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Ask to Join Outcast Edge. (RP)

"I can't stop him, his will wants your death..." said Flexio, Tomasz came between Yin and Flexio to block his another sword attack "Snap out of this, you really would like to hurt Yin or August, or anyone here"
"Yin... August..." Flexio repeated and in the same time Crystals wrapped his legs. Flexio was shocked "That's my ability, Dragon Crystal" Tomasz stated
Perun left Borutha and his mortals and he continued searching for weak point of prison. He could tell that he was close... Meanwhile Borutha stood up and said "Weird, I controled Flexio when He started to spy them... But someone ordered him to kill them and he failed"
Shard growled a bit, before standing up. "I'm gonna go get training supplies for X-1. See you guys." He muttered, but before teleporting , he snickered and kicked Coral in the side, before teleporting away. Coral woke up almost immediately, whimpering and trembling.
"So... You have woke up kid...Soon you will be off for your training" said Borutha "I hope that you aren't that tired to not train"
"I'm close"
Perun said as he felt the place where the prison was weaker
Tomasz looked at Eryk, He noded and came to Flexio "Flexio, you remember Yin and Augusts' names. Answer why... You may get the rest of your memories."
I don't know... I feel that I need to help August, with her first days at work. I liked that she tried really hard... Yin... Maybe... just... becouse, She somehow looks similar to my younger sister. Of course my sister was younger than her" Flexio made a little smile as he thought about his family, Eryk saw this as a good sign "Where is your sister now?"
"She died... In the age of 10. Before, I get this work... Before my whole Homeworld was destroyed..." as Flexio was saying this, his wing dissapired and on and tears came from his eyes. From his dark eye came black tears... "I'm sorry" said Eryk.
Borutha noticed that he forget his scythe, his soul called it and scythe came from Flexio's hands and quickly flew through the portal to his master.
August walked over to Flexio, concerned. "Its going to be alright. We all can help you!" She said with a smile, and Reef walked over as well. " Um....I can help too, but I 'm gonna help my sister right after"
Keeping her hand on the symbol, Coral spoke. "Alpha and Omega....Time and Space....Kneel again to the one...." She forgot the rest, and her voice trailed off.
Borutha heard the words, quickly he opened his wings and catched Coral. He was careful not to touch a skin, she didn't need a pain right now. He quickly escaped away from the prison and left her on the ground "Why you...Everything I have been doing this whole time was to not let him leave his prison... AND YOU.. " then he noticed that he can scare the kid "and you...weakened his prison, now we have something like an 2 hours.
Perun felt that prison was weakened and attacked the gate with his fist, prison rumbled and the big crack appeard on the gate.
Borutha said to Flexio in mind "Flexio, I need you in Nawi. Really fast, I will also call all Nawis and Open all gates to another worlds... You can take everyone with Outcast Edge with you"
Flexio noded and said "Kid, I know... Where your sister may be. And everyone of us will came there now" As he said that, giant portal from his sword came to the floor. "If you trust the person that... I was before then please, come with me..."
Borutha yelled to Alexander "If you can help in fight, I would be happy. You can also bring anyone you know that may help you... We won't win a battle, but we need time... Kid, I'm still angry at you so, just sit and watch. I will punish you later...
Coral whimpered, backing away. "I messed up big time...." She thought to herself, sitting down against a wall. "What did I do....your in trouble big time now...." She told herself, repeatedly calling herself "stupid" and "worthless" under her breath.
- ------
August walked over, trusting Flexio 100%. Reef however, only came closer because he could find Coral.
Eryk trusted Flexio and came through the portal, Tomasz just followed the rest and Flexio needed to wait for Yin.
On the other side, not so far away were Coral, Borutha and Alexander. Tomasz and Eryk noticed a huge army of Nawis that looked ready for a fight and looked at Big old building.
Perun was still punching the Gate and his roars could be heard in whole Nawia.
She approached the Portal, looking around. Concluding that she had everything she needed, she jumped in.
"Flexio, What is this place?" She asked, as she look around the place.

"I can fight just as well on my own. The Knights at the Capitol would only slow us down." Alexander said, looking up at Bourtha.

The roars made her ears ring, but she attempted to block it out.
"Agh, Whats that dreaded sound?"
"Calm down Mr.Perun! You need to stop!" Coral yelled, standing up. “Your gonna hurt someone! If you even t-try hurting anyone....I-I’ll.....h-have to fight y-you!” Coral said, trying to stay calm.
“Coral. She’s scared.....” Reef said, the blue aura from before surrounding him again. “We have to help her. Right now.” He said again, walking forward.
"This is Nawia" Flexio said "Or hell, underworld... Well, this place has many names in many different worlds. Borutha, the one that attacked you. Didn't attack you without a reason, He wanted to spread Chaos through all worlds, to have at least equal power to the Beast... Closed in this prison" He explained.
"What a beast?" Eryk asked.
"Perun..." Tomasz said "Being known for many worlds, that's freedom will bring an event... Known as Apocalypse" Tomasz said, He looked at Flexio "Borutha wanted to stop him on his own, I don't know why. But something happend and Perun will free himself in a matter of seconds"
After Flexio said this the Whole Prison Rumbled, explode and dissapired. Perun came, tall for 4 meters person "Perun" Borutha roared to him in anger, at least his roar didn't make a pain for ears. "Borutha, You thought that by making Chaos in other worlds you could beat me... Its time for you to pay for your sins... Do you really thought, that you are the monster here, how sad.
Time to learn your place, you're only just a lad.
Cast a thousand sins and one, have you?
Common boogeyman you are, it's true..."
Perun shouted with his terrible voice, Borutha rushed at him and prepared full power of his Scythe "Let's see if you're all just bark, no bite.
Cowards like you always turn tail and take flight..."
Perun words started to be similar to the song, Borutha hit him but Scythe broke in Half "No... It was a World's Blade"
Borutha said, Perun grabed his throat and crushed it, He did the same thing with arms and legs, He also ripped off his wings. While he was doing this, He was also singing "Why the good die and the cruel live.
Injustice I cannot forgive.
Don't play God you're no deity
Who pray tell will try to stop me? Cut you down and make you holy, Bear no arms, I'll rip those from you,
As a corpse no more harm you'll do..."
Perun ended and he dropped Flexio from the Height of 37 meters. Borutha couldn't even yell as his throat regenerate slowly. "Now, maybe I schould kill the girl first" Perun said to himself, He made in his hands a spear made from his soul energy and threw at Coral...and something unexpected happend. Borutha forced himself to speed up regeneration and quickly with a regenerated wings, He stood between Coral and spear and got pierced by it "I guess I was too much attached to you ... Why do you remind me so much when I was a child ... I'm sorry, I did not keep my oath ... Not only my body but my soul will be erased from this world ... I regret all my sins ...Goodbye" Every word was a pain for him and when He said goodbye, He dissapired... Just dissapired. But, every Nawi felt what happend and they sounded sad, as they lost their last king...
Coral watched Borutha vanish, tears welling up in her eyes. “N-No.......Why did he do that......he didnt cause this, I did....its my fault......everything is.....so I have to fix this.” She thought, looking up at Perun. “I may not be able to defeat you....but I can hold you off. You got rid of these peoples king, so, I wont let you hurt them.....not until I’m dead.....” She growled, pulling out a Charger (aka the pretty much sniper rifle in Splatoon) and pointed it at Perun. “I will fight until I die.....and protect everyone, even the enemy. Because everyone deserves mercy....except people like you......” She said again, her tentacles shifting color. But, instead of them being orange, or gray, they turned red.
Reef could feel Coral get angrier, and looked at the others. “Somethings happening to Coral...that hasn’t happened before......”
Tomasz rushed as he felt with his Nawi senses that Borutha died, He rushed forward and reached Coral "Coral, What happend here..." He looked at Perun and understood, what happend. After a while Flexio and Eryk reached them.
“Not right now! You guys just get out of here, I have to do this” Coral yelled, seeming angry. “Borutha died to protect me, I released Perun, and now I’m gonna fight him until I die!” She growled, aiming her Charger and shooting it at Perun.
She struggled to stay on her feet, while she looked at Perun.
"What IS That monster?!" She said, as she grabbed her sword, putting it on her shoulder.

"Pray that you dont need them..
Once they come, Pray that you have done no wrong."
She whispered, as she looked at Reef.
"Coral..." She quickly followed Eryk, watching as Coral shot the Monster with a Ink Gun.
"Coral! Don't be Stupid!"
Coral turned to Yin, anger in her eyes. “Stay out of this!” She yelled, throwing a Splat Bomb at the others. She then turned back to Perun and continued firing her Charger. “Somethings wrong with her....her tentacle color is even different......and she’s hostile....what do we do....?” Reef said, after avoiding the Splat Bomb.
"Do you really try to kill me with that kind of weapon. Oh, there is more of you...I'm Perun, I'm the opposit of the god that created every world. You mortals, created me with the help of your sins" Ink dissapired as it came near to Perun, as it was erased... Like Borutha from existence. Meanwhile, Eryk was shocked when He heard, what Coral said "Borutha protected you... He wasn't a pure evil then... I don't get anything..." Eryk said, Tomasz turned to Coral and slaped her in the face "Now, You will hear me... Do you really think that Borutha would protect you, if He knew that you will waste your life now. I don't care if you are weak or strong. As long as you will be getting stronger and will be alive. Nawi, Mortals, Gods... I don't care. Everyone was created to live and this guy is opponent of everything that exist, but We will need you in fight with him so don't lose control on your emotions and live" Tomasz shouted at her "Tomasz, calm down" said Flexio "I don't have a bad temper as you..." Tomasz looked at Coral "... I just have a quick reaction to bullsh**. I doubt in our strength now... I don't know what to do. But, if I will ever know... How to beat him... I will need everyone of you... Everyone of you are important, as he is to strong for us alone" some Nawi came and gived Tomasz Broken Borutha's Scythe, Tomasz used his power to create crystals and he repaired it by joining the broken parts with his Crystals "I don't know, Why you did this... Bit, thank you" He said to Nawi.
Perun looked shocked in the first 2 seconds as he saw that Tomasz is repairing Borutha's Scythe.
"Swarożyc... No, The King of Nawia stopped existing. Then why you have the power of creation...You..."
"No, It can't be. He is... Chosen by Swarożyc to take his place... Future Creation god... He still cant use his powers becouse nobody believes in him, becouse nobody helped him... He need a training from his friends... That was Swarożyc told me... I won't let him became a god... That stupid group of mortals can't stop me... If they join forces and attack me in future... No, they need to die"
Coral immetiatly stopped when Tomasz hit her and started yelling, and her tentacles faded to a gray color. She shot a ink puddle at the ground and hid in it, and Reef glared at Tomasz. “I’m not letting you near her again.” He mumbled, bending down next to Corals puddle, and pulling Coral out, which was easy because she was in her squid form. August however, stayed silent, looking up at Perun. “Hey.....we aren’t stupid....each one of us has something special, a special power we can use, and defeat you.” She said finally, before realizing. “Wait, I’m the only one who doesnt.....” She mumbled to herself.
"Then don't, not everybody like me. Fine, I don't need you to like me. Just survive for God sake" Thomas changed his form, it was similar to form when He fought with Boritha, but similar. He had one White Horn on the right side and Four Crystal wings, big lizard tail, He covered his hands and legs that started to look like legs of the lizard and had long, sharp claws. "If you don't like me and don't want to help thats fine, but... Everyone, Nawia will be destroyed today. So you need to live and be happy that you have each other"
"Tomasz, you still didn't tell me... Why you need to slap her. Her tentacles are grey, she is sad"
"Alright, She is sad, her brother hate me. But you are alive. I learned something from you"
"I won't do suicide ever again. It don't remove pain, it gives pain to someone else"

He rushed at Perun, who even didn't needed to focus to dodge Tomasz's attacks. "Yin, August. What do you think we schould do?" Flexio asked.
“But.......we dont need to hurt the Nawi people....right.....?” Coral asked, and Reef looked down at her. “Um...yeah, we wont.” He told her, shooting a worried glance at the others. August stayed silent though. She didnt admit it, but she was scared. “U-Uh.....I....dont know.....” She said quietly, her voice shaking.
She looked at Tomasz, as she Chanted some type of Poem under her breath.
" 'O brilliant Blastia of Ages past, Show me what you were Capable of. Hermes Blastia! Come to my Aid!" Her shoulder guards began to stretch, going to her wrists.
She ran towards Tomasz, but Alexander stopped her midway.

"You don't deserve to wear that Uniform! That is for Knights Only!" Alexander said, as Yin tried to maneuver away.

"Dammit, Alex! I don't have time for this! Let me through!" Yin said, as she Blocked a Slash Alexander attempted to do.

"Sorry, but if this person takes Nawia down, We're going down with it!" Alexander tried to do another slash while Yin blocked.

"Fine! Be that Way! I'll Blow you away!" She yelled, as a Similar Aura appeared around her, Causing dust to Pick up. She used her sword to Throw dust up into Alex's eyes, while she Stabbed him. Alexander finally got the Dust out of his eyes to feel the Cold steel turn warm from his blood. Yin pulled it out, and ran to Tomasz. Leaving Alexander to Fall.

"Tomasz! You're not doing it alone!"
August looked at Alexander, and walked over hesitantly. “Um...are you....okay....?” She asked, afraid if they attacked. Reef looked up at Perun, and put Coral down, running over with a Charger, like Coral had. “I’M HELPING TOO!” He yelled, shooting the charger.
Perun wasn't afraid of Reef Charger and Yin, as long as they didn't know his weakness, nobody will kill him. Tomasz tried to hit him, but he couldn't. "Hmm, let's check if you can block this" said Perun and he created doom spear, it rushed at Tomasz, but his crystal was able to destroy the attack "We both now that you are stronger than this"
"Young Nawi, did you know that you are Swarożyc reincarnation. He choosed you to be the next god of creation. Long ago, something, we don't know what,created Swarożyc and he created all worlds and Mortals and Nawis and Slovian Gods. You, in the far future. You will also have a ability to create live. I can teach you this"
"I will never be your student"
"Then I will have to force you to this..."
"What" Swarożyc created six doom spears and they attacked everyone. Tomasz destroyed the 4 of them, but he couldn't catch more, becouse of their insane speed. The one of them rushed at Reef and another one at Eryk. Eryk quickly Draw his sword, but he blocked in the last second, spear came through sword. As Eryk block wasn't perfect, He looked at Tomasz. He wasn't Slovian God, He wasn't able to regenerate so he dissapired faster. "No, no, no, no"
"I had to do this, Nawis has two forms. But, Archdevils has three. The last one is the True version of our soul and we can learn how to use it only in one way... By the reminding of most painfull memories. You lost your parents. Now you will lost someone as much important"
Tomasz didn't know if Reef escaped from The Spear or get a hit like Eryk, but He had a Pure Rage inside him. He was angry at Coral that She followed her emotions, but now. He gived up for them and they took control. Tomasz made a Roar even worse than Perun's Roars and Crystals came from every part of his body, some of them changed into skin, Lizard...No,not lizard. A Dragon skin. Tomasz's soul had was dragon kind of soul, and he became something like a Large, Crystal Dragon. He couldn't control himself and Nawis run away. "I Have to go, maybe your friends will have fun with you know. I will go to the first World to Destroy. Nawia will be the best as last world. Maybe this World those Knights came from... Tec-ra Lu-min-ous. Alright, I will be off now" Perun quickly searched for Portal and used it.
Reef saw the spear but didnt have time to dodge it as he was hit and knocked back against a wall. “Reef!” Coral yelled, turning into her humanoid form and running over to Reef, who wasn’t moving.
Tomasz in Dragon form roared to whole Nawia, Flexio used his wing and flew to him "Tomasz, calm down. Everything will be fine... " If Flexio didn't have a teleport, He could die, becouse of the giant dragons' claws. He escaped away from Tomasz and then He saw that something looks like human body in Dragon's head "Anybody, Shoot at head. I can't, becouse I can't get near to him"
August tried finding something to shoot, but found nothing and she shrugged. Coral wasn’t paying attention though, she was shaking her brother, trying to get him to respond to anything.
Alexander looked at the Wound.
"Yeah..... I should be O--Okay." He said, as he sat up. watching the FIght that was going on.

"Nghh.." She grunted, as she Struggled to keep the Scythe blocked, until it broke her guard. She was sent flying back, hitting a Stray wall. She Screamed from her Body smashing into it, then falling to the ground.

Alex stood up, using his sword as a crutch.
"I've never thought something like this existed."
Flexio looked around, Blastia users could be useful to get Tomasz snap out of this... But, they had to be wounded. Inklings were busy as Coral tried to help Reef and August didn't saw anything to shoot at him (perfect). Tomasz Roared once again and whole Nawia rumbled, then he was preparing something "Oh no... He is a Dragon... So... He has a breath weapon, great" and Tomasz shoot a light beam from his mouth, Flexio used portal to change it direction after few seconds, He heard an explosion "Well, that skeleton with his blasters could take notes from this beam... But, I can't block him forever and the rest are tired.
August began growling, her gem starting to glow. A light floated out of it, shaping into a slingshot. “Woah.....I have a gem weapon!” She said, and slowly pulled the slingshot back, aiming at Tomasz. “Okay.....I can do this....”
Dragon saw that August wanted to do something and he shot a light beam at her. Flexio used a Portal again and once again from far away you could hear an explosion "We need to hurry up, I won't be able to stop him soon
Meanwhile Perun was watching another world and preparing to its destruction.
Dragon took a hit and crystalic body dissapired, Tomasz was falling from the sky, but he didn't hit the ground, a Nawi with red wings catched him and landed, next to her appeard Cicha. "Who are you" Flexio asked "Nobody... A-and I didn't help becouse you all seems to be a good people or a-something" Emy said, then, She and her friend left them, Tomasz regain himself after a while "Flexio... Take me to Reef"
August walked over to where the two inklings were, and shook Reef a little. “This isnt good.....” She thought to herself, and turned to the others with a worried look, while Coral continued just sitting next to her brother.
Flexio took Tomasz to Reef "Don't bother, August. Perun destroyed his soul. Maybe I will revive him and Eryk" Tomasz stood in front of Reef and after 11 minutes on his hands appeard two lights. He gived one light to Reef chest, second one threw at the ground and Eryk's body started to appear slowly. After this, Tomasz fell at the ground "I ne-ed to sleep for a wh-hile. I thought that I co-uld revive also Bor-utha but... I'm st-ill too weak to crea-te a soul with that great po-wer..." He looked at Coral "They will have their all memories" and he fell asleep.
August sighed in relief, and Coral looked at Tomasz and tilted her head. “Heh.....she’s too innocent....good thing Tomasz could help...or else....I cant think of how she would take it if Reef died.” She said quietly, while Coral went back to sitting with her brother. “Lets get everyone home....we can’t stay here.” August said, turning to Flexio and Yin.
She struggled to sit up, looking a the group.
"Already Over...?" She said, sighing while putting her sword back.

"That monster...Is that the Power of #0?" Alexander said, sheathing his sword, and looking at the Sitting Yin. She saw that, and quickly drew her sword from the sitting position.
"I have no reason to fight you right now. As much as I hate to say it, that..'Thing' is much more of a problem. Bourtha couldn't beat it, and it threatens my perfect world." He said, holding his hand out to Yin.

Yin took the hand cautiously, keeping her sword up.
"Alexander Von Oltorain, I cant say that I trust you, but you are free to Help." She started walking to the group, but stopped to look back at Alex.
"Trust me, if You try anything stupid, I wont hesitate to strike you down."

Alexander wave it off, walking the opposite direction.
"I'll be an anonymous source."
Shard teleported back, yawning a bit. “Hey boss, wait, where’s boss anyway...?” He said, looking around, before noticing everyone else. “Ugh, I’ve been teleporting so much, I can’t do it again for awhile...great....” He thought, staring at the others. “Master!” Coral exclaimed, running towards Shard and hugging him, while the skeleton pushed her off. “First, I’m not your master anymore, I cant train someone like you. Second, where’s boss kid?” He asked, starting to show something unexpected. He was worried.
Perun was sitting under the tree, He thought in what sequence destroy worlds "Undertale, Tecra Luminoes... Splatoon, Earth,Nawi, Outcast Edge. I will think later for the rest" He teleported to Undertale world, He walked around for the while "Hey, you over there. Stop" He heard.
Eryk woke up and Flexio explained everything to him, when Shard came he said "Our boss is killed... For a while. The Apocalypse is free now and wants to erase us all. That's in short, maybe Alexander will like to explain you rest of this"
Eryk heard that Alexander said "#0... Of course, He said something about Tomasz that he is similar to him... What if he also has a number" said Eryk "I don't think this works that way... Alright, let's go somewhere else. Some Nawi may be nice, but some are just stupid animals and can attack us, maybe we schould teleport somewhere... But where" said Flexio.
“Can we just go home...?” Reef asked, after waking up. Coral ran back over to him and hugged him, so Reef just placed her on his back to carry her. “We left Spark there anyway, I’m sure he’s worried.”

Spark was still at Outcast Edge, sitting against a wall. He was freaking Out, not knowing where the others were. “What if something happened? I should’ve gone with them......what if they died, what if they dont come back?!” He told himself. Although he didnt like showing it, Spark hated being alone for large amounts of time, or he would start going crazy.
Flexio made a facepalm and cursed, but he tried to not be heard by Coral. He opened a Portal to Outcast Edge and he took on his hands Tomasz "Let's go, everyone"
Some Fish Guard didn't played long with Perun. He erased her existence as she insulted him by calling him a 'human'. After some time he met also true human, that keep saying that, she is the only one that can destroy this world. She was shocked when her knife dissapired as he touched Perun's body "I'm starting to be annoyed by you. You can be strong, but you want beat me with that kind of weapon."