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Jiggs saw two pokemon looking stressed. Jiggs wondered over to them without telling his trainer. "Hey! Watch'a do'n?" Jiggs asked with a happy look on his face.
Vernum would turn his head to the Jigglypuff. "We're looking for this Tyrogue's trainer. They got separated." Vernum would say. He'd then put his hand to his chin, thinking. "You're a Jigglypuff, aren't you?" Typhon would sigh at Vernum getting so easily distracted. Again. "Vernum? Remember, looking for the Tyrogue's trainer?" Typhon would say. It was, however, becoming obvious that Vernum wasn't listening at all.
"Yes I am a Jigglypuff obviously." Jiggs thought that was a weird question. "Oh, wait!" Jiggs got an idea "I'll puff myself up and float up in the sky, then I can get a birds-eye view and maybe find his trainer!" Jiggs said as he fallowed out the plan he just exclaimed. He was puffed up and floating in no time. "Okay," Jiggs shouted to the pokemon down bellow "What does he look like?"
Typhon would look at the Tyrogue. "What does your trainer look like?" He would ask. Meanwhile, Nikki would have watched the Pokemon talk, and figured out what was going on.
Blake tried to think of a way to describe his trainer. He held up his arm and put his hand at a 90-degree angle, he tried to show his height, but Finlay was rather tall so Blake obviously couldn't reach that high. Blake then started jumping whilst keeping his arm in the same place hoping that they would realise that he was trying to say he was tall. "Ty-Ty," Blake said as he did this.
"Umm...okay well he's tall I know that." Jiggs said "But that doesn't really help me." Jiggs looked around "Hmm.. maybe it's that dude." Jiggs looked back at him "Does he have brown hair?" Jiggs shouted down at them.
Blake started to smile and nodded his head. Blake was getting happy that his trainer seemed to be in sight of the Jigglypuff and it wouldn't be too long 'till they reunited. Meanwhile, Finlay was freaking out about losing sight of Blake, he was throwing everything everywhere, on the small chance that Blake was hiding under or behind something. "Blake, where are you?"
" 'kay." Jiggs looked at him again "Jeez, that guy's really flipp'n out. He should take a chill pill." Jiggs looked down at Blake again "Yo, umm.. he's near the building with all the bench's around it." Jiggs shouted dow at him as he started slowly floating down.
Vernum would shout, "The pavilions, I know where those are!" He'd grab Blake and show him to the pavilions, Nikki and Typhon following behind.
Blake got a bit tense as Vernum picked him up, he wasn't used to being picked up. Not even Finlay picked Blake up. Blake got rid of his tense body since he thought that this trainer seems trustworthy and he's going to see Finlay soon, so he relaxed at the thought of that.
As Jiggs landed on the ground watching them run towards Blake's trainer. "Your Welcome!" he shouted. "Welp, that was fun. Now were's Nicky?" Jiggs looked around "Aww nuts!"
Lucina noticed some Pokémon that conversed with each other, as she went over to them while Castform floated above her shoulder, as the Mudkip was asleep in her arms. The Bagon also followed alongside of her, as Castform said to him, "It's alright buddy, you can come with us if you want. She's not going to hurt you or anything, so it's okay to reveal yourself to her if you want. I forgot to introduce myself here, I'm Castform... I'm essentially the weatherman of the Pokémon."
The Bagon replied as he smiled at him, "Well thanks for telling, I'm Bagon, I'm rather shy here... and I dream of one day flying, though that might not be coming anytime soon. I keep falling over when I try to leap from rock to rock."

Lucina continued to approach the group of Pokémon, while she saw a Tyrogue that seemed relaxed now. She went over to him, while Castform looked down at the other Pokémon, as Mudkip was still asleep as usual. The Bagon peeked over at the Tyrogue, as he shyly waved at him, while the Castform said to the Bagon, "It's okay buddy, just relax... I can already sense something that might go off. I know that you can do it, just try to relax and channel the stress and energy out."
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(OOC: Vernum and Typhon aren't trainers. They're Nikki's Munchlax and Larvitar, respectively.)

BIC: Nikki, Vernum, while carrying Blake, and Typhon would reach the pavillions, seeing the trainer named Finlay. "Excuse me!" She'd loudly say to him. "This is your Tyrogue, isn't he?" Nikki would ask, as Vernum set Blake down. For such a small and chubby Pokemon, Vernum would have very impressive strength.
Blake smiled at Bagon and waved. Blake thought that Bagon seemed friendly. After Blake heard what the Castform said he looked back at it blankly, not knowing how to react to what the Castform just stated.

Finlay turned around as looked to where the voice came from. He felt so relieved at the sight of Blake he could do a backflip (...That's a thing now) Finlay sprinted to blake and picked him up and squeezed him tremendously. "Oh jeez, thank you so much!" Finlay exclaimed. To the trainer that returned Blake.
Lucina looked at Finlay, as the Castform also blankly looked at the Tyrogue, as he had actually said it to the Bagon. He looked over at Finlay also, as Lucina noticed the Bagon that tugged on her cloak. She placed the Mudkip in his Poké Ball as he was still asleep, as she neatly placed it on her left holister snugly. She picked up the Bagon as she said while she rubbed his head gently, "Oh you are so cute little one! Wait... did you actually follow me around? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around, but umm... I suppose that I'll have to watch you or something."

The Bagon nodded at her, as he hugged her while he smiled. Castform sat down on Lucina's shoulder, as he waved at Finlay. He looked around while he sniffed in the air, as his body slightly puffed up from the mild, humid air.
Nikki would nod at Finlay. "It's no problem, I'm happy to have helped!" She'd say, smiling. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! My name's Nicole, but you can just call me Nikki. I'm a new camper here, and these are my Pokemon!" She'd point to the Munchlax first, then the Larvitar. "That's Vernum, and that's Typhon."
"Well it's nice to meet you Nikki, well you know already but I'm Finlay and you've met Blake," Blake smiled at Nikki then jumped out of Finlay's arms and walked over to Lucina. Finlay noticed the Castform waving and followed Blake. "hey there little guy, I've never seen a Castform before," Finlay said. Blake looked up at Bagon in Lucina's arms and waved again. "Ty-Tyrogue!" Blake cheered.
Jiggs looked around and saw Nicky. "Ah, there he is!" Jiggs ran over to him.

Nicky started walking towards the pavilions. (OOC: Nicky didn't notice Jiggs was gone) BIC: As he got there he saw there was a river near the farthest bench. "Oh a river! Hey Wave wanna go on a ride?" She nodded. "All righty then, Jiggs, Penny wanna come too?" They noded as well. They all went over to the river. Wave got in the river and started to swim. Nicky got on and helped up Jiggs and Penny. They started to slowly swim in the river.
Blake fell over after being bumped into by a Riolu. He sat there with wide open eyes not knowing what just happened. "What the-?" Finlay said as he noticed the Riolu flip away as if it was an acrobat. Blake rubbed his head his head as it seemed to hurt it. "Are you aliright, Blake?" Finlay said as he crouched down to Blake. Blake nodded and said, "Ty-Ty," Tyrogue stood up and walked over to the Riolu to see if it was okay. "Tyrogue?"
Orin" ghost yelled as she an up to him "how many times have i told you not to do that the last time it happened you nearly died because of a ninetails my dad's to be exact all because you scared her when you landed on her back" she growled her aura flaring to life as it let itself be seen by others with an untrained eye
"Woah, there's no need to get mad. It was only an accident and Blake didn't get hurt that badly, did you Blake?" Blake shook his head and smiled at Orin and Ghost. "Tyrogue," "see he's fine, don't worry about," Finlay said trying to calm down the trainer.
It's not that where we live your all on your own we life deep in the forest of the hoenn region and it can get very dangerous if your not careful not only that I have no flying pokemon or pokemon that can use teleport so it makes it that much harder so we just need to be careful is all" she sighed in annoyance at that fact "I had to leave rose with dad sence she was needed at the ranger base" she growled in anger and pain several tears falling