Did you miss me?
As it turns out, my team is not good for Cut. For some reason, not even Specter can learn it. Oh well, we'll hand it to Andre for now.
We've got time, so let's head up here and have a few battles.
Our first battle is against these two, which makes it a very lucrative money making investment.
They start with a Zigzagoon and Lotad, nothing special. Ben mind fucks them both to death while Lysis sits there and absorbs the half EXP spoils. They then move on to Poochyena and and another Zigzagoon. Being a Dark Type, Poochyena is immune to mind fucking. It attempts to abuse this fact, and manages to get a Crit on Ben before the Kadabra is switched out. Nothing too major comes of it though, and Ben takes down the second Zigzagoon before switching. Lysis and Specter wail on the Poochyena until it dies, and we win 3200 Poke. I told you it was lucrative.
We also get a Potion for our efforts.
Next is this kid. While he's also a student of the PokeSchool...
He's no Roxanne, that's for sure.
For what it's worth, he does manage to weaken Lysis quite a bit with Confusion.
But Specter will have none of that shit.
Lysis also manages a level up, and we win 180 Poke for slaughtering the child's very rare Psychic Pokemon.
Next is yet another PokeSchool child.
She has one of these, which we haven't seen yet. Marill, appearance-wise, is Pikachu 2.0. It's an early Water Type. Not too much special about it, could of helped for Roxanne and definitely Flannery if I'd have found one.
Andre kills it without much trouble. He's such a good Zigzagoon.
![Smile :) :)](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Smile.png)
The girl hands over 144 Poke, and leaves us to our exploring.
Next, we find an Ether. Ethers in Pokemon restore 10 PP to one attack move.
As for the trees at the top of the screen, the middle two are Chesto Berries, and the two on the edges are Pinap. On their own, Pinap aren't very special. They don't do anything, effect-wise, but you can use them as an ingredient to make PokeBlocks, which we'll get into WAY later in the game.
That done, we return to our Shroomish Buddy. He's ecstatic that we found his missing things, and rewards us with another Great Ball, the worth of which was proven when we used the first to capture Ben.
We then teleport. Our Shoomish buddy gives us the run down, saying that the President's office is on this floor. Well, more like it IS this floor. There is nothing else located up here but his office.
Unfortunately, now that Team Aqua has tried to take the Goods twice, almost succeeding the second time, Shoomish Buddy doesn't trust himself with them anymore. Thus, we move right from one quest to another.
Er- Two Quests... Okay, well, flattering me will certainly get you somewhere.
Well... Dewford IS on the way to Slateport, and we do need to make a stop there to battle Brawly anyway...
Oooooh, you're bribing me! Okay, sure, I'll take this letter to Steven.
Because he's such a great guy, President Stone allows us to rest up along with handing over a PokeNav, and with that, we head out. Next stop, Dewf-
... Orrly?
Good for you, dude...
... No?
... Oh.
Match Call is basically Hoenn's answer to the Phone function of Johto's PokeGear, minus the annoying calls from every trainer and their mothers, and your mother.
Anyway, the weird scientist demands we pester President Stone as a test of the phone's abilities. Apparently he expected this. All the call really does is reveal that President Stone has awesome vision, as he is looking down at us from three stories and can tell that we are happy. After that rather creepy revelation, he hangs up. The scientist goes back to his job, and we book it.
As I was about to say previously, onward to Dewfor-
Oh, god dammit, May. >
Have you... Have you been SPYING on me?
No, fuck you.
... On second thought, if I do register her, I can pester the shit out of her ala Youngster Joey, but my calls will always tell her how much better I am then her.
This shall be fun.
How's his back doing?
Well, that's good, I guess. Now, if you'll excuse me...
... That's nice honey, but really, I got places to go.
You know what. If it makes you go away, fine.
... Excuse me? Bitch, I just won my first Badge, let's see yours! I kicked your ass in my first ever Trainer Battle. I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU HERE. >
Two Pokemon? Bitch, you make me laugh.
Torkoal is a pretty decent Fire Type.
... Case in point... DAMMIT, I DIDN'T WANT TO LOSE HIM.
You got another one? No fair.
Didn't help you much, did it?
Fuck you, making a deal with a Demonic Turtle. I'd tell you to go to hell, but you'll end up there someday anyway.
What, 900!? Bitch, I could have gotten more Poke beating up a Rich Boy.
Now, get out of my sight, Bitch.
You deserve to rest in a better place then the trash that came before you. =(
R.I.P Specter
Route 101 (Level 3) - Rustboro City (Level 9)
You will be avenged. I will tear this whole system down if I have to.
With that done, it's onward to Mr. Briney's cabin...
But first:
Well, that was eventful.
... Lass? Old Man, are you blind? >
Yes, and I am NOT a LASS.
Yeah, you owe me.
Ha ha, now let's go.
We seem to be passing a lot of people... You sure we shouldn't stop and make sure everything is alright?
The fuck?
... Who gave you my number, Dad?
Goodbye, Dad.
In case he asks.
Great. I'll go find this Steven person.
Why? Do you have to go? When why waste time battling me? :|
Anyway, this guy has a new Pokemon to show us. The Zubat of the Sea, Tentacool!
It's not all that tough, but much like Zubat is annoyingly common, and poisonous to boot.
This one gave a nice amount of experience, though.
Ned, the Fisherman who needs to pee, hands over 440 Poke.
Only to run into one of his buddies.
El(liot) here has three Pokemon. He starts with a Magikarp. Forest eats it. Next is a Tentacool. The thing manages to poison Forest, but also gets eaten.
All this eating makes Forest stronger. Assimilation, maybe?
Anyway, Elliot ends with another Magikarp, which Lysis quickly puts out of its misery. With that done, El hands over 400 Poke, and we finally make it to the cave- After registering Elliot in our Match Call system.
Andre, good Zigzagoon that he is, stole this off of him in the process.
Now, I imagine this is where I differ from the traditional Nuzlocker. In a place with Multiple floors, I catch a Pokemon in each of said floors. I do this because each floor is its own map, and thus a different place from the previous room I caught a Pokemon in. As per this rule, I can catch four Pokemon in Granite Cave.
This is our first.
His name is Don, he's level 10, with a Modest nature. His ability is Thick Fat, and he knows Tackle, Sand-Attack, Focus Energy, and Arm Thrust.
This Hiker gives us Flash, HM05. The most useless HM until Defog came around and replaced it. Literally. Flash was one of the original HMs, along with Cut, Fly, Surf, and Strength. It's also the only one to lose HM Status. It has yet to get it back. Good riddance, I say.
We can't use Flash yet, since we don't have Brawly's Badge. Screw that though, we have a letter to deliver, Pokemon to catch, and training to do.
Remember when I mentioned Zubat? They're found here as well. Thankfully not to the levels you find them in Mt. Moon back in Kanto though. They Spam Leech Life, but it doesn't do to much against Lysis, so it's currently a non-issue.
We also find one of these.
Immediately the next floor we see why they want us to use Flash.
After a little blundering about, we find the one Pokemon allowed to us on this floor.
And it nearly one-shots Lysis. I am going to like this Pokemon.
It almost takes out Forest as well, before I remembered that Andre found me an Ultra Ball earlier. She shall be named Sasha.
The next floor means a third Pokemon for us.
... Fuck yeah.
Fuck, no!
... Jesus.
Kevin here is going to be an instrumental part of the team if he's that good at mauling things.
Oh hey! Too bad I don't think I have any Pokemon I don't want to evolve available in Hoenn.
After a little more blundering, we find our way back to the well lit first floor, where we captured a Makuhita named Don.
Through a door there and finally,
finally, we find the area with the last Pokemon we can capture.
Also Steven Stone.
Handing Mr. Stone his letter from... Mr. Stone, Steven rewards us with a TM for Steel Wing, which is TM47.
He also totally thinks we should hang out.
But anyway, I'm not blundering back through this cave, so we'll be leaving with an Escape Rope.
I think that's more then enough for today. I'll grind a bit off camera, then take on Brawly.
R.I.P. Lysis
Petalburg Woods (Level 5) - Granite Cave (Level 10)
I'd be sad, but you died getting me something that easily replaces both you and Specter.
Current Team and Stats:
Cid - Combusken
Level 18; HP 55/55
Ability: Blaze
Double Kick, and
Andre - Zigzagoon
Level 12; HP 32/32
Ability: Pickup
Cut, and
Ben - Kadabra
Level 17; HP 45/45
Ability: Inner Focus
Teleport and
Forest - Whismur
Level 13; HP 43/43
Ability: Soundproof
Uproar, and
Don - Makuhita
Level 11; HP 37/37
Ability: Thick Fat (Halves the power of Fire and Ice Type moves.)
Focus Energy,
Sand-Attack, and
Arm Thrust.
Kevin - Sableye
Level 12; HP 34/34
Ability: Keen Eye (Prevents Accuracy debuffs)
Foresight, and
Night Shade.