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Official SSB Brawl Thread


Former Administrator
A few things-

Roatation mode allows a fair sharing of gameplay in normal VS mode, using 4 controllers. So you tell the Wii how many people are there, who they are, what configurations they want to use, and the game gives them a chance to play when someone else looses. Much better than arguing over it.

And Coro Coro had NO new info. It was all Dojo stuff. Some guy on various boards was claiming that Serebii had revealled Ridley Luigi and Capt Falcon as playable but this was rubbish.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Waluigi's rubbish anyway. At least Wario's got some actual character to him - there are more than enough gormless twats in the game with a Mushroom symbol next to their pictures.
U may wanna go to brawl dojo and look up assist trophies, 'cause Waluigi is an Assist Trophy himself.

Still, it woulda been a blast with Waluigi playable. If he was playable, what SHOULD his final smash be anywho? :S
Waluigi's rubbish anyway. At least Wario's got some actual character to him - there are more than enough gormless twats in the game with a Mushroom symbol next to their pictures.

I'm not denying that. Instead, I'm arguing that a crotch chop taunt would have been reason enough to include him.
Heh, yeah. That taunt would be cool!
As an Assist trophy, he'll randomly head to an opponent, stomp on them several times and either punts the poor sap away or smacks 'em away with a tennis racket.
Pretty good for an Assist Trophy... :)
I dunno...
We'll have 2 wait n see what Nintendo puts in the game for Subspace Emissary...(stages, bosses and the like)

However, they should've put Blaziken/Marshtomp/Treecko for Pokemon Trainer in SSBB. I'm cool with Pokemon Trainer's pokemon though.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Sweet. Just saw the latest update about 2 Player Event Matches. I love games with this sort of co-op play (not just standard multiplayer, but honest to goodness co-op multiplayer). What would be really awesome, tho, would be if these modes (Adventure Mode/Events) were online...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I was thinking the same. Out of all of the Kirby forms revealed so far, Snake Kirby is the one that stands out with that WTF-quality ;D
although I love the Snake Kirby, I would like to see what the Squirtle Kirby's special move would be, considering they haven't revealed it yet...Maybe it will be Water Gun...
Snake Kirby made me LOL. I thought the picture of Kirby with Mario's legs sticking out of his mouth was pretty funny, too. I almost couldn't figure out the Diddy Kirby picture.

So, do you think Kirby becomes Squirtle Kirby just by inhaling Squirtle, or do you think it comes from the other Trainer's Pokemon, also? It'd make more sense for there to be a Charizard Kirby and Ivysaur Kirby, especially if there's going to be a Samus Kirby and Zero Suit Kirby. If one form change results in different Kirbies, why not another?

I wonder what Sonic Kirby looks like...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

And once again, videos like this make me want to cry because we don't have the game yet. That music is so frelling PRETTY, too ;-;

Pretty much a promo video for Adventure mode. Worth taking a look.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
You're upset?? You have a release date...


I knew someone would respond with that XD

But hey. Just because you guys don't have a release date doesn't mean I don't want the game NOW :p ... it just means my complaining is more baseless ^^;


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Its pretty much accepted that Rayquaza is a boss character along with Petey Piranha.
Anyone else think the Subspace Army has an uncanny resemblance to Kingdom Hearts' heartless?

Now that you mention it, yeah, they kinda do.

Did you see that laser cannon Bowser had? Is that supposed to be one of his moves, or what?

Also, those were some pretty interesting-looking arenas during that montage.
I'm pretty sure that's the same gun Wario uses to turn characters back into trophies. WHy they want them as trophies is beyond my belief right now.
I'm pretty sure that's the same gun Wario uses to turn characters back into trophies. WHy they want them as trophies is beyond my belief right now.

It's my understanding that most Assist Trophy characters are invincible (one exception being Stafy). Having something that can neutralize them might balance that out.
I'm pretty sure that's the same gun Wario uses to turn characters back into trophies. WHy they want them as trophies is beyond my belief right now.
I believe (although I'm not sure) that if you become a trophy, it's the same as dieing (sp?). Would that make any sence?


Former Administrator
That gun Bowser has is seen in a GameTrailers movie, where Wario turns the princess you fail to save (in this case Zelda) in to a trophy. I guess it is the Army's way of disposing of the heroes.

It has nothing to do with assist trophies, not that we know of right now anyway.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Megaman might not actually make it to the Brawl afterall...

Keiji Inafune says Mega Man is not in Brawl

During a question/answer session in the latest Bionic Commando podcast, Keiji Inafune lets us know that Mega Man isn


Former Administrator
That Megaman interview was taken a few months ago, same time as "Sonic in brawl is not on the cards right now"

Wario movie is on gamestrailers somewhere, along with SSE gameplay videos.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Well, I was intrigued and searched for the vid, since I've not seen it either. I found it a long with 3 others full of footage not seen in the dojo. Here are the link if you're interested.

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
from the videos Sem has just posted, the Subspace Emissary is far from the previous game's Adventure mode, considering you dont choose any character and play it all the way through. instead you apparently get to only choose which of the predetermined characters you play at...or at least thats what i understand from these videos...
Right, looks like that. Anyways, we can totally use the costume change for Wario even better now. He can swap into his orginal outfit now aswell.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Well, despite today's update being another game modes one, I rather enjoyed it. The thought of actually hunting enemies down to trophy-fy them is awesome. XD And I love how bosses are not excluded from this either. Thank goodness I has a sister to help me with the hunting, because CPU=fail.

"Mmk CPU-companion, I will weaken it, then you strike! ...Ready...g-NO YOU FOOL!" *is keeled by Rayquaza.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Weaken an enemy first before throwing the trophy stand at it... That doesn't sound familiar at ALL XD

Note: Rayquaza looks fairly awesome in that boss battle screen shot =)

That's...insanely awesome. I wonder if you have to do the same with Petey Pirahna?


Rayquaza has an awful lot of life. 0_o Yay for Fox's cheap-ass Reflector! =D​
I pretty much like the new way to get trophies. This time you can at least do something, and it won't depend on luck. Although i think you will need more coins to get a trophy this time...
I'm a little concerned that you might have to carry them around physically. You can only hold one item at a time, and you throw it if you make a physical attack. You might have to carry that thing from one end of the stage to another, and that's on top of holding onto it while trying to pummel your opponent. Challenging, to say the least. No punching, no grabbing, and no using other items, including those your character produces on its own (like Link's bombs). Maybe you can drop an item during battle, but some items disappear when you do that.

I like the Coin Shooter game, though. I'm not sure I like the idea of using money as ammo if you can't get it back, but then again you might otherwise have that kind of money to waste.

Update: How's about that Dragoon, eh? An item in three parts. I wonder if there will be other items like that...

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