Well, whilst I wait for Storm to reply, I'll do some stuff in the real world. Also, is anybody online?
Entering the real world again, Sky grinned, and took a moment to savour how amazing it was to be completely free. Just about everyone I've met has never had the freedom of being an air spirit. Bound to the earth, urgh, horrible. How do they live with it? Even the alien races can't get close to being like me, and the other 5 universes I've visited are strangely missing a copy of me. Hey, makes me one of a kind, I guess. Sky grinned, and flew back down. Standing near the temperamental portal, he snapped his fingers (normally, he restrains himself from physical actions, since they're useless, and also doesn't say stuff as he does it, but certain powers need physical movement, and a spacetime ripple is one of them), and collapsed part of the pocket. It healed itself nearly instantly, but was enough to eject Mora into the real world. "Hey, sorry about the nausea, but I wanted to talk. We don't even know each others names. So, I'm Sky. You are?"