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On which country do you live?

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Unless French Toasta/someoneelseiforgetthenameof is active,

I'm the only Aussie here!

... No I do not have Kangaroos hopping about my back yard, and no, I do not have that godawful stereotypical accent the Sniper has been cursed with.

Though I do have a Kookaburra or two sitting in the old gum tree (merry merry king of the bush is he~)
I live in the US of A.

I lived in New Hampshire for most of my life, but about a year ago, I moved to Arizona, out in the middle of the desert.
I was wondering... how is is where you live in the geographic aspect (temperature, mountains, water bodies...)

Here in the capital of Venezuela things are very nice, although there are many mountains and hills. The best time of the year is from November to March because the temperatures range between 12ºC to 22ºC, but the rest of the year it is very hot. The months of the rain are from April to September, it rains almost everyday, but the rest of the year is very dry. Sometimes (not even every year) hail falls, but it's really rare.

Here there are no seasons as you may imagine, but in the capital things are different. On January all trees bloom especially the national tree called araguaney. It is very beautiful, it has yellow flowers from January to May, then just green leaves.... On December and April for some reasons all the trees' leaves fall ( it all depends, here vegetation is very diverse, you see from banana trees to evergreens and a lot of trees that shed their leaves. It is very weird like some trees shed leaves on December and others on April...

Overall it is very nice.
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In all honesty, the weather here is completely fucked up. Our temperatures are normally not bad; It gets cold enough for snow in the winter and warm enough to enjoy the summer, while spring and autumn are usually okay. We do tend to get a lot of rainshowers troughout the year, along with strong winds because we're a coast country.

So, yeah, I'm pretty happy with it. Right now, the sun is shining brightly and it's a nice 21/22 degrees centigrade, even though we did have some showers.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
LongArmProd said:
I live in Texas. And no we don't ride horses to work, unless we have our ten gallon hats! jk were just like the rest of the U.S.
Yeah, 'nother Texan! XD Aren't you dying in this summer weather? Apparently it's supposed to get into the 100s in certain areas soon... if it isn't already 100+ where you are. :x
It's only in the mid to high 90s here in Arkansas, but the humidity pumps it into the 100s. Last year, humidity included, it was 119. I'd place my bet on it reaching around 122 mid-July.

Humidity-induced heat > dry heat > heat :x
I forgot the humidity... here it goes from 60% to 100% it is always high all year, but in January it goes from extremely high to extremely low so it is cool temperature with high speed winds and it feels colder.

Nights in the hot months can be either very very hot or cool, but in the colder months they are cold always.
I live in quote unquote "ethnic cauldron" as well. AKA Florida. I used to live in Miami (Palmetto Bay) but moved becuase of the RIDICULOUS amount of crime (thefts, insurance fruad, murders) and moved to Saint Augustine. It's definitly quiter up here then in the busy city, but it isnt totally nothing up here. I do miss the Hispanics though. :( My family comes from a whole list of spanish counties: Spain, Vanazuela, Peru, and mostly Cuba. I get to eat alot of spicy foods becuase of this :D

It's also somewhat cooler during the winter, being around 50-60...then during summer it gets to 80-90. Damn you sunshine state... >_<
Tunolipede said:
So most people here know that I'm British. Some people don't know that I'm Scottish, but hey, I am :'D
No, that does not mean that I must have red hair. I do not wear a kilt all the time. Nor do my people have secksytimes with sheep (who even invented that myth?).

I live in Scotland too:'3
Not too far from Tunny and... yeah, it isn't all stereotypes D;

It only rains 11 and a half months of the year ; 3 ;

Kasumi xx
Daft Soul said:
In all honesty, the weather here is completely fucked up. Our temperatures are normally not bad; It gets cold enough for snow in the winter and warm enough to enjoy the summer, while spring and autumn are usually okay. We do tend to get a lot of rainshowers troughout the year, along with strong winds because we're a coast country.

So, yeah, I'm pretty happy with it. Right now, the sun is shining brightly and it's a nice 21/22 degrees centigrade, even though we did have some showers.

I can relate to this. In Sweden the weather is, as quoted, fucked up (sorry for the harsh language). As it's summer now the weather can be awfully nice (around 30 deegres celcius). But then all of a sudden a heavy rainstorm comes, knocking the thermometer to the bottom (it can become below zero in the early summer/late spring)...
I've also heard very limited night and day during summer/winter, respectively. Sounds like it'd be hard to get used to.

Hi all! I'm from Indiana in the United States :} weather can be bipolar, but nothing like Sweden.
I'm Irish. Living in Dublin, although my secret dream is to live in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Weird dream but it's one I live by!
Shocari said:
It's only in the mid to high 90s here in Arkansas, but the humidity pumps it into the 100s. Last year, humidity included, it was 119. I'd place my bet on it reaching around 122 mid-July.

Humidity-induced heat > dry heat > heat :x

mid 100s here in New Jersey. good thing we have the shore to retreat to


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Blazi said:
And no, I do not have that godawful stereotypical accent the Sniper has been cursed with.
Ironically, the Sniper actually has a mutant British/Aussie crossbreed accent, due to the characters in TF2 all being deliberate stereotypes.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
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