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Open PMD: Path of Valor Discussion

Civilization has kingdoms all across the world. Denara's a peaceful place filled with many young mons that are eager to start their journey to become a member of the palace and will do whatever it takes. Though, as peaceful as everything might seem, the land is not without problems.
Outlaws and criminals roam the land, causing difficulties for everyone. They kidnap, enslave, and kill others. Rival kingdoms going to war and blood will stain the land red. Predators roam the land looking for any easy prey to take back to have twisted fun with their newest victims. The world is a dark and dangerous place, danger, and death at every corner, and it will only get worse from here on out.
There is a darkness that threatens the very existence of the world. However, there is hope. Our brave heroes shall rise to save this land from the dark force that threatens the free will of all!



The ruler of the kingdom typically makes decisions and solves civil issues that arise amongst his citizens. He has the final say as to what goes on within the kingdom and is in charge of making sure everything is running well, no matter a good king or a bad one. "Well" all depends on who's in control.


The mate of the king and the other ruler unless the king dies, she will retire if she has had children old enough to take the place as main ruler. The queen may also retire if her mate chooses to retire as well.


Next in line for the throne and will take over immediately if the king or queen should die or retire. They are normally expected to pick a mate of royal blood, but there is an exception if someone of higher-class has not reproduced with a mate or if there is not an available higher-class from a neighboring kingdom with a current alliance to the Prince or Princess' kingdom. If there are siblings, the eldest is next in line to become the future ruler and then the younger one.


the adviser or advisers are the king's or queen's right hand, if they should need a second opinion on something they will give them advice on what should or shouldn't be done. They also inform the king or queen of any arising problems, both inside and outside the kingdom, as well as making small decisions.


In charge of healing others and taking care of any sick or injured person in their care. They have great knowledge in healing and herbs and will do all they can to help anyone, regardless of their rank.


Leader of the Royal Guard. A high-ranking and very powerful and strong being that is not to be tested. Is the one that takes orders from the Royals, carrying out any mission by them, and oversees the other guards.


Often made up of those who have climbed the ranks of the Guild and proven themselves worthy for the Guild Master to personally recommend them to the Head of the Royal Guard, all soldiers within this unit are highly trained. They have sworn loyalty to the Royals and will protect the land with their lives.

All Royal Guards can be identified by a special dog tag necklace that is engraved with their name. Much like the Guild's badge, it harnesses a strange magic. This magic is used to send messages to and from guards, usually only used to notify everyone at once if there is an emergency. It will begin to glow and blink, spelling out an encoded message that only the Guards have.


They follow orders and obey their masters without question. They are considered nothing more than lesser beings that obey those higher in power than them. Completely loyal, utterly broken, and obedient. Can become a member of the Guild if their owner joins as well.


Leader of the Mafia.


Leader of the Guild. They're in charge of everything that goes on within the Guild. They are high ranking and are allowed to see the Royals whenever they want. They are often close with them and take any request their rulers have for the Guild, carrying it out without question or fail. No matter if they are corrupt or not.


Explorers, adventurers, rescuers-no matter what they specialize in, the Guild has always attracted and cultivated the finest to better the world they live in. Joining the Guild is typically the first stop for anyone ever hoping to become a Royal Guard. Before they can set foot uninvited in the palace, however, they must first hone their skills by diving into the most dangerous of dungeons and gaining favor with the civilians.

Everyone who is enlisted with the Guild is given a badge with a special magic that can teleport them or others to safety from within the depths of a mystery dungeon. These badges are often worn somewhere on them with pride, making them easy to spot in a crowd, so long as you know what to look for.


With a bad reputation and possibly worse crimes under their belts, Outlaws are the reason the Guild rarely sleeps. Whether you stole from someone or tried to silence a snitch, any crime reported to the Guild will automatically put your face on a wanted poster unless you cover your tracks. Outlaws are dangerous that are often ruthless and brutal, nasty creatures that needed to be put a stop too quickly!

At the center of the kingdom's underground is the Mafia, led by a family who has been firmly planting their roots in for generations. The Don is considered the ultimate authority beneath the streets, whether you work for the mafia or not. Many outlaws seek the Don out, hoping for anything from advice to a favor. Most, however, can only hope that they end up roped into the ranks if the payment is not enough. Others never see the light of day again.

If you belong to the Mafia, you will be provided a pair of shades. These are not meant to just be a fashion statement. They are magically enchanted to highlight valuables held by another. They can even show concealed Guard Tags and Guild Badges, letting them know who is secretly a guard or guild member.


The lifeblood of the kingdoms, civilians made up the vast majority of the population. They go to the Guild when they need help, and they go about their lives as peacefully as they can. Civilians can take up any sort of job you can think of that's not listed above. Such as owning a little bakery and other things, again, not listed above. Normal civilian stuff.

Character Sheet




Move set:



Team Name:





The first of my three characters…

Name: Kiwami

Gender: Female

Species: Sinistcha (Masterpiece)

Moveset: Matcha Gotcha, Life Dew, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain

Class: Commoner

Occupation: Guild (Medic)

Team Name: Formerly she was a part of
Team Cordiality, but she is now retired from rescue work and works as the Guild Medic.

Teammates: Parrobus the Bisharp and Solstice the Flamigo, who are both retired, and advise newer teams.

Appearance: Kiwami looks like a normal Sinisitcha, except for some unique details. She has a crack on the outer rim of the bowl, right above the eyes. She also has a red headband around her bowl, and her hat is a light orange shade, matching her eyes and mouth. Her bowl is also adorned with a pink chalk doodle of a Psychic symbol from her adoptive son.

Personality: She is a very kind-hearted individual and she often shows courtesy towards everyone, acting as a pillar in the Guild. Kiwami sees all the other Guild Members, especially the new recruits as her surrogate grandchildren and strives to care for them. But do not let her age fool you, she is still quite ambitious and formidable, her vast array of knowledge working in her favor. But to those who hurt anyone she cares for, especially in the Guild, she shows no mercy, for her species has always had a dark side…

History: She’s lived a long and adventurous life, exploring the world with her teammates and close friends. Born from a family of Masterpiece Form Sinistcha as a young Polchageist, Kiwami studied the culinary arts to serve in her family’s cafe in the local town. When a brawl between some Mafia goons and a new rescue team broke out in the cafe, Kiwami evacuated the other patrons and helped fight off the Mafia while healing the rescue team. The team was grateful for her assistance, and this inspired her to become a Guild Member, and join them in what was to be Team Cordiality. Her team went on many adventures, and she proved very useful, fighting a variety of foes and dealing with a myriad of situations. Kiwami loved the thrill of rescue work, and even for a newbie, she was skilled and tenacious, always supporting her teammates. After a long-standing and exciting career filled to the brim with friendship and adventure, Team Cordiality chose to retire from rescue work due to their old age. Now she works as the Guild Medic, serving any rescue team that needs healing.

Other: Kiwami was selected as a candidate for Guild Master, but she politely declined because she wanted a more quiet and simple life. She advocated for either Solstice or Parrobus to be Guild Master because she believed they would be better suited for the job.

Expect the other two coming soon…
The first of my three characters…

Name: Kiwami

Gender: Female

Species: Sinistcha (Masterpiece)

Moveset: Matcha Gotcha, Life Dew, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain

Class: Commoner

Occupation: Guild (Medic)

Team Name: Formerly she was a part of
Team Cordiality, but she is now retired from rescue work and works as the Guild Medic.

Teammates: Parrobus the Bisharp and Solstice the Flamigo, who are both retired, and advise newer teams.

Appearance: Kiwami looks like a normal Sinisitcha, except for some unique details. She has a crack on the outer rim of the bowl, right above the eyes. She also has a red headband around her bowl, and her hat is a light orange shade, matching her eyes and mouth. Her bowl is also adorned with a pink chalk doodle of a Psychic symbol from her adoptive son.

Personality: She is a very kind-hearted individual and she often shows courtesy towards everyone, acting as a pillar in the Guild. Kiwami sees all the other Guild Members, especially the new recruits as her surrogate grandchildren and strives to care for them. But do not let her age fool you, she is still quite ambitious and formidable, her vast array of knowledge working in her favor. But to those who hurt anyone she cares for, especially in the Guild, she shows no mercy, for her species has always had a dark side…

History: She’s lived a long and adventurous life, exploring the world with her teammates and close friends. Born from a family of Masterpiece Form Sinistcha as a young Polchageist, Kiwami studied the culinary arts to serve in her family’s cafe in the local town. When a brawl between some Mafia goons and a new rescue team broke out in the cafe, Kiwami evacuated the other patrons and helped fight off the Mafia while healing the rescue team. The team was grateful for her assistance, and this inspired her to become a Guild Member, and join them in what was to be Team Cordiality. Her team went on many adventures, and she proved very useful, fighting a variety of foes and dealing with a myriad of situations. Kiwami loved the thrill of rescue work, and even for a newbie, she was skilled and tenacious, always supporting her teammates. After a long-standing and exciting career filled to the brim with friendship and adventure, Team Cordiality chose to retire from rescue work due to their old age. Now she works as the Guild Medic, serving any rescue team that needs healing.

Other: Kiwami was selected as a candidate for Guild Master, but she politely declined because she wanted a more quiet and simple life. She advocated for either Solstice or Parrobus to be Guild Master because she believed they would be better suited for the job.

Expect the other two coming soon…
I'm not sure if this is still active, but are these strictly Pokémon characters, or are there humans that got turned into Pokémon characters like in the video games?
Hmm. In that case, I'll need a bit longer to think about my characters. I like the fresh take though.
I understand, no worries. Take all the time you need. ^^ And thank you, glad you think so. I do like to try to make a fresh take on things, rather than doing what we've all seen before.
How edgy were you planning on making this role-play?

I'm only asking because I typically play with a light-hearted atmosphere. If that's not your style, let me know.
Name: Duske



Move set:
Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Dig, Bite



Team Name:



He is sweet and caring. He's good-hearted, though he won't let others walk all over him or those he cares for. He's rather protective of those he's close to, and he'll do everything in his power to protect them and keep them safe. Duske can be rather stubborn, not one to back down very easily, and only a select few can really talk him out of something once he's set his mind to it. He is determined and persistent in reaching his goals and won't let anyone get in the way of his success.

Duske's compassionate, looking out for others more than himself. He'll throw himself into dangerous situations in order to protect and defend those that can't themselves. This makes him reckless and impulsive. He's loyal and courageous. He's determined, stubborn, and a bit headstrong at times. Refusing to back down from something, especially if he's confident that he can win, or it's to protect someone he cares about. He's a kind-hearted soul, that doesn't seem phased by most things. He's level-headed and calm most of the time, taking charge when needed. Duske has a natural skill at being a leader.

However, he does have his doubts and fears. He's anxious at times, and suffers from separation anxiety quite badly, to where he seeks ?? out most often to be with when it strikes. He is clingy, as he is never seen without his partner by his side. As a leader, he does his best to keep his more negative traits to himself or those he's very close to, since so many look at him and have a pre-made image of him that he tries to uphold.


Name: Bis



Move set:
Aura Sphere, Meteor Mash, Extreme Speed, & Ice Punch


Outlaw (formerly Royal Advisor)

Team Name:


Lucario artwork by Ken Sugimori

Bis is intelligent, quick-witted, and insightful. Her aura reading ability comes in handy when discerning the character of someone she doesn't know. She is wary of strangers and slow to trust those with a criminal history. Ironic, considering she was branded as a traitor. Her valiance and compassion are her best qualities. However, this means she tends to take on burdens alone and is hesitant to accept help from others.

Bis's family served on the royal council for generations. Their skill as aura readers often led them to be picked as Royal Advisors to distinguish trusted allies from lurking threats. When Bis came of age, she served as the advisor to the crown princess. As such, Bis became close to many members of the royal family. Her life was relatively free of burden until a cue destroyed the monarchy and branded Bis's family as traitors. It was thanks to her father's sacrifice that Bis was able to flee the kingdom intact. Now she lives a vigilante life on the run from the so-called law that threatens war on all the surrounding kingdoms. She's battled thieves and bounty hunters on her travels and longs for a place to call home again.

Name: Bis

Gender: Female

Species: Lucario

Move set: Aura Sphere, Meteor Mash, Extreme Speed, & Ice Punch


Outlaw (formerly Royal Advisor)

Team Name:


Lucario artwork by Ken Sugimori

Bis is intelligent, quick-witted, and insightful. Her aura reading ability comes in handy when discerning the character of someone she doesn't know. She is wary of strangers and slow to trust those with a criminal history. Ironic, considering she was branded as a traitor. Her valiance and compassion are her best qualities. However, this means she tends to take on burdens alone and is hesitant to accept help from others.

History: Bis's family served on the royal council for generations. Their skill as aura readers often led them to be picked as Royal Advisors to distinguish trusted allies from lurking threats. When Bis came of age, she served as the advisor to the crown princess. As such, Bis became close to many members of the royal family. Her life was relatively free of burden until a cue destroyed the monarchy and branded Bis's family as traitors. It was thanks to her father's sacrifice that Bis was able to flee the kingdom intact. Now she lives a vigilante life on the run from the so-called law that threatens war on all the surrounding kingdoms. She's battled thieves and bounty hunters on her travels and longs for a place to call home again.

Bis is accepted!