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Open Nova City (A Superhero RP)

James' eyes widened as he recognized what she was up to, and he couldn't help the blush from deepening. "Do you... do you... do..." He had the funniest feeling in the back of his Head. It increased drastically, but not by much. Another Alpha was nearby. He half expected to hear the sound of Shane running by, but he could sense more... he looked in the direction he was sensing this presence, and noticed a Girl walking away. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the people around her... it had to have been her... yet another Alpha...
'Wowie... they're really all over the place, aren't they?' He thought to himself.
"Um... hello?" Taylor raised an eyebrow, and noticed he was distracted. She turned her Head to look in the direction he was staring off at, and noticed a Girl. She couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of jealousy.
Ah, Jealousy, old friend. Taylor's biggest flaw. Jealousy.
"Hey... I don't think we properly introduced ourselves..." She said, trying to remove his attention back to her.
"Huh...?" He looked back at her, causing him to frag himself from his thoughts. "Oh, sorry... yeah, as I was saying... Do you... like, would you like to stay at my place? My folks are gone for the month on some trip to Israel. House is mine... I suppose you could stay with me, and figure out another place..." He stroked his Chin thoughtfully as his mind was split between the Girl, and the one before him.
"Really!?" She was on the verge of throwing her arms around him, but stopped herself. "Uh... thanks." She made a quirky grin at him.
'I nearly made a fool of myself... This boy will provide me with some stability to finally try and work some things out... coming back to it...'
"Hey, we uh... still don't know each other's names..." She told him, hoping he'd heard, as his eyes appeared distant again.
"Oh, sorry..." He shook his Head slightly as the Girl disappeared from sight. He looked back at Taylor. "I'm James. James Howlett." He extended his hand.
'What is my Mom gonna say about this...?' He inwardly groaned.
"Nice to meet you James. I'm Taylor. Taylor Boulet. But you can call me 'Tay' or 'Tot' for short." She suggested as she extended her own hand and shook James'. Her eyes widened as she remembered the whole reason why she was here. "Um... remain here, please..." She said seriously towards James, hoping he might obey.
He raised his left eyebrow slightly. "Uh... well... okay then, I guess." He decided against arguing, as her normal flirty demeanor suddenly exchanged itself for a more serious one. "I'll be waiting here..."
She noded gratefully to him and exited the alley they'd resided in. She quickly looked around for that oh so familiar face, and she spotted it.
"Good. One more moment in the alley and I would have missed my chance." She then used her power as best as she currently could. She attempted to freeze time, but she was nowhere near powerful enough to do something like that. All she did was drastically slow time down enough to catch up to the man. "Well, Jorge, this is where I draw the line." She muttered to him as she reached into his Back Pocket and took his Wallet. She slipped it into her own Pocket, and felt around his Jacket and Pants for more potential crisp dollar bills, and found a small stack of one hundreds in his Jacket Pocket. Once she was satisfied that she'd retrieved everything from him, she narrowed her eyes.
This wasn't the first time she'd killed. This wouldn't be the last, but killing Jorge was like killing an old friend. She hesitated, and her grip began to slip on her power as it began to speed up drastically, and the look of surprise from physical contact dawned on Jorge's face in slow mo. Taylor decided to let Jorge live this time, and dashed back to the alley, concealing her stolen goods.
James decided not to question Taylor on her activities. He wanted to show her trust. That's how he played. Scratch someone's back, he expects them to return the favor at sometime when he needs it. "Alright... um... do you wanna go to my place, or visit one of the Alpha's I tracked down...?"
"I have nothing to bring, so sure! Let's find this Alpha you're talking about." She shrugged. May as well get to meet another with Special Abilities. It wouldn't hurt... would it...?
After a few rounds of Halo 5 on his Xbox, Deshawn set down the controller, and looked over at his cellphone. "Huh, maybe it woulda been smart to at least get one of their numbers." He thought, out loud. He shrugged to himself. "Oh well. We'll see each other again, probably." Deshawn pondered on what to do next. After a snap of his fingers, he decided what he should do now. The teen opened his window, and then took the form of a spider, crawling along the wall to the roof of the house. He then turned in to a panther, and rested at the edge of the house, overlooking the sidewalk in front of it. With the funds Deshawn's family received, they now lived in a large house. Considering how often he pondered on what life would have been like if he hadn't accepted that job, he considered the thought process normal. And at that moment, he went back in to that train of thought.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel put down his textbook and looked out the window. "What should I do now?" He asked to himself. He never had enough time to do what he wanted, and now he had some free time in his hands. He opened the window and climbed out, onto the roof. He saw the entirety of Nova City. "It's beatiful..." He thought. He sat down and looked at his hands. "Why do I even have these powers? It's not like a lot happens around here." He thought to himself. Manuel started meditating. That ussually cleared his mind.
Shane sped by a train station. Things seemed normal for the most part. He was headed to a large house he often stopped to marvel at. The family who owned the house had mysteriously been given money one day, and were now living very wealthy. He loved looking at the delicate carvings along the sides of the mansion. But at the same time, he couldn't help thinking something fishy happened to make the family wealthy.
Shane zipped up to the house, and gazed up in wonder. Today, he saw something shocking. There was a panther on the roof!
"Beatdown?" Shane called up, "Is that you?"
Deshawn was jolted out of his train of thought as he heard a voice, seemingly call out to him. "Beatdown? Is that you?" The voice said. Refocusing his eyes, the panther looked at the direction the voice was coming from, to see Shane. "Yes, it is, Zip. I was just relaxing." He called back, before he began licking one of his paws. While he didn't actually feel the urge to, it was comforting, especially when he was in the form of a feline. "Can I help you?"
"Not really," Ivan shrugged. "Do you live here? I run by a lot. It's a nice house."
If Beatdown, or Deshawn as he was known while not in animal form, did indeed live here, the family's mysterious fortune might make more sense.
"Hey! Guys!" James called, suddenly running up to stand next to Shane. "Sorry to intrude... I just uh... I met a Hot Alpha Chick who wants to meet you guys..." A coy grin sliding over his face.
Name: Levi Clark
Alpha Name: Knox
Age: 17
Powers: Plasma Manipulation (Several abilities that I dont wish to list out, hehe.)
Appearance: Short spiky brown hair that falls to the side, pale teal eyes that seem to glow softly, fair skin, tall, athletic build. His normal outfit consists of a black jacket, white t-shirt, black jeans, and blue shoes but often changes as his clothes can be destroyed while using his powers
Costume: Doesn't wear a proper costume, if he needs to hide his face he manipulates plasma to illuminate himself so his features aren't visible.
Backstory: Levi was raised in a rich family of energy manipulators and was trained to use his powers from a young age. He is known as a 'variant' among his family as he has to ability to manipulate more than one type of energy at a time. Because of his unique powers his father wants him to take over the family business which they call 'cattle control'. This consists of targeting humans that they deem unfit for life and killing them off discretely. Levi doesnt want to be apart of the family business so he ran away from home in hopes to escape his fate.


Levi smashed into the ground roughly a mile outside Nova City. He stood up and exhaled deeply as the pale blue energy around him fizzled out. He began making his way to the city and looked over his shoulder as walked, "Think I lost em' a while ago...." he redirected his attention back towards the approaching skyline, "If im gonna fit in anywhere it'll be here..."
After walking for a short time he finally made it inside the city limits. He looked up at the sky and focused hard letting his powers flow through him. He launched himself onto the roof of a tall building and searched the area around him. "Hm....seems like there are several powerful energy sources nearby....." His eyes widened as he focused in on a particular energy, the one that was most similar to his own. "Lets see who that is..." His pale blue aura reignited and crackles of electricity began to build up around his feet, he shot into the sky flying towards the energy source. (@Manu456Alola)
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Deshawn's ears perked upon hearing about another Alpha-Human. "Well then, bring her here. We can all relax in this house." As he said that, he stood, and immediately crouched down. Deshawn pounced, leaping from the building and landing next to his comrades. "And to answer your question, yes, this is my house. My father's off on a business trip, and my sisters are staying at a friend's house for a few more days. Convenient, huh? Just bring your girlfriend here, and walk on in. The door'll be unlocked. You can come in too, if you want, Zip." As he said that, Deshawn walked back up to his front door. Instead of going back in to human form, the panther just walked in through the doggy door. Upon entering, Deshawn used his tail to unlock the door.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel's meditation was interrupted by the sudden feeling of energy- coming from another Alpha-Human, with an energy similar to his own. He got up as he saw the Alpha approach. "What do we have here...?" He thought to himself. Upon seeing the blue aura and the crakcles of electricity, he took a step back and got in a defensive position, just in case the Alpha wasn't very friendly. He actually never saw someone with powers similar to the one he had, so he was actually excited about meeting him.
Levi dropped from the sky causing a small boom as he landed. His aura faded but there was a bright shine over his face so his features couldn't be seen. "So, your an energy manipulator to correct? The only person ive seen with energy so similiar to mine is my father." Electricity crackled around him as he charged up power. "Im Knox, I know this is a large request from a stranger but id like to see what your capable of, come at me."
I've read too far to not join
Alpha Name: Tide
Age: 14
Water Manipulation, (It's a big list) Can breathe under water
Appearance: Black and dark blue hair which seems to turn light blue sometimes , black jeans and a red shirt. There seems to be a neon glow around him
Costume: Black with neon
stripes of blue pants and top
Backstory: Unknown, but it has something to do with someone or thing called phoenix. Maybe time will tell
"Well... she's here already..." James turned around, to find that she was in fact not behind him. "Uh... Taylor?" He called, hoping she hadn't ditched them or something.
"You told me to hold back until you're ready!" Taylor calls as she approaches around the corner. Admiring the House, she can't help but feel jealous of it. "So... these guys?" She asks, looking at the Boy and the Panther.


Previously Manu456Alola
"Hm, fine, I guess." Manuel said, and took a step forward. He charged some Zen energy in his right arm, and shot a blast of energy at Levi. He was kind of shocked to find out there was someone else that could manipulate energy. Anyways, he decided to attack.
Knox held his arms out letting the blast ram into him full force. The force of the attack made his his feet scrape across the ground. There was a shimmer of light around Knox' body as the attack display dispersed off him without doing any damage. "Nice and powerful, hm....its seems our energy comes from very different places but we wield it in a similar fashion. You've still got a lot of tricks to learn..." He created a suspended ball of crackling energy in his outstretched hand and leaned back. "Now lets see how you handle a life or death situation...." His energy flared up causing the attack to intensify before he launched towards the boy at a high speed.


Previously Manu456Alola
"Two can play that game!" He called, and gathered Zen energy, and launched towards Knox, with his right arm glowing orange. An light-orange aura surrounded him, and he attempted to punch Knox. He left a trail of Zen as he approached his opponent. "Something about the life or death situation worries me..." Manuel thought to himself, but managed to stay calm.
"He shouldn't have tried to counter...." Knox thought as he threw his attack at the boys approaching fist before jumping back to gain some ground. "Probably gonna feel that one." He said quietly to himself not expecting the boy to dodge in time. "Lets just hope he doesnt die....." Knox sweat dropped slightly at his last few words.
"Hello," Shane smiled, putting his hand out for a handshake. "My name's Shane. Are you Taylor?" He had heard the name Taylor moments before, but he just wanted to make sure.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel jumped back shortly after making impact, and prepared for Knox's next move. "I won't die..." He said in a quiet voice. He then got in a defensive stance, getting ready for whatever Knox's attack was. "That sure was a strong attack... My arm hurts a little. He's strong, but I am strong too!" Manuel thought to himself.
"This kid is strong, maybe ill show him something different..." As he finished his thought his aura exploded outward, doubling in size and causing a gust of air to launch out in every direction, "What your seeing now is known as my 'Gale mode', it gives me the power to completely manipulate electricity." He smiled as his aura began to sputter and flash. "And this is...." The blue electricity sparking around him slowly fading and being replaced by a burning red aura that scorched the ground beneath him, "....Inferno Mode"


Previously Manu456Alola
"Fancy. Then how about..." Manuel said, while his orange aura was replaced by a green one, making a small shockwave when it appeared. "This? I still have to get a name for it. For now, I'll call it... Geo Zen Mode." He said. "It lets my powers reach new levels. Like some kind of upgrade." Manuel said, and did a small demonstration, by tapping the floor slightly, making a small earthquake, but not that strong either. It just made the ground shake a bit.
Knox smiled at his opponent, "I see." The moment he stopped speaking he launched forward at a high speed with flames blasting out of his hands and feet. As he flew through the air he created a condensed ball of heat similar to a miniature sun. "So he can succeed a partial transformation but not a complete one, his energy is the same just more concentrated...." A second later his image became clear and burned into nothing, his voice could be heard but he couldnt be seen amongst the smokes. "Youve gotten far for someone training alone. But you could still learn a lot." As he finished speaking several of the mini suns launched in from all directions at Manuel.


Previously Manu456Alola
"Whoa!" Manuel said amazed, and attempted to block the attack. "Geo Zen Shield!" He called quickly, and made a shield of green Zen energy. The shield managed to resist the impact, and then exploded, sending the mini suns far away. "Nice technique." Manuel admitted, then ran over to Knox, trying to punch him, with Zen in his hand. "That Inferno mode is strong... but there must be a weakness..." Manuel thought as he approached Knox.
Taylor remained silent. Shane shrugged.
"James. Deshawn. I gotta run somewhere. I wanna check the downtown area."
Shane zipped back to his house and pulled on a neon blue hoodie. He put a bala clava on and slipped into comfortable running shoes. He sped downtown, and saw three armed people robbing a QuikTrip. Shane sped into the store, and super-speed punched the three goons.
"I'd do more research on the city that you're stealing in," Shane shook his head disapprovingly, "Especially if there's a freaking speedster running around and catching crooks like you."
"Who the hell do you think you are?" one of the goons growled, slowly getting up.
Shane sped to the police station, grabbed three hands of handcuffs, and handcuffed the thieves.
"Zip," Shane smiled, and sped back to Deshawn's house.
"As you can see, Shane has just displayed his powers." James says. "And you've already seen Deshawn transforming from a Panther, I think." He looked back at Taylor with a grin. "What do ya think?"
"I think I like this... so, Super people have been randomly popping up out of the blue? How did you guys conceal your powers for so long? Assuming you were born with them, like me." She looks at the three before her.
"I was in some chemical accident, and went into a coma. Next thing I know, It's been a year, and I'm a Super Human. I think it might be a rare case to be born with your powers. Like the X-Men." He grins. "If you couldn't tell already, I'm a nerd."
"Well I was on a field trip in Delta City. At the Nova Lab. You know? They had residual energy from a supernova. While at the lab, the nova energy spiked in activity. Three city blocks were leveled. But I survived. I survived and gained super speed. It was pretty recent."
"I think I read about that in a discarded Newspaper." She says. "So... Zip? That names' been flying around lately, revolving around a blur of speed. I'm guessing that's you." She says, not as a question, but as more of a statement.