. He pulled out a small container of tomato paste followed by onions and green peppers. A saucepan was almost instantly produced from a cupboard and placed on a burner glowing with a medium heat that Quint had set earlier. The sauce quickly warmed, bubbles gently rising to the surface on occasion. Quint turned to the cutting board with the onions and green peppers atop them. Quint pulled a knife from the cutlery block and began dicing the onions and peppers. Quint made rapid, uneven chops to the beat of his music and tossed them in the sauce, which he promptly stirred. Quint moved quickly over to the pasta and found a few shells sticking to the bottom. A strainer was quickly placed in the large, stainless steel sink as Quint frantically stirred both pots.

"Are you seriously making pasta again?" Emmanuel said, his shoulders slumping. "We had it last night."

"It's quick," Quint explained, lifting the pot of shells from the stove "And if we want to take on the gym and do some sight-seeing before we g-"

"Sight-seeing?" Emmanuel interrupted. "Who said anything about sight-seeing?"

Quint looked up at Emmanuel, the pasta sliding gracefully into the strainer. "Me. Just now. Weren't you listening?" Quint said, cocking his head to one side. Before Emmanuel could even groan, Quint pulled out two bowls from a cupboard. "Dinner's ready. Come and get it." Quint said, pouring pasta into their bowls. "Sauce?" He offered, dipping a ladle into the homemade sauce.

"This is overdone." Emmanuel said to Quint, who was ucrrently making odd expressions with each bite. They had been eating in silence, trying to figure out what was wrong with the poor dish.

"Yeah, the sauce is a tad thick, too." Quint said, his mouth sifting through the onion-laden sauce. "Ah well. It was cheap and rather easy."

"For the cook. Not the eater." Emmanuel remarked. Quint summoned up all of his intelligence and retorted with a pillow to Emmanuel's face. Quint and Emmanuel finished their meals and headed out the door. They briskly walked down the hallways, the windows turning to passing blurs as they sped up. When they hit the lobby, they were practically jogging with anticipation. Quint was surprised that Emmanuel was even this excited for a pokemon battle, let alone one that he would start out by watching. Suddenly Emmanuel veered off the set path they were jogging on, and broke for the counter. He scooped up the small pokeball in the tray labeled "For Pick Up". Emmanuel paused a moment, and then returned to his brother, who was standing slightly confused near the opened sliding door.

"Pokemon to go." Quint remarked as he began jogging again. "What's next? Sleep on the go?" Quint mocked.

"No. But little brother extermination on the go would be nice." Emmanuel said, smirking. Quint rolled his eyes as they jogged through the city. Each building was taller than those in both New Bark Town and Cerrygrove, but each were topped with an odd shade of purple, in contrast to the pink and green Quint had seen before. The roads seemed to twist around the forest on the edge of each street, revealing a small house nestled in a corner or a small family of Sentret playing in the flowers. As they passed a group of particularly tall flowers, Quint couldn't help but sneeze.

"I hade dis dowd..." Quint said, his nose clogged with mucus. Not soon after this, they found themselves at the door of the Pokemon Gym, panting with a bit of exhaustion. It was tall, at least two stories tall from the ground. The entire building was round, like a stadium, and at the top, it opened up wider. Quint assumed that the battles took place up there. The flying and skydiving Pidgeotto really gave it away. Quint inced closer to the door with a sign reading "Falkner: In." Qunint placed a hand and cast his gaze over his shoulder back at Emmanuel.

"Ready?" Quint asked.
[size=8pt]Standing off to one side of the counter, Belle had managed to catch wind of some tidbit of conversation and glanced up to see the dark-haired youth, now opening an eye that seemed to have been closed before she'd become aware of his presence.
Maybe he had a twitch.
Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she rifled through the contents of her pack for another moment, taking inventory of the various bottles and parcels that lay scattered at the bottom of the bag. Content with her supply of medical aides, foodstuffs, and a healthy supply of money tucked safely away, she turned her attention back to the pikachu who had been content to observe their surroundings. Meeting her trainer's gaze with wide eyes, the yellow pokemon eyed the brunette expectantly before hopping off of the black laces she'd been content to perch on while she waited. Stooping down to her companion's level, she grimaced as a loud cracking noise signaled the movement occurring within the structure of her knee. The pikachu winced on her behalf, and reached up to rub the ailing extremity. Chuckling in spite of herself, Belle rubbed the pokemon's head affectionately. "Don't worry Rusty, I've just been standing up for too long. Should probably take a break before we go out." The pair of them shared a wry grin before the girl stood once more, ignoring more of her own joints popping in protest. Holding the pikachu out before her, she looked past the yellow pokemon thoughtfully before tucking her into the crook of her arm. Rusty turned her attention to tugging at her toes as she sat safely tucked away against the girl's warm body. With her cheek nestled close against Belle's ribcage, the pikachu dozed to the steady rhythm of her beating heart.

Hesitating momentarily before leaving the center, she felt a chill run the length of her spine and peered over her shoulder in time to see the same bright young face disappear up the escalator, and apparently wrought with a look of forlorn she couldn't quite place. Turning back to her own business, she let the messenger bag drop back down to swing lazily against her hip. Another moment of thought and she strode purposefully out of the center, waving her free hand behind her towards the nurse who had since started tending to another trainer.

Stepping out into the town, she was immediately buffeted by the overwhelmingly fresh, crisp scent. It brought a vivid grin to her face, and to the napping pokemon settled in her arm. If she went to visit the gym now, then she'd be having a late dinner. Again. Not that she was overly concerned, and the train of thought soon broke off as she headed towards the stadium, grinning as she recognized the figure switching the status read on the sign that hung outside the great glass panels of the gym.
The man turned towards the newcomer and gave a lopsided smile once he'd recognized her. Running a hand through his dark hair, he cocked his head as she approached and fixed her with a curious look.
"Belle. What are you doing back here in Johto?"
"Figured I'd take another run through the region. Besides, Kodent's been enjoying the visit."
The pair shared a look of understanding, reminiscing as they both began to recall their own memories of their first encounter.
"'S good to see you again. I suspect all is well in Kanto?"
Shifting her weight as she stood outside the stadium with the gym leader, the girl nodded patiently. "Naturally. But I think we should continue this conversation inside. My feet are killing me."
The man's response to her question was to hold the door open with the most sincerity he could muster.
"After you."

Recapping on the events that had occurred in the eighteen moths since Belle's first encounter with the gym leader, the pair wandered aimlessly around the perimeter of the stadium before settling in the stands to one side of the arena. It didn't take long for Rusty to become restless, and the pikachu was quickly out of Belle's grasp and tugging at the pokeballs clipped onto the trainer's belt. Without letting herself be distracted from the conversation, the girl tugged one of them free and held it out for the pikachu to bound off with. Within seconds, the electric type had figured out the mechanism and tossed to enlarged metal sphere onto the ground a few feet away. Rather than bounce back towards the pikachu, the empty casing rolled towards the trainer's feet as they always tend to do, and she retrieved it without breaking her stride. As she did, the signature red matter that had burst from the shell began to take form, and before the absol had time to stretch himself out, the pikachu had leapt onto his broad shoulders and seated herself in the soft fur of his ruff.
From the stands, the gym leader pulled one of his own companions free and released it, watching as the pidgeotto burt forth from the ball to immediately start circling the other two. Envious of the bird as it soared around the stadium, the pikachu and her steed raced around below in a vain attempt to capture the flying type's shadow as it cooed and dipped in the air.
Amused by the small group, the conversation between the trainer and leader dwindled into strings of random chatter, quickly losing mind of the time until Falkner took note of the two figures contemplating entry into the gym and standing outside the door.

"Well well, look at that. Might have a battle today after all"

ooc| Shame on me, I went and assumed a whole lot of things there x:
First that the pidgeotto was Falkner's (I can't remember what his team was) and secondly that it was okay for there to be previous circumstances between Belle and him Dx (She's old enough that she has had time to re-visit Johto. And Falkner was always my favourite in Johto.) And wth why does Belle keep appearing everywhere like, ten minutes before Quint and Emmanuel?
Sorry x:
I'll change it if you need me to, but for right now I need to get to bed. I like my sleep D|[/size]
Emmanuel gazed up at the building in front of him. It loomed over the brothers like a silent sentinel. Its doors reflected the boys as well as the many spectacular defeats and victories within its shadowy walls. A glimmer of hope shone across them in the form of a silver, incredibly well armoured bird reflecting the sunlight as it glided across the Violet City sky.

The doorway that his nervous sounding brother held onto was the doorway to humiliation for one person or another, and Emmanuel gave his brother a nod as he took a step forward. The air leaped into his lungs like a wild stallion as he inhaled, and took another step. He guided his brother in the gym, and the pair walked forwards towards the center of the gym stadium.

Inside, the gym was a whole lot more different. The stands were as empty as New Bark Town in mid summer, and the sands of the gym arena reminded Emmanuel of a picture of the famous desert of Hoenn. A couple of craters stood out to the eye, which must have been a favourite area to battle or a site of a major incident.

Two people stood in the center of the arena, a man and a woman. Emmanuel instantly identified both as Belle and Falkner, from the Pokémon Center and common knowledge respectively. Falkner held his body up strongly, and his hair emphasised this strength because it seemed to hang at the angle it did with a life of its own.

"You two are here for a battle, I assume?" questioned the bird pokémon fanatic.

"We are, if you're not busy with Belle," replied Emmanuel. A look of faint surprise crossed her face as she realised he knew her name.

"I don't think she'll mind if we battle, we can resume our conversation afterwards. I suppose you wish to double battle, seeing as you appear to be brothers?"

"That would be great, Mr Falkner!" piped up the little brother of the two, with another sneeze to accompany his polite reply.

"Ok then, Pidgeotto! Doduo! Let's go!" He said as he released an ostrich like being from a poké ball. His Pidgeotto flew in, and landed beside him. The double team of Emmanuel and Quint released their starter Pokémon in response, Turtwig and Totodile appearing in a flash of red light. This was the first major battle the pair have had, so tension was rising between the two brothers.

This would be a battle of wits and quick thinking, and luckily Emmanuel had the leading skills necessary which should be able to pull the pair through.
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"Um... Ms. Lady?" Quint asked, extending a hand out to the trainer with the energetic pikachu. "We are about to have a battle, so, if you could, please get off of the arena?" Quint smiled faintly at the pair as the strode off of the arena. "Thank you very much, ma'am." Quint said with a nod. "Now! Totodile! Start us off with a water gun!" Quint said encouragingly, thrusting a finger towards the doduo.

Quint's excited Totodile gave a nod to its trainers, and fired off their attacks. Totodile reared its head back, and a small trickle of water appeared at the side of its mouth. The pokemon then thrust its head back forward, and a jet of water shot out of its mouth, speeding towards the doduo.

"Doduo!" Falkner called. "Quick Attack to avoid the water gun!" Doduo gave a caw in response, and started to speed around the field, easily dodging the watery projectiles. Quint barely even had time to think, let alone respond. In a flash, Totodile was being propelled towards Quint, victim of a powerful quick attack. Totodile was thrown backwards onto its feet, where it skidded to a halt. Totodile looked back up, ready for its next attack.

"Pidgeotto, send a nice gust towards the Turtwig." Falkner nonchalantly ordered, giving a superior gesture to Emmanuel. The pokemon cawed a small response, and flew up in the air. It gave a powerful beat of its wings, and a small whirlwind of sorts rocketed across the field towards the tiny turtle pokemon, threatening with a powerful type-advantage.
[size=8pt]ooc| nOoooOoo Dx -dies- I just finished a response to LoN's post.

Still impressed by the older boy's knowledge, she plucked the pikachu off of the shoulders of the absol, scratching behind the intimidating blade that jutted pointedly from his skull. As she backed away towards the bleachers set up beside the grounds, she eyed the metal planks warily before sitting on the edge of the seat. A shudder ran her through as she felt the chilled surface touch on her bare leg. Shifting so there was a satisfactory amount of jean material between legs and the offending substance, she gave a light toss of her head to clear her vision of any stray locks of hair. For a moment, she turned her attention away from the battle to consider buying a hair clip or something of that ilk. Without thinking twice about it, she refocused on the absol looming before her, standing easily above her eye level now that she was seated. Patting the ground before her with the sole of her sneaker, the creature sat obediently before her and, now satisfied with their new location, she turned back to watch the battle.

Immediately, she was able to pick the turtwig as being non-native to the area. Building on that, she noted the large weakness it had to the flying type that had just launched an assault upon it. Her mind began buzzing with the different ways that the turtle could respond to the attack, but she watched intently instead of shouting them into the arena. Instead, she directed her comment at the younger brother.
"That doduo is a pushover if you can avoid getting hit by it. Pidgeotto takes more knocking around, but the other one will pick at you and jump away. Try to predict where it's going to be, not- hey!"
Falkner's response to her tips was to casually boot a loose stone at her shin, scuffing up a cloud of dust a he did so. The rock itself didn't quite make the distance, but it was the intent that stopped her talking and brought a grin to her face.
"Quiet, you."[/size]

Lol, I'm so impatient. I'm going to post here and if you don't like it, tell me and then ignore the post. I'll leave you alone. I need to get back into shape... X_X I've gotten pretty bad since my 'disappearance'. I'll only use Tsukimi -my new character-, because Toki is a real butt and can be really annoying... To everyone.



A tiny form ran around the unfamiliar path, trying not to panic. Her deep blue eyes were filled with confusion, "How did I get here?" She mumbled, her bouncing brown ponytail starting to annoy her, "I mean, I don't even know where I am. I bet it was that trainer's stupid Abra using Teleport on me." She held the small Chingling closer to her chest, wrinkling her white kimono shirt and she sighed, "It'll be okay Kikyo, we'll find a way back to Sinnoh." She looked at the white pack attached to her waist, "I hope the others are fine. I just found Bliss and I've already gotten lost." Suddenly, she tripped and she squeaked than glared at her hakama, the strange red pants were starting to get on her nerves. She also found herself glaring at her tabi socks and sandals, "Why couldn't I just wear tennis shoes?" She muttered, deciding her family was crazy.

Kikyo struggled free, "Chi!" Kikyo cried and floated over towards a Pokemon Center.

Tsukimi's eyes widened, "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!" She exclaimed gleefully and ran into the PC, eyes shining. She ran to Nurse Joy and almost tripped once, she smacked her hands loudly on the desk, "Do you know where we're at?" She asked, blowing a strange of her brown hair out of her eyes, "Because my gang and I are kind of lost!" The pink-haired nurse looked behind her in confusion, "My Pokemon are my gang..." Tsukimi stated, sweat-dropping. Then she released her three other Pokemon; Blaze, her stubborn Growlithe, Tsumara, her brave Eevee, and Bliss, her shy Dratini.

Nurse Joy blinked, "You're in Violet City, dear. Did you get the Chimecho for your birthday?" She asked, her eyes locked on the Sinnoh native Pokemon.

Tsukimi's eyes widened, "I'm in Johto? But I should be in Sinnoh! Not just Sinnoh but-ah!" She cried, throwing her arms up into the air, "That stupid Abra! I shall be avenged!" She exclaimed and embraced her Chingling, "Now how are we supposed to get home?" Then her blue eyes lit up, "I can just do the Johto league of course! I'll get all the badges! Starting with this one!"

The nurse shook her head, "Sweetie, you need to train some more. You look like a beginner." Tsukimi fell over, she was just a beginner. In fact, she had only started her journey about two weeks ago... And she didn't have a single badge, "Oh dear, you are a beginner aren't you? The Pokemon are about your level here, but just in case you should find someone that can help you get to a good training area..."

Tsukimi sighed, "Okay..." She trudged away sadly before jumping up, "Let's go check out the gym anyway Kikyo!" She returned her other Pokemon and sprinted to the gym, just in time to see a Turtwig and grinned. She knew that Pokemon was only native to Sinnoh, so at least someone here had been to Sinnoh or had relatives in Sinnoh, "Hi!" She laughed, when the leader, a blue haired man with golden brown eyes turned and blinked at Kikyo.

"Another challenger?" He asked incredulously, as if he just had a million before she arrived.

She shook her head, "Nah, I'm just here to get battle strategies, I have to train just a little more so I can be confident in my battling skills." She grinned, "Now carry on, I love watching good people battle." She emphasized on the word good, like she'd seen bad people fight.



I hope that wasn't too bad, but can you tell I've gotten a little rusty? Well, I hope I haven't messed up your story! ^-^

EDIT: Lol, I put realized instead of released.
The tornado hurtled towards the Tiny Turtle like a train being driven by a madman. It haphazardly closed the distance between the battlers, and as it was nearing a look of an epitome crossed Emmanuel’s smooth yet hardened features. Falkner was temporarily distracted by another girl coming into the gym's main arena.

“Wow... he's popular,” thought Emmanuel to himself, before he came back to what he was supposed to be thinking about.

“Turtwig, Withdraw into your shell!” commanded Emmanuel, hoping the weight of Turtwig would overcome the Gust attack.

Turtwig drew her legs into her shell, her arms and head followed soon after. The Gust collided with the shell, and knocked it around slightly but caused minimal damage. The Gust attack was weak, because Pidgeotto was flying around the arena before the fight. Falkner saw this, and ordered his companion to recover.

“Pidgeotto, use Roost! Let’s heal you up good!” ordered Falkner with another swish of his plume of dark hair.

Pidgeotto lowered itself down, and planted its feet on the floor like a balloon coming out of the sky delicately. The bird let out a caw, and sat itself down comfortably, letting its tired and worn out wings have a well earned rest. Emmanuel used the opportunity he had – quickly.

“Turtwig, come out of your shell and use Leech Seed!” the taller brother said, eager to trap the bird on the floor, where it would be less able than normal. The turtle replied by coming out of her shell, and growing the seedling on her head. The plant sprouted larger leaves, and the roots expanded down the side of Turtwig’s legs into the ground. Pidgeotto was becoming wary, looking all over the ground. It knew what to expect, but couldn’t stop it from happening.

The roots burst out of the ground like a Gyarados coming out of a waterfall, and rapidly ensnared the bird. It cawed again in shock, but was cut short by the ferocious vines of the Leech Seed attack. Soon enough, the plant wrapped itself around the beak and wings, and anchored the bird to the floor. Not where it wanted to be.

“…argh! Should have seen that one coming, Doduo! Go and help Pidgeotto out with a Fury Attack on Turtwig!” exclaimed Falkner, a slight look of distress crossing his chiselled face. The twin headed bird responded to his master, and started to sprint across the sandy battlefield on its long, leathery legs like a lithe monkey running about a forest.

It neared the tiny turtle species, and began to rear its beaks back to come pounding in shortly after.

I'm still not sure if I should be writing...



Tsukimi watched the fight, her blue eyes locked on the two Pokemon until the Turtwig ensnared the Pideotto with vines. Suddenly Kikyo let out a cry and turned away from the battle, "Oh, I'm sorry Kikyo! Are they scaring you?" The little Pokemon bobbed up and down, it's version of a nod, "Okay, here I'll return you and let Tsumara and Blaze watch the battle." She returned the baby Pokemon and let out her Growlithe and Eevee, both Pokemon seemed to like battling.

"Growl, growl, growl! Growlithe!" Blaze cried, eagerly watching the battle.

Tsukimi smiled, "Yep! You get to watch and find out some strategies!" Suddenly Eevee ran forward before running back, obviously wanting to join the fight. Tsukimi sweat-dropped, "Uh... Tsumara, you can't just run into someone else's battle. Besides, we're not strong enough to take him on, look at how powerful he is."

"Ee!" The Eevee growled stubbornly, glaring at the blue-haired leader as if it was his fault for being strong... Technically, it was but he was a gym leader.

Tsukimi laughed, "You'll fight him after we train some more." Then she turned her attention back to the fight, wondering what kind of amazing thing would happen next. Her blue eyes sparkled with interest and she tilted her head with concentration.



Isn't she amazing, lol. Hope I'm not messing anything up!

This post is so short T-T.

EDIT: Just had to add a tiny bit more detail.

Edit: Lol, I scared everybody off... And I just ate a cookie!
Quint looked around panickedly, the battlefield moving too fast for Quint to even comprehend. What he did see, however, was a blur of feathers headed towards turtwig. Just before the bird hit, everything stopped, and Quint almost somputed in his head. Everything was clear. Probable movesets, attacking patterns, stats and skills, everything laid itslef out. Quint had to do what he had to do. "Totodile! Scratch!" Quint called out. "Sorry, bro! It's for the best!" Totodile quickly regained its footing on the ground, clouds of dust rising off of the ground. Totodile then lunged towards the bird pokemon, his claw pulled back to get the best swing possible.

"Way to go!" Quint exclaimed. "Keep it going!" Totodile shouted a little battle cry as he pulled the claw back even further, and it began glowing a bright white. It soon stopped glowing white, and a cold air surrounded its claw, freezing some of the moisture in the air, and Totodile swung hard towards the bird pokemon. The claw slashed through the pokemons side, a burst of cold hitting the bird, some of the chill even reaching Quint. The air of the move was cold but swift, ruffling Quint's clothing slightly. "Chilling, isn't it?" Quint coolly remarked.

Quint had only started his pokemon journey two days ago. Now he's suddenly launching attacks that are new and unexpected. Where did that even come from in the first place? Quint didn't seemed concerned. The doduo collapsed to the ground, unconscious. "Doduo?" Falkner called. "Wow." A large ammount of shock influenced his voice. "Well, beginners luck! You won't take down pidgeotto that easily, right pidgeotto?" Falkner called, turning to his other bird. The bird pathetically struggled against the vines ,and couldn't do much but struggle under the vines.

"Emmanuel!" Quint said to his brother. "Now's your chance! Get that bird while it can't move!"

"This sucks." Falkner said, running a hand down his bangs.
[size=8pt]From her place in the stands, the brunette gave a hoot of laughter as the doduo succumbed to the effectiveness of totodile's ice punch. The bird's weakness made it a heavy hit, and the poor creature struggled to stand once the blow had been dealt. After the short verbal exchange, the gym leader returned the little trooper to it's pokeball and tugged another free, staring into the dark eyes and carved features reflected in the curved surface. He only met her gaze when he finally tore away from staring into his own contemplative stare, and pouted at her smug grin. Even from a distance she could read the yearning in his eyes- the desire to whip out a pidgeot or a swellow from the team he didn't use specifically for his gym. Flashing a sympathetic smile, she cupped her hand against her chin and reverted to her observant state, scratching absently at the absol who had started to rub his head against her knee in a vain attempt to relieve himself of an itch.

From inside the arena, Falkner stood and tapped a fingernail against the hollow steel before hurling it out into the fray and snatching the empty capsule when it launched itself back at him. From the red matter that had burst out of the sphere came a soft cooing that reached the ears of the stadium's occupants before the hoothoot's face had materialized. Balanced on its standing foot, the owl pokemon fluttered its little wings excitedly before turning to face its trainer with an eager expression. Returning the look with a small smile of his own, the leader rubbed at the dimples that formed in his cheeks before assessing the situation- First and foremost, he'd need to get pidgeotto out of that vine-y mess. Without his primary bird incapacitated, it would give him that power back and level the field again. Until then, it was just a matter of occupying the turtwig and totodile.

ooc| -emo-
I want to see Falkner make this interesting. My poor baby is LOSINGGGG. /emofangirlmofo
The doduo’s limp, shattered form was replaced with what the brothers recognised as an owl pokémon called Hoothoot. Its head swayed from side to side with perfect timing, and his eyes seemed to bore holes into whoever looked at them. The black eyelash-like markings, if you would call them that, appeared to have crawled out of the Owl pokémon’s eyes and its foot looked as precarious as the Sprout Tower in a storm.

“Oh, looks like this will go on for longer than I’d thought… Ok, use Growth, Turtwig!” pondered Emmanuel, thinking how best to exploit his advantage over the grounded Pidgeotto.

Turtwig glowed green, then stopped. Its vines began to thicken, and the leaves on its head broadened by about a half of their original size. The vines further squeezed the life out of the Pidgeotto, and as the growth influenced the vines, the pain was reflected on the bird pokémon’s face.

“Damn it, damn it… Hoothoot! Use Hypnosis on the grass type, and save Pidgeotto!” countered Falkner, hoping that this would save his precious bird that he was so famous for.

Hoothoot hopped forward with a spring in its single step, and his eyes began to change to all the colours of the visible spectrum. The crimson eyes then began to radiate waves of light that distorted the area around them, and shone in all sorts of colours. The beam meandered its way to the Tiny Turtle species, and as it hit, its eyes began to close. The roots loosened their grip, and Pidgeotto fought to free itself as the vines flopped on the floor. The bird was able to fly again, but it was severely sapped of its energy and could not do much.

(OOC: There you go Belle, happy? :p We still have teh sentretz of doomz!11! though, so don't get your hopes up. :D)
"Right-o!" Quint said, tossing his fist in the air. This would be simple. That thing looked so dizzy to the point where it couldn't even pass an alcohol test. Quint giggled to himself and turned to his Totodile. Totodile, use that icy claw thing that you used." Quint said, searching for the proper name with a furrowed brow. His pokemon knew what Quint meant, and it pulled it's claw back again, charging for the strange pokemon. As Totodile neared the pokemon, Totodile's claw iced over like it had previously. Then Hoothoot pulled an odd move. It cocked its head even further, and jumped up in the air. Totodile was caught off guard by this attack, and tried to stop moving. Hoothoot took advantage of the odd pokemon by landing on the pokemon's forehead. Its claw gently landed on Totodile, and it then kicked off, flying through the air gracefully.

Totodile was thoroughly unnerved, and it slashed awkwardly at the ground. Totodile cut up a large portion of the earth, and froze that which remained. A chunk of frozen ground was sent flying in the air as Totodile regained its footing. It turned angrily, making a small chortling noise. The chunk of ground slammed down onto Totodile's head, who began spinning and shouting in a mixture of anger and pain. Quint slouched drastically, and began to rub his temples. "Totodile..." Quint began. Before he could finish, Falkner was calling out an attack.

"Hoothoot! Use Hypnosis!" Falkner ordered. Hoothoot stood still a moment, surrounded by a distorted area of existence, almost beckoning the strange and odd to follow it. Then, all of a sudden, a ring of sad energy was sent at Totodile, who was still shouting and rubbing its head. As the ring hit, Totodile slumped to the ground, snoring loudly.

"Crud..." Quint muttered as a grin split Falkner's face.

"Hoothoot! Use an Uproar attack!" Falkner ordered. Hoothoot nodded, if you could call it that. It's head swiveled back and forth, more or less. It stopped immediately, and opened its mouth. It began to scream and shout as load as possible, while sort of flying around the field. Totodile and Turtwig both immediately woke up, only to be greeted with a noise that made them shout in extreme pain. "Pidgeotto! Quickly! Follow that up with a wing attack!" Falkner ordered. The bird pokemon gave an agreeing noise, and it flew at Totodile, its wings glowing a bright white.

"Totodile!" Quint tried to call. Sadly, his cries were drowned out by Hoothoot's screaming. Totodile managed to writhe around and see Pidgeotto coming at him, but he was too late, and was immediately struck by the bird, and sent flying off towards Quint. The bird flew back up, high in the air. It gave its wings a quick shake, and shiny, white sparkling material fell down, glittering in the sunlight. Totodile skidded to stop in front of Quint, unconscious.

"Return..." Quint said dejectedly, reaching for Totodile's pokeball. Quint heard a familiar, metallic sound as the pokeball shot out a beam of red energy. the beam enveloped Totodile, and drew him back into the pokeball. Quint sighed, and clipped the ball back on his belt. "Sentret, It's time to show Falkner what it means to be beaten down!" Quint called, tossing out another pokeball. The pokeball split open, releasing a beam of red energy down onto a spot in front of Quint. The red energy took the shape of Sentret, and the pokeball bounced back into Quint's hand. Sentret was formed as the red energy seemed to shatter, revealing the pokemon. It bounced happily on its tail, looking around the field in awe. Quint caught the ball as it bounced back at him, and he clipped it back onto his belt. "Let's go, buddy!"
Turtwig woke up to see her partner flying across the sandy arena like a caterpie on the Kanto-Johto bullet train. It made her face cringe, but the uproar being caused by the Hoothoot also didn’t help the matter.

“Pidgeotto! Use Twister on the awakened Turtwig and send it back to where it came from!” commanded the Flying-type Gym Leader.

The bird type flew over the tiny turtle, and began rapidly spinning around it in a circular motion, cutting through the air like a knife through butter. The winds could be seen following it as the bird controlled its element, and soon enough Turtwig was trapped within the vortex, with Pidgeotto in command at the top of it.

“Argh! Not good… Try a Razor Leaf attack! Send it up the tornado!” ordered Emmanuel, hoping he could pull something out of the situation.

Turtwig span her head around, the seedling on the top of her face released dozens of leaves into the air that didn’t go up the tornado as planned at all. Instead, the winds blew the saw-like objects around with the Twister attack, combining it into one. The leaves cut across the Pidgeotto at the top of the vortex badly, and also at the bottom of the tornado the grass type was badly hurt too. Sand from the gym floor was also added to the mixture, creating a strange and wondrous site not dissimilar to whirlpools at the Whirl Islands.

Crash. Crash.

The winds died down, and the pair that were inside the vortex emerged. They were both definitely out for the count, mainly being because they were attacked by a mix of winds, sands and razor-sharp leaves. Both trainers rushed over to them, and returned their partners. Emmanuel pondered what could happen between the final bout, of Sentret vs Hoothoot.

‘If only we had an Onix or something… anything instead of a Sentret…’ Emmanuel thought to himself.


Former Moderator
OOC- I'm having a few issues with your posts, Kal and LoN. Nothing rule related...

I don't believe the characters. I don't believe they're actual people. As an example, LoN, who the hell says "Awakened" in casual conversation?

Nothing you two might get in trouble over, just trying to help you two make more believable characters.
[[OOC: Excuse me while I dust this thread off. -Dusts-]]

Quint looked out at the battlefield, his eyes completely desolate. He was left to battle a highly trained pokemon that had taken down many fledgling trainers before, and all he had was a Sentret. A freshly caught Sentret. Quint groaned and rubbed his temples, trying to fight off the terrible headache. In the moments that Quint had done nothing, Falkner had apparently been prepared.

"Hoothoot!" Falkner called, thrusting a finger forward. "Use a Shadow Ball on the ground beneath Sentret!" The small bird pokemon complied, and began charging up an attack. The shadows from the ground pulled themselves in towards the Hoothoot, curling up into a ball of energy in front of him. Tendrils of darkness reached out menacingly, curling around the ball. The pokemon let loose the sphere with a high-pitched cry, and it quickly moved towards Quint. The ground beneath it cracked as the ball skimmed the edges, but then it all seemed to stop. Quint had a moment to think.

What moves had Sentret learned? Quint remembered looking the moves up in the pokedex, but he couldn't remember which ones exactly. One was an attack that drew others to the user... Follow Me? Yeah, that sounded right. The other was an attack that would sneak around the incoming attack and hit the other pokemon harder when an attack was coming. What was it... Sucker Punch? That was it. Quint put two and two together, and he smiled deviously.

"Sentret! Use Follow Me!" Quint called. His pokemon hesitated and raised up a glowing hand. Sentret put the hand towards the attack, which was currently going down, and he lifted his hand up. The attack had no choice but to follow, and was now headed straight for the terrified Sentret. "Now! Sucker Punch!" Quint ordered. His pokemon quickly moved out of the way with a strong push of its tail, the Shadow Ball hitting the ground where Sentret would have been standing. Its small fists glowed with a purple aura, ready for impact. The pokemon pushed off hard with its tail again, rocketing in a zig-zag pattern towards the opposing pokemon. It pushed off once more, its fist trained for the other pokemon's face.

"Hoothoot! Try and dodge the at-" Falkner couldn't even get the last of his command out when Sentret's fist slammed into the pokemon's unsuspecting forehead. The pokemon let out a cry of distress and flew towards the other end of the arena, skidding to a halt. It shakily stood back up and called out angrily. "Try a Gust attack!" Falkner commanded. Hoothoot flapped its tiny wings, and a small whirlwind began to whip up. With a few more flaps, a small column of wind had formed. The tearing wind moved towards the Sentret, who was nowhere near prepared.

"Sentret!" Quint desperately called out. The column hit Sentret, sending the pokemon rocketing off towards Quint. It grinded to a stop in front of Quint's feet, and staggered upright. It had taken enough damage, it was prepared. It's body seemed to glow with that same white light as before, and it had that same determined look. Quint smiled devilishly and thrust a finger forward, calling out. "Last Resort!" His pokemon launched itself forward, all of the glow moving to its hand. It moved right up to the Hoothoot and swung its paw forward, letting loose a blast of white hot light and stars, blasting the pokemon away. The Hoothoot landed about forty feet away, unconscious.

"You win, trainer." Falkner said, recalling his Hoothoot.