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Official SSB Brawl Thread


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Mmk, rather big update here... Sonic in Brawl, confirmed. And the internetz imploded in on itself.

I wont say my personal opinion on it, simply because I'm one of them anti-third party people, meaning I'd only like for there to be Nintendo characters...

ANYway, yeah. They did the whole new-challenger-thing, and they put up a video as well. o.o Pretty much about Sonic, yes. But it plays a rather awesome song I enjoy from the series, so at least we get that. XD

On a side note, today's update had another vid too, from the Nintendo Conference Fall 07. It shows some of the newer characters in action, Snake, Lucas, MetaKnight, Pokemon Trainer, ect. And some of our veterans back in action, Peach, Ice Climbers. Shows a few Final Smashes in action as well, Like Fox's and Yoshi's, plus a few other things. So that's worth a look too.



Doctor Oak

Staff member
Using Live and Learn for Sonic's movie is more than just 'cos it's an awesome song (which it is). It's also the song of SA2B - the very first Sonic game to be released on a Nintendo system, so it's pretty significant.

Watching Sonic kick the shit out of Mario has made my entire life. I cannot wait to own this game.

Incidentally, though only the Japanese version of the site mentions it - the game's been delayed (again) in Japan to the 24th January. I'm personally hoping the American release will be pushed back as well, and that we'll finally get a European date and that'll be at the end of January too. And then we can all have the game together, the way God intended it.
*Brain implodes* SONIC!!! :o
I for one wasn't "OMG PUT SONIC IN TEH GAME CUZ HE'S LIKE SONIC LOLZ !!1111!!!!ONE!!!ELEVENTY!" about the blue hedgehog, but I have to say he's gonna be Mcpwnsawse. He gotsta be fun to play. I love how they put the old sounds with him, very nostalgic I have to say.​
And I'm guessing you've all seen the clip. Super Sonic is so going to be such a great Final Smash. And It actually doesn't say the release date on the American version of the site. It still says the old one and no anouncement about it being pushed back yet. I'm not surprised. And his theme song is sool cool. You can't beat the Blue Flash.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
All I can say about the Sonic announcement is... it's about time. After Snake was announced for Brawl, there was little to no doubt that Sonic would show up, too. Mario and Sonic being announced only solidified that.

Super Sonic is gonna rock as a final smash indeed. But b00 at any talk of the US release being pushed back. I want this bloody game NOW, dammit XD

Now excuse me while I go fangasm over this some more. And Live and Learn is less than three.
Actually, I don't think I feel all that amazed. I'm probably in the denial phase still. I'm sure the awesome will become apparent to me sooner or *heart breaks through my chest like Kool-Aid man and starts typing*

Heart: Yeah, boi! First the plumber and the hedgehog go head to head at the Olympics, then they go toe-to-toe in the ring! When the dust clears, they're'll be no question! My man Mario's gonna kick Sonic to the curb, son! Believe it!

And now, a song.

Blue streak speeds by
Sonic the Hedgehog
Look out when he comes through
Sonic the Hedgehog
He can really move!
He's got an attitude!
He's the fastest thing alive!
He's the fastest thing aliiiiive!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
From IGN:
October 11, 2007 - After Nintendo's Japan announcement of the delay of Smash Bros. Brawl, American gamers instantly began speculating the meaning of that announcement for the US release of Nintendo's battler. Just moments ago at Nintendo's media summit in San Francisco, CA, vice president of marketing and corporate communications George Harrison has confirmed that the game will be getting a delay in the US as well, hitting stores on Sunday, February 10 of 2008.


More from IGN
While this delay is of course disappointing for the hardcore crowd, who have been dead set on getting a taste of Brawl in 2007, Harrison remained extremely optimistic on the subject, mentioning Sonic's involvement in the game, the attempt by Nintendo to reach out to top characters from around the gaming industry, and the mysterious comments Iwata made less than 24 hours ago, stating that Smash would allow gamers to share content with each other both online and off. As expected, there's still more to the Smash story than we know.

"the attempt by Nintendo to reach out to top characters from around the gaming industry..."

I guess the next big name character people are hoping for is MegaMan, eh?
Yeah, I can see him here.

Why did they have to push the release date to Feb. 10th? I want it now. With Sonic already in the game, noting could be better. Only Nights could make it more fun. Nothing will beat the Blue Flash!

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Mega Man is, and always has been, the third expected Third Party character.

I don't really anticipate a fourth - though Nights would also be one I can imagine being in if they went for one more.
Yeah, but how many people know about Nights.
Nintendo just recently released a game about Nights.

With Sonic's Side Dash, it can be used to move through the air and can be charged in the air for a tow hit combo. How sweet is that.

If MegaMan was in the game, what would his special moves be?
I can't see any moves other than old boss weapons that would change depending on the stage.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Yeah, but how many people know about Nights.
Nintendo just recently released a game about Nights.

Nights is rather quite a cult hit - and one of Sega's most critically acclaimed works following Sonic and Knuckles... in fact, it's pretty much Sega's ONLY critically acclaimed work since then.

With a new Wii exclusive on the way next year, it wouldn't be a big surprise to see Nights appearing. Nights' composer is also listed in the composer list - and the original game was rather infamous for its music...
I did get my Wii for this, and PBR.
Anyways, I'm just exploding with happiness with the fact Sonic will be included. I can't wait to play as him. I've always wanted to attack Sonic with a Pokemon too, for that remark awhile ago when it was Sega VS Nintendo. Now I can. But after that, Sonic will probably be my only character (like Pichu in SSB: Melee). And being able to be Super Sonic for a Final Smash excites me too.
I want to try out the trainer a bit, just to see how switching out between 3 attack sets would work. Kinda like an actual battle, switch out when needed. And this is a huge maybe, but I'm hopefull, that one of the alternate appearances for the trainer is the female character for FR/LG. Or some female trainer. Because I don't want to be stuck as a male again like the old days.
Oh how I wish I could get a Wii, but sadly we only have one good T.V. in my house and my little bro's PS2 is hooked up to it and man would it be a pain in the ass to switch systems every time Iwanted to play Wii or he wanted PS2. I was wondering when sonic would appear in one of the SSB games. If I ever did get a Wii, sonic and of course pikachu would be my only two characters(pika became my character in SSBM when one of the guys I was playing the game with at summer camp switched my character to pika since all three of the people I was playing against were sick of me using Luigi all the time, and I realized that I was even better with pika than with Luigi). *huggles sonic plush and pikachu plush*
You'd be amazed at how many times I've watched the clip about Sonic entering the Brawl. The moves for Sonic look so cool and his Final Smash can never be beat. Super Sonic making an appearance. He's unstoppable! No one can stop him. The Blue Flash speeds by. He'll probably my number one character, and after I spent all that time working on good combos for Falco. All of that and he's already outclassed by one Character. The awesome Blue Flash.
I would imagine that Megaman would work like Kirby, being able to grab special moves from his opponents. To be more like his game, though, I think he should only get an opponent's move after knocking them out, and be able to switch move sets by either the taunt button or the Down Special like the Pokemon Trainer. He could probably use their Final Smashes, as well, when in their guise.

Normally, though, I think his Up Special would be to fly across the screen on the Rush Jet, and his Final Smash would be to call the Rush Jet in for an air strike like in Mega Man 8. Standard Special would be the Mega Buster, and the Side Special would be the Magnet Beam from the first game, which essentially creates a platform.
With sonics appearance,i think its almost certain i'm going to get this...if not before x-mas....

but i'm still a bit sad that Ness hasn't shown up on the list yet.Lucas is nice but i'd love to see Ness return (possibly fixed up a bit...) with a nice PK Rockin' ^^.To add i agree with the sentiment earlier on that Mother 3 is Japan-Only...and hopefully it will be on VC.

And the pokemon trainer sounds sorta cool,though i hope that the switching system won't be so huge that you won't be able to go five seconds without switching to another pokemon on his team.

And as for what was noted earlier...does that mean they're trying to get more outsider characters?If so i agree with the hope of megaman...but for some reason i'm more expecting of X at least (since the megaman series died a long time ago,and the X series is the last one he was in). or perhaps Megaman.exe since his series ended only recently.To add they would probably be easier to implement characters since they had many more basic moves (dash,wall jump,and megaman.exe was nearly endless)

and with the idea of adding other characters...i hope Goemon gets added....>.>...course that heavily unlikely since i doubt anyone would even know who he is...Then again i didnt know who ness was till smash bros for N64! ^^

And has anyone seen the assist trophies as of late? they got some really funny looking ones...and i think its awesome Lyn is gonna be in the game...even if not playable ^^...

...i wouldve preferred Fir tho...
The thought occurred to me today that if they added Sonic, they might also add Knuckles as well. They already established the gliding mechanic, which Knuckles is known for, so why not?


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Even with the gliding mechanic I doubt Knuckles would be put in... REALLY doubt. They're obviously making these 3rd party characters something special, and they're only gonna put 1 or 2 more in, I doubt they'd waste that spot on someone from a franchise they've already added. Expect Megaman, or something, instead.
I know that, but I didn't think it made it less likely than Solid Snake or Sonic. Then again I do suppose Ratchet and Clank have never appeared on a Nintendo console or hand held...


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
The thing with the third party people is that they MUST have appeared in a game for a Nintendo console. Snake and Sonic have both done that at some point. So this means, no Ratchet and Clank, no ZOMG CLOUD, no ZOMG SEPHIROTH, no ZOMG SORA, no ZOMG MASTER CHIEF, etc... And this makes people such as Megaman and even Pac-Man *shudder* possible.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
But the point of the third party characters is that they hold some special bond to Nintendo.

Sonic is obvious, he's as commonly thought of when referring to classic Nintendo as Mario is purely down to the original rivalry that made up the very first Console wars.

Megaman was born on the NES and right up until his 8th game was a Nintendo exclusive. His ties to the glory days of Nintendo are unquestionable and even his later franchises have been pretty big Nintendo games also.

Snake was also born on the NES - though his position in the game is as much down to Hideo Kojima begging for it as anything else.

There's very little else worthy of being among those - the only possible exception being, as mentioned before, Nights - who presumably will be a Nintendo exclusive from Sega from now on thanks to the Wii. Though Nights' being included is an extremely, extremely tenous notion and only just makes itself more likely than the obvious nonsense like Sora, Master Chief or Ratchet and Clank.

I really doubt we'll see anything other than Megaman being included.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I wouldn't deny them Assist Trophies - but would you really consider them to be worthy of being playable characters among Snake, Sonic and possibly Megaman?
Battletoads, maybe, but probably not the other two.

I really feel like I'm over-looking some classic game that might become the next third-party character, and when they reveal he/she/it I'm gonna be all, "Oh, yeah. That guy. I knew I forgot something."

Incidentally, I do believe Final Fantasy originally came out on the NES. I wouldn't bet on any post 16-bit characters showing up, but I think I'd like to see Black Mage kick some butt.
Peach's Final Smash is freaky. It makes everyone go into a trance(sleep sounds more realistic). I can see that, but peaches popping out of nowhere is plain old weird (Her name is Peach though). I was looking for something with hearts and stuff, y'know. Almost of the sporting games feature hearts with Peach's moves.
I guess they wanted Peach as girly as possible, and I think that's as girly as Final Smashes get. Besides, it adds a bit more variety. So far, everyone's Final Smash has been either some uber-attack or a transformation (I count the Landmaster tank as a transformation), but Peach's move has more strategic value. You can use it to stall and heal, or to knock everyone out while they're frozen in place.

But am I the only one that thinks Kirby's Final Smash is a little god-modey? I mean, does it suck in everyone on screen, or just those within range?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Donkey Kong and Diddy have gone gansta XP

And the PictoChat level looks fun. It'd be really cool if you could actually draw your own designs for it or at least store some designs for it. It could work like Line Rider.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
You and I... and everyone else... knows that YOU'RE the only one who'd do such a thing Nem. ;)

Anyway. I don't care for either monkey, >> Any attempt to make them 'cool' will fail epically, even making them gangsta. But of course, this is all my opinion, not everyone hates the 'Kongs... my friend plays as DK just to spite me I'm sure


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
What, so everyone could fight amongst giant phallus's and breasts online? No thanks.

As Sem said, out of everyone I'd probably play against, you're the only one who'd actually do that (aside from possibly Alex) :p
The Pictochat arena is like Duck Amuck on your Wii. Except Daffy Duck isn't in it, and no one gets their body erased.

And I thought that DK and Diddy video was way more awesome than either character probably deserves. Diddy especially. And why do they both point at the end?

What do you think the odds are that Miis will be playable characters with customizable move sets?
And I thought that DK and Diddy video was way more awesome than either character probably deserves. Diddy especially. And why do they both point at the end?

What do you think the odds are that Miis will be playable characters with customizable move sets?

im personally looking forward to the monkeys, but eh...

btw, i think they're pointing with the meaning of "you're next" and i highly doubt that Miis will have much of a chance. even if it is possible, the movesets will be the same for all of them.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Who else foresaw his arrival? Dedede was one of my predicted characters from "Who do you think will be in the next SSB game?" topics ages back (years before Brawl was ever announced). It's not that I love the guy - he actually rather annoys me XD - but he IS Kirby's most known villain, HAL helps make SSB, and he has tons standard attacks that'd fit an SSB game. It just seemed natural that he'd one day make it in.

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