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Ask to Join Overwatch: The Talons of a Reaper

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.

Dex clutched his weapon in his hands, trying his best to keep up with Tracer, who was racing ahead of him. If it wasn't for the faint glow of her Chronal Accelerator, she would be invisible in the darkness of the night. He thought back on Winston's words.

"Tracer will spearhead your first mission. You will accompany her in tracking down Widowmaker."
"Hold on," Dexin had asked. "Widowmaker, as in the legendary assassin who not only beat Tracer, but killed--"
"Watch it there, love," she had replied. "She didn't beat me, per say, but--"
"Tracer, enough." replied Winston. "Go on, Heel."
"Thanks. Anyways, is this really a good idea for our first mission?"
"I've discussed it with her and 76. We think it would be a good idea for you three to get out on the field with a real villain to test not only your training, but your skills. Besides, Tracer is a valuable member of our team, and we trust that she will keep you safe."
"You got that right, mate. Now suit up, you lot! We've got a spider to squash."

They assembled on a roof near a warehouse. Scary looking guys with guns blocked all entryways. Heel used a Lightning Jump, barely landing right next to Tracer.
"What's our move?" Heel asked.
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Supai remained in the barracks while staying under the bed when someone arrived inside for a quick check of the area. After picking on the footsteps that became faint within a couple of seconds, the little robot peeked out for a brief moment.

“Sector clear. I need to find something other than shooting or stabbing,” The child-like droid thought while glancing down at his body being composed of a magnesium based alloy.

The robot decided to allow the person to get a good distance away from him, as he decided to access one of the computers after he thought, “Oh, it was here. Lucky me.”

The first thing that came to mind after booting on the device was the lack of clear information on the display. Almost everyone in the barracks knew about the famous assassin, Widowmaker, though it was apparent that the robot was knowledgeable on the emotionless woman after a contested stare reflected from the monitor for a split second.

After noting the other subjects having the same of details in the informational area as the assassin, Supai decided to boot off the display. He proceeded to crawl under his bed and remain hidden from view; or at least until someone was probably wise enough to turn over every stone or perhaps have the powers of X-ray vision.


Previously BartenderReaper
Annabeth was in her room, sitting at her workbench. Her prosthetic arm was detached from her and sitting on supports on the table. Her mini shield was acting up during her last training session and she didn’t need that happening in the field. This problem had happened once before and all she had to do was replace the mini generator. However, the generator was still perfect with hardly any damage to it. Frowning, Annabeth set down her tools and leaned back in her chair. Dumbfounded by what the problem could be, she put her arm back together. Instead of putting her arm back on, she grabbed it and left her work room. She figured there was one other who could solve her problem, the one who helped her modify her arm, Winston.

Annabeth walked through the Overwatch facility, getting a few stares from other agents. Eventually she found her way to Winston’s laboratory and knocked on the door. With no response, she pushed the door open.

“Winston?” she called out. “Are you in here? It’s me, Annabeth.” She waited for a few minutes and she concluded that Winston was out of some business. She left the room, closing the door in the process. As she turned around to head back, Annabeth almost bumped into the one she was looking for.

“Ms. Trevisan,” Winston said adjusting his glasses. “My apologies.” He noticed that she was carrying her prosthetic instead of wearing it. “Are you having problems with your arm?” Annabeth handed it to him for him to look at.

“The mini shield was bugging out during trainer today and I couldn't find out the problem,” she explained to Winston. “I was hoping you’d help me out.”

Winston looked at the arm and nodded. “Of course. Let’s head inside my lab.” The two headed inside the laboratory to work on her arm.
Through the night sky in Korea, a pink flash ripped through the sky. This, even though it was near impossible to recognise, the population knew it as a M.E.K.A. D.Va's M.E.K.A. Also known as Hana Song. They knew it was common for her to soar through the skies of the country at night, when she was bored, and had no competition. However, what they didn't know, is that another Overwatch agent was on top.

"This is AMAZING!" Colin shouted to Hana, he barely heard his own voice, as the engines were at their loudest.
"Yeah, I know. It is pretty awesome," Hana responded back, it seemed she could hear it perfectly. "Korea is one of the most advanced countries in the world. It's obvious it's going to look good."
"I wish France was as good as this. I mean, it's good, but, eh, I think it could look better. Mind me, the cheese is pretty good there."
"Ack, cheese. I'd much rather eat Doritos, do France even have Doritos?"
"Yeah, they do! What country doesn't? Anywho, we'd better be landing at the Overwatch base soon, I think someone wants us there."
"I know, I know, I just thought I'd show you this. I believe Symmetra left us a teleporter..... here!"

The M.E.K.A's arm pointed down at a tall building, and in minutes, the three (counting the M.E.K.A) had arrived at the same building, there was a device waiting on the roof, hidden under a shelter. As they went through the device, they arrived at the Overwatch base, located in Switzerland. Colin shook his head rapidly, even though he'd been with Overwatch for countless years, he still wasn't used to teleportation.

"That thing gives me a headache... yeah...". Colin clutched his head.
"Uh, you were fine whilst you were on it." Hana responded, with a curious tone.
"No, no, I mean the teleporter."
"Oh, right. I've worked with Satya countless times. I'm used to it,". She looked over to her office in the base. "Hey, do you want to play some video games whilst we wait for the mission? I've got Paaaaaaladins!"

Immediately, the two childishly rushed over to Hana's office, and the M.E.K.A, on its own, walked off. Some recruits looked at the machine with confused looks.
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Supai decided to make his way out of the training facility after realizing that most of the agents and the others were already gone. The robot activated his camouflage, as he turned partially invisible and started to quietly move along the gentle breeze. He would become undetectable by cameras and security systems for a good distance, while the average person had to break his personal bubble to get a good glimpse of him.

He decided to make his way towards the laboratory after managing to not bump into another agent today. He tiptoed inside the laboratory after noticing a gorilla and a woman also going inside the room with the intent of the primate fixing the woman’s prosthetic arm.

He slunk over towards a table with various vials of colorful liquids, as the tiny container containing a small amount of blue liquid grabbed his attention. He analyzed the contents of the peculiar liquid, as the top, middle eye flashed in a bright, crimson red light for a brief moment. He gave a light sigh after noticing no data popping up in his visual display after waiting for a brief moment. He gulped after noticing his camouflage wearing off, as he became clearly visible once again.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Tracer smiled. "Can you do another Jump?"
Heel looked at his fingers. Sparks were arcing back and forth through them.
"Yeah, I can try."
Tracer leapt off the building, her Chrono Accelerator starting to glow. Heel realized what she was talking about. He jumped after her, and the two of them used their powers to jump forward. They hit the roof of the building, Tracer landing gracefully, Dex landing...
...not so gracefully.
Once he brushed the cobwebs off of him, he caught up to Tracer, who was lifting a glass panel. "You got a little... somethin'... on your right shoulder, mate."
He brushed off the cobweb. "Thanks...."
"Don't mention it."
The warehouse was barren. There was nothing in it but a couple of floors, some shelves with metal tins and boxes, and a few guys.
"Right... looks like we won't get in without a fight."
"C'mon, have you not been training with that thing?"
"Well, I have, but..."
She jumped in without any warning.
"Dang it, Tracer!"
He jumped in, put on his face mask, and activated his gun. However, she had already taken care of them.
"Took you long enough."
"I literally jumped in two seconds after you did."
"C'mon. Let's go."
They crept down the staircase. The second floor had a large hole in the middle, most likely for carrying cargo. Two me were lowering a large box down into the first floor. Widow maker was standing directly below it, along with somebody... else.
"Who's that?" Dee asked, keeping his voice to minimum.
Tracer said something he didn't expect.
"No idea."


Previously BartenderReaper
“Let’s see what we have here,” Winston said, setting the arm on a table. Annabeth stood on the other side of the table, watching Winston work. He opened up the arm and inspected the components. As he was working, Athena spoke through the computers. “Winston, it seems you have another guest.”

The gorilla looked up over his glasses and Annabeth turned around, spotting Supai near some vials. After recognizing who it was, Winston went back to work. “Please refrain from touching anything, Agent Supai. Some things in here haven’t been perfected and could have some negative consequences.” Winston chuckled slightly remembering his scuffle with Reaper. Annabeth continued to look at small figure. Agent? She was surprised that an Omnic so small was an agent Overwatch.

“Here’s the problem,” Winston said, gaining Annabeth’s attention. “The power converter has shifted ever so slightly. It needs to be in perfect alignment to function.” He realigned the component and added some support to hold it in place. “Try it now.”

Annabeth reattached her arm and powered up the shield. The mini shield popped to life and held its shape flawlessly. “Thank you Winston,” Annabeth said, powering down her shield. She gave the gorilla a quick hug, which he returned, before leaving the lab, glancing once more at Supai. Winston turned his attention to other agent in the room. “Is there anything I can help you with, Agent Supai?”
Supai’s body quivered after taking swift notice of the gorilla’s size, as the robot replied in a low, infantile voice, “Know s- spider g- girl right? F- for- forgot to t- tell s- s- s- so- some... thing... b- big, b- before f- fast g- girl left... s- s- sorry.”

A bright, reddish light flashed from the top middle eye at the primate, taking in much data as the robot could in a brief scan. The young robot noticed the woman exiting the laboratory, as he gulped after realizing that it was just him and the gorilla. His body shuddered with noticeable fear, as he shielded his pair of eyes with his wavering right arm. He could only hope that his knowledge on Talon would allow for a way out of storming the terrorist organization, or at least buying himself precious time.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Tracer bumped Heel. "Here's the plan.
"I take out those two with my guns. You cut the string and the box falls on Widow and the other girl."
Nervous, Heel nodded. "On three. One..."
"Wait, what?"
Tracer fired two shots and they went down. Panicking, Heel activated his sword, and sliced through the rope like warm butter. The box dropped, and the girl shoved away Widowmaker. She raised a small wrist device, slamming a button. The bottom of the box opened, and she disappeared inside. Tracer and Heel high-fived.
The happiness was short-lived, however. From the confines of the box emerged a new threat. a large scarlet/crimson mech exploded out of the box, torching the surrounding air with dual flamethrowers.
"I see you!" barked the girl. She took out the floor beneath them with two automatic guns. They fell, and Tracer jumped for the girl in the mech. She fired repeated rounds at it. Heel hit the ground, the first thing he saw being a pair of boots. He looked up.
"Bonjour, jeune," she said. French.
"Bonjour à vous aussi," Heel replied.
"Oh, je me sens mal en train de combattre un enfant français," Widowmaker replied, loading her sniper rifle.
"Eh bien, je ne suis pas français." Heel responded, activating his gun. He jumped away from a shot, managing to actually tag her in the leg. She turned back at him. Heel got a minor boost of confidence. He smiled.
"Je suis juste un gamin de Brooklyn." Heel responded.
He activated his sword, the broad electric blade gleaming in the warehouse. He used his mask to send a message to Overwatch.

Supai gulped when he received a message from Heel, as he cried to Winston, “Ugh... knew it... t- they f- fell for trap!”

The young robot placed his left hand on the left side of his head, as he stated a swift, lengthy reply to the message. The voice-activated, electronic response was immediately forwarded to Heel, as the message read:

They set you and fast girl up! Spider girl is with fire girl... spider girl has loud, hurting gun, poison thing and hooky! Fire girl has big robot with guns and fire!

Many people out of storage area, with guns! They come in soon!



Previously BartenderReaper
Winston frowned as he listened to Supai. It would’ve been best if Tracer and Heel knew as much as possible before heading out, but better late than never. He was about to ask about the information, but Supai spoke again relaying more immediate news. Finding out the two were in trouble caused Winston to spring into action. “Thank you, Agent Supai,” Winston said as he exited his lab. Luckily for Winston, Annabeth wasn’t too far from his lab and stopped her. Annabeth turned, surprised at Winston’s worries look.

“What’s wrong, Winston?” Annabeth asked confused. Winston quickly explained the situation about Tracer and Heel being caught in a trap. “We should get going then.” The two of them headed to the hangar to take a ship. A pilot was already waiting for them, Athens have already filled him in. The two boarded the ship and took off to the warehouse. Annabeth changed into her battle gear on the way. Hopefully they weren’t too late.

Eventually they arrived, the pilot hovering above the warehouse. “Get to a safe place,” Winston told the pilot as the loading ramp opened up. “We’ll call when we need pick up.” The pilot confirmed his orders and Winston and Annabeth jumped out of the aircraft. Winston crashed through the roof first, Annabeth following through the hole he created, landing into an unknown situation.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Heel received the message. He forwarded the message to Tracer, who was next to him, along with another message:
Widow maker rapid fired bullet after bullet at Heel, who hid behind the safety the the broad blade of his sword. He looked at Tracer, who wasn't doing much better. This was surprising, seeing as she had been with Overwatch much longer than him.

Satina poured her rage into the rounds the shot at Tracer.
"Stirb, du schmutziger Diener der Hölle!" she screamed as she fired round after round.
Tracer managed to return a couple of shots, but they didn't do much.
"What is that bloody thing made of?!?!"
"Getting tired, Tracer?"
She finally lured Tracer into a corner.
"Time's up, girl."
Then the roof collapsed. Tracer smiled at the sight.
"Sorry, love. The cavalry's here!"

Heel saw the two crash in, and cheered. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about."
Unnoticed, Widowmaker fired a round at Heel.
Too slow to react, Heel failed to dodge. He jumped at the last second, getting shot twice in the left foot. Once in the ankle, and once in the heel. How ironic. When he turned back into a person from electricity, his foot was badly wounded. He collapsed from the corner, pain flowing through his leg. He raised his gun, firing what was left in the "clip" at Widowmaker. She was hit by two rounds; enough to make her sink to her knees. Heel passed out.
Supai sprinted out of the laboratory and bumped into an agent, as he quickly asked in a dubious tone, "N- need s- se- seven... s- si- six..."

"Oh, better watch where you're going little dude. I heard that Soldier: 76 was in the office with someone else earlier. I think the office is around that second left corner and the first door down on the right," The agent replied before noticing the little robot scurrying in the direction the man stated.

The droid attempted to activate his camouflage to get to his destination quicker, though it was apparent that the battery units were not fully charged after another attempt at activation. He could only hope that the Soldier was where the agent stated, as he sharply turned the corner with loud, rushing footsteps.


Previously BartenderReaper
Once inside, Winston and Annabeth looked around quickly, getting a good grasp of the situation. Winston saw Tracer being cornered by a Talon agent in a mech he wasn’t too familiar with, Heel collapsed in the ground with a foot injury, and Widowmaker down on her knees with a couple wounds herself. “Get Heel to cover and occupy Widowmaker,” Winston commanded as he lept towards the mech, his Tesla cannon already activated. Annabeth dragged Heel behind a couple crates and pulled out her smg. She peeked over the crates and looked to where Widowmaker was. The sniper assassin was gone from her spot and this put Annabeth on edge.

Widowmaker had used her grappling hook and pulled herself to the rafters above. She activated her goggles and got an infrared view of the warehouse. She spotted Heel and Annabeth behind some crates not to far from her position. She noticed they weren’t moving from that spot and decided to assist Blitz. Widowmaker scoped in on Winston and fired a shot. Wi stone reacted quickly and placed down his bubble shield.

Hearing the shot not being fired at her, Annabeth peered from her cover and spotted Widowmaker in the rafters. She fired her hand at the rafters and pulled herself onto Widowmaker’s level. The sniper was caught off guard but quickly compose herself and the two engaged in close quarters combat.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
76 was preparing to leave in case Winston and Annabeth needed backup. He patiently sat at a desk in full battle gear, using a computer in attempt to track down Gabriel Reyes. Hearing some footsteps, he stepped outside.
"Evening, Agent Supai. Anything to report?"

Heel began to stir, the sight of large amounts of his own blood making him delirious. He reached for his empty Multi-Weapon. He activated the blade, the remaining life force he had left powering it. He cut open the crates next to him. He found several old and dusty pipes in one, and packages of school supplies in the other. Good enough.
He taped his foot shut to prevent further blood loss. He activated his mask.
He checked his vital signs. Not great. Then he noticed something.
"G-guys," he groaned, turning on his headset. "I-I think I'm good enough..." he winced. "M-my vital signs aren't great, but I think I can Ult without too much problem...."
He looked at his hand, sparks arcing between his fingertips.

Satina dodged Winston's jump, using one weapon to shoot at Winston, the other to shoot at Tracer. She watched impatiently at the Ult meter of the suit as it built up energy.
"Come on, come on! Lade, du dummer Brocken!"
84%... 85%... 86%...
Supai felt his electrical processor racing through his body, as he quickly tapped on his left head with his index finger. His recent, anonymous message sent as a response to Heel replayed to Soldier: 76 in his terrified, infantile voice:

They set you and fast girl up! Spider girl is with fire girl... spider girl has loud, hurting gun, poison thing and hooky! Fire girl has big robot with guns and fire!

Many people out of storage area, with guns! They come in soon!

Despite the message speaking on most of the robot's behalf, Supai attempted to regain his composure as quickly as he could. Once his body somewhat settled, he replied, "S- sp- spider girl g- go w- wi- with fi- fire girl to g- get b- big r- ro- robot... T- Ta- Tal... on... p- pl- plan s- some... t- thing... b- bi- big..."

His eyes rapidly blinked for a brief moment, as he almost staggered to his feet. He quaked with utmost fear in front of the soldier, as he resisted the urge to let off an ear-piercing cry at the man.


Previously BartenderReaper
“Be careful, Heel,” Winston said. “Don’t overexert yourself.” Winston’s bubble shield absorbed the shots from Satina’s mech, but the strength of the shield was slowly deteriorating. He turned on his Tesla Cannon and jumped at the mech once again, electricity arcing from his weapon towards the mech.

Annabeth stood in front of Widowmaker, firing her SMG at the sniper. Widowmaker used her grappling hook to create some distance and scoped in on Annabeth. She fired a shot but Annabeth brought up her arm and her mini shield popped to life, blocking the shot. She quikcly advanced on Widowmaker, her SMG getting ready to fire a grenade salvo. When her shield drained, Annabeth ducked behind a support pillar. Once her gun was ready, she turned around the corner of the pillar and fired five grenades towards Widowmaker.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
76 grabbed his gun. "Tell the others. I'm going after them."
He turned on his headset. "Angela. Get your gear on and meet me in the hangar."
"Aren't there already four of us there?"
"Yeah, but there's about to be a lot more of them."
"Give me five minutes. On another note, Genji's here with me. should I bring him too?"
"Definitely. Make it three."
"I'll make it two."

Satina blocked the attack, firing more shots. She activated her Force of Hand, causing Tracer to fly right into her fist.
"This looks neat," she said, in reference to her Chrono Accelerator. "Wonder what would happen if I just..."
She tugged on the wires, causing Tracer to glitch out for a minute. Heel took note of this.
"Tracer!" he screamed into the headset, though it didn't really matter. "Get out of there!"
"I-I can't... T... t-too much str-stress-ess-ess"
She continued to glitch out and flash blue as Blitz tugged on the wires.
As if on cue, guys with large, electric gatling guns swooped in through the windows. Blitz dropped her as her Ultimate hit 100%. Then Heel snapped.
"Screw overexertion," he thought, using his Ultimate, which he had only done twice before.
He screamed and created a large electric surge, disabling the weapon of Widowmaker, Blitz, and every Talon agent in the room.
His eyes were white and sparking. He looked at Winston, attempting to focus on all of the Talon soldiers.
"Sorera o--Can't hold this! Forty seven seconds! GO!"
"I don't hear any message...." Hana sighed after about ten minutes of repeatedly beating Colin at all the matches on games.
"Yeah? Well I see a message!"

There were ships flying outside the windows, and quickly, Hana ran out the room. Colin tried to follow along, but she was turning without notice, so he thought it would be best to wait in the office. He was right. The windows opened up, and Hana (in her M.E.K.A) was hovering out the window. It took them a while to get to where the mission was, so by the time they had arrived, they heard an agent shout "GO!".

Hovering above Widowmaker, Hana slammed her hand down on a button, which fired an amount of small bullets at Widowmaker. "Is this easy mode?!"
"Hana, you of all people should know how quick a match can turn. Regardless, I'm still going to do this.". Colin jumped off the M.E.K.A and landed on the ground. Holding his gun, he fired a snake bullets repeatedly, spinning in a circle around Widowmaker. However, the bullet didn't even fire from her bullet. Colin noticed the 15 year-old near him, and knew it was him. He did an "OK" sign with his hand to him, before jumping out of the way, as Hana, now called D.Va's mech landed from the sky, and hit the floor hard next to Widowmaker. The arena was filled with a lime glow.


Previously BartenderReaper
Seeing Blitz pull at Trcaer’s Chrono Accelerator, Winston’s rage consumed him. He wasn’t going to let another Doomfist incident happen. With his increased strength, Winston lept towards Blitz in an attempt to make Blitz let go of Tracer. Blitz dropped Tracer for reasons Winston didn’t know, but that didn’t stop his assault.

Annabeth and Widowmaker were locked in mid range battle with their SMGs, peeking in and out of cover. When D.Va and Colin crashed in, Widowmaker became occupied with the mech pilot, allowing Annabeth to slip away to a better position to survey the battle. With the addition of other Talon soldiers, they were severely outnumbered. Annabeth checked her charge meter on her prosthetic and saw it holding a full charge. Hearing Heel release his EMP, she saw this as an opportunity to use her cannon. She positioned herself in an open area to inflict as much damage as possible. Her prosthetic arm transformed into the ion cannon as she braced herself on one knee. The weapon let out a loud whining sound as it began charging. This drew the attention of many of the Talon soldiers. They approached her position, firing their weapons at her. She activated her mini shield as her weapon finished charging. The cannon beeped a couple times before unleashing a high powered energy beam, blasting the Talon soldiers. She slowed turned the weapon, aiming towards Blitz.
Supai gave a dubious nod to Soldier: 76 before the robot noticed the man booting on his headset. The young robot rushed out of the office and ran past several recruits, as he went back into his room a brief moment later.

He placed his left hand against the side of his head and attempted to send a voice-activated message. The incognito signal traveled to all Overwatch agents at the warehouse that could receive it after it was automatically corrected, as it read:

Many bad guys come! Try call help... angel girl, soldier boy and ninja robot come you!

I try go in system of robot... hack girl teach me last week, but I not do a lot, do is bad. She say some... thing about fail safe when I hear from her and spider girl.


Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Blitz smacked her suit, but it didn't work. That kid with the wounded heel....
"Of course." she muttered, forcing the top open. She looked at Winston.
She dove out of the way as the suit was knocked over by its assault. She took out a tiny gun from her boot; it was an old-school gun that had no electricity in it. it was then that Heel blinked and lost focus.

He just got the message.
He took out his gun, feeling his strength returning. However, he couldn't feel or more his foot. Whenever he put weight on it, it screamed out in pain. Metaphorically, of course. From behind the barrel, he took a few shots at the Talon agents, taking out some of them. He crawled over the crate, bending down and shooting at the enemies. Then he heard somebody scream in Japanese.

Satina looked around. "What was that?!"
Heel grinned. "I think it was something along the lines of, 'Omae wa mou shinderu'."
A large green dragon spun through the warehouse, taking down a good amount of them. A familiar figure leapt in through the hole in the roof, accurately throwing shurikens. He was followed by a soldier wearing the colors of America and a Swiss woman in white angelic armor, both of which were using guns to rain hell. There were now nine of them. They could win!
Mercy flew over to him. "How's your heel?"
"Painful," he replied. "Hard to feel it."
"Agh..." she said, shaking her head. "I might have to consider amputation."
"Wait, what?"
"Watch your right!"
He turned, shooting a Talon agent.

Satina looked at Winston.
"Come on, you stupid ape! Let's see what you got!"
She drew her electric gun, dual wielding two firearms. She shot several rounds at it, looking at Tracer who was on the ground. Heel noticed this. "Can you just put a brace on it and numb it?"
"I can, but it'll only be temporary. You'll have less than an hour."
"That's all I need."


Previously BartenderReaper
Winston grabbed his Tesla cannon as his rage eventually faded away. He re-engaged Blitz, ducking around her shots and electricity arcing from his weapon to the ground. He kept on the air, ready to land on top of Blitz. However, he was knocked off of his trajectory by a sniper shot from Widowmaker, who was still up in the rafters.

Annabeth’s cannon was still active, blasting any Talon soldier dumb enough to be out in the open. Eventually, the energy from the cannon begane to decrease until the weapon shut off. Her prosthetic returned to its normal state and she grabbed her SMG. Hearing the sniper shot, Annabeth ascended back to the rafter and went after the Talon sniper. Widowmaker heard Annabeth approaching and lined up a shot at her. She fired, but Annabeth’s mini shield flared to life, absorbing the shot. Widowmaker lines up another shot but before she fired she did a quick flick. Annabeth wasn’t ready for the sudden change and was hit in the hip. This caused her to stumble off the rafters and land on the floor of the warehouse, blood dripping from her bullet wound.

Winston got up, not really wounded from the sniper shot, as it was mostly absorbed by his suit. He resumed his advance towards Blitz with another leap.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Satina barely dodged the jump. She tried to shoot back, but she was out of ammo.
"Sombra, I told you to charge my blaster!" she muttered, loud enough to hear.
She ducked back into her suit, powering it on.
"Yes! Come on! Fight me! Let's go, you overgrown monkey! See what happens!"
As a taunt, she powered up her flame throwers and torched the sky.

Heel shot at Blitz, firing round after round. His heel was now in a brace, and he couldn't feel it. Less than an hour. He set a timer for 45 minutes in his visor. She forgot about Winston and locked onto him. Behind Winston, seven Talon agents approached with gatling guns.
"Freeze!" yelled the middle one. "Reyes has some questions for you, ape. Drop your weapon and put your hands behind your head.

Blitz activated his sword, pouring more power into it. More pain he would be feeling the next day. The blade was now three and a half feet long. Sabina smirked under the helmet.
"You going to come at me with a toothpick? How old are you, anyways? Five?"
"Oh yeah?" he asked, trying to get every last drop of courage he had left in him. "I can trash talk too. For example, fick dich ins Knie.
Dieser Ausdruck ist in dem Land, aus dem ich komme, sehr verbreitet. Ich wurde in einem sehr sarkastischen Dorf namens "Brooklyn" geboren." (Translation: Screw you. That expression is very common in the country I come from. I was born in a very sarcastic village called "Brooklyn".)
"Wie viele Witze über diesen Ort wirst du machen?" she replied. (Translation: How many jokes about that place are you going to make?)
"Äh, ich habe noch ein paar Witze in mir." (Translation: Eh, I still have a few more jokes left in me.)
She fired rounds at him, as he jumped at the last second, reappearing behind her. He slashed, and she parried with her shield. She shot fire, and he dashed forward with his blade. He slashed at her chest, and she chest-bumped him ten yards away. (That was a big warehouse.) She charged him like a battering ram with her shield, the shield flaming like a bonfire. Heel jumped to give him more speed, as the two charged each other like the two forces of nature they commanded; lighting and fire.


Previously BartenderReaper
Winston looked behind him and saw the number of Talon soldier with heavy duty guns. He put his gun on the ground next to his feet and turned to face the soldiers putting his hands up. “I’m not an ape,” he said. “I’m a scientist!” With his feet, he turned on his weapon and ramped it up to full power. At the same time, he rolled forward, dropping his bubble shield around him as the soldiers fired at him. The bullets harmless deflected off the shield as Winston’s weapon started frying the enemy, one by one the talon soldiers fell to the ground, their weapons clattering on the ground. After they were all unconscious, Winston found some cable and tied the seven soldiers together so they couldn’t cause any more problems.

Annabeth groaned as she sat up, her hand applying pressure to her wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. From above Widowmaker lined up another shot on Annabeth’s head and fired. What should of been a direct hit was deflected away by Genji. He stood in front of Annabeth, his short sword out in front of him ready to deflect another shot. “Get to cover and tend to your injury,” Genji commanded. Annabeth nodded, stood up and found some cover behind some crates. She had brought some first aid medical supplies with her and started to patch up her wound.

Genji dashed up on the the rafters and advanced on Widowmaker much faster than Annabeth and threw shuriken as he advanced. Widowmaker needed to find a new place to shoot from, but where ever she went, the cyber ninja was on her tail.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Mercy shot at more Talon soldiers, finally finding and kneeling down next to Annabeth.
"Allow me," she said, speaking softly. She used her staff, the golden beam of light attempting healing her wounds. She looked over at the battle to make sure they were safe. Soldier 76 took the highest floor, and shot at enemies from afar. Anybody who dared to climb up there was met with bullets and two fists. He scanned the battlefield, noticing the two soldiers charging each other at full force.

The speed of the attack caused Heel's brace to crumple and fall off. Heel and Blitz screamed together, and the two attacks finally came in contact.
Heel ended up with his arms inside of the shield. He could feel the heat of the blazing shield biting into his armored arm with intense heat and pain.
Satina took the most of it, though. The blade went straight into her armor, piercing her torso.
"Mental note," Heel thought. "Go see Mercy after this."
"Mental note," Satina thought. "Go see Moira after this."
She smiled under her suit. "Blitz."
"Remember that name. Someday, that name will be your downfall. But for now..."
Heat started radiating from the armor. The air started to become flame as power built up inside of the suit, like shaken carbonation inside of a soda bottle. Heel... no, Dexon could recognize built up stress inside of an object. And he knew that when too much stress was placed inside of a container, no matter the strength...
Blitz dropped her shield. Dexon looked up in horror. He quickly grabbed the shield and powered it on as Blitz's suit placed its fists together, the arms locking as the hands rotated like screws. As quickly as he could with his wounds, Heel shoved an unconscious Tracer into a wall, activating the massive shield. Sabina smiled.
"Verbrenne zu Asche!"
Directly after she yelled the cry of her Ultimate, Dexon activated his headset and screamed.



Previously BartenderReaper
As she was being tended to by Mercy, Annabeth watched the battle rage on. She watched as Heel and Blitz clashed against one another, neither one backing down. When she heard Heel scream out, she instantly activated her shield, trying to protect herself and Mercy from what ever was about to happen. Genji, who was chasing Widowmaker, turned to see what the commotion was and quickly assessed the situation. He gave up his pursuit of the Talon sniper and dashed for cover behind a support pillar. Winston quickly jumped over to Tracer and dropped his bubble shield, protecting both of them from the impending attack.