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Ask to Join Night of the Furies RP

Maskerin smiled giving a chuckled before she came closer and whispered in his ear. "Let's prove it shall we" she said. "Come Honey lets go, we can't be late right?" she told the Alolan Vulpix. "Vul! Vulpix!" Honey said leaping on her shoulder. "Sweetie, Lapri take care of the shop while I'm gone," she told her Lapris and Sylveon. "Sylveon!" "Lap!" the girls said smiling. "Come Kino, I have a way to get there faster which is on Kalama my Rapidash," she told him walking over to her as she saddled her before getting on her back. "Just don't touch her mane or you will get burned just a warning" she chuckled.

@Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino gave a whoop and a cheer, happily following her as she walked to her rapidash. Koi followed securely behind him, ears twitching to distant calls of panic. It had nothing to do with what's he's doing at the moment, but Koi is concern they'll go by the murder scene, it'll draw up unnecessary trouble and he wouldn't want their temporary mission to be disturb by mobs of worried people. He yipped at Kino, controlling his voice as he yapped a high and low notes. Kino was the only one who knew the language Koi spoke to him, it was morse coded, but no one would've been able to tell since Koi acted so happy saying it, anyone would've thought the pokemon was just excited. Kino however, decipher it the moment they tumble out of Koi's mouth, and he placed a finger on his mouth, signalling at his pokemon to be quiet about this case. "Am I going to ride on a Rapidash?" Kino asked, turning to Maskerin and stroking the horse on the back, "I wouldn't want to accidentally touch the flame like you warned me not to," he said, "would hurt a whole lot." He laughed, "Since this girl probably don't trust me yet don't you?" He joked, poking the Rapidash playfully near the cheek, careful not to set his kimono on fire.
Maskerin chuckled as Kala neighed turning around slightly to nudge Kino. "Don't worry Kino, Kala is a gentle sweetheart she will warm up to anybody that has a pure aura" she told him as Kala licked Kino's cheek. "See she likes you Kino, judging by how she is actually towards you and yes we will be riding Kala to get there since she is fast on her legs" she added as she got on her back as Honey followed.

@Willow Tree


Previously Deathstalker62
" Well, I guess I can give you the names of my pokemon. Would only be fair. This Weavile here is my partner. His name's Blade. " Siegfried said, pointing to the Weavile. Blade stood up on his seat and bowed to the Lady and her pokemon in traditional asian fashion before sitting back down. Then, Siegfried pointed to the Kecleon sitting opposite of him. " That there is Leo, the Kecleon. And the Zoroark next to him is Zorro. They're not really mature, but atleast they're helpful. " Siegfried explained. Zorro shrugged his shoulders to the statement as he knew his trainer wasn't wrong. Leo rolled his eyes at the statement, knowing his trainer was right, but not wanting to admit it. Both Leo and Zorro waved to the Geisha and her Pokemon, then immedieatly went back to snacking on their baked goods. " See what I mean? " Siegfried said, chuckling. However, his laugh sounded lighter than his normal voice, more of a childish tone, equal to the tone of a young kid.

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
A shrill laugh came from the boy when the nudge came and he gently push the Rapidash's face away, "Pft, she's a sweetheart alright." He chirped. He scooped Koi in his arms and heaved himself onto the pokemon slowly. It was only when he got on did he realized Shadow never taught him how to ride a horse before, and he never mention that he does know. If he rides this horse too casually, it's bound to look suspicious, so he swayed a bit in gripped onto the saddle in a nervous way. "Um, Big Sis, I'm not gonna fall off right?" He asked.
She looked to Siegfried as his Weavile had the same nickname as her Absol Blade. "That's funny because..." She paused her words to pull out a Luxury ball as it opened revealing a female Absol with a rose on its blade. "My Absol here is also named Blade" she said as Blade looked to the unknown male curiously. "Her name suits her well but...I believe that will be such a confusion my Absol and your Weavile will have" she gave a chuckle pulling her fan up to her mouth. Blade sat down looking to the Weavile that had the same name as her. "Sol?("so you have the same nickname as me Weavile? That's a bit rare but it works hehe") Blade smiled. "You seem rather young though for a pure blood...but who am I talk since I am too its just I'm a fan of being in danger apparently...since female purebloods are rare..." She sighed until she felt a hand on her shoulder as she looked up seeing it was Shadow. "Oh right...and this overprotective guy is Shadow my older brother...I mean I can't blame him...he has to be..." She said hearing Shadow chuckle. "She's not wrong but thanks for saving my sister's life" he said sort of hearing there conversation.

Maskerin chuckled. "Don't worry you won't fall, Kala rides very smoothly so you won't fall off Kino but hold on to Koi tightly" she warned. "Now get on and hold my shoulder ok" she added giving a sweet smile.

@DevVoid @Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino nodded, clutching Koi in one hand and Maskerin's shoulder in the other. "I'm ready," he told her, "If this beauty really rides so smoothly, then I believe you." He assured her, "My only worry I Koi falling off, I can't guarantee I'll hold on to him tight enough." He said, gripping Koi more firmly, "He'll get easily trample over, there's a lot of horse pokemon people rides on." He said. "But enough of that, where will we be going?" He asked, "What kind of errand are you going to be doing that needs a body guard?" He giggled.
Maskerin smiled gently. "Well, my bakery is so popular to walk into those other people that are farther away from my bakery can't always have to time to come down so I offered delivery services to bring it for them...and so I have been doing this frequently..but sometimes I come last a night back here so that's why I asked you to come along just in case some bad happens...but don't worry...if you have any trouble with that Kala here will definitely stomp them with those strong hooves of her or just burn them" she laughed as Kala neighed in agreement. "So....you don't mind coming along...?" she asked again concerned as she didn't want to force him to come into them he hasn't learned just yet.

@Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
"Oooooooooooooh," Kino mused, "I see, your bakery is quite popular." He said, scratching his chin, "I'm not surprised actually." He shrugged. Maskerin's question confused him and he tilted his head at her, "Of course I don't mind, why would you ask that?" He chirped, "This is a once in a life time chance for an apprentice like me! But if there's any fighting I might not be of much help." He lied, running a hand over his hair, "I am just an apprentice after all." He laughed, "Not that skilled with a sword." He said. Koi gave him a look and Kino swapped it away.


Previously Deathstalker62
" Well yes, my name is Blade, too. But, I've been named such because of my claws. Not very creative, I know, but atleast it's better than being called 'Weavile' all day. " Blade explained, grabbing himself his mug of green tea. " By the way, meet the others... " Blade went on and told her the names of the others who did the same gesture as they did towards the Lady.

" Well, I see. I mean, I am rather young.. because I'm 14! " Siegfried said, changing his voice from the deep, fake one to the real one which was high-pitched, just like the voice of a pre-teen who just hit puberty. " Oh, but can you keep a secret for me? " He stood up and looked around, his eyes half-closed to see if anyone else besides her brother listened in to the conversation, even partially. Then, he whispered his next sentence into her ear, leaning forward to do so.. " We're a band of thieves. We don't want to have more posters of us hanging up than there already are. " He finished, then leaned back, pointing outside to a wooden pole that had the poster of a black-eyed jiangshi drawn into the frame, with a bounty of 5m Yen. " ..so, uh.. can you, miss? "
Blade chuckled. "My nickname is kind of obvious...because of this blade horn at the side of my head but that's not the only reason why I was named that, you see every time I use any of my moves I put them down quickly and swiftly just like the end of a blade so...not difficult to figure out" Blade answered as Twilight perched on her horn which she didn't mind since she was one of JC's team members. "Greetings to you all," she said bowing her head.

Hearing that he was just 14 didn't really surprise her as she was just 22. Many kids work at that age to survive "Your secret is safe with me, but don't ask if I have any secrets because there are some better not knowing...let just say...it's classified...but for you to be 14, I am well...a bit older then you think but people confuse me to being a lot younger....I'm 22...I may not look like it but that's just how it is...but when your a pureblood demon I guess age doesn't matter...at least that's what I think..." she said fanning herself. Shadow walked out to see Kino with Maskerin on Kalama. "Kino, make sure Maskerin comes back safe alright?" he told him as he looked up at the sky. He was supposed to walk JC to the Restaurant Inn but he had a duty tonight as he sighed. Maskerkin chuckled. "I was just making sure you were ok with coming but let's go, this won't deliver itself now will it" she said patting Kala's neck to go. She nodded before going to a trout and then a gallop as she left the Bakery.

@DevVoid @Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino sat up real straight when he heard Shadow's orders, he wasn't expecting him to suddenly appear and instantly knows he's leaving with the bakery owner. "Yes Big Brother!" He blurted, almost a bit too quickly and he chuckled nervously, "I mean, sensei." He corrected, "Don't worry, I'll take care of her with all my power, no worries." He assured the samurai, "If I get back quick enough, let's go train!" He said, "I can't miss out on training days, the other apprentice would think that I quit!" He laughed, "Can't let that happen, bye!" He called, waving at Shadow as Kala picked up speed. Soon, the bakery to Kino was nothing more than a silhouette.


Previously Deathstalker62
" Well, I guess age doesn't really matter when you're a demon.. huh. " Siegfried answered, suprised he never realized this. As he sat down, two creatures walked into the bakery; a Slowking wearing Glasses, and a Shiny Sableye with a Coin Amulet on its head, which it wore like a circlet. Oddly enough, the Sableye was carrying a semi-large leather sack over its shoulder which was seemingly filled with various things. The Sableye jumped to its trainer, bringing Siegfried the Sack. " Oh, good job, Gold. And you too, Ricky. Though, I suppose Gold was more off thieving than you were, right? " Siegfried joked. The Slowking approached, bowed to the Lady and looked to his trainer. " Yes actually. I was just out to buy something, but Gold just had to steal something. It was quite an ordeal to clean up the mess he made.. " The Slowking sighed. Since slowkings are always researching and are known for their massive intellect, Ricky had managed to learn the English Language, which was very odd since barely, if any other pokemon have ever spoken in proper english. The Slowking then turned to JC. " Ah, you must be that lady Siegfried saved. He told me all about... well, he didn't, but Blade did. " Ricky explained. " I'm Ricky, and as you've already heard, that Sableye over there is Gold. ..oh, before I forget! " The Slowking responded, then tossed Blade an Assault Vest. " I've cleaned your vest for you. Or rather, I've had it cleaned. You are most welcome. "
She looked to the shiny Sableye and Slowking bowing her head slightly as Blue and Blade bowed their heads as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, I can understand your language so feel free for me to translate for him to understand" she answered as Shadow came back over. "Sis, I can't take you back to the restaurant inn so you might have to go by yourself tonight," he said to her. "Shadow...you know I have to dance at the inn tonight..." she sighed fanning herself. "Alright fine I understand...I know you have a job to do at night...so I'll figure something out...but going at night time is reckless and dangerous...like last night...just go Shadow...I understand really" she said looking to her brother. "My apologies sis, be careful" he warned her as he left the Bakery. "Being a pureblood female is hard sometimes...not to mention always being attacked....girls what should I do?" she asked them. "Umbre!("I don't know JC, it's very risky to go to the inn on your own and at night") Blue said a bit concerned. "Sol....("We have to figure something out quickly though...") Blade said as Twilight nodded her head agreeing. She sighed feeling troubled as she didn't want to bother anyone with this problem.



Previously Deathstalker62
" Of course you would understand me. I did train the Human Language for quite some time. It was not a big problem for a Slowking like me. " Ricky said, tipping one claw to the Shellder on his head. Then, he put his arms to his back, in the pose of a regular Slowking. " I'm sure we could accompany you. We don't have any thefts planned for the night, so we are free to go. Isn't that right, Siegfried? " The slowking said, turning towards his trainer. Siegfried thought about it for a bit, looked to his crew, then towards Ricky and JC. " Well, yes.. we do have nothing planned for the night. If the lady accepts, we can accompany you safely to wherever you need to go. " Siegfried said, standing up. He cast Gold, Leo and Zorro back into their pokeballs, the leather sack being casted into Gold's pokeball as the Sableye took hold of it again. The only pokemon he had out now were Ricky and Blade. He ate the last cookie he had on his plate and drank his mug empty, then walked to the door. " Anytime you want to leave, you just say the word, miss. "
She looked to Siegfried before answering. "Are you sure you don't have a problem with it? I don't want you thinking that I'm forcing you to do this" she removed her wolf mask to look at him properly as she rested it on the side of her head seeing him get up as if he was waiting for her to go. Blue, Blade and Twilight looked to Siegfried surprised that he offered to escort her.



Previously Deathstalker62
" Of course I'll help! " Siegfried said, leaned against the wall next to the door. " There ain't a problem with it; got nothing planned for the night anyway. I mean, it's not everyday I can keep a pretty lady like you safe from the creeps of the night. " He said, smirking. " Be assured that you are not forcing me into anything. I am willingly, and gladly doing this out of my own choice. Though, I suppose your charm had lured me into helping you a bit, truth be told. " He finished, remaining smiling. He kept this act up as usual to make himself look 'cool' and 'tough', though, most of the time, the act was just seen right through. He could've just said his approval with a short, simple statement, but he overworked his sentences to sound more self-assured and confident, like the usual male when they just hit puberty and got into a conversation with someone of the opposite gender. Ricky just slightly tilted his head at his trainer, as usually Siegfried didn't use so many compliments. Then again, his trainer never really spoke with a girl asides his mother, so it wasn't that big of a suprise to Ricky that he did, as the Slowking knew that his trainer was hitting puberty quick.

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino allowed his hair to sway along with the motion of the ride, and the ride itself to say the least was smooth and fluid. Koi batted at one of Kino's bangs and snatched at it, much to his owner's annoyance. But he didn't do anything when his pokemon started to yank at his vibrant hair, instead, he peeked over Maskerin's shoulders, trying to see if he knows where they're going. Peeking over the shoulder is challenging enough, his short size just couldn't seem to allow him to look over her taller body, which only seems to irked the boy further. "Hey Big Sis," he poked at her back, "just how far are we going?" He asked, "We've been riding for some time now..." he mused, poking his cheeks in a bored manner.
She gave a faint blush to the words he said as she looked away from him stubbornly to hide her shyness. She lifted her fan up slightly as she opened it. "Well...if you mind escorting me then...ok...I'll accept your service...Siegfried..." She said as she walked towards the door walking out. Blue, Twilight, and Blade followed just behind her before walking next to her. She reached her hand up to her mask moving it before she turned to him. "I put my life in your hands until we arrive there" she said covering her face with her mask again.

Maskerin blushed shyly but gave a chuckle. "Just a bit further Kino, so be patient ok, Kala speed up a bit ok but not too fast" she told the Rapidash patting her neck. She neighed before picking up speed as strong as her legs can carry her.

@DevVoid @Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino nodded to her words, holding onto Koi tighter as the speed got a bit faster. His hair fluttered in the wind, even smacking him in the face, whilst Maskerin's hair also decided the same. Kino hastily tucked his own bangs behind his ears and leaned towards the right; that'll help with getting hit in the face for now. "Good luck Big Sis, don't need to go too fast, take your time." He said, voice muffled by the wind. But he gave her a thumbs up while also dodging the hairs. He never knew out of all the things he could use his samurai speed for, he uses it on dodging hair.


Previously Deathstalker62
" No worries my lady, I have got your back. And front, too! " He joked, walking outside with her, waving Ricky to follow him. Siegfried had equipped his two claw gauntlets, equipping them to his wrists. Ricky walked to the left of JC, while Siegfried walked to her right. " Careful to not grab my hands when something scares you. You'll cut yourself on my claws. " He said, holding his left hand up to her, showing her the blade gauntlet equipped to it.
She looked to Siegfried as he showed her claws to her she nodded before she spoke. "Well If I did cut myself by mistake I would heal quickly even if I do bleed a lot but I'll be careful," she said raising her fan to her face for the moment. As she was walking next to him she closed her eyes for the moment before she opened them again. Her eyes caught on a hairpin stand eying a pin that caught her interest, a gold long hairpin with a white wolf at the end as the blue gem showed where the eye is placed but just below the wolf was two pink sakura's. She seemed to approach the stand looking at all of the pins only keeping an eye on the one that caught interest. Even if she want it this badly she couldn't afford it but she was already tight on yen then already was and buying something to eat was a struggle for herself and her brother. Twilight seemed to notice what she was interested in as did Blue and Blade who approached her at the side.

Maskerin chuckled. "I am taking my time Kino just hold on for a bit longer, we just have to get up to the mountain and we should be there before the sun goes down but after that, we have to hurry back to the bakery before closing time" she added looking to him.

@DevVoid @Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino swing his feet a little, enjoying the feel of the wind against his skin. He would like to get back before it gets too late; he's got things to do. "I need to go home before midnight," he said, "perhaps if there's time, I could still train with Big Brother, if not, I need to go back to my grandma." He said. It was not exactly a lie, he needs to check in with his grandmother about the target before he goes to retrieve it. "Y'know, she's getting old, she'll need me to help her around with the chores when Kyuubi and Kitsune couldn't." He pointed out. Koi barked his remark, wagging his tails as he stood on his hind legs to get a better view. "Oi! Koi sit!" Kino ordered, laughing as he booped his pokemon on the nose, causing them to shriek and fall back on their little butt. Kino puts his hands around Koi, careful not to let him fall before looking up again. His eyes wondered around their surroundings, it was quite a view he has to say, but everything was in too much of a blur for him to make out any secure details, and it made him dizzy too so he stopped trying.
Kala finally made her way up the mountain before seeing a house up ahead. She slowed down coming to a stop before letting Maskerin off. "Just wait here ok Kino" she smiled before Honey followed after her. She knocked on the door until it opened revealing a young man with a Persian next to him. She smiled handing him the delivery giving her the yen in exchange as she petted the Persian before waving goodbye leaving them as they shut the door. She made her way back to Kala who waited patiently for her. "Order Delivered! Ready to head back Kino" she asked him giving a gentle smile sweetly.

@Willow Tree


Previously Deathstalker62
Ricky and Siegfried walked infront of JC, each being on her left and right side. They came to a halt when the Geisha came to a stop at a stand selling hairpins. Siegfried looked across the pins, glancing at them for a few seconds to view their designs. He didn't need any, though his pokemon may want some, not that he knows it. He decided not to take one, but saw the Geisha be disappointedly sad while looking at a specific set of hairpins. He guessed that she couldn't afford the pins. So, he nodded over to Ricky, who promptly used his Psychic Energy to give the shopkeep a headache that made him turn around in pain. Siegfried took the moment to grab the pins the Geisha had looked at and stored them away in his left pant pocket. Then he looked to the Shopkeeper, speaking with the innocent child accent that worked charms for him as he was still a child himself. " Sir, are you alright? If you have a headache, my Slowking can fill you up a bottle. " He asked. The shopkeep turned around, nodded and gave the Slowking an empty bottle of fresh water, Ricky had begun filling it up with Water Gun. The Shopkeep bowed to Ricky and Siegfried thankfully, taking back the full bottle that Ricky had filled up. " No worries, mister! " Siegfried said, winking over to the Geisha while he walked away, waving her to come with him.
She was confused on what just happened at she looked to Siegfried seeing him wink as her. She raised her fan up blushing slightly before chuckling a bit as she lowered her fan. Blue, Twilight, and Blade saw what had happened and shook their heads continuing to follow. "I was confused on what you did there and I probably don't want to know since I'll just laugh in the end" she said fanning herself. She got distracted quickly when she sensed something watching them. She looked around until she saw them, a group of ronins and their Houndoom's. She grasped both her hands on Siegfrieds arm as Blue, Twilight, and Blade went on the defensive seeing them approach her. "Hey you! Give us that pretty girl next to you or else!" One said having one of his hands on the handle of his blade. She trembled slightly as she looked around to the towns people freezing in place for the moment. "They are bad news, they take Geisha...and sell them for profit...or at least that's what I heard from Shadow..." She said voice trembling a bit.



Previously Deathstalker62
" Well, I'll tell you later, but here. " He took the hairpins out of his pocket and pressed them into her hand. " Take 'em, before he finds out. " He said, giving a cheeky smirk. Then, him and Ricky stopped walking, protectively standing infront of JC as the gang of Ronin's approached them. He couldn't help but smile more, suddendly. " ..or else...? " He said, cracking up. Then, him and Ricky just began laughing heartily, right at the Ronin's and their Houndooms, which made them both confused and angry. " What the hell are you laughing at, you little brat?! " One of them yelled. Ricky and Siegfried wiped tears from their eyes, stopping their laugh. As he came to his senses, Siegfried inhaled a few times, then went back to his tough, sassy expression. " Look here pal, the only thing you bunch of straw-hat wearing, wooden-sword-wielding, cheap-clothed hooligans are threatening is your own lives. " He said, pulling out two pokeballs. " Hey, Gold, Zorro, up and at 'em! " He yelled, casting out his Zoroark and Sableye right into the crowd of Houndoom. Due to their type advantage, Ricky, Zorro and Gold managed to take out the Houndoom rather quickly. But, Zorro and Gold didn't stop there. They went right after the samurais, stealing their valuables, including their swords, before returning to Siegfried. He cast the two back into their pokeball and nodded to Ricky, who tossed them into a nearby river using Psychic. Siegfried then turned around and bowed to JC, as if he just finished a performance. " You're very welcome. "
She had to move her mask to the side of her face to see what he had done and she had to admit she was surprised by how quickly he took care. She raised her fan up to her mouth starting to laugh before looking to the pins he had given her. "Siegfried...did you...grab these for me?" she asked him. "You didn't have to you know? I could have just worked day and night to get them" she added. "But, what are you going to do with all those swords?" she asked again looking at him as she seemed to know the answer to this but wanted to know his reasoning. Twilight perched on JC's shoulder as Blade and Blue sat beside her looking to Siegfried waiting for his answer but seemed to shift her eyes shyly away from him when she heard a townsperson say "They look cute together" but had shaken her head on the thought raising her fan to hide her blush.



Previously Deathstalker62
Gold, who had been cast away into his pokeball, had stuffed all the loot into his leather sack beforehand, so that nothing was left behind. Siegfried looked to JC, still chuckling a bit. " Oh, simple. Either I put the price on these swords way above what they were and sell them to some sucker who I can reel in with my lies, or I send them to a blacksmith to be sharpened and re-sold. As a con artist, I have certain connections that help me get my money, and I help them get money, too. Like that blacksmith I just told you about! " He explained, walking on with JC and Ricky. He noticed someone saying something in their direction, but didn't quite hear it. But, judging from JC's reaction, it was probably something embarrassing. He was confused as he didn't quite get what they said, and just yelled back: " We are! Leave the girl alone! " in hopes of making the people stop making comments. Though, judging from how JC had reacted, this mightve been the wrong response to make. But, as usual, he spoke before he thought, and remained puzzled on what had been said. He turned to JC with a look of 'Did I say something wrong?' on his face.
She kept her eyes away from Siegfried's face still embarrassed to what one of the townspeople about them being cute together. "Siegfried...doing that just made me even more embarrassed...it was something one of the townspeople said that flustered me...but I highly doubt that's important!" she said her stubbornness kicking in as she closed her eyes fanning herself. "I don't think you have the time to experience that anyway," she said stern giving the townspeople quite a look to drop it. "I mean think about it, Siegfried, what are four words that people would say to a guy and girl walking together thinking that might be the case" she added looking to him once she calmed as she closed her fan to touch his nose with it before looking away walking a bit further ahead as she continued to fan herself eyes closed.


Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino also dismounted the horse, walking a good distance away from it, climbing a tree and waited patiently for Maskerin up there, swinging his legs as he allowed Koi to have free reign next to him, as long as they don't fall off. During the time he's waiting, he took out the note Kitsune went through the trouble to deliver to him. It held informations of his next target; where they lived, their background check (he'll need to know if they has any past of being a decent fighter for him to calculate the times needed to deal with target), and species. Apparently, he's dealing with a pureblood male, who lives alone in the house of a powerful family bloodline, and Kino grimaced. A strong bloodline bond could be quite troublesome, he just hope they aren't from the direct descendents. To make matter worse though, apparently the target is a retired samurai, a commander at that. It said that they had won many battles for Kyoto with their intelligent thinking, procrastination, and fighting style. A dark expression crossed the boy's features. Did they expect him to somehow kill this legend?! Welp, guess Shadow would have to up on Kino's training now if he somehow succeeded in killing a lord of some kind. As the boy ponder this, he can't help but frown as he examine the information further. In the end, he got so frustrated and exclaimed, "How do they expect a 15 year old to kill a-" a voice interrupted him and he shut his mouth quickly. It was Maskerin, apparently she's back. "Why of course Big Sis!" He chirped, slipping the note back into his kimono, hoping that she didn't overheard his conversation; he'll be forced to kill her if she does. "I'm ready to go when you are!" He said, climbing down the tree and sitting back onto the Rapidash and back into position.
Maskerin smiled sweetly as she did not hear his conversation at all as she followed Kino back on Kala. "Let's go Kala before it gets too late," she told the Rapidash. "Rap!" she neighed before leaping off quickly back to the bakery. "Just hold on tight Kino, I don't want you missing out on your training with Shadow so I'll let Kala more quickly" she added patting Kala's neck to go faster. She neighed before picking up quickly as her legs moved faster speeding through the forest down the mountain careful not to hurt herself. Once she got safely down, she continued on the long road passing every tree she encountered as she felt Maskerin pet her neck as she smiled sweetly.

@Willow Tree

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino sighed in relief, she didn't hear a thing. Holding on tight, Kino was ready to go back. "Don't worry Big Sis, it's not even that late in the day yet, I'm sure we'll make it." He assured the woman, clutching on tight to her. And from there, he allowed himself to daze off about how the hell is he supposed to kill the target without messing it up. He certainly couldn't let the victim live to tell the tale, even if they are fatally injured, he have to vanquish them immediately, or else he'll be in big trouble. But it's better if he don't think about that, it wouldn't help a single bit. "Hey Big Sis, can you estimate exactly how long it'll take to get back? Like, at what time?" He asked, swinging his legs in the wind.


Previously Deathstalker62
Siegfried had come to a stop to think. What was the answer to that question.. a word with four letters.. that can be said about two people walking together.. specifically a girl and boy? It took him a few seconds to think, then it clicked in his head. When he realized what she meant, and what he said, he just stood there completely dumbfounded. A faint blush snuck onto his cheeks and he begun stomping the ground, throwing a tantrum's worth of insults and angry responses at the people making the remark, which caused them to scurry away fast. Then, he finished having his little tantrum and slapped himself in the face, cutting himself on his own gauntlets. He's dazed himself, wondering why he suddendly could smell iron, then just shrugged it off and let his healing fix up his face. " ..well, sorry, I didn't hear what they said. " He responded, looking to JC with the claw cuts that he slashed on his own face.
She looked to Siegfried seeing his small tantrum as she could help but laugh. "Is it worth throwing a tantrum over it or maybe you just don't have time for it" she chuckled raising her fan up to hide her smile. "You still have the child gene in you huh? Well that's not a bad thing at least" she said pushing her mask to the side again giving one of her gentle smiles. "Sometimes you just need people like that to show others a good time in this world that we are in" she said before seeing the Inn up ahead.-



Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick was sitting on top of a building in a town. He was looking over a crowd of people when he saw one person in the town throwing a tantrum about something that was too indistinct from where he was for him to hear. Watching the tantrum surprisingly made him laugh. But he quickly stopped hoping no one heard him because he didn't want to be spotted.


Previously Deathstalker62
Siegfried blushed up more, embarrassed from how he just showed the very thing he always tries to hide. " Aaah shuddup shuddup shuddup! " He spoke out, getting a child-like anger out of embarrassment. " I'm NOT having a good time! I am having a BAD time! " He spoke out like a kid whose just been called something by their parents infront of their parents. " Look, the Inn is there, you can stay there! We need to go, quick! " Siegfried said, just grabbing JC's hand out of nowhere and running to the Inn. Ricky sighed before following them with calm footsteps.
She felt him grab her hand as she was pulled inside the Inn but couldn't help but blush slightly. Normally with her samurai job she would not show any emotions like this but she wasn't doing that job. She was Geisha and she had to act like it as a lady would. "Siegfried wait!, you know I have these sandals on ah!" she said tripping as she said this causing her to grasp his shirt being chest to chest with him. She shifted her eyes away shyly before speaking. "Slow down...this is...so embarrassing..." she told him as Blue and Blade quickly followed her inside. "Um...for your gratitude...I like to thank you by offering a free dinner...if that's alright with you...before I have to do my dance tonight with Twilight...and maybe Blue and Blade..." she added unable to look up at him.



Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick saw the male who threw the tantrum and a Geisha run inside a nearby inn. He knew his friend Cooper was staying in the inn. So he jumped down and landed in front of the inn and walked in. He then ran in front of the male and Geisha and then took the stairs up to Cooper's room. He knocked on the door and saw it open. "Hey Coop." He said as Cooper let him in.

Willow Tree

Previously Brightheart
Kino would've most definitely wanted to wait and see what Maskerin's estimate of time was, but she remained unresponsive for some period of time that he got impatient. He assumed she couldn't hear him over the wind; he can't really blame her, he himself couldn't hear her all that well either. "Um, Big Sis," he piped up again, poking her gently on the back to let her know he's trying to get her attention, "I asked a question by the way, can you give me an estimate of how long it'll take too get back?" He repeated, making sure to raise his voice over the wind so she could hear, even leaning in towards her ears for her to be able to conveniently hear the boy. Finishing his little shouting parade, he sinked back into his seat, wondering how the heck is Maskerin so tall to even give him trouble trying to reach her ears.