(Oh no! Andre is... no! Well, fuck. I may as well introduce a new character, a bit different from the characters I usually use as well.)
A hulking figure trudged down the sidewalk, earning looks from those around him. He simply ignored these as he found his way into the local supermarket and began shopping.
After a while at the activity, he soon found himself leaving, carrying over a dozen bags in one hand, over his shoulder. It was no secret that Nathan was... different. He could lift cars with ease, and crush solid steel withe his bare hands. As monstrous and terrifying as he seemed, Nathan was a calm, quiet, kind young man, with little to no friends. He lived with his dying mother, as her smoking habits finally took their toll, leaving Nathan to try and keep her well, and to pay the bills, as well as his little sister, who luckily didn't have a Giant's body. His job was easy enough. He worked as security for the local mall, and while a lot of thieves tried to steal from it, they couldn't help but put it back when Nathan would come up to them. He had a sharp eye for these kinda things, but what made Nathan hard to get by, was his nearly unbreakable skin. He could feel pain, yes, but that was something extremely difficult to inflict on him.
The large 17 year old would love to go to school and get an education. His dream job is to become a Doctor, and he's smart enough for it, but having dropped out to support the family his father left behind, Nathan was forced to do so, to take care if his mother and sister.
He continued his trek back home, eyes looking down at his feet, shoulders hunched, trying to ignore the constant stares of fear he'd get. Mother's rushing their children out of the way. Nathan hated it. He was good with kids. Those that knew him well called him a 'gentle giant'. Feeling as down as ever, the young man decided to take a backroad, trying to get away from the judgemental eyes of those around him.