I've had a few shinys over my pokemon gaming....some I kind of forgot due to me bing young.
Crytsal: Green Zubat and a Dunsparce
Ruby/Saph/Emerald: Pink female Mukip that I kept from evolving, Absol, Slugma, Wailmer, Tailow, Shruppet, Duskull, Rayquazza (I was like HOLY MOTHER OF! When I found this...and then that Saph cartige was stolen....)
FRLG: Another green bat, Clafairy, Pikachu, Onix, Shellder, Goldeen, a really Dr.Seus looking Tauros, Vulpix/Ninetails.
PDPlt: Sneasal/Weavil, Wooper, Yanma, Shinx, Budew, Buizel, female Ralts, Tanegla.
HGSS: Ditto, Charizard, a few weeks ago Magnimite, and just a few hours ago a blue nosed Girafarige.
So....I kind of have ALOT of luck....and it also seems whenever I wasn't expecting one POOF there it was.