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Official SSB Brawl Thread


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Dragoon machine is interesting. I think I was one of the few people who enjoyed Air Ride. I hope they do the Hyrda as well.
Dragoon looks like a fun item, but I wonder who would win if someone got it while another person got a Smash Ball...I guess it would really depend on the user of the Smash Ball...by the way, I found Air Ride to be quite fun in free play mode at city trial...playing cops & robbers was the best...
Just don't bring that annoying stage call 'Icicle Mountain'. Stupid stage. The most annoying stage ever.

But having Corneria back is good. So is Brinstar and Rainbow Cruise. It's all good until 'Icicle Mountain' is mentioned.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Fountain of Dreams was always my favourite stage in Melee, and I'd love having it back just for the music alone... but I could live without it.

It's nice seeing the old stages return, but none of them really strike that "awesome!" note with me. I played all of 'em to death on Melee, so honestly... At this point, I'm much more interested in seeing what new stages they come up with ^^;


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Seconded on the Fountain of Dreams, one of my favorite stages, and it had awesome music. ;P

None of the stages today are a major 'yay' for me besides Corneria and maybe Onett. Other stages are kinda meh. I hated Brinstar, It would've been better for them to bring back Brinstar Depths, THAT was another favorite. But, I'm happy with Corneria and Hyrule Temple.
And sweetness cause of the Multi-Melee. Having the sweet looking Fighting Alloys and two player now, I may just try Cruel Melee for once. Way better than those stupid wire-fighting thingamijigs. And WFC mode too. Sweet, now I can link up with someone I know to kick ass. Hehe, I might enjoy this mode after all. The only reason I did Mulit-Man Melee was to get Falco.
I noticed that he mentions that Alloy Red isn't necessarily the leader. That amuses me, because I think it's a Power Rangers/sentai reference, and Red is traditionally the leader.
Flippin'eck, Captain Olimar with Pikmin! I honestly didn't think they would be playable. I'm going to really struggle to pick a main for this game, not that I had one for Melee, but Melee didn't have online.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Errr... I didn't exactly want Olimar in. >> Playable anyway, Assist Trophy would've been fine. I never played Pikmin, looked terribly boring. And now I feel like we just lost a character slot to something... eh, and now less awesome can fit.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
The idea of "character slots" is stupid. They'll include who they'll include and that's it. If they're not included, they never were going to be and Captain Olimar isn't exactly changing that.

Olimar being in it means, for me, that hopefully someone from Golden Sun will be making an appearance as along with Olimar and Wario, those were the three big constant names to bring in for the next Smash Bros dating way back to just after Melee.
Olimar being in it means, for me, that hopefully someone from Golden Sun will be making an appearance as along with Olimar and Wario, those were the three big constant names to bring in for the next Smash Bros dating way back to just after Melee.

Damn, I hope so. Golden Sun was the first real RPG I played (obviously not including Pokemon in that statement). Seeing representatives from it in Brawl would be fantastic.

And I'm still holding out for Jimmy T., kthx.
And how would having Olimar be a waste of a character? The only game which featured plants that can keep someone interested, how is that not cool?

Anywho, go white and Purple Pikmin!

And Here's hoping Falco's still in the game.
Olimar is interesting in the fact that they could possibly give him an army of Pikmin to command. Epic. And although I would love to see Golden Sun representation, I don't think they would truly fit in. I mean, I would use Ragnorak every five seconds.

If Falco's not in, I'll cry. I love him much more than fox.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Err... ZSS doesn't have a final smash... not yet anyway. >> Sheik isn't officially announced yet, but yeah, they still need Zelda's.
And Capt. Olimar as well. But I think Snake's Smash is good. Firing 12 Grenades during a time period but not being able to get hit is great. Everything about his smash is great but the time limit.


Former Administrator
ZSS DOES have a final Smash Sem, was in the E4All Demo. She glows in a damaging circle of energy, then gets her Varia Suit back.

Also, Olimar seems really weak. Hopefully the Pikmin power him up quite a bit.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
So far, Olimar is looking to be the most original character yet. I'm not sure if I could be bothered learning all the ins and outs of his gameplay, but I'll definitely be giving him a shot. He'll probably have a notably higher learning curve than the rest of the characters...
Olimar definitely seems interesting, although I imagine it may be difficult keeping his minions together. His up-special may be just as difficult to recover with as Ness' in Melee, if not more so if you can't pull Pikmin out of the air. It takes quite a bit of skill to hit yourself with your own attack, but without Pikmin with him Olimar's going to drop like a stone. Still, attacks that steadily drain your opponent's HP is interesting. I wonder if you need to throw them to get them to latch on, or if they can do it themselves when an opponent gets to close...
Well, you can pluck Pikmin out of the ground (As long as you stand on it) and have up to six in your group. Each Pikmin has different stats (Or something like it). His down is to call his Pikmin back. His up uses his Pikmin as a chain to get up. His normal special is plucking more Pikmin out and his Side special is throwing Pikmin at opponents.

He'll have the higest learning curve, if just not to learn which Pikmin to use when and getting use to Pikmin doing all the attacks.
Zelda's Final Smash wasn't shown on the Dojo, but I found pictures of it. It's that she shoots Light Arrows. Here's a picture: http://www.enregistrersous.com/images2/56073063420080110143829.jpg (I know it's bad quality, maybe I can find a better quality picture later.)

And, as Nemesis said, ZSS's FS is that she get's her suit back.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Sigh, seems we have another delay. >> Japan release will be pushed back a week so they'll get it on the 31st, North America's release will get pushed back another month. New date is March 9th.
Looking at them together their really doesnt seem to be a massive difference. The clothes look the same, obviously the SMBB Shiek has better colours and shades... I guess the jumpsuit looks more like its actually been sown together instead of just looking like a latex swimsuit. Oh yeah, SSBB has a ponytail :D

I hope they will include chars from the previous game...
Too bad we already know that Zelda and Shiek both thave the same Final Smash. Personally, Shiek should have her own Final Smash that's different from Zelda's.
And Night and Day will be great for Free for Alls. Total Damage with one move and then finishing them off. Too bad that the Pikmin have to do all the work. I might be using Olimar quite often now.

Edit: (400th Post)
Whilst browsing GameFAQS I found this link, an winsome portal parody relating to Brawls delay. And here's the strange bit, it was made and written by our very own QuagsireQing.


I must recover and still check your site...

XD that was awesome.

I can't believe it got delayed ...again 0_0 but, I'll look at as a good thing..it will be polished up even more..maybe more things will be added.....more characters too possibly.

lol, honestly though, this sorta thing dosen't phase me as bad as it use to (probably cause I'm so damn use to it by now :p)


Former Administrator
Guys, check out Serebii or Brawl Central. Turns out on the latest video there is confirmation of LUCARIO Jigglypuff and Ness as playable characters.
Guys, check out Serebii or Brawl Central. Turns out on the latest video there is confirmation of LUCARIO Jigglypuff and Ness as playable characters.

I'm surprised I hadn't already heard that...I'm usually abreast on this kind of stuff...but still, that's awesome...I think I may main Lucario...

[quote author:plapti link=topic=2172.msg44735#msg44735 date=1200542968]
Too bad we already know that Zelda and Shiek both thave the same Final Smash. Personally, Shiek should have her own Final Smash that's different from Zelda's.

I hear ya...I've never seen Sheik use Light Arrows anyway...I'm not sure what a good FS would've been for her, though...

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Confirmation of Ness, Lucario, Jigglypuff:



Of note is that it seems to include all the characters of that series in that bar there, Ness and Lucas are the only ones of their series, the Pokemon one has PT, Lucario, Pikachu and Jigglypuff. Looks like Lucario's gonna replace Mewtwo afterall...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
What Nem said. It could still go either way with Mewtwo.

Anyways, now that Lucario is confirmed, I just want to see how pretty they make it with some decent gameplay screen shots ^^


Former Administrator
We won't see any Lucario screens, not until the guide or game release anyway.

We were not meant to know about this. About an hour after the video with thsoe screens in was released, it was pulled offline and edited so that Lucario etc were not visible. Luckily someone picked up on it.

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