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Ask to Join OK K.O: Turbo

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.

The clouds swirled and the sky grew purple as a box fell from the sky. It slammed into the middle of the bodega parking lot. K.O. dropped his broom and turned to the counter.
"Rad! Enid! It's that time of day again!"

Xenon was walking into the Plaza when the sky began to change.
"This is new," he said, grinning, as he energized his saber.
Emmet and sword-bot were walking into the plaza when sword bot stopped and scanned the area.

"theres something happening here, the clouds have changed color and the wind speed has picked up by- nevermind i wont be specific so your underdeveloped brain will understand" he mumbled

"ok enough with the scanners look at that" she said pointing at the box

"hmm there seems to be something inside it" Sword-bot said scanning it

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
K.O. ran up and down the aisles, trying to find them.
"Rad! Enid! It's another Boxman robot!"
He shook his head. "Never mind, I'll handle this on my own if I have to!"
He ran outside, readying his fists.
The box fell open, revealing a pink rose. The petals fell apart, revealing a green and yellow robot with Elvis Presley-like hair.
"Greetings, Lakewood Plaze Turbo! Raymond has arrived!"
Xenon paused, twenty yards away from the robot. "What the..."
K.O. charged. "FIREBALL!!!"
A tiny flame shot our of K.O.'s hand, dissolving in a bit longer than an instant. "Come on!"
Raymond smirked. "My turn."
He shot a plasma blast at K.O, tossing him into the parking lot floor.
Zenon snapped out of it.
He ran forth, his sword ready.
Sword-bot and Emmet nodded in unison and the both of them jumped up onto the Fitness Dojo. Emmet then tossed her hair out of her face and then put her hands on her hips.

"Hey! Robot!" She shouted

With both hands, Emmett picked up sword-bot by his tang. She then proceeded to run towards Raymond her arms trailing behind her making the tip of sword-bots point drag across the ground, enough to make sparks shoot out.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you..." She ran up to Raymond and swung Sword-bot at him.

"its never nice" She hit him in the stomach knocking him back a few yards

"to hit a Hero"

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Raymond fell back, clutching his stomach.
"You're not the traditional Lakewood losers," he muttered. Then he grinned. "You're gonna be some fun, nonetheless."
That's when Xenon cut off his arm.
Raymond 's jaw dropped!
He turned his left arm into a cannon. "Great, now I won't be able to play baseball with my good hand!"
Xenon dodged the shots.

As K.O. got to his feet, he stared up and gasped.
"New heroes!"
He looked through his binder. "I don't have their Pow Cards though..."
Then he ran inside. "Gotta tell Rad and Enid!"
The blonde witch was doing some window-shopping at the plaza, squinting into the glass of a potions store, “Oooh! I could use that...” Just then, she heard some action-y noises coming from the front of the plaza. She rode her broom and saw a brawl going on in front of the bodega. Her eyes glittered, “Whoa! Super action-y mega fight!!” She pulled some popcorn and 3D glasses out of nowhere and watched in awe.
Sword-bot started charging up his laser and Emmet let go of him, and he started floating as a force field formed around him. Emmet then put on her gauntlets, flipping a switch that turned on Energy Ray mode. She pointed her palms at Raymond and blasted a few shot at him before switching her rays to Smoke mode. She rubbed her hands together charging up the smoke, as she was doing this she looked back at sword bot.

"Are you done charging your beam" she asked

He laughed sharply and looked at Emmet with a cheeky look

"I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN LADY!" he said his tone decreasing to a duller one

"hey don't be so crabby all the time Swordsy, besides I'm giving you some cover!"

Emmet stopped rubbing her hands and her gauntlets started making a shaking motion. Suddenly smoke started coming out of the Gauntlets and as if out of nowhere Emmet pulled out 2 gas masks and put one on and she tossed the other one to Xenon.

"Put that on, the gas most likely wont effect the robot since it doesn't have lungs but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the technology to see through it!"

Emmet tapped a button on the side of the mask turning on a blue light that allowed her to see through the smoke.
“WOO!! YOU GO.... guys..?” The blonde shouted, not sure what to call the two that were fighting the arrogant robot. She leaned forward on her broom, still munching on her popcorn.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Xenon slapped on the mask. Raymond was blindly moving through the smoke.
"Where are you two..." he asked, as his arm was regenerating.
Xenon noticed a lump of rope outside the bodega. He grabbed it, wrapping it around Raymond unseen.
He stopped, then held his hands out to his sides. He clapped, sending an energy wave out that neutralized the smoke. Raymond was wrapped in the coil.
Xenon jumped, extending his arm out towards Raymond. A shock wave of plasma cut through the rope, then through Raymond, then through the rope on the other side. Now came the fun part. Xenon landed on the ground on one hand and knee, and right behind him, Raymond exploded. Xenon didn't look at the explosion, he only stood up.
He grinned.
Emmet took off the mask and straightened her hair, she turned to Xenon and smiled at him.

"well it seems like your enjoying your self, I-"

Emmet was inturruped by Sword-bot who was steaming, he floated towards Xenon and started floating around him. "you made me waste a lot of energy ya know! its not like finding a charging station in this time zone is easy!"

Emmet patted Sword-bots edge and sighed, she stood up and closed her eyes "he just likes taking the final blow that's all" she wup to Xenon and held her hand toward him

"my names Emmet whats yours?"
Lydia’s eyes sparkled with wonder. She squealed and shot into the air on her broom, setting off fireworks that somehow got embedded in her broom. She shot straight up to Xenon and grinned, “Haha! That was so cool! You were all like, ‘Pew pew’, ‘Zap’, ‘Pow!’ ‘Whoosh!’ and then... ‘Smash!’ You showed that tin can, I’ll give you that!” She laughed, leaning back on her broom.
"ha ha, well you seem to have a little admirer already. How cute "Emmet smiled at Lydia and looked over toward Gar's Bodega "do you think that little boy is OK he was knocked back by that robots blast"

Sword-bot rolled his eye "Dose it really matter, Emmet don't poke your nose around things that don't concern you"

Emmet rolled her eyes at Sword-bot and walked into the Bodega

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
A quick reminder that if you attack another person's character, for example, you're allowed to launch the attack but it is up to the other person to say if the attack connected or not - otherwise, you're controlling their character by way of forcing a hit - and autoing is against our rules.
“Now that I think about it..” She started, and just then, her stomach growled rather loudly. “I could use some food.” She then drove her broom into the bodega and began to browse for some food.
Ender watched Lydia walk inside the bodega and thought. "im actually hungry myself maybe i can grab a bite". So she walked into the bodega and looked around for something to eat. "Super Cheese Balls'z my favorite!" She walked up to the cash register with her items and looked over at the rack of candies next to the newspapers and grabbed a pack of gum. "For the road" she exclaimed waiting for someone to come and check her items.
"Hello?! tot?!"

Emmet yelled, calling out for K.O. She sighed and crossed her arms and sighed closing her eyes to think.

"where could that young boy be" she thought.

While Emmet was in id-thought Sword-bot started inching away from her towards the door in hope of escaping the situation

"well he doesn't seem to be around so we'd best be getting out of here-" Sword-bot mumbled

She grabbed him by his tang and started spinning him around crazily only a few moments later stopping him. She pressed a button on the side of his blade causing his scanner to activate.

"H-hey you have no permission use my gadgets, I wish they gave me retractable arms in the lab or something" He sighed

Emmet started looking around with Sword-bots scanner and noticed a small figure resembling him through it. She walked behind the aisle only to find Potato

"hm... where could that little fella be"

"PUT ME DOWN!" Sword-bot demanded

"Oh! Sorry" Emmet said setting him down on the ground