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Resident Furry
So we're doing this. I am not much of a fan of the Nuzlocke game, as KoL has pointed out in the past it is very easy to break. Oh well, I will try my best not to completely destroy the game by playing it the way it wasn't intended to be played. I won't be releasing my Pokemon, either, I can use them on the post game and such after I win this. Not going to let that work to go waste. Don't worry, I will box them permanently until then should they faint.

As the screenshot above and the thread title shows, I'll be Nuzlocking Pokemon Emerald, my personal favorite game. This is going to be separate from the main Nuzlocke thread as per the suggestion of Linkachu.

I will be playing a male, as that is my IRL gender. We'll also be using my Screen Name as my Character Name, for convenience sake.

We begin our struggles in not abusing this game in Littleroot. As the home town, Littleroot has not much of interest outside of the Lab. There are no Trainers to battle, Trades to complete, or Pokemon to catch.

As a quick, personal note, I do like the touch of changing the Machoke to Vigoroth in the moving sequence.

Anyway, we begin by going through the normal sequences. Grab the Potion and set the time, we've done this sort of routine a million times by now. Mother sends us off to pester the Birch family, the only other people who own a home in Littleroot. We meet May, who will try and fail to be our rival in this game. Or, MAY, as I should say. Emerald was before Game Freak realized that they could use lowercase letters in their proper nouns.

As another quick note, I'm pretty sure she hits on you in this scene.

Which makes her giggle a hell of a lot creepier.

Anyway, MAY remembers that she was supposed to help her father collect wild Pokemon. Instead of rushing off to him, she instead plops down on her computer.

She's a great influence to her sibling down on the first floor, ain't she?

Anyway. You all know what happens next, we've got to locate the professor.

Said professor is currently getting his shit ruined by a rabid Zigzagoon. MAY is just a wonderful daughter.

By the way, I'm not counting any of the battles up until the point we get the Pokeballs as the "First Pokemon I saw" on that specific Route. It makes it a bit fairer that way.

But anyway, Birch- Er, PROF. BIRCH needs us to save him from the rabid Zigzagoon, since his daughter can't be asked. I'm not letting you guys tell me what Pokemon to choose, as that wouldn't end well. (No, I do not like Mudkip.)

We're going with this Pokemon, Torchic. The battle menu has been unchanged since RBY. You have four options, ATTACK, BAG, POKeMON, and FLEE. As this is a tutorial battle, FLEE is unavailable to us. The only thing useful right now is ATTACK.

Choosing to ATTACK leads to a second menu, where up to four attacks can be chosen. Torchic starts with Scratch, a basic Starter attack, and Growl, a move that lowers an Enemy's Attack. Scratch spam is good enough for now, don't waste your time with Growl. About three hits should down the Zigzagoon, even if it does use Growl on you.

PROF. BIRCH forgot the first rule of Pokemon. Never wander into tall grass unless you yourself have a Pokemon. Though, to be fair, I guess he had three, he just managed to leave the bag that had said Pokemon about a dozen feet away from where he was in the tall grass. That's possibly an even worse mistake.

... Somehow, I fear this level of incompetence is becoming a theme.

Dad must of been throwing pictures, around, as Birch recognizes me. We then teleport to his lab. I hope he remembered to grab his bag this time. Birch decides to repay me by giving me the Torchic I used to save his ass. He asks if I want to name it, which I indeed do.

Because I am uncreative, the Torchic is named Cid, after the Blaziken from my stories.

Birch wants us to reprimand his daughter for him. This family is just a tad dysfunctional, eh? Apparently saving Birch's ass doesn't make me a proper trainer, I need to destroy MAY as well. Sure, why not?

We now enter Oldale for the first time. While here, we can grab another free Potion. They really give these things away at first! Since this is a Nuzlocke, these things will come in handy.

In an effort to make things more fair, I won't be grinding at all before going to May. I managed to avoid any fights going up to Oldale. I do manage to get into one, with a Poochyena, while heading up to May herself. Then another, with a Zigzagoon. The Zigzagoon managed to put up a fight, but killing it, and it is killing it, as this is Nuzlocke, netted me enough EXP to level up once. ANOTHER Zigzagoon puts me well on the way to Level 7... And in need of one of my potions.

Anyway, May decides she needs to battle me.

May, like any good Rival, magically picked the Pokemon with the Type Advantage. No matter, it has nothing that is Super Effective against Torchic.

Defeating it brings Cid up to Level 7, and costs me my other potion (She got a pair of Critical Hits). This game already wants me to lose. Cid is also well on the way to Level 8, and learns Focus Energy, which I think increases Crit' chance. We also get 300 Poke (Poh-key), enough to buy a new Potion. Inflation really hit the Pokemon world hard.

May dashes off, back to the lab. Which is also our next destination. Making a pit stop in Oldale to heal and buy a Potion first, though.

May is nice enough to wait for us at the gate to Oldale. Though she seems to be incredibly nearsighted. She won't notice you until you are right next to her, oddly. Or maybe she's blind and does everything by hearing, and knows our footsteps already when we get close. That sounds a lot cooler, let's go with that.

May of course rushes off. And we, of course, follow, like the loyal lap dog (Growlithe?) that we are. Utilizing ledges means there are no battles between Route 103 and Littleroot. Nice of Game Freak, isn't it?

Possibly the first "Ohai" variant in a Video Game.

Birch is very happy that we beat up his daughter and stole her lunch money. As a reward, we get a Pokedex. Apparently May gets easily excited, and shows Daddy the data it stores on every Pokemon she manages to catch. Mustn't be many, as she only challenged us with one. May also forks over a share of her Poke Balls, which means we can now capture Pokemon.

Leaving those two to 'tard out in the lab, Mother finds us. She is quite the understanding woman, as always (Or she wants to sleep on the only bed in the house.) She gives us the Running Shoes, which I believe are also an RSE creation, and her support on our adventure. Anyway, Home is now a makeshift Pokemon Center. If we're ever in the neighborhood (Read: Almost never), we can stop there and get some rest.

Anyway, now that we can capture Pokemon, our Nuzlocke challenge can finally begin.

And already, we capture our first Pokemon. Poochyena, Level 3, male. His name is Specter. Not the Pokemon I wanted, but hopefully he'll be a badass addition to the team.

Route 103 is a little more generous, and coughs up a Level 4 male Zigzagoon. This is Andre, named after my Linoone character.

I think that's enough for the first update. I'll grind a bit off camera, then we'll head off to Petalburg, and possibly push through to Rustboro City.

Pokemon and Stats as they are now:

Cid - Torchic
Level 7; HP 24/24
Ability: Blaze (Powers Fire attacks to 1.5 when HP falls below 1/3)
Knows Scratch, Growl, and Focus Energy.


Specter - Poochyena
Level 3; HP 15/15
Ability: Run Away (Guaranteed 100% chance to Flee from any Wild Pokemon Battle)
Knows Tackle.


Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 4; HP 17/17
Ability: Pickup (Chance to pick up an item after battle; won't work if he already has a held item)
Knows Tackle and Growl.


Resident Furry
It's time for another exciting adventure in NUZLOCKE: Emerald. First, the results of my grinding:


Cid - Torchic
Level 10; HP 31/31
Ability: Blaze
Knows Scratch, Growl, Focus Energy, and Ember.

Specter - Poochyena
Level 7; HP 22/22
Ability: Run Away
Knows Tackle and Howl.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 8; HP 24/24
Ability: Pickup
Knows Tackle, Growl, and Tail Whip.

Speaking of Pickup, Andre has been a very busy Zigzagoon. He's already well on his way to filling my bag with goodies.

In any case, since we got our Pokeballs, we are no longer in the Tutorial Stage, and as such, we can go left from Oldale to the next town. So, after making a pit stop to buy some Poke balls (In a batch of 10, since we get one free for that), we head that way.

Route 102 has a few new Pokemon we can capture, as well as our first few trainer battles. Joy.

Our sole Pokemon for this route is... Another... Poochyena... Fuck.

Catching said Poochyena, we shall name him Wyatt. He's basically a clone of Specter. Level 3, male, only knows Tackle. His Ability is also Run Away. The only difference is the route we caught him on, and his Nature (Specter is Quirky, Wyatt, Serious).

Anyway, this guy gives us our first trainer battle. It is, unfortunately, against the law to refuse a trainer battle, even in the most inopportune places. These guys literally crawl out of the woodwork to try and ruin your day.

He has one Pokemon, yet another Poochyena.

He nearly murders Wyatt in two hits, which means I need to switch Pokemon or already lose one.

Cid should suffice.

Cid promptly sets that bitch on fire, another kill to his name. We steal this kid's lunch money (80 Poke), and continue on our way.

As an aside, I'll only be showing highlights from later trainer battles. Only special battles will get play by play coverage like this.

Already we have another battle.

He starts with a Wurmple, which I saw a lot while grinding, but never showed here yet.

Wyatt manages to score his first kill, thanks to String Shot spam. Murdering that Wurmple got him up to Level 4. Rick here has another one though, which I think I'll let Specter deal with. Killing it sets Specter on the path to Level 8, and nets us the 64 Poke this Bug Catcher managed to find. Andre also found another X Attack, I imagine by looking through the Bug Catcher's belongings.

As the screen shot suggests, this is a Lotad, another one of the random Pokemon you can find here. Can't catch it though, since Wyatt appeared first. Speaking of Wyatt, he was able to cherry tap this thing to death, and leveled up again for his effort. Now that he's level 5, he also learns Howl.

Howl boosts the user's Attack, by the way.

Soon after said battle, another Trainer presents himself. He starts with a Zigzagoon.

... Well fuck. That was a complete waste of time.

Specter quickly avenges his clone. The Youngster then sends out another Pokemon we haven't seen before.

A Taillow. It Growl spams for a bit, but never attacks, so Specter easily kills it. After beating the kid, he gives us his lunch money, 48 Poke. How these three kids ever expected to buy anything with so little money is beyond me.

Over here we have our first Berry trees. They offer free food, basically. The tree on the left offers two Oran berries, which restore half the amount of heath a basic Potion would. That's pretty good to start out, but stronger Pokemon need better things, and Oran berries quickly fall by the wayside as a healing item.

The tree on the right gives two Pecha Berries. Pechas are great Berries, they heal Poisoning. All berries can be given to a Pokemon and be used as a Hold Item, unlike man made healing items like Potions or Antidotes. They're great for a quick fix, as the Pokemon will eat them as soon as they are needed.

Anyway, I suggest replanting one of the Orans and one of the Pechas, so you can come back later and get more berries.

Anyway, this route has one last Trainer for us. She starts with a Zigzagoon, which we counter with Andre. Killing it sets Andre on the way to Level 9.

She also has one of these. Shroomish, and especially their evolved form Breloom, are great Pokemon. I'm going to hope I get lucky enough to get one.

Anyway, Shroomish are great, but Cid is better. A sole Ember one shots the Pokemon. The EXP gain pushes him halfway to Level 11, and we get another 64 Poke for winning.

That's our last confrontation, and we quickly reach Petalburg City. Petalburg is the first Gym town you'll find on your journey. However, you aren't allowed to challenge it until you get four other badges. It's kind of like Viridian City, in that way.

I know I said that I'd try to get to Rustboro City in this update, but having lost a Pokemon already, I think I'm going to take a break. The stats of the main three Pokemon are unchanged since the above grinding, but we now have our first Pokemon in the Graveyard:

R.I.P Wyatt
Route 102 (Level 3) - Route 102 (Level 5)


Resident Furry
Right. When we last left off, we had just entered Petalburg City.

Going to the Gym will hook us up with our dear old dad. RSE is the only generation in the series where the man is actually present in our lives. Norman, as that is his name, seems surprised that we made it all the way to Petalburg, but then he reads our minds or something and deduces we're with Pokemon. He can't wait for an opportunity to trash us. Ain't that nice of him?

Anyway, a nice young man in a clean white coat comes in to take me- Oh wait.

This is Wally, forget May, because he's the proper Rival of this generation. Dad spaces out for a bit, but he figures out what the hell Wally is talking about. Wally is going away to live with relatives, and he would love to have a Pokemon to take with him. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand the arcane secrets of throwing a Pokeball at a Wild Pokemon, and needs some help.

Dad is a lazy dick, so he dumps the chaperone duty on us. They he magics up a Zigzagoon, and lets Wally borrow it.

What follows is RSE's version of the Catching Pokemon tutorial.

... Three towns into the game. At least RSE has the decency to make someone other then you the rookie for once. I for one and sick of being reminded how to catch a Pokemon, seeing as an Old Man, a random Dude/Lyra, Dawn, AND Professor Juniper all feel the need to remind me. I really wish there was an option to skip this tutorial...

On his first try, Wally manages to find a Ralts, the rarest Pokemon locatable on this route.


Wally, of course, catches the Ralts. He is very excited of this fact. We then Teleport back to Norman, and report the day's work. Anyway, after returning his Zigzagoon to him, Wally jets. Norman suggests we go beat the crap out of Roxanne, the Gym Leader in Rustboro City. He then promises to battle me one day. That day will come quicker then he imagines.

Anyway, the house right next to the Gym is Wally's, but there isn't much point going there. Other then the Gym, Petalburg is a fairly empty town. On the way out, however...

... This douche finds us.

He correctly guesses we're a newbie trainer, then blows us off by telling me he only wants to talk to talented trainers. Ass.

After that little detour, we exit to Route 104. Another new route, which means more Trainers and one more Pokemon for our collection.

Said Pokemon is yet another Poochyena. You know, Zigzagoon is supposed to be the Rattata of Hoenn, not you!

Oh well... We catch it, of course. Our first female Pokemon, we'll name her Trish. Just like Wyatt, she's basically a clone of Specter, but female. She's only knows Tackle, and she's Level 4. Run Away is her Ability. She is also Hardy.

After a pitstop in Petalburg to heal and get some Potions, we continue on with our trainer battles.

We first find this kid, running around the beach like an idiot. Billy here starts off with a Zigzagoon. It nearly one shots Trish. This is getting to be a theme, isn't it...?

Specter comes to the rescue this time, managing to gain enough EXP by killing the Zigzagoon to level up.

Billy then sends out another Pokemon we haven't seen before. Seedot is a pain to train. As it gains levels, it does indeed gain some good attacks, and it can evolve twice. For the most part, however, you're stuck with Bide with it.

As long as you're faster then the Seedot, it can't catch you off guard with Bide. Case in point, Specter took it down without taking a single HP point of damage himself. Billy forks over 112 Poke for losing, and cries about sand in his shoes.

Our next fight comes from this Fisherman (the Bug Catcher below him doesn't fight.). He has one Pokemon, and he thinks it's pretty tough. Of course, it's Magikarp.

The most worthless Pokemon in the game (To the point that I forgot to take a Screenshot of it at first), Magikarp can't even defend itself until it learns Tackle at around Level 10. It evolves into Gyarados, which is a real monster, but until then is going to either take a lot of hits, or get switched around in the party a lot.

Killing it nets her enough EXP to get to Level 5. I also accidentally overwrote the screenshot above this one. This means that it only exists here and on Imageshack.

Anyway, Darian is stunned his prized Magikarp could lose so easily, and hands over 360 Poke. Now that's a prize.

Anyway, up here we find two more Berry trees. Nothing special, two more Oran on the left, two more Pecha on the right.

This lady provides the last battle of this Route. Lady Cindy has one Pokemon, a Zigzagoon. It's Level 7, about the average level of my party. Trish is eager to fight, but I think I'll have Cid deal with this one. It's safer that way.

The Zigzagoon dies a fiery death, and Lady Cindy hands over 1400 Poke. Fuck yeah. Ladies and Rich Boys have some of the best loot in the game.

That done, we finally entire the obligatory forest level. Petalburg Woods has a few Bug Catchers for us, and offers one more Pokemon for our collection.

This Bug Catcher finds us first, though.

Lyle here has four Pokemon, the most of any trainer we've battled thus far. His first, a Level 3 Wurmple, is taken out by Trish. This gives her just under the EXP she needs to level up again. Thankfully, he has an exact same Wurmple for us, and killing it pushes Trish to Level 6.

Switching over to Cid at this point to get this over with. His next two Pokemon are exactly the same as the first two, and killing both gets Cid to Level 11. Lyle hands over 48 Poke, and we move on.

Our one Pokemon for this route is, of course, a Wurmple. At this rate, I'm just happy it isn't another Poochyena. It's also a tough little fucker. Manages to make me worry about Trish dying again and poison both Specter AND Trish. Thankfully we have Pecha Berries and an Antidote. I reward her efforts by catching her in the Premier Ball.

I'm naming her Lysis, hopefully Sem won't mind. This Wurmple is too badass for any other name.

After bringing my Poochyenas back from the brink of death, we continue on, finding a Paralysis Heal in the grass nearby.

Eventually we come across this dude. He wants a Shroomish, so there's something we have in common.

After talking about our love for Shroomish for a bit, this dude comes up. He's a member of Team Aqua, one of the two incompetent Crime Syndicates of this land. He wants some papers our new friend, a researcher from Devon Corp, has. We immediately spring to the defense of our buddy.

I'll say this, I do like their uniform. He has a Poochyena, nothing we haven't seen before. However, this one is notable as being Level 9, easily the strongest Pokemon we've encountered thus far, other then the Magikarp, which couldn't even fight.

Lysis puts up a valiant effort, but is forced to back down from this target. Thankfully, Cid is strong enough to finish it off. The grunt hands over 180 Poke, makes an idle threat, and then flees. Our buddy thanks us with a Great Ball, which is pretty cool. He then rushes off to Rustboro City, where Team Aqua is apparently after something.

After murdering a Poochyena on the way out of the forest, Lysis levels up for the first time as a member of my party.

We are then confronted by yet another Bug Catcher.

James here has two Pokemon. The first is one we've never seen before, Nincada. Nincada is a pretty cool Pokemon, and can actually result in a pair of Pokemon if it evolves while you have an empty spot in the party. It also knows attacks that can hit Poochyenas like a truck, as Trish found out. She survived, but I ended up switching to Cid again.

After burning one Nincada, James comes right back with another, which suffers the same fate. He hands over 96 Poke upon his defeat. We also find an Ether in a nearby grass patch, which I forgot to screenshot. After killing another Poochyena, we make it out of the woods.

And I think that's enough for that update. Next time we'll push through to Rustboro and take care of Team Aqua.

Current Team stats:

Cid - Torchic
Level 11; HP 30/33
Ability: Blaze
Knows Scratch, Growl, Focus Energy, and Ember.

Specter - Poochyena
Level 8; HP 24/24
Ability: Run Away
Knows Tackle and Howl.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 8; HP 24/24
Ability: Pickup
Knows Tackle, Growl, and Tail Whip.

Trish - Poochyena
Level 6; HP 20/20
Ability: Run Away
Knows Tackle and Howl.

Lysis - Wurmple
Level 6; HP 11/21
Ability: Shield Dust (Negates attack side effects)
Knows Tackle, String Shot, and Poison Sting.


Resident Furry
Right. Where were we? Ah yes, Route 104. I'm out of healing items, but my team isn't hurting much. We've got trainers to battle, and a Pokemon to catch.

Got some more berries over here at least. The tree closest to us has a new type of Berry for us, Cheri. Cheri Berries are pretty cool, they heal Paralysis. I never really find much use for them, though.

The second tree is two more Oran berries. The building a bit to the north is a Flower shop. We can get a Wailmer Pail from one of the ladies inside. If you want, you can use it to water berry plants. The better they are tended to, the more berries they'll sprout. Around back is a patch of grass for our Pokemon catching pleasures.

In the center of the grass is a Potion, and this time I managed to screenshot it. There is a Pokeball hidden in the empty patch to the left and down. A Super potion is in the middle of the diagonal three on the right.

Our one Pokemon for this route is.... Another.... Fucking..............





Her name is Claire. She is a female, Level 5. Run Away is her ability, and she knows Tackle and Howl. Her only difference from Trish and Specter is that she is Sassy.

With that done, it's time to get on to the Trainer battles of this Route.

The first comes from this dude. If you can't tell from his quote, he's a rich boy. He's basically Lady Cindy with a Gender swap. Level 7 Zigzagoon and all.

One other thing of note is that he has a fucking Full Restore. Defeating him nets us another 1400 Poke.

I'd also like to point out that, at this point, Claire is almost dead, Trish is out of PP, and Specter and Lysis are down to about half their HP. It's pretty much down to Cid and Andre.

Our next challenge is barely three steps away from our last one. Haley attacks with a pair of Pokemon. The first is a Lotad, which we haven't seen since Route 102. It's Level 6, but Andre easily downs it. She then attempts Shoomish, which Cid quickly kills. She hands over a mere 96 Poke when defeated.

Our next battle is a special one.

It's a double battle. RSE were the first Pokemon games to introduce actual Double Battles.

They're pretty cool, but usually not all that difficult. The Pair of Twins and their Pair of Pokemon gave my Pair of Pokemon a Pair of Level ups. Andre also learns Headbutt, and we win 144 Poke.

Next we have this dude claiming to be Misty/Wallace/Juan/Crasher Wake/Cress. (Choose your own Adventure!) He attacks with a trio of Magikarp, which are quickly owned. The embarrassed fisherman pays us 280 Poke to keep his blunder quiet.

This amused old lady gives us a Chesto Berry. Chesto is a poor man's Awakening. Useful in a pinch, of course. As for the Berry Trees, the right is Leppa. Leppa restore 10 PPs to any one move. The tree on the left has more Cheri Berries.

After that, we enter Rustboro City. Rustboro is a pretty great place. The PokeSchool is located here, as is our first Gym. Devon Corp has its headquarters here as well. An emo lives next to the Pokemon Center. He is nice enough to give us HM01. 01 is always Cut.

All seems quiet in the city. Could the Aqua grunt have been lying to us?

For now, let's head out to Route 116. We have a Pokemon to catch and a few Trainers to battle. I want to grind for a bit before taking on Roxanne.

We can find a Repel in the grass here. We want to attract Pokemon right now, though.








Life is good.

I sacrifice Claire as thanks to the Gods of Fortune.

His name is Ben. He is a Level 7 male, only knows Teleport, of course. Inner Focus is his ability.

R.I.P Claire
Route 104 (Level 5) - Route 116 (Level 5)
You shall not be mourned.
Shall. Not. Be. Mourned.

Current Team Stats:


Cid - Torchic
Level 12; HP 35/35
Ability: Blaze
Knows Scratch, Growl, Focus Energy, and Ember.

Specter - Poochyena
Level 8; HP 24/24
Ability: Run Away
Knows Tackle and Howl.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Pickup
Knows Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, and Headbutt.

Trish - Poochyena
Level 6; HP 20/20
Ability: Run Away
Knows Tackle and Howl.

Lysis - Wurmple
Level 6; HP 21/21
Ability: Shield Dust
Knows Tackle, String Shot, and Poison Sting.

Ben - Abra
Level 7; HP 21/21
Ability: Inner Focus (Prevents Flinching)
Knows Teleport.
As you might recall from chat, I gave some feedback on your Let's Play. And this chapter shows that you took some of that advice, and integrated with what you already had. This is more entertaining to read now. Especially how you didn't care about Claire's death (even implying you intentionally slaughtered her). I'll certainly follow along with this to keep up with your adventures through NUZLOCKE: Emerald. I can only see it getting more epic later on. Especially certain story-points that are coming up.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Originally I thought it'd be boring seeing you with multiple Pokemon of one species, but now that I see how swiftly death can strike in Nuzlocke it doesn't matter as much.

One by one, the Poochyena fall. Who will be the next to die? Be careful with Roxanne~ x3

It's also interesting seeing Emerald again. I only played through it once, so it's not that fresh in my mind. Looking forward to seeing what else I've forgotten from it.
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Resident Furry
I have never talked to this guy.

Huh, Bullet Seed. That would be great for Roxanne... Too bad I don't have anything I can teach it to...

--------TRAINING MONTAGE-------


We're no strangers to love

You know the rules, and-- Whoops, wrong track.

Here we go!

Risin' up,

Back on the RATTATA

Did my time,

Took my chances

Went the distance,

Now I'm back on my feet

Just a man, and his will to survive

So many times,

It happens too- D:

You trade your passion for glory

Don't lose your grip

On the dreams of the past

You must- FFFFFF

R.I.P. Trish
Route 104 (Level 4) - Route 116 (Level 7)
You were the best of Specter's clones. :(


Time for revenge.


You must fight

Just to keep

Them alive!

It's the:

Eye of the Tiger

It's the thrill of the fight!

Rising up! To the challenge!

Of our Rival!

And the Last!


(Just, TAKE a LOOK at THIS! It's FOREST! OH. MY. COD!)


Known survivor!

Stalks his prey in the night!

And he's watching us all with the Eeeeeeeye!

Of the Tiiiiiger!

Face to face,

Out in the heat

Hangin' tough,

Stayin' hungry

They stack the odds,

Till' we take to the street

For we kill with the skill to survive!


That's enough of that, I think. No more stalling. Next update, we test the waters in Roxanne's gym.

Final Pre-Roxanne Team Stats:

Cid - Combusken
Level 16; HP 50/50
Ability: Blaze
Knows: Scratch, Peck, Double Kick, and Ember.

Specter - Poochyena
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Run Away
Knows: Tackle, Howl, and Sand-Attack.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 11; HP 30/30
Ability: Pickup
Knows: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Headbutt.

Lysis - Silcoon
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Shield Dust
Knows Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden.

Ben - Kadabra
Level 16; HP 43/43
Ability: Inner Focus
Knows Teleport and Confusion.

Forest - Whismur
Level 10; HP 35/35
Ability: Soundproof (Immune to sound-based attacks)
Knows Pound and Uproar.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
... XD

I'm starting to think you're trying to kill those poor Poochyena. ;D

Cool evolutions, tho. Combusken is love. Good luck, young battler~!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Rex this is amazing! And funny! The deaths of the Poochyena would have been much much sadder if every other Pokemon you caught hadn't been a Poochyena. Ironic that Specter was the first and so far only survivor. It's probably too late now to make this suggestion, but imho you should evolve Silcoon to Beautifly since they learn Absorb upon evolution which would be another asset against Roxanne.

Keep up the fun and keep 'em alive! :'D
Hahah, this is one of the best Nulocke runs I've seen in time, Rex. You're definitely going to get through Roxanne with no casualties. Well, good luck; can't wait for the next epic installment!


Resident Furry
Linkachu said:
... XD

I'm starting to think you're trying to kill those poor Poochyena. ;D

Cool evolutions, tho. Combusken is love. Good luck, young battler~!
Hey, it's not like I'm feeding them to Forest, or something. >> <<


It's finally time. No more lollygagging. Now, we take on Roxanne.


... Right after we take out her lackeys


This first kid, Josh, has a Geodude. They're the staple Rock type for any aspiring first Gym Leader. As such, you will generally see half a dozen of them in any Rock Type Gym.

Being a Rock Type, they aren't that difficult to one shot with Double Kick. The kid hands over 160 Poke, and we get on with our lives.


... Or, wander into a double battle.

No matter. Four Pokemon might seem intimidating, but they're all Geodude. None of them even manage to get off an attack.


After they're done, it's time for the main event. Roxanne. As her name (Rocks-anne) suggests, she's the Rock Type Gym Leader, and also the first Gym Leader of Hoenn.





What a pleasant way of asking to kick my ass. I just can't refuse.


And so we begin our first Gym Battle. Roxanne has three Pokemon to attack us with, so let's begin.

As an aside, I really love Hoenn's Gym Leader theme.


Roxanne begins with a Geodude, which is two levels stronger then the last ones I've fought.


Cid doesn't care, however, and proceeds to down it in a single attack.


He also levels up from the effort.



Swear to god I didn't just copy-paste the previous screenshots. She had another Geodude, and it went down the exact same way.


She also has this thing. Nosepass is an absolute monster of a Pokemon. It's three levels higher then her Geodudes were. Thus, I've decided to give Ben a go against it.


Confusion takes out about a third of its HP.


Then it does this.


Rock Tomb is one of the many banes of my existence. I don't know how Ben managed to survive it with more then half his HP intact. This Kadabra is a trooper.


Another Confusion takes out a sizable chunk of the Nosepass' remaining HP.


Praise to the Random Number God.


As it turns out, the Nosepass has one of these things.


Unfortunately, it doesn't heal it enough for Roxanne's AI to derp out and not give it a Potion.


This brings it back to almost full health.


Another Confusion, and- PRAISE TO THE RANDOM NUMBER GOD. :D


Roxanne wastes another turn on a Potion.


Only for the Nosepass to become Confused to the point of Confusion!


Despite the Speed Debuff, Ben is still able to get in the first attack.




Fuck yeah, Kadabra!


Damn right, I did.


Damn right, you did.


Like the importance of a good Sp. Def!





At least you're professional about it, unlike SOME Gym Leaders who bitch, piss, and moan upon being defeated. (I'm looking at YOU Whitney, and especially at YOU, Clair.)


We also get some award money, though it's barely anything more then we could have gotten from defeating a Rich Boy/Lady. Still, it's the thought that counts, I guess.

We also, of course, get our Badge.

Somehow, this little thing makes my Pokemon physically stronger (Boosts Attack). It also makes it legal for me to use HM01 (Cut) outside of battle.


We also get Roxanne's secret weapon. TM39 is Rock Tomb


Andre also stole this from Roxanne during the chaos of Nosepass vs. Kadabra. He's such a good Zigzagoon. :)

Anyway, I think that's enough for now. This might of been a short update, but I think it's enough. I'll have the next one up within a day or so.

Post Roxanne Team Stats:

Cid - Combusken
Level 17; HP 52/52
Ability: Blaze
Knows: Scratch, Peck, Double Kick, and Ember.

Specter - Poochyena
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Run Away
Knows: Tackle, Howl, and Sand-Attack.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 11; HP 30/30
Ability: Pickup
Knows: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Headbutt.

Lysis - Silcoon
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Shield Dust
Knows Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden.

Ben - Kadabra
Level 17; HP 27/45
Ability: Inner Focus
Knows Teleport and Confusion.

Forest - Whismur
Level 10; HP 35/35
Ability: Soundproof
Knows Pound and Uproar.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
I'm so jealous that you caught an Abra. XD

Also, lolclones. And the number god...

I dunno, I find this thread to be amusing for a Nuzlocke. ^^;


Resident Furry

Here we are again.


Last time, with the blessing of the Random Number God, we completely trashed Roxanne's Nosepass, and won our first badge.


And with that, we can go onward to new adventure.


... Or become a witness to a crime in progress...


Oh hey, it's our Shroomish buddy.


He seems to be a bit of a klutz. =/




Well, when you put it that way...


Oh, alright. I can't say no to you, Shroomish Buddy.


Well, there can't be too many places this guy has gone to.


After literally wading through a SEA of Poochyena, Andre gets a much deserved level up. He's such a good Zigzagoon. =)


What's up Old Timer, you've fallen and you can't get up?


You got jumped? Shit, man.


Your Pokemon got stolen too? Man, nothing is going right for you. Well, I'm looking for a thug too, if I see him, I'll kick his ass for you. In the meantime, why don't you signal that young man sitting in the doorway to help you up.


Alright. There is no way out of this cave. Unless that Aqua jackass is a Hacker like Wally is, he's got to be in here.


There he is.


Don't tempt me.




Sailors have odd curse words.


Well, it is an Wingull, after all.


Yeah, you're pretty dumb, aren't you?




One ass kicking, coming right up.




Your Poochyena's flesh will provide a fine meal.


At least you're still alive, right?

Anyway, the grunt hands over 220 Poke.


Another monologue? Seriously, dude, just give me back what you took from my Shroomish Buddy...


Thank you.


Oh hey, you finally got up, huh?

Anyway, the old man is named Mr. Briney. As in the briny deep, geddit? He reads our minds and finds out that our name is Rex. He promises to pay us back for saving his Wingull, and then reveals that he lives in the cottage outside Petalburg Woods.


And with that, we'll stop. Next chapter, we are hired by the mysterious Mr. Stone, and push through to Dewford Town.


Cid - Combusken
Level 17; HP 52/52
Ability: Blaze
Knows: Scratch, Peck, Double Kick, and Ember.

Specter - Poochyena
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Run Away
Knows: Tackle, Howl, and Sand-Attack.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 12; HP 32/32
Ability: Pickup
Knows: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Headbutt.

Lysis - Silcoon
Level 9; HP 26/26
Ability: Shield Dust
Knows Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden.

Ben - Kadabra
Level 17; HP 27/45
Ability: Inner Focus
Knows Teleport and Confusion.

Forest - Whismur
Level 10; HP 22/35
Ability: Soundproof
Knows Pound and Uproar.


Resident Furry

Did you miss me?


As it turns out, my team is not good for Cut. For some reason, not even Specter can learn it. Oh well, we'll hand it to Andre for now.


We've got time, so let's head up here and have a few battles.


Our first battle is against these two, which makes it a very lucrative money making investment.

They start with a Zigzagoon and Lotad, nothing special. Ben mind fucks them both to death while Lysis sits there and absorbs the half EXP spoils. They then move on to Poochyena and and another Zigzagoon. Being a Dark Type, Poochyena is immune to mind fucking. It attempts to abuse this fact, and manages to get a Crit on Ben before the Kadabra is switched out. Nothing too major comes of it though, and Ben takes down the second Zigzagoon before switching. Lysis and Specter wail on the Poochyena until it dies, and we win 3200 Poke. I told you it was lucrative.


We also get a Potion for our efforts.


Next is this kid. While he's also a student of the PokeSchool...


He's no Roxanne, that's for sure.


For what it's worth, he does manage to weaken Lysis quite a bit with Confusion.


But Specter will have none of that shit.


Lysis also manages a level up, and we win 180 Poke for slaughtering the child's very rare Psychic Pokemon.


Next is yet another PokeSchool child.


She has one of these, which we haven't seen yet. Marill, appearance-wise, is Pikachu 2.0. It's an early Water Type. Not too much special about it, could of helped for Roxanne and definitely Flannery if I'd have found one.

Andre kills it without much trouble. He's such a good Zigzagoon. :)
The girl hands over 144 Poke, and leaves us to our exploring.


Next, we find an Ether. Ethers in Pokemon restore 10 PP to one attack move.

As for the trees at the top of the screen, the middle two are Chesto Berries, and the two on the edges are Pinap. On their own, Pinap aren't very special. They don't do anything, effect-wise, but you can use them as an ingredient to make PokeBlocks, which we'll get into WAY later in the game.



That done, we return to our Shroomish Buddy. He's ecstatic that we found his missing things, and rewards us with another Great Ball, the worth of which was proven when we used the first to capture Ben.


We then teleport. Our Shoomish buddy gives us the run down, saying that the President's office is on this floor. Well, more like it IS this floor. There is nothing else located up here but his office.


Unfortunately, now that Team Aqua has tried to take the Goods twice, almost succeeding the second time, Shoomish Buddy doesn't trust himself with them anymore. Thus, we move right from one quest to another.


Er- Two Quests... Okay, well, flattering me will certainly get you somewhere.


Well... Dewford IS on the way to Slateport, and we do need to make a stop there to battle Brawly anyway...


Oooooh, you're bribing me! Okay, sure, I'll take this letter to Steven.

Because he's such a great guy, President Stone allows us to rest up along with handing over a PokeNav, and with that, we head out. Next stop, Dewf-


... Orrly?


Good for you, dude...


... No?




... Oh.

Match Call is basically Hoenn's answer to the Phone function of Johto's PokeGear, minus the annoying calls from every trainer and their mothers, and your mother.

Anyway, the weird scientist demands we pester President Stone as a test of the phone's abilities. Apparently he expected this. All the call really does is reveal that President Stone has awesome vision, as he is looking down at us from three stories and can tell that we are happy. After that rather creepy revelation, he hangs up. The scientist goes back to his job, and we book it.

As I was about to say previously, onward to Dewfor-


Oh, god dammit, May. >:(


Have you... Have you been SPYING on me?


No, fuck you.

... On second thought, if I do register her, I can pester the shit out of her ala Youngster Joey, but my calls will always tell her how much better I am then her.


This shall be fun.


How's his back doing?


Well, that's good, I guess. Now, if you'll excuse me...


... That's nice honey, but really, I got places to go.


You know what. If it makes you go away, fine.


... Excuse me? Bitch, I just won my first Badge, let's see yours! I kicked your ass in my first ever Trainer Battle. I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU HERE. >:(


Two Pokemon? Bitch, you make me laugh.



Torkoal is a pretty decent Fire Type.


... Case in point... DAMMIT, I DIDN'T WANT TO LOSE HIM.








You got another one? No fair.


Didn't help you much, did it?


Fuck you, making a deal with a Demonic Turtle. I'd tell you to go to hell, but you'll end up there someday anyway.


What, 900!? Bitch, I could have gotten more Poke beating up a Rich Boy.

Now, get out of my sight, Bitch.


You deserve to rest in a better place then the trash that came before you. =(

R.I.P Specter
Route 101 (Level 3) - Rustboro City (Level 9)
You will be avenged. I will tear this whole system down if I have to.

With that done, it's onward to Mr. Briney's cabin...

But first:














Well, that was eventful.


... Lass? Old Man, are you blind? >:(


Yes, and I am NOT a LASS.


Yeah, you owe me.



Ha ha, now let's go.


We seem to be passing a lot of people... You sure we shouldn't stop and make sure everything is alright?


The fuck?


... Who gave you my number, Dad?






Goodbye, Dad.


In case he asks.


Great. I'll go find this Steven person.




Why? Do you have to go? When why waste time battling me? :|


Anyway, this guy has a new Pokemon to show us. The Zubat of the Sea, Tentacool!


It's not all that tough, but much like Zubat is annoyingly common, and poisonous to boot.


This one gave a nice amount of experience, though.

Ned, the Fisherman who needs to pee, hands over 440 Poke.


Only to run into one of his buddies.

El(liot) here has three Pokemon. He starts with a Magikarp. Forest eats it. Next is a Tentacool. The thing manages to poison Forest, but also gets eaten.


All this eating makes Forest stronger. Assimilation, maybe?

Anyway, Elliot ends with another Magikarp, which Lysis quickly puts out of its misery. With that done, El hands over 400 Poke, and we finally make it to the cave- After registering Elliot in our Match Call system.


Andre, good Zigzagoon that he is, stole this off of him in the process.


Now, I imagine this is where I differ from the traditional Nuzlocker. In a place with Multiple floors, I catch a Pokemon in each of said floors. I do this because each floor is its own map, and thus a different place from the previous room I caught a Pokemon in. As per this rule, I can catch four Pokemon in Granite Cave.


This is our first.

His name is Don, he's level 10, with a Modest nature. His ability is Thick Fat, and he knows Tackle, Sand-Attack, Focus Energy, and Arm Thrust.


This Hiker gives us Flash, HM05. The most useless HM until Defog came around and replaced it. Literally. Flash was one of the original HMs, along with Cut, Fly, Surf, and Strength. It's also the only one to lose HM Status. It has yet to get it back. Good riddance, I say.

We can't use Flash yet, since we don't have Brawly's Badge. Screw that though, we have a letter to deliver, Pokemon to catch, and training to do.


Remember when I mentioned Zubat? They're found here as well. Thankfully not to the levels you find them in Mt. Moon back in Kanto though. They Spam Leech Life, but it doesn't do to much against Lysis, so it's currently a non-issue.


We also find one of these.


Immediately the next floor we see why they want us to use Flash.


After a little blundering about, we find the one Pokemon allowed to us on this floor.


And it nearly one-shots Lysis. I am going to like this Pokemon.


It almost takes out Forest as well, before I remembered that Andre found me an Ultra Ball earlier. She shall be named Sasha.


The next floor means a third Pokemon for us.


... Fuck yeah. :D


Fuck, no!


... Jesus.

Kevin here is going to be an instrumental part of the team if he's that good at mauling things.


Oh hey! Too bad I don't think I have any Pokemon I don't want to evolve available in Hoenn.


After a little more blundering, we find our way back to the well lit first floor, where we captured a Makuhita named Don.


Through a door there and finally, finally, we find the area with the last Pokemon we can capture.


Also Steven Stone.

Handing Mr. Stone his letter from... Mr. Stone, Steven rewards us with a TM for Steel Wing, which is TM47.


He also totally thinks we should hang out.


But anyway, I'm not blundering back through this cave, so we'll be leaving with an Escape Rope.


I think that's more then enough for today. I'll grind a bit off camera, then take on Brawly.


R.I.P. Lysis
Petalburg Woods (Level 5) - Granite Cave (Level 10)
I'd be sad, but you died getting me something that easily replaces both you and Specter.

Current Team and Stats:

Cid - Combusken
Level 18; HP 55/55
Ability: Blaze
Knows: Scratch, Peck, Double Kick, and Ember.

Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 12; HP 32/32
Ability: Pickup
Knows: Tackle, Growl, Cut, and Headbutt.

Ben - Kadabra
Level 17; HP 45/45
Ability: Inner Focus
Knows Teleport and Confusion.

Forest - Whismur
Level 13; HP 43/43
Ability: Soundproof
Knows Pound, Uproar, and Astonish.

Don - Makuhita
Level 11; HP 37/37
Ability: Thick Fat (Halves the power of Fire and Ice Type moves.)
Knows Tackle, Focus Energy, Sand-Attack, and Arm Thrust.

Kevin - Sableye
Level 12; HP 34/34
Ability: Keen Eye (Prevents Accuracy debuffs)
Knows Leer, Scratch, Foresight, and Night Shade.
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I laugh and cry... Another Poochyena has left us. Guess it was fate. XD

Poor Beautifly too, but Sableye seems like an appropriate replacement. ;D

Good luck with the next gym~
I guess its about time to lose some of the lesser Pokeymanz anyway. Gives room for some of the more epics like Aron and Sableye :)