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DPPt/HGSS Platinum: Team Artisan [In-game only, massive post]


Bearded Trout Warrior
I've decided to do my run of platinum with nothing but Smeargle :)
From start [or at least after the first gym when I can trade] to finishing the Elite Four, I'm determined to use absolutely nothing but Smeargle.
There are more than six listed because I plan on swapping them around a bit, and I'm going to have a few smeargle with nothing but HMs; always assume one of those is on my team, and that I'll only have five for battle.

I've divided each of them into different sections

My restrictions on the team:
I'm only giving 100 EVs to each, and the rest they will gain on leveling
No legendary attacks.
No Spore, because it's rather too easy to abuse in-game.. and I don't want this boring XD
I'm not using the following items: Leftovers, Life Orb, Choice Band/Scarf/Specs, Black Sludge.
Keep in mind: one-time use items like Focus Sash and stat boosting berries are out of the question. [unless you have a recycle using smeargle in mind]

First off, the Cleric
Smeargle @ smoke ball/EXP share/Leppa Berry [alternating with different circumstances]
any defense/special defense boosting nature
Own Tempo Ability
-Milk Drink
-Aromatherapy/Heal Bell
-Recover Recycle

100 EVs in HP

Milk Drink Will allow me to heal party members outside of battle, and then I can restore my Cleric's HP in a wild battle for more healing [encounter wild pokemon, and flee with Smoke Ball until I get something weak.]
Aromatherapy Will allow me to do like above with wild battles if I need to heal a party member's status.
Recover: Milk Drink doesn't use PP when you use it outside of battle, but it will when I'm building its HP back up in battle. Putting recover on would just be a way to effectively double the PP of Milk Drink.
Recycle To restore my Leppa berry as it activates essentially allowing me unlimited PP as needed.
Wish if I want to do just a bit of support in battle. Healing wish was an option, but that would only be one use per pokemon center visit [before revives]

This one is meant to greatly reduce the amount of healing items I buy; it should just about eliminate those I need out on the field, but I'll still be needing a few for battles.


Defense supporter
Smeargle @ Light Clay
again, any defense/Special defense boosting nature
Own Tempo
-Light Screen
-Cosmic Power
-Baton Pass

50 EVs in defense and special defense, balanced a bit to suit the nature.
Not much to really be explained here XD

Offensive supporter
Smeargle@ ?
Defense or Sp, Defense boosting nature
Own Tempo Ability
-Swords Dance
-Nasty Plot
-Baton Pass

50 EVs in defense and special defense, balanced a bit to suit the nature.
Other than the fact Belly Drum is an option over Swords Dance, not much to be said here either.

Mixed Supporter
Smeargle @ ?
Defense or special defense nature
Own Tempo
-Bulk Up
-Calm mind
-Aqua Ring/Agility/Wish
-Baton Pass

50 EVs in defense and special defense, balanced a bit to suit the nature.
Probably the most likely to be on my team.. since I can essentially boost anything with it.


Physical Luck Power
Smeargle @ Wide Lens
Jolly Nature
-Fury Swipes/Spike Cannon
-Rock Blast

100 EVs in attack
Fury Swipes: 88 accuracy, 40 power per hit, 200 power max [keep in mind, decimals are dropped]
Spike Cannon 100 accuracy, 33 power per hit, 165 max power
Bonemerang 99 accuracy, 75 power per hit, 150 total power
After Conversion: 99 accuracy, 112 power per hit, 224 total power
Rock Blast 88 accuracy, 37 power per hit, 185 max power
After conversion: 88 accuracy, 56 power per hit, 280 max power

Only problem here is that I can't pick whether conversion makes me rock or ground on the first time.. and if I don't get what I wanted the first time, it might just make me normal again on second try XD

Nevermiss Special
Smeargle @ Wise Glasses
Timid Nature
-Aura Sphere
-Magical Leaf

100 EVs in special attack
[Wise Glasses calculated into total power]
Swift Tech STAB means a power of 148. no SE coverage, but reliable on anything other types can't hit.
Aura Sphere No Tech or STAB, but just as powerful as the others without it. Base power of 99
Shockwave base 99 after Tech: didn't choose thunderbolt because most in-game double teamers are flying >>
Magical Leaf because it fits the pattern I had going. base 99.

more standard Physical
Smeargle @ Muscle Band
Jolly Nature
-Force Palm
-Needle Arm

100 EVs in attack
[Muscle Band calculated into total power]
Extremespeed STAB'd priority 132 power
Force Palm 99 Power, 30% paralysis rate.
Fly 99 Power and takes some load off of my HM slaves. Pluck is the alternative
Needle Arm 99 Power, 30% Flinch Rate

Force Palm and Fly can hit everything for neutral damage except Zapdos and Rotom... neither of which are a threat in-game XD
The last attack, I'll take any suggestions on, but I like the idea of Flinch to go with Force Palm.
I'm not willing to go for Self-damaging moves, given smeargles very low HP, and I like to keep accuracy mostly up.

more standard Special
Smeargle@Wise Glasses
Timid Nature
-Tri Attack
-Aura Sphere
-Ominous Wind
-Ancient Power

100 EVs in special attack
[Wise Glasses calculated into total power]
Tri-attack 132 base power, 20% at a random status. what's not to like? XD
Aura Sphere 99 base power, never misses, nice coverage.
Ominous Wind 99 base, hits everything that Aura Sphere doesn't, 10% at upping all stats
Ancientpower hits Bug, Fire, and Flying in addition to the five types Aura Sphere does and the 2 that Ominous Wind hits.


Jolly Nature
Own Tempo ability
-Confuse Ray

100 EVs in speed
Smeargle is already normal, and can't very well turn into the ??? type, so Conversion will always alternate smeargle between ghost and Normal.
Curse To cut my HP in half and leave them with a lovely present :)
Confuse Ray is the ghost move of choice because it will likely stun them for Curse to set in further
Protect is what I'll be using until they die of curse [unless confusion wears off]

Smeargle @
Timid Nature
-Dream Eater
-Wake-Up Slap

100 EVs in speed.
You're getting sleepy, so sleepy.... NOW WAKE THE HELL UP.
Could work fairly well, and I'll make it a note here: the lost attack from Timid is 5 points. it's abyssmal compared to the 15 point boost in speed.

Smeargle @ Big root
any defense/Special defense boosting nature
Own Tempo
-Leech Seed

50 EVs in defense and special defense
A simple delay

Smeargle @
Jolly Nature
-Me First/Mirror move

Even EVs across the board.
Eh, just seems fun to use XD

Again, there are various HM slaves with different combinations.. How I plan to have my team most of the time:
Cleric and mixed supporter, or both types of supporters.
One physical attacker
One Special Attacker
One status inflicter
HM Slave

In the early parts of the game, before I need HMs, I'm probably going to throw on the metronoming Smeargle.
Suggestions are greatly appreciated, especially on the Cleric I listed first.
This might work, but requires that the said Smeargel is fast enough to run, or can take enough hits to run.

Smeargle@Leppa Berry
Defense or S.Defense Nature booster
50 / 25 / 25 or however else you want. I'm saying half into HP and then Split the defenses
-Milk Drink
-Substitute/Recover/Wish/Thunder Wave
-Aromatherapy/Heal Bell

Recycle the Leppa Berry when you run out of Aromatherapy or Milk Drink or any other attack.
Hide behind the Sub if you need to, otherwise use another Recovery Move or Paralyze them so you know you can run.
Just make sure to Recycle the Berry before you run, or the item is gone.

With Recycle, this Smeargle shouldn't be running out of PP anytime soon.


Bearded Trout Warrior
hrm.. yes, I quite like that.
I was trying to find a way to use Recycle in some form, and that works great XD

Thank you, Fachion :)