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OU Pokes

Which Pokemon have you seen most in your opponents' teams in Wi-Fi battles?

  • Weavile

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Blissey (darn)

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Skamory

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Garchomp

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Gyarados

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Salamence

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lucario (for the good fans :P)

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Weavile for me definitely. In fact I made a team with a pokemon to effectively dispatch the darn thing specifically.

Also though, this doesn't belong here. Moving it to the right forum. Just make sure you read the forum descriptions and if you have any doubts then feel free to PM any of the staff.
Shame on you (sarcasm)...You forgot to put Lucario on this list. It's so OU it's not even funny. Not that Lucario are bad. I, like, half of competitive battlers, use one (or two).

I really haven't battled a lot so I'm not bored of anyone yet. I love most these Pokemon to pieces, but I'm going to say it's between Weavile and Gengar. But I love them far to much to be bored by them. Now if I see Blissey enough, I probably will be bored of it (and want to kill it). If I ever change my mind, I'll post back.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Though I've only ventured into the world of competitive battling a couple of times, I've seen Garchomp the most, closely followed by Weavile and Blissey once.

The OU Pokemon don't bother me, but like Carmen said that's probably because I haven't really battled online that much yet. I love Weavile and Garchomp, so I'm not too bothered by them anyway.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
The OU Pokemon I almost always see on opponents teams isn't on that list, and why I don't know since on Battle Tower Wi-Fi it appears in almost every battle, all my friends have one and so do I: Infernape. Whether it be a Physical Sweeping Infernape, a Mixed Infernape or a nubby Infernape with 3 Fire-type moves and Close Combat (::)), Infernape is always there no matter where I go. I guess the fact that he's OU combined with him being the Fire-type starter (which is usually very popular anyway) means that everyone loves him.

As for the ones on your list, I'd have to say Garchomp, with Gengar a close second (or third, if you count Infernape.)
You forgot to put Lucario on this list. It's so OU it's not even funny. Not that Lucario are bad. I, like, half of competitive battlers, use one (or two).

I have two Lucario, soon to be three possibly so...there's another example.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I guess the fact that he's OU combined with him being the Fire-type starter (which is usually very popular anyway) means that everyone loves him.

I can't stand Infernape XD I think it's because I don't like monkeys/primates in real life...
I've seen him a couple of times while battling too, and since reading this thread I've now realised that Gengar is more used than I thought he was...
The one I can't stand the most is the Bliss/Skamory combo, it drives me insane. There so unoriginal to the point I just shut off the game because I get sooo pissed at the person that I just need to shut it off and go kick my cat in the head.

Garchomp is another one, I mean, sure it's got a bad ass move set pool, killer stats, and not to mention a cool design, but do you really need a Garchomp in every team, why not just use a Flygon? Those are just as good and along with Levitate... It's like beating a dead frickin horse. Just use Flygon.

I don't mind Gyarados and the other's but those three irk my boils to the point of popping.(Figure of speech. :p)
Bliss skarm is not that hard to beat >> Celebi/heatran is another matter.

Overall id have to say Blissey although garchomp is a close call for the shoddy community.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Garchomp is another one, I mean, sure it's got a bad ass move set pool, killer stats, and not to mention a cool design, but do you really need a Garchomp in every team, why not just use a Flygon? Those are just as good and along with Levitate... It's like beating a dead frickin horse. Just use Flygon.

To be honest, you can't really say "just use Flygon" because that implies that Flygon is just as good as Garchomp is. Although Flygon is good, Garchomp has glaring advantages over it:

- Garchomp has higher base stats than Flygon in everything bar Sp.Attack, where they both have Base 80.
- Garchomp can boost its Attack stat with Swords Dance, closest Flygon comes to a stat-boosting move is Focus Energy.
- Garchomp has a larger amount of viable Physical attacks to choose from than Flygon. Garchomp gets Fire Fang, Outrage and Brick Break to pick from, all Flygon gets that's notable that Garchomp doesn't is U-Turn and Quick Attack.

The only real advantage Flygon has over Garchomp is Levitate, and Garchomp's Sand Veil is hardly a bad ability.

I'm not saying Flygon should never be used because Garchomp outclasses him, but at the end of the day, there is a reason why Garchomp is OU and Flygon isn't. That said, if I were to make my team 'Charms legal (which it currently isn't) I would swap out my Garchomp for a Flygon.
The only real advantage Flygon has over Garchomp is Levitate, and Garchomp's Sand Veil is hardly a bad ability.

Flygon has more than just U-Turn and Quick Attack. It has Flail with a Sandstorm Immunity, Roost, which is key and no other Dragon (Except for the twin Dragons) can boast an immunity to Ground whilst using Roost, Earth Power, which is great for surprise attacks, Screech which has great effects, regardless of what your opponents do, and the fact that he's the only Pokemon in OU that takes some form of reduced damage from Electric, Fire and Ground type moves. And Remember, he has access to the Fire Punch. He's also the only Pokemon that resists Stealth Rock, Spikes, and is immune to Sandstorm. Only Claydol and Bronzong also have this, but neither of them are that big of an offensive threat.

To sum this up, Flygon has other things that it bests Garchomp in, notably, his support pool:

- Flygon has Roost, no other Dragon (Or Roost user for that) can still be immune to Earthquake after using Roost, Garchomp has no way to recover HP (baring the Uber Lati twins, which already have Recover on top, so really, they don't need Roost).
-Screech compliments his moveset nicely, You stay in, you're going to get hurt, you switch, the next Pokemon will get hit hard.
-Tsk, We also mustn't forget that Flygon has access to Fire Punch, which is Stronger and more reliable than Fire Fang. And the fact that the majority of his moves don't have to be bred as well means Migrating a Flygon very easy to do and get a moveset on with Fire Funch.
-Also, no other OU Sweeper can boast this, Flygon takes reduced or no damage at all from Electric, Fire, and Ground, all of which are popular in OU.
-On top, he resists Stealth Rock, is Immune to Spikes, and takes no damage from Sandstorm, and we all know Garchomp will take damage from Spikes, while Flygon doesn't.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
You bring up some good points that I overlooked, but:

Flygon has Roost, no other Dragon (Or Roost user for that) can still be immune to Earthquake after using Roost, Garchomp has no way to recover HP (baring the Uber Lati twins, which already have Recover on top, so really, they don't need Roost).

Garchomp missing out on a recovery move doesn't really hurt him much at all since he gets stat-boosting moves to pick from instead. Plus, having both Swords Dance and a recovery move on Garchomp would rob him of his type coverage. Although Flygon does have that unique Earthquake immunity after Roost, it's basically that vs Garchomp boosting his stats up through the roof with Swords Dance. Although both have their advantages, if I was looking for a Sweeper, I know which one I'd pick.

Screech compliments his moveset nicely, You stay in, you're going to get hurt, you switch, the next Pokemon will get hit hard.

Although I really don't like Screech at all, I'll remain objective with this. Assuming the opponent switches after every Screech, you've effectively gained nothing from a sweeping perspective, since they'll have attacked you once on your Screech turn, and you'll have hit the switch in. That's basically one attack each for the both of you, so you'd only really get a noticeable advantage if you'd Spiked/Sandstormed beforehand. If they don't switch, it's basically Swords Dance all over again except you'd have to redo it when the opponent gets KO'd.

Tsk, We also mustn't forget that Flygon has access to Fire Punch, which is Stronger and more reliable than Fire Fang. And the fact that the majority of his moves don't have to be bred as well means Migrating a Flygon very easy to do and get a moveset on with Fire Funch.

You win there. *Fire Punches self in face for overlooking something like that*

Also, no other OU Sweeper can boast this, Flygon takes reduced or no damage at all from Electric, Fire, and Ground, all of which are popular in OU.

That just goes back to the Levitate thing, since Garchomp also resists both Electric and Fire types, and I admitted Levitate was better than Sand Veil anyway.

On top, he resists Stealth Rock, is Immune to Spikes, and takes no damage from Sandstorm, and we all know Garchomp will take damage from Spikes, while Flygon doesn't.

I haven't seen anyone use Spikes since Generation IV arrived - everyone has just used Stealth Rock instead. Although you are right in what you said, Stealth Rock seems to have replaced Spikes on all movesets where I am.

Although Flygon is better at support than Garchomp is, Garchomp is a much more effective sweeper in terms of damage output, which at the end of the day is what matters most on a sweeper. Going back to the "use Flygon instead of Garchomp" point, and taking Flygon's support abilities into account, you'd then be replacing a pure sweeper with a more supportive one, which still doesn't work since they now do different things and thus can't be interchanged anymore anyway, which was my point. I probably should have worded my original post better because it implied that Garchomp was better than Flygon outright - I was trying to say that Garchomp is a better sweeper (which in my opinion, he still is.)