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Open Outcasts Discussion

All done, @__Black_Cat__ ^^
I'll explain what happened, basicllly, let's start from when Seth was introduced

Darcel comes to the bunker dying, cuts all over him which we work on healing.

Darcel is revealed to be possessed by his dad, Seth, who believes Darcel killed his wife

Seth summons Darcel's Guardian Demon (who doesn't have one of those?) who attacks us

We tell the Guardian Demon, Akki, that we are the good guys

Akki and Lyric remove Seth from Darcel

In the chaos, the POacher we had locked up, Thomas, escapes

We split up into two teams

Team A, led by Lyric tracks down the Poacher, and uh... convinces him we won't kill him?

Then we all go home to make the bunker into a massive camp

Team B starts an epic quest to find Seth's real body and kill him, led by Darcel obviously

Our Villian, Syler, visits the camp, and watched Dasken and Winter train, bad for us becuSe he gains the powers of everyone he sees

Dasken's gut instinct tells him that Syler is the bad guy, so he and Winter attack Syler

Syler had plot armour, so he is able to survive until Midnight can get Lyric to break up the fight

Team B engage in an epic duel against Seth, they almost die but a lucky blow allows them to kill Seth
Ah. Believe it or not, I'm actually not a big superheroes fan. Yet I created a roleplay where the characters have powers. *Shrug*
@Jagson don't you dare! Your character is the only thing keeping Lyric sane right now! Everyone keeps getting hurt, won't listen to her orders like keep calm for a couples day but no! They run off the next day and comeback with new wounds and reopened old ones!
Yeah, I get it. It reminds me of this one cartoon I used to watch(And I might just go onto YouTube right now lol) called Ninjago. <.>
XD Yeah, I honestly kinda saw it coming. Crazy plot twist where the bad guy is one of the good guy's close friends or relativ-HEEEEYYYY IDEAS HOW YA DOIN