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Private/Closed Pokearts Online (disc)


Previously Schrift007
https://discord.gg/2NW8TjkbFu (Join the Pokearts Online Discord Server!)

"Look mum! Look dad! I wanna be a pokemon trainer when I grow up!". Every kid had that dream at some point. To leave home and travel the world to catch and battle with pokemon. To beat gyms, climb the ladder, beat the elite four and even face the champion. Or maybe it was to find and catch every single pokemon and befriend them all. Whatever that childish dream was, it's what every kid wanted. Then the day finally came, you leave home and you pick your first pokemon. You were entiled a leave of absence from school and given a trainer card. Setting off with your bag packed, supplies at the ready and your new best friend, you go on your first adventure!

But those were memories for most. If not, then dreams for a lot more. Pokemon training was a delusional child dream, people wouldn't try and talk you out of it. People weren't going to stop you, it was all part of growing up. Mum and dad did it too... but why aren't they trainers still? Well that's just because of reality. You are not special. You aren't the next big champion in the making, you aren't some prodigy born into fortune. Unless you were the very best, like no one ever was, you weren't going to make it past the third gym. Pokemon were wild creatures, they needed to be trained. Even that didn't promise obedience. Looking after one was tough enough but to try and maintain four? Five? Six?! The food, the attention spread, the cost of healing on the go. Unless you straddled you way around with a gold spoon up your ass, you weren't going to make it that far with some crummy dream. Even that didn't save you from the swarms of beedrils chasing you or all them pointed teeth pokemon snapping their jaws whenever you got close. By the time the first year went past and you were still stuck on your second gym and eventually the time flies and you realise you're thirteen and not getting any further.

Then you decide to get your bearings together, your dreams were too big. You go back to school, maybe giving up your pokemon to the professor, just keeping one or two of them with you as close company. You tried, that's what matteres right? You could pat yourself on the back and flip off this oblique world. You didn't give up, no you were gonna get back to it when you finished school. That's what a lot of kids said. But then the school years pile up, and all of a sudden you find yourself with new aims and ambitions. Maybe you wanted to settle down and have a family, maybe you picked up a trade, maybe you wanted to just make yourself financially stable. Whooptido your ambitions are left on the shelf with cobwebs and now you've got too many responsibilities to go back out on adventures.

But then that all changed, something took the world by storm, something sparked that dream up back again. Pokearts Online. Using the newest technologies available, the ABRA-gear was born. This beautiful bit of technology uses psychic energy akin to that of psycich type pokemon, to connect to your brain. Upon connecting, players had their senses of touch; smell; hearing; sight and taste all synced up with the ABRA-gear, making the entire experience feel so realistic it was hard to differentiate from real life. The game allowed for an escape from reality, branded as an experience no person would want to miss. Game reviews posed it as the single best game in the entire world. For 29 consecutive months, the game stood above all else. It was all people could speak about. The impact on modern society and culture was tremendous. It was a new escape for all those people who needed an escape from this dull reality. To try again with their dreams. But what exactly was Pokearts?

Pokearts Online, the first ever VRMMORPG. Created by a company, nobody had heard of till then, Astrix. The world is set in a floating fortress consisting of 30 floors. Each floor spans in diameter roughly 25 miles, having unique towns, kingdoms and biome structures. Set in high fantasy, in a time akin to the 1500s. The premise is simple, catch pokemon, use their skills alongside your own to clear each floor's boss to move onto the next floor. Upgrade gear, craft unique items, join parties and clear the game. Some people take a different approach entirely. Due to the near limitless possiblities, some people take to the game as a second life. One where they can be what they want. Do what they want. Be it a noble knight, a simple fisherman or even a merchant. But what made the game stand out for all the combat nuts was its "pokewield" ability.

Every single floor on Pokearts is unique, having different features and mechanics. The day and night cycle differs between floors while the weather patterns also are specialised for each floor. At the heart of each floor is the safe zone. Normally taking shape in the form of a town or village, size may vary but it's the typical gathering for everyone not wanting to deal with pvp. Here you can find your markets and your centres to heal. Places to sleep, socialise, accept quests. Such a simple little place. Every single floor was a special place called a "boss zone". These zones stand out to each floor, housing each floor's boss. The only way to progress through the floors is by clearing the boss zone on the current floor to then open up the gates for the next zone. Once that zone is cleared then anybody can fast travel between the cleared floor and the unlocked floor. The environment is completely interactable and it's encouraged to explore to see what can be found. Some objects can give items upon being destroyed, some must be interacted in specific ways to get items and some can help with battles. Destruction of the environment was also a feature, with almost any area or structure having the chance to be destroyed. When the environment was damaged, the debris would lay out for a minute before turning into shimmering fragments and disipating, waiting an hour till the environment repaired itself.
Boss zones
Every boss zone has a limit on players allowed at a given time which is what makes them so challenging, though on lower floors this number is smaller it reduces as you go higher up the floors. Each boss will have a unique gimmick which will make the fight unlike any other. And no this doesn't mean mega evolution or z moves or anything like that. They will have their own unique abilities, numbers, power, size, effects. It's unknown what to expect which is what makes them so difficult. On the second floor the battle which took place was on a sea bed against a Palossand that controlled the entire ground due to it being made of sand, making it hard to fight the actual boss itself since it could move from place to place. The fourth floor was horrendous as it forced a player to be possessed by a dusknoir, forcing them to wield it and fight their allies and upon defeating them all it consumed the player alive. Boss zones are not something to take lightly and only those who are strong enough should even think about entering. Plans are needed, strength is needed.

1st floor-

2nd floor-
As it stands the second floor has always been and will always be a wasteland. Torrents of wind and dust create skin slicing storms that move like sentinel beast within the barren lands. Across the landscape hollowed out mounds make imposing towers of clay, their insides filled with hidden oasis which gives refuge to the scorned uncaring outside. Most settlements are found underground, massive cave mouths acting as entrances for them before players find the belly of the cave filled with old western-y styled buildings. Any structures on the surface that look anywhere near human built are erroded by the harsh winds, leaving only behind husks.

3rd floor- The sole thing to note is that not one area of this floor's floor is dry. Ranging from puddles that barely reach above grass to lakes that hide monsters beneath. Trees are common place, the wet lifestyle akin to a rain forest. Life flourishes in these parts. Buildings are either on stilts or built in the trees themselves, connected by simple bridges, most tend to avoid the ground floor for obvious reasons. You also tend to find bamboo growths here, it seems the plant life is also alive.

4th floor- Hoisted in the air are mountains, kept afloat above clouds. Mountainous and rocky, vines are what hold these islands together. Buildings are built in nordic style, though there is a "heart" to this place. It's the massive central island, which stands out due to its immense size and how urbanised it looks. With plenty of buildings, it infact leads to a large central hub within the mountain. Most of these sky islands have nests to various pokemon, so be careful where you tread unless you want to face creatures willing to plummet you to your death.

5th floor- A haunting land, what makes it stand out is the fact that the entire land must have at some point in the past had some form of settlement. But it's all gone. Though through inference players assumed the architecture to be gothic in nature, the entire land here is covered in a veil of mist. Bumps in the night are common place. Cemeteries, the cobbled ground, the torn down buildings. While there are a few towns here and there, the place is mostly empty. What stands out most is a large river that has its veins stretch out to many corners of the floor. Though the closer you get to the heart of the river, the more you find the water slowly thicken as the blue turns to purple. There's definitely something here. A creature. A monster. But what? Nobody dares follow the heart as eventually the air becomes too toxic to breathe, inflicting poison damage as you get closer.

Savants and Stalkers
Following the 2 years, came the creation of stalkers and the savant. The savant are those that have let go from battling. They're more akin to roleplayers than anything. They live their own life, within the game. Maybe being a towns person, a knight, a brilliant baker or a nutty drunk, maybe even a lord. Whatever they are, they take to it as their new life. They have their own society with 4 main kingdoms. Each kingdom being placed on each floor and roughing a population of maybe 25,000 each, they don't have specific themes or such. It's an escape from the exestential dread. Each kingdom, has a lord that oversees the kingdom. Acting like a functioning kingdom, they're treated as royalty and rightfully so. Powerful in their own rights, lords answer only to one person. The Reign. A person that nobody but the lords know. The Reign is a monarch of sorts, the only person that the lords answers to. It is said the reign is single handedly the strongest player in the game. And is also the reason why the kingdoms are so well protected. The savant have a disliking towards stalkers, often seeing them as maniacs that want to throw away their lives. They see them as delusional, and in some cases even below themselves.

Stalkers are the players that want to beat the game. They're the ones that train hard to grind and get stronger just to try and get any further. They want to beat the floors. They want to pass higher and higher within the game. Stalkers often form guilds. These guilds having strong bonds, with multiple guilds forming what's known as a guild family. Guild families are a connection of guilds, all branching from one particular guild. In total there are 4 guild families, just like the kingdoms. Each guild has a guild head but the head of the guild families are known as the elites. The elite 4, the ones who unite all the guilds under them. As one would assume, constant exposure to battle and training has meant that stalkers are generally stronger than your normal savant, they're outnumbered massively with only an estimated 20,000 stalkers remaining. Their views on savants are rather similar to the savants themselves. Knowing them as nimrods who gave up hope on getting out of here, making their job much harder. And though it's true savant may mean gifted, stalkers use it's longer name savant morons just to let them know how they feel.
Game Mechanics
Once a pokemon is captured there are two ways it can be utilised for battles. The most simple way is to summon it, using it as a companion to battle alongside. Most players only deploy one or two at once to utilise them as best they can. But only the best can use four, five or even six at once. Pokemon here are just like real world variants, they have their own levels that are seperate to the player and they all accumulate xp at different rates. The more that are summoned at once, the slower the leveling process. Often times players treat their summons as if they were trainers, standing away from battle and ordering commands for them.

However Pokewielding is different. By equipping a pokemon as a weapon, the pokemon transforms into a unique weapon while changing the appearance of the user and the pokemon. Often times this comes in the form of armour, taking a theme that is very much similar to the pokemon that had just been equipped. In exchange for this, a user's own stats is increased in accordance with the pokemon allowing them to fight at higher levels that what they normally would be able to. Utilising the pokemon's moves and ability as their own and increasing its power and efficiency, pokewielders become a force to be reckoned with. Though the pokemon's own hp turns into the weapon/armour's durability which decides how long the form can last, it puts users at greater risks of dying due to exposure to combat.

Pokewielders have can be catergorised into 5 main classes, all centred around their weapon types. Your dual wielders, your balanced, your heavies, your ranged and finally the hybrid classes. Dual wielders boast incredible speed but lack the attack and defence, though are easily identified by the two light weapons they carry. Balanced wields have no significant strength apart from the fact they have no significant weakness, they're not stupidly strong but not stupidly fast or tanky. Heavies live rough and tough, they have high attack, defence and HP but lack a lot in speed and their special attack. Rangers are tricky, serving with high special attack and health, they tend to have the smallest amount of defence, physical attack and speed. But hybrids are a different type of game, they lie between two classes. Typically hard to come by, they're powerful for where their class stacks and for the weaknesses that are covered but tend to have a fatal flaw that can be targetted. Especially if a class' weaknesses overlap.

Depending on the class and the pokemon, it will all lead to moves being used uniquely. No move will be the same unless the class and pokemon are both identical, while some moves are similar in appearance some are completely different. Following that, moves can only be carried out by using specific motions. This is what allows for attacks to be carried out at astonishing speeds, as a specific motion is needed to signal to the game that a move is being carried out. A common example is with moves such as quick attack, where the proning of weapons above head or to the side leads to the player moving at rapid speeds towards the opponent to then lay waste to them. Though rumours have spread that a few individuals... they're able to use their moves without having to even put in any actions. Carrying it out by thought almost instantly. But those are only rumours right?
Critical hits, Status effects and Terrains
Being a game, there is a chance for critical hits to be landed. Though it's not complete luck, but it might as well be. Critical hits can be landed if a specific place is hit within combat. It gives a guaranteed triple in attack power to the attack used, breaking any guard placed. It can only be hit with moves that are directly damaging however. When a critical area is hit, the location will change to another random area. Should items, moves, or any other factor come into play that affects the chances of hitting a critical strike, it would only marginally increase the size of the crit area. Critical hits are often associated with a player's focus, with a pattern coming out that made critical hits associated with being "in the zone".

Status effects are categorised in two categories. Stats and conditions. Though self explanatory, stats affect the player's stats themselves. Though they are usually temporary and only last in battle, some effects carry on outside of battle, needing time and sometimes items to remove them permanently. This is completely contrasted by condition effects that only last within battle. Conditions are your burns, your freezes, your paralysis, the poisons, they only last within battle and just like the real world CAN be stacked. The only difference is that any damaging ones only tend to affect your pokemon, making them especially pesky for pokewielders, lessening the durability and time the user has to have their pokemon equipped.

Now for your terrain moves. Just like real life, terrains change the field of battle. Placing the opponent within the pokemon's terrain which typically boost their own typings. Though while terrain moves in real life may refer to only moves that will effect the terrain, in game terrain moves also include weather changes. When a terrain is activated, the opponent and player will have a barrier formed around them. Escape from the inside is impossible, which only forces the opponent to fight a losing battle alone. However terrains are fragile from the outside, with the barrier being able to be broken from the exterior. The size of the barrier doesn't always depict the actual size of the interior, often times barriers have massive interiors with rather small spherical exteriors.
Every pokemon has an ability, a passive skill that has effects both in and out of battle. Abilities on the surface are just like the real world, with pokemon usually having two abilities per species with a hidden ability for the lucky few. Though in Pokearts abilities may be shared by a species but its appearance and the way it takes effect may be completely different to each wield and user. Though having the same principle, some abilities have slight differences to those with the same name. Making a large variety and possibility for the uses for each ability.

Parrying, Weapon breaks and Armour Breaks
You would just go into battle blindly hoping to tank every attack like some half baked turn based rpg game, would you? Enter the world of guarding. A simple skill every wielder has, allowing them to reduce the damage taken from attacks. And while it reduces the attack, only a fraction of the attack is landed dependent on the defence stat of the wielder while some damage will be afflicted to the weapon's durability. But now bring parrying into the picture. By guarding at the right moment, just before the attack's impact, the user can now parry! Damage is reduced to 0 while the user reflects the damage onto the opponents durability. However it can only happen for wielders using physical moves, any special attacks are simply unparriable.

Stack up enough parries on your opponent and you can cause a weapon break! Weapon breaks come in two forms. For those wielding an actual weapon, a weapon break will simply damage their weapon and completely disable it. Broken blade, smashed hammer, the user will be unable to use any attacking moves as a result of this. However for those without a weapon, instead fighting only in armour with their fists and legs, they have two tiers of weapon breaks. The first level causes the user to attain 25% more damage, with visible damage to their armour with pixels flaking from the areas where parries had made contact. Furthering it another level, the second tier causes the user to take 75% more damage while exposing more of their armour for bonus damage.

Armour breaks take place if a damaging move that depletes over 50% hp of the user's hp is landed. This causes the user to quite literally lose that limb. Maybe it's an arm, maybe it's a leg, but due to the game's gore filter it'll only be red prisms escaping the user's body. Though it's not permanent, it causes the user's health to slowly deplete alongside their weapons durability. Once the wield has ended, the user will expend another half of their health to return the limb automatically.

So you boot up your game, you start it off just like everyone else. Character creator? Smashed it, made the beautiful monstrosity or absolute beauty model of your dreams. Now it was time to start off just like everyone else. Hours turned into days. Days drifted into weeks, which soon contorted itself into months and before long you were just like everyone else. You were living out the game like it was real life. Your pokemon companion by your side, you were doing great. Maybe you took to this new life and treated it as your own second life. Having some online family to hide that real life loneliness. Posing as some lord, maybe living as a simple farmer, just living out this fantasy. Maybe you took a more battle hardened approach. Joining guilds dedicated to clearing quests, getting stronger together so you could face that almighty floor boss and expend further into the abyss.

But this is just like real life. It was just a dream not meant to be. But at least in real life you could leave your dream turned nightmare. One year into the games release, an announcement was made to every single player. Those in the towns saw it in the sky, those who hid from it had it forced into their minds, playing within their own eyelids should they try to escape it. Death was real. That respawn button didn't exist anymore. The log out button was reduced to only a few scattered pixels at the bottom of the menue bar. You were trapped, everyone who was there was trapped. Should we die within this world, the psycic energy from the ABRA-gear would fry our brains and leave us for dead. We weren't going to be able to make it out unless we could complete this game. That's simple... right? Sure only 2 floors had been cleared within the first year, but there was only 30 floors there. If everyone worked together then there was a shot of completing it all right? There was what, 150,000 current players?

Well that was 2 years ago. How the time flies. Only 2 more floors were cleared in that time. To say there had been a waste of life would be accurate. Now only 120,000 remained. Players trying to quit the game, their bodies in real life failing, all multiple reasons which led to a dip in players. This only furthened the drop in moral, the will to fight was going. That flame to continue was going. And more and more people became complacent about their new form of living. If this was their new life then they'd live it as such. This only led to the creation of the savants and the stalkers.

But now there was something changing. Something was happening that would only further change the course of the game. Maybe, just maybe you'll have to hold onto that dream.
Name: (Real life | In game)
-pssst they can be the same
Titles/Aliases: (any names picked up along the way?)
Age: (above 20)
Level: (between 30-60)
Appearance: (what does this mug look like?)
(what is this mug like?)
Occupation: (Are you a stalker or a Savant? For either, what is your job, guild or kingdom?)
Pokewield: (include the class, appearance change/armour, the weapon appearance and any other niche details)
Backstory: (try to include what happened in that 2 year period of being trapped, even if its brief)

Pokemon Bio
(Between 20-30)
(any unique things or accessories?)
First! >:3

Name: ??? | Dusk
Titles/Aliases: Kaitan Norann, Kai, Feldspar, Boss, Westlands’ 9th
Age: 33
Level: 54
Appearance: A rather plain looking man with a short black beard and well-trimmed mustache, but few other remarkable physical features. Average height, perhaps a bit more muscular-looking than your average Savant, but overall rather nondescript. In plain clothing, he would be fairly indistinguishable in a crowd. When he wants to be known for who he is, he dons his Pokewield, becoming enveloped by a dark cloak, white cravat, signature black hat with a red feather, and yellow goggles.
Personality: Dusk is rather reclusive, but a well known stalker in the right circles. He wanders from floor to floor on guild business, helping clear swarms of wild Pokemon and filling out quests. His contacts usually report him as a man of presence, calm and poised. He’s reported to be rather guarded in both speech and action, but decisive when needed. Lately he has appeared a bit morose.
Occupation: Stalker of the Westlands Guild, Subsidiary of House Pangoro; Information Broker and Patroller.
Pokewield: Cloak is Dusk’s primary Pokewield, granting him feather blades and twin crimson pistols. He has recently started training with Dagger’s wield form as well, but as a single sword build he’s still getting used to the mechanics.
Backstory: Dusk doesn’t really talk about his life before everyone became trapped in the game. He’s mentioned that he was living alone when he started playing, that he he was a manager in some company or other, but not much else. Originally his philosophy was to keep his life outside and his life in the game primarily separate, embracing the experience to the fullest and leaving his other self behind. Since the ability to leave disappeared, he had to embrace the game as his only life. He had even less reason to talk about it. Some have also noticed that he’s become a bit more reckless and violent since the collapse of the first level. Perhaps he lost something that day, or perhaps desperation has finally caused him to snap. Only those who know him the best can guess at the true cause of the change.

Mastered Moves: Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Pursuit
Practiced Moves: Air Cutter, Assurance, Double Team, Sucker Punch, Swagger, Shadow Sneak, Roost, Reversal, Taunt
Rusty Moves: Haze, Night Shade, Quash, Snarl, Tailwind, Torment, Air Slash, Wide Guard, Fury Cutter, Swords Dance, Metal Sound, Slash, Retaliate
Unpracticed: Gust, Peck, Wing Attack, Tackle, Autotomize


Name: Cloak
Species: Honchkrow
Level: 30
Ability: Super Luck
Moves: Taunt, Roost, Double Team, Haze, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Snarl
Held Item: Scope Lens
Appearance: A fairly normal Honchkrow with one odd red feather sticking out of the ‘brim’ of its ‘hat’. Has a Scope Lens equipped over one eye.

Name: Dagger
Species: Honedge
Level: 29
Ability: No Guard
Moves: Wide Guard, Reversal, Shadow Sneak, Pursuit, Autotomize, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter
Held Item:
Appearance: Standard, aside form a slightly wider cross guard than normal.

Name: Mimic
Species: Gimmighoul [Chest Form]
Level: 16
Ability: Rattled
Moves: Astonish, Tackle, Thief
Held Item:
Appearance: Standard.

Name: Secretary
Species: Smeargle
Level: 20
Ability: Technician
Moves: Pollen Puff, Eerie Spell, Teleport, Anchor Shot, Strength, Yawn, Entrainment
Appearance: Slightly lighter fur. Tail uses maroon paint.
Last edited:


Previously Night's Shadow
Firstn’t ♥

Name: Sayu Korematsu || Panda

Titles/Aliases: That Damn Cosplayer, Queen of the Spotted Knights, Princess

Age: 22

Level: 49

Appearance: (see drawings below)

Personality: Panda is a bit of an enigma if you try to know her. Her natural volatility grew more pronounced after the loss of her friends, and while she’s usually upbeat for her streams and fired up in combat, she’s rather introverted and insecure in personal interactions. Though often irritable and anxious, Panda still deeply cares for others, and her cynical realism is tempered by a fierce, desperate sort of hope as well as a steadfast moral compass. She has trouble asking for help.

Occupation: Stalker; freelance streamer

Pokewield: Banter is Panda’s main wield, a heavy type, wrapping her in a protective armor with the appearance of fur and covering her fists in massive spiked gauntlets. They’re very clearly not meant for delicate work, but for pounding things into pieces, they’re more than adequate. (see drawings below)



When Sayu was sixteen, her mother put an end to her dream of becoming a Pokemon trainer. Most kids that age had already let go of the childish fantasy, but Sayu had been intent on professionally participating in contests… at least until her mother, concerned for her daughter’s future, sat her down and had a serious discussion that resulted in Sayu’s Pokemon being given to the Professor who had given her her first. They were put into storage, and Sayu moved on.

At least, until the game. Working at a retail store gave her something to occupy her free time as she went through community college and graduated. But frankly, Sayu was bored. The game put an end to that. She immediately sought out a Pancham, her childhood partner, and poured all her in-game resources into it, very rarely catching others and putting them on standby when she did. Wholeheartedly embracing the cute panda motif, Sayu started streaming on a whim and quickly grew in popularity. Known by her panda ears and black-white-and-pink wardrobe, the pair of Panda — a name Sayu took up after a passerby in-game called it out — and her Pancham became a magnet for little girls and middle-aged men alike.

In the beginning, Panda’s streams were mostly in the roleplay and exploration categories, with some contests. A small group of male players took to following her around and can often be seen in her streams trying to protect “their queen” from any battle-hungry miscreants that might disrupt “her majesty” in her endeavors— and mostly just acting like fools. Panda didn’t appreciate their company until the game locked down.

Panda’s life wasn’t all that glamorous outside the game, but she knew the difference between game and reality. She certainly wasn’t about to let her mother watch her real body waste away while she rides out the rest of her days in a video game. Staunchly in the Stalker camp, her streams became more and more combat-based. She grudgingly acknowledged the “Spotted Knights” as the four boys called themselves (much to Panda’s chagrin) and they became close.

Word that the cutesy streamer Panda had become a heavy-hitting tank spread, and the lower-level Stalkers among her simp army vyed for a place within the Spotted Knights, which she bluntly refused. Four fanboys were enough.

And they were enough in combat, too. LiGHTNiNG!’s Manectric dual-wield was formidable, and Xx_SOULCRUSHER_xX (who Panda only called Soul on principle) was an adept summoner. Pascal, a fire-type enthusiast, had a flamethrower ranged wield, and Blade, she learned, could actually use a sword in the real world, making his comparatively simple Pawniard machete into a deadly precise weapon. They had been combatants even before everyone was trapped, so they helped Panda level up her already-beefy Pancham and train with her wield. Punching stuff wasn’t all that hard, anyway. Though the Spotted Knights never called themselves a guild, it was speculated greatly upon.

Still, it wasn’t until the third floor that they collectively agreed they were strong enough to attempt a boss fight. They joined the other guilds aiming to take it on, and Panda made sure she was streaming.

Every guild in that fight was full of strong people. The Spotted Knights were on par with most of them. But the casualties were still devastating: half of the players who took on the third-floor boss were killed. Among them were Lightning and Pascal.

Blade quit the fight after that, still all for the Stalker cause, but unwilling to lose anyone else or risk his own life. He had a son, he said, who he wanted to get back to, and he couldn’t do that if he was dead.

The Spotted Knights were done, though Soul stayed with Panda for a while. The streams stopped. Her fanbase grew rabid with support, clamoring for more, and the combined force of many of the freelance Stalkers who found her streams useful or entertaining became a new guild, officially called the Spotted Knights II. Panda found this name even dumber than the original. Soul cajoled her into joining, but she left again soon after, deciding she needed a break.

Slowly, Panda began streaming again, little things, like before the lockdown. Wild Pokemon encounters, terrain exploration, the like. Once, Panda’s chat clamored for a capture, like they had a few times before. The Zorua was clearly low-leveled, feisty… and Panda figured she could use the extra company. It was a cakewalk to catch it. She didn’t realize her Pancham was a high enough level to evolve upon the dark-type’s capture. A brief “oh sh*t” moment shifted into a tentative uplook, and reignited Panda’s drive to get home.

Though she’s still technically unaffiliated, the Spotted Knights II still claim Panda as their Queen with Soul at their head, following her movements through her streams and showing up for any boss fights she gets involved in. Uncharacteristically, Panda kept the Zorua she had caught in her party as a reminder to keep fighting. She’s had clashes with other streamers with equally rabid fanbases or guild affiliations, and her most common activities now involve exploring newly unlocked floors and streaming both in-character investigating and whatever information she can gather about the floor boss, as well as the boss fights themselves when she can, to put as much information as possible out there for other Stalkers. The collapse of the first floor only solidified her conviction that the only way to live is to fight.

Species: Pangoro
Name: Banter
Level: 32
Ability: Iron Fist
Moves: Bullet Punch, Leer, Karate Chop, Comet Punch, Night Slash, Low Sweep, Work Up, Vital Throw
Appearance: Banter’s fur cape is spotted with white in a shape that looks vaguely like a skull.

Species: Zorua
Name: Zag
Level: 3
Ability: Illusion
Moves: Copycat (from egg), Leer, Scratch
Appearance: Zag has a torn left ear.


Previously Gamingfan2

Name: Yoki Kodomo/ <<Yokai>>
Titles/Aliases: That Guy/ The Ghost/ Mimikid (maybe)
Age: 20
Level: 36
Appearance: On the shorter side at 5 feet 5 inches, and see the picture from some trainer creation site cause I’m shit at this
Personality: Yoki is a cheerful dude, but one with serious noob energy. Almost always smiling, Yoki clearly is still having fun even after 2 years of Pokearts, and somehow remains easily impressed by the technology. Yoki’s naivete can come across as innocence, but he is not only aware of the death game, Yoki’s remarkably blase about the lives at stake, especially his own. Yet his actions still show a protective resolve; he’s perfectly willing to help anyone who asks, eager even. This feeds into his worst trait, however. Yoki is profoundly reckless, and his tendency to accept any quest he’s given comes with borderline intentional disregard for preparedness and conditions.
Occupation: Freelance Stalker
Pokewield: Yoki has trained enough to use multiple Pokewields, which will be listed below

Yoki always wanted to be a Pokemon master. As he studied hard and passed Pokemon School with flying colors. As soon as he was 16 he woke up early and chose his starter: A little Pichu. He was expected to go off on his journey the day after, but Yoki was too excited to wait a day. So, he took off into a forest near his hometown, if only to give his starter somewhere to run around. Yoki had explored the forest a bunch of times, so he didn’t expect anything to catch him off guard…until he came across a small pokemon covered in a rag resembling Pikachu. Yoki had recognized it as a Mimikyu, and was mystified. He had never seen one in the forest before. Was it just here by coincidence?
Against his better judgment, Yoki followed the creature, keeping a pokeball in his other hand just in case. The Mimikyu noticed him, but seemed to not care much, letting the boy follow behind without showing any signs of aggression. It was until the sky started to darken that Yoki decided he was better off going home, before he could no longer find his way back. He waved good-bye to the mimikyu and, to his surprise, it waved back.
Just in time for a stray breeze to catch its rag, revealing a little too much of Mimikyu’s true form.
The next few hours were a blur, as all Yoki remembered was falling over, paralyzed. His Pichu, who thankfully missed the view, had run away, calling for help. Yoki remembered the next couple hours as his parents taking him into a hospital, and pure darkness soon after.
Yoki was left in a coma for over a week, and for a while was considered a lost cause. But through some miracle, Yoki woke up. Incredibly weak, with blurry vision and terrible body pain, but alive. Yoki was famously the one person to survive seeing Mimikyu’s true form, if only a small part that gets foggier every time he tries to remember. He couldn’t really enjoy his 15 minutes of fame though, as he spent the better part of a month recovering. Surprisingly, the near death experience did not seem to dissuade Yoki from his journey. If anything, he seemed far more excited to get on the road, leading one of the doctors to joke that Yoki simply had so much life, the Mimikyu couldn’t possibly take it all. For his part, Yoki simply waited eagerly for the day he could get back on both feet and truly start his life.
Weeks turned into months, months into years, and by the age of 18, even Yoki started to lose hope. Though he had recovered enough to no longer need constant supervision, he was still left extremely sickly and delicate, far too much to even have his Pichu in the same room, lest it accidentally shock and kill him. It eventually had to be returned to the professor. Some of his friends visited every once in a while, but many were too busy with journeys of their own. Yoki didn’t blame them.
Meanwhile, Yoki had taken to video games to forget his current situation. He still wants to believe a full recovery is just around the corner, but it had been getting harder with each seizure. It was when he managed to boot up Pokearts that Yoki found the dream world he had been so desperately craving. Though doctors warned him against excessive gaming, Yoki spent much of his time just having fun in the world, sometimes choosing to simply exist with his virtual pokemon and pretending he wasn’t stuck in a medical bed. Ironically, one of these pokemon was a Mimikyu. According to Yoki, he caught it as a “power move”. He even doubled down with the nickname “Yokai”, given he almost became a spirit himself.
Then the lockdown happened. Being fully honest, Yoki wasn’t bothered much about it. As far as he cared, this world was the best thing to ever happen to him. Yet, he couldn’t in good conscience stand by as people who did have something to live for were locked out of their real lives, some even losing it entirely. Yoki had chosen to wander the world, both to enjoy a journey he could never have had otherwise, and help others along the way. If he stuck around a place long enough, he would sometimes join a guild and help out. His cheerful and sociable personality has made him relatively popular among those who met him, but Yoki had a habit of simply up and disappearing when he feels they’ve gotten too close, often without officially quitting the guild he was in.
Though he cannot not feel the disease the disguise pokemon left him, Yoki really doesn’t know how much time he has left. He figures he may as well enjoy his experience in the wonderful world of Pokearts and, if he manages to make an impact that saves the lives of 120,000,000 people, that would make for a great headstone.
Species: Teddiursa
Level: 25
Ability: Pickup (Trainer has slightly increased odds in finding rarer items)
Moves: Fury Swipes/Payback/ Slash/ Covet/ Fling/Bulk Up
Appearance: Teddi's paws are stained with honey, and his lunar mark is orange
PokeWeild Form: Two mitts shaped like bear paws, equipped with deceptively sharp claws. Gives Yoki a neat poofy vest.

Pokemon Bio
Name: Sparkle
Species: Pikachu
Level: 21
Ability: Static (30% Chance to paralyze enemies that make contact)
Moves: Spark/ Nuzzle/ Double Team/ Electric Terrain/ Thunder Shock/ Electro Ball
Appearance: Has a rounded tail, and darker stripes on the back
Pokeweild form: A balanced two-sided sword, vaguely shaped like Pikachu’s tail. It is constantly charged with lightning. Obviously puts Yoki in a Pikachu mascot costume

Pokemon Bio
Species: Staravia
Level: 22
Ability: Reckless (Increases damage from recoil moves by 1.2)
Moves: Quick Attack/ Wing Attack/ Double Team/ Whirlwind/ Double-edge
Appearance: Slightly smaller than average, with a straighter plume
PokeWeild Form: A cape shaped like Staravia wings. It’s a hybrid, combining the speed of Dual Wields and the power of Heavies, but lacking in defenses

Name: Mimi
Species: Mimikyu
Level: 24
Ability: Diguise (Takes one attack without losing any health)
Moves: Double Team/ Wood Hammer/ Shadow Sneak/ Mimic/Thunder Wave/ Scratch
Appearance: Has multiple patches on her rag, with the “face” scribbled in pink crayon
PokeWeild Form: A balanced wield that takes the form of a large, wood scythe covered in a shadowy mass. The armor is nothing but a simple raggy hood with Mimikyu’s face, but it changes the user’s body into a similarly shadowy mass with blood red eyes


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Previously Schrift007
Name: (Reinis Atticus | KING)
The rat man, the smile king, the Marlow
Age: 24
Level: 50
Appearance: The way the shovel drags along the ground, the cloak that covers their body and the baggy trousers. It’s that maniacal look, no it lacks any sinister weight but it’s holding itself a presence. The ear to ear grin and pointed teeth, who is this mad man? The scruffed muddy hair, emerald eyes hidden behind bangs, the bare chest. Who does he think he is? The necklace around his neck giving the same toothy grin as him, bones slew cross. It’s unmistakable. The cubone by his side, the broad shoulders and puff in his chest as he took confident strides. It was him. It was KING.
Personality: “IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE, WHY DO YOU DREAM HUH?”. It’s the quote that raised this man, throughout this game, the legend surrounding his name. The auspicious smile king. To every watching eye you just see this walking sun, his radiance giving hope to those that can only watch on. It isn’t about enforcing his will, it isn’t about power or anything like that, this man is the embodiment of stubbornness. Or well tenacity it seems to those around him. What does he mean to people? Is he a loudmouth idiot? A buffoon who blabbers about hopes and dreams? A song bird with a single tune? Whatever it is, it gives hope. It’s all he has, hope and the guts to strive for it. No fire is hot enough, no blade sharp, no beast too strong, to keep this man down. The never give up attitude is what plagues him. Though he isn’t one to overly praise himself as powerful, he definitely owns it. He understands that his attitude gives hope, he knows how much it can mean for people. So even if he’s eating a face full of dirt by a bastard group, he’ll still keep that smile. The strive for tomorrow always starts with the step of today.
Occupation: Wandering stalker
SKULL SPLITTER (Hybrid|Heavy+Ranged)
Reinis’s bread and butter. The weapon itself takes the form of a large club, with the head of the club being three blades. The blades are all inclined against each other, creating a makeshift lance head. Able to spin to gorge into opponents or stop the weapon itself from being grabbed, the heart of the weapon is actually in its handle. At the pull of the handle at its base, the long neck of the weapon connecting the sections and the handle is shortened as it shoots out of the club’s head. The bone can be grounded or shot in one motion, giving it limited ammo as the weapon’s shortened, requiring potions to restore the ammo.
Equipping Kara’s skull as a mask, she forms his armour. Losing the emerald coat instead replacing it with a tanned leather cape. Furred at the collar, with it tattering at the ends. Baggy leather pants, replace his current ones, made of a thinner piece of leather. He gains additional accessories, most of which are bone related. Such as his shin guards and forearm protection, both made of bone. The most interesting change is the formation of spines along his back, jagged and irregular.
Before he was KING, before he was the smile king, the rat man or the Marlow, KING was Reinis Atticus. Born on Koni Koni Island, it’s all he ever knew since he was a kid. Apart from the truck ride to school, his horizons were always small. The way the sun always rises, the way it always set, he’d see the same beautiful sunset day in and out. He’d encounter the same beautiful pokemon day in and out. The same beautiful islanders. His escape from this world came in a single form. His younger sister, Sadie. She was his escape from this mundane life. That day in, day out, was smelted down by her. A blur turned to flakes of wonder which she threw in the sky. Inseparable. The days back then, when they used to explore the corals with only their lungs full of excitement. Where he would confront the world for her if ever he saw tears stream down her cheeks. That’s how he grew up, heart on his sleeves as he stood by her. He was the older brother you needed. The one you wanted and loved.

Reinis was the son of two tailors, one of the few families there that weren’t merchants by nature. Being the eldest, it was up to him to learn the trade. Crafting clothes was to be placed upon one of the children. It was a future that was sealed the second the child was born. A prewritten destiny that they had no say in. For generations his family had been tailors and it wasn’t now that they were going to stop. He knew what it meant, both him and his sister had been brought up with their skill around a needle comparable to a lost swordsman. At the age of 10 however, he was given a choice. He could continue as he was, or he could change. He could put more effort into his craft. And why would he do that? That much was simple. It was a conversation he overheard from his parents. That despite both him and Sadie being good, they weren’t good enough alone. But together… Reinis knew what he had to do, just to give his sister a fleeting chance of her own life. That escape from the small life, it was the greatest gift she could’ve given him but he had to let it go now. He had to let her keep it.

That blur of whimsy and wonder was soon gone. Everyday he stuck to his parent’s side. A trinket with a smile, it’s all he could do. But these things never stay the same. It could never. During a simple parcel run to one of the merchants… that’s when he met her. Mimi. Daughter of a recently moved in family. She felt different to anything thus far in his life. She felt like a new escape from this sealed fate. And he wasn’t wrong. The same day she had snuck him out to explore the coasts with her, collecting sea shells. Why? How could a girl, someone who’s life was sealed just like him, how could she find the ability to even laxen herself when he had to always be ontop for everything. How could she have that luxury? Reinis expected it to be a secret, one she kept under lock and key. It took the entire day to build the courage to ask her, and all he was paid with was her simple response. “My dream is to live my life”.

It had only left him more puzzled than it started, but thus started a new friendship and maybe… maybe a blooming romance as they grew up. Over the years the pair frequented each other more often. Reinis dropped out of school to take up tailoring full time while Mimi was often in and out of town, though what time they found together was savoured. The pair got closer as they grew up, she was his escape from the world. No matter how blistered and damaged his fingers were, no matter how heavy his arms were, she embraced them. She embraced him. And on the day she died? It solidified something in Reinis. He had no control in his life. Everything, everything was already set out. His happiness, it didn’t matter.

A stormy night, Reinis remembers it clear as day. He was spending a late night in the workshop, working on an order for a customer’s wedding. Mimi had been out on a delivery drive, so that left him to his devices. She was on his mind a lot at that time. He wondered what she was doing. Who she was meeting, maybe if she was thinking of him too. They had already been on a few “dates” at this point but maybe they could make it official. When they come back. Yes, maybe they’ll go to that spot they first met. Spend some time on the coast and go back to the restaurant she loves. Two knocks on the door dragged him back down to reality as he was met with his sister. Teary eyed, as she could only gaze through him. Adrenaline. It coursed through him. This pain. He felt like he had been attacked. Something had hurt him. No his life was in danger. This pain. He could only lose himself to this primal fury. His hands slamming against the wooden table. Blood painting the wedding dress as he lashed out at everything around him. Even with his sister restraining him, even her trying to hold him back, he just wouldn’t relent. He loved her. He truly did.

The following events of her death completely broke Reinis. For the following year he had stopped tailoring altogether. It’s not like he could anyways, that breakdown he had led to his hands being damaged. His fingers a being mismangled mashup had left doctors trying their best but ultimately could only save his fingers but not their former dexterity. It’s not like that mattered anyways. Reinis never left his room. Food and water was left at his doorstep while his family tried to provide clean clothes. But it’s not like he changed anyways, he barely left to shower or change. To say he had let go of anything that gave semblance to his old life was an understatement. He had failed. His single purpose in life had ended in failure. It was his new life. He just wanted to waste away, that’s all he desired. He wanted to be swallowed up and forgotten. Life was a regretful gift that he never deserved. That’s what he believed.

It wasn’t till his 19th birthday did once again a new escape was brought into his life. Pokearts online. A gift from his sister. It was her final hope of trying to get her brother back. And it worked. For a bit… no, it didn’t bring Reinis back. Reinis was gone. The moment he threw away his life, Reinis was dead. KING is what took his place.

Pokemon Bio
Name: Kara
Level: 27
Ability: Battle Armour: when hit with a critical hit, the critical damage will be parried no matter what the damage would be without a critical hit. This leaves only the original damage of the move to land. This landing of a critical hit leads to a boost in his defence, meaning that critical hits become less effective. However it does not shield from any status effects or conditions the attack would’ve placed otherwise.
Moves: Headbutt, bone rush, stomping tantrum and mud slap
Appearance: An ‘spiral’ engraved on its top and stomach

@Gamingfan @=Nightshade= @RenzFlintrock You guys know I love the ocs haha

For those curious in joining, I do urge you in joining the discord since the main roleplay will be on Charms, things like sub plots and quick updates will be posted on discord. I plan for the rp to start up by next week depending on how many people join in the following days.

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
i have arrived

Name: Shouta Hideyoshi | Arsenic

Titles/Aliases: "Death", "The Plague", "Doctor"

Age: 21

Level: 54

Appearance: Shouta is fairly tall, standing at 6'3 feet tall with having a pretty slim body. He has long messy black hair, with a few strands braided on the left side of his face. Not only that, he also has aquamarine colored eyes. He wears a plain black shirt with brown cargo pants, with black dress shoes. On top of that, he wears a long black coat that reaches the floor. For accessories, he wears silver necklaces and black gloves.

Personality: Devious and twisted, Shouta thinks of everything as a game, even when his own life is on the line. A gambler at heart, Shouta will take any risk, no matter the odds, even if they are stacked against him. Shouta can think on his feet, and is pretty versatile in any situation, bringing the bloodlust and the intelligence required for any situation. In other situations though, Shouta is usually seen as an embodiment of pure evil, taking joy by hurting others using his Pokewield. In some cases though, you can probably find him and ask for help. Of course, it's not for free, and he isn't taking gold for payment.

Occupation: Stalker | Traveling "Doctor"

Nanospike Shooter - Ranged
Shouta gains dual pistols (Rose and Thorn) that shoots spikes laced with poison, which can do serious damage to those hit. It has a limited supply of ammunition, where once both run out, he activates a circular metal object (Garden) from his arm that shoots poison-laced spikes automatically. The spikes are significantly worse than the spikes shot from the pistols but can still do a large amount of damage if not dealt with.

Backstory: ?

Pokemon Bio
Name: Rosette
Level: 28
Ability: Merciless: Whenever Shouta himself is poisoned, the area to hit critical strikes becomes larger, letting him deal more damage to others when he, himself is poisoned.
Pin Missile
Acid Spray
Toxic Spikes
Poison Jab
Appearance: Rosette's bulb at the top resembles a uniquely colored rose.
Name: ( Fujiwara Takashi| Kuraokami)

Titles/Aliases: The Steel Fist, The Wandering Fist, The Living Wall

Age: 24

Level: 59

Appearance: Kuraokami has semi long, Dark hair, with ice blue eyes, and Beige skin, his normal outfit is mostly padding as his armor comes from his Pokewield. He typically uses a Polearm of some kind when not in his Pokewield form. There is a cloak from his time in a previous guild called the Troubled Myths, it is a bit small as it was Amaterasu's (Real Name Himari). He stood 5'11" and was on a semi muscular build.

Personality: Kuraokami is a very watchful individual, of others. If his childhood taught him anything, it was that one must do what they speak, to the best of their ability. He is also a bit secretive on revealing certain details of his past before the lock down, and certainly not anything that had to deal with the death of his old guild. He helps others when he can in memory of his Deceased Girlfriend. He has a habit of fumbling interactions with the opposite gender.

Occupation: Knight, 6th of the Spotted Knights II.

Pokewield: Kuraokami's Main Pokewield is Calculus, which gives him blue heavy armor, which puts his Physical Offensive, his Defenses and his HP in the higher range for his level. His Fists are Mechanical claws, which are deadly. Trust the rumors about The Steel Fist. When Calculus is active as his Pokewield, he cannot be affect by Stat drops from other than himself. The Niche Ability for Calculus is to be able to use the Psychic abilities to defend himself, reducing damage by half once a day. This only unlocked when Calculus evolved into Metang.

Backstory: Takashi was born to normal parents and had a normal childhood, however, he discovered the game through some friends, and eventually got trapped by surprise. Now as Kuraokami, he had to find a way out, and make new friends. During that time, he met a guild, The Troubled Myth. He was with them for a while, and there were six members. Amaterasu, a young girl who had gotten trapped by accident, had an Arcanine as her Pokewield, hybrid class (mostly ranged) Zeus, a Dual Wielder with a Jolteon as his Pokewield, Cú Chulainn, a Balanced Class with a Shelgon as his Pokewield, Hou Yi, a Ranged Class with a Dragonair as her Pokewield, and Maat, a Balanced Class that Focused on Helping people and Pokémon recover from injuries. It was a good time for Kuraokami, and he had friends outside of his friend group. They helped where they could, learning about the world around them. However, about a year into things, Kuraokami had gone up with the guild to help with a Boss raid. As such, it was not easy, and Amaterasu nearly died due to a mistake in Zeus's plan for their effort in the boss fight. Kuraokami took as much damage as he could have possibly could with out completely dying before being pulled out by Zeus, Amaterasu, and Maat. The raid group was shocked, it was then he learned Calculus's Ability was Clear Body. The group immediately worked together to get him on the road to recovery, as Amaterasu told him that if he survived, and recovered, she'd take him on a date, to his surprise. It was around two weeks later, he went out with her. It was a relaxing event for the two as the others took the rest at the Tavern that they had been working out of. Around a month later, they got a small guild hall to their own, which allowed them to take more members. It was a lot of work keeping the guild up and running, and the boss raids were dropping members a bit. One night, while Kuraokami was preparing for a Boss raid, the rest of the guild and the Guild hall was attacked. When he got back, all there was the guild hall in ruins and everyone there dead. Kuraokami was devastated, however, something ran towards him. It was Amaterasu's Arcanine, who had escaped and gone to get help. Unfortunately, by the time The Help got there, it was too late. Kuraokami had the clothes on his back, his dead girlfriend's Arcanine, and his own Beldum, who had evolved to Metang. For two Months, he wandered about the most recently cleared floor, helping people and guildless until he was picked up by the Spotted Knights on Rumors about his Titles. He got the Steel Fist after Punching an enemy in the face very hard. A person tried to duel him once, and it didn't go well for them. He got Living Wall from the boss fight he almost died in. When he got picked up by the Spotted Knights, he rose through the Ranks, during that time, he went to Floor Four, and found a starving Frigibax, who he helped feed and find shelter. The Frigibax decided to join him for his help. It's been a year since his girlfriend's death, about three months since he joined the Spotted Knights II, and a month since Winter joined him. He currently lives on whatever floor the Guild hall is on.

Pokemon Bio

Species: Metang
Name: Calculus
Level: 30
Ability: Clear Body (Like Itself, Its Wielder is not affected by external stat drops).
Moves: Confusion/Metal Claw/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Magnet Rise/Take Down
Appearance: Looks like an average sized Metang

Species: Arcanine
Name: Sunlight
Level: 27
Ability: Justified (When his Pokewield is used, he gains an increase in attack against those that would be considered evil. The Wielder must be hit for this to take effect).
Moves: Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Play Rough, Helping Hand, Agility, Reversal
Appearance: Is 50% Larger than the average Arcanine, serves as a Mount, and was Amaterasu's Pokewield before her death. He is trying to figure out how to use this wield properly.

Species: Frigibax
Name: Winter
Level: 5
Ability: Thermal Exchange (The Wielder gains attack when Fire Moves hit him, when this Pokewield is active, Kuraokami can not be burned.)
Moves: Aqua Tail (Found near Gyarados), Dragon Tail, Leer, Tackle
Here's my children, finally done! (I technically finished them all last night)

Name: Martha | Zemitra
Titles/Aliases: Zemi, Dr. Chan-z (by her friends/family), Healer of Shattered Saints, Zemi, Doctor Heartless (by those who dislike her)
Age: 33
Level: 55
Appearance: Zemi stands at around six feet tall, wanting to play as a tall buff person. She has pink hair in a pixie cut and has purple eyes. She typically wears a green shirt with a white jacket and some light blue jeans for casual wear. When she travels, she brings along a large brown cross body bag.
Personality: Zemi is known to be cynical, especially after she helped defeat the boss of Floor 3. She doesn’t discriminate with her care, though, healing anyone and everyone who comes by. She prefers to keep to herself and tends to push others away. Although, it should be noted that she used to be around three other people all the time before floor three. She is often sarcastic and gets irritated when people are being idiots, especially in a fight. AKA, don’t stand in the red. Zemi does have a soft side, though only for those she is closest to.
Occupation: Stalker, retired healer for her former guild, Shattered Saints, now works as a town doctor on floor 4 and trains new healers for guilds
Pokewield: Ranged support, Blissey. When Zemi uses this Pokewield, she’s dressed in a pink suit with a tailcoat. She has white pants with black boots. She also has a wand with a miniature Blissey egg capping it
Backstory: Zemi’s Pokemon journey was a quick and simple one. She made it to the first gym with her starter, Yamper, fought the leader once, and was utterly stomped. Crushed. Decimated. She went home after that, keeping the Yamper as a pet. She was a bit bitter, but she knew that continuing would just hurt her and her Yamper even more. Instead, she continued school, eventually going to college and getting a degree in Computer Programming. She eventually became a freelance programmer, selling code she made for people and helping people streamline their code. She also became an avid gamer, enjoying MMOs in particular.

It was through gaming, she met three of her closest friends, Vanilla_Dew (real name Toby), TatteredObligation26 (real name Chris), and Blade-Keeper (real name Brice). They knew each other for years, even ending up meeting each other IRL, despite living in different regions. Eventually, they made Pokearts their main MMO after leaving another MMO a month proir due to disliking what the devs did. They immediately went into “hardcore” mode, actively looking for the best Pokemon they could get their hands on and went questing as a small party. They quickly found a guild too, Shattered Saints.

It went like this for around two years, the four making grinding enjoyable through joking with one another and even all four getting “married” because 1.) it was funny and 2.) sharing inventory and Pokemon was convenient and they all trusted each other. (They mutually decided to give Zemi the family head role due to her being the most responsible out of all of them). Zemi was even one of the heads of Shattered Saints! Though, it all came crumbling down when no one could log out. Zemi, despite spending a good portion of her time in the game anyways, wanted out. She may be on her computer all day, but she still had a life! She had a pet! Not to mention Obligation and Blade both had families to get back to. The four grinded even more. They had to get as strong as they could ASAP. Eventually, they were ready to fight the boss on floor three.

Or so they thought.

During the fight, a good portion of the people fighting lost their lives. Being the healer, Zemi couldn’t help but feel somewhat responsible. Perhaps she could’ve used this to push herself to do better, so there wouldn’t be as many lives lost in the future. Perhaps. Maybe that would’ve been the route she took if she wasn’t widowed from that fight. Zemi was the only member of her friend group who survived the fight. She couldn’t handle it. She had not only failed to keep the majority of her allies alive, she couldn’t even keep her closest friends alive. It was all her fault. If this was still just a game, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. If it was still just a game, she would’ve been joking about how many times they would have to fight this stupid thing before they won. But this wasn’t a game anymore and her friends would never come back. She retired, believing it was best to just… live out their lives as best they could under the current circumstances. The immense amount of life lost in order to escape just… wasn’t worth it in her eyes. She still helped train new healers for Stalker guilds, but she never helped with a new floor since her friends died.

With The Collaspe, Zemi has taken a new interest in clearing floors again. If they can’t just peacefully live out their lives here, then they might as well die trying to climb the floors in an attempt to escape. Though, first, she needs to give relief to survivors of Floor 1 and help evacuate Floor 2.

Pokemon Bio
Species: Blissey
Name: Curie
Level: 29
Ability: Healer
Moves: Charm, Disarming Voice, Echoed Voice, Life Dew, Sing, Fling, Heal Pulse, Heal Bell
Appearance: Curie has bows on her curls

Species: Herdier
Name: Buddy
Level: 18
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Bite, Leer, Tackle, Work Up, Retaliate, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Take Down
Appearance: Buddy has a red collar

Species: Abra
Level: 5
Ability: Syncronize
Moves: Teleport
Appearance: Normal Abra

Species: Shieldon
Name: Disk-face
Level: 27
Ability: Soundproof
Moves: Protect, Taunt, Metal Sound, Iron Defence, Ancient Power, Endure, Rest, Iron Head
Appearance: His head is well polished

Species: Fletchender
Name: Ember
Level: 26
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Ember, Feint, Growl, Peck, Quick Attack, Flail, Accrobatics, Flame Charge
Appearance: Ember has flying googles

Species: Sylveon
Name: Pix
Level: 28
Ability: Pixilate
Moves: Baton Pass, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Swift, Light Screen, Draining Kiss, Magical Leaf, Psyshock
Appearance: He has a blue bow on the base of his tail

Name: Alex | Sage_of_the_Heart
Titles/Aliases: Sage, Heart, Speaker of Doom, (most recently) Seer of the Collapse
Age: 21
Level: 33
Appearance: Sage is a non-binary individual with light brown hair that falls around an inch past their shoulders. Their avatar has heterocromia, with the right eye being green and the left being blue. They stand at about 5’3 and is slim. They tend to wear large clothes that seem to eat them whole.
Personality: Sage is an emotional person who wants to do good. They enjoy roleplaying as a form of escape from their problems. It should be noted that they are quite good at thinking on their feet and coming up with plans on the fly. They can be a bit mischievous at times, though they typically save it for those they don’t particularly like or someone they exchange teasing insults with. Sage also is a fraud. While they technically did warn about Floor 1’s collapse, they didn’t know it was actually going to happen. They were just rolepaying as the seer.
Occupation: Savant, Former seer of floor one
Pokewield: Ranged, Xatu. She also often summons multiple Pokemon at once to fight alongside her. Her Pokewield gives her a cape similar to that of Xatu's wings and a staff metallic eye capping the top. A red ribbon ties back their hair
Backstory: Sage, unlike most people who fail to go big as trainers, made it quite far in their journey. This was mostly due to them insisting on starting later than most, the legal working age in Unova. That way they could do odd jobs with their Pokemon as a way to train and earn money at the same time. It worked surprisingly well, and they won against six gyms before everything screeched to a halt. Not due to the pressure of raising multiple Pokemon or not being able to overcome a challenge. No, because of their family. Because of a medical emergency involving thier mother. Sage returned home to help out their family. They were bitter over it, but they couldn’t blame their family. It was just… what if it never happened. They couldn’t bring themselves to give up on their team, despite the financial strain they brought. Sage got themselves a normal job and started going to college.

It was in college that they met a friend who played this game called Pokearts Online and recommended it to them. Sage started playing and started using it to escape her reality. Not that it was bad, it just not what she wanted. She was given a Wooper by her friend and soon got her hands on a Xatu and Eevee eventually finding an Absol as well. They didn’t play too much, but when they did, they continued to build upon their fictional reality, becoming the seer of floor one. Around a year later, Sage found they couldn’t leave their fictional reality. Their escape had become their new reality.

It was totally fine, though, they had built a fake life already. That fake life could just… become their real one. Not like they had much going for them back in the real world. Their mom was doing better now and they weren’t needed back home anymore and they were now a bit too old to continue training. They could just stay here, for the rest of their life. And with the in-game death now transferring to real life, they couldn’t justify risking their life to escape. So… they stagnated. They continued to be the seer of Floor 1, mostly by paying extremely close attention to their Xatu, Espeon, and Absol.

Around a week and a half ago, Sage got a “prophecy of doom” from Luna. Sage declared it to the public before Luna pressured her to move to Floor 2. Sage assumed that Luna wanted to spread the prophecy to the floor above. Little did they realize Luna was actually saving their life. Since then, they have been struggling through the deserts of floor two and recently made it to a refugee camp.
Pokemon Bio
Species: Quagsire
Name: Marsh
Level: 20
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Mud Shot, Rain Dance, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Haze, Mist, Slam, Mud Bomb*
Appearance: Marsh has a bow tie and a small top hat that he wears occasionally as he is a very dapper boy.

Species: Xatu
Name: Vision
Level: 25
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Air Slash, Tailwind
Appearance: Smaller than your average Xatu. Noticeably so.

Species: Espeon
Name: Dawn
Level: 23
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Baton Pass, Bite, Charm, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Swift, Confusion
Appearance: Dawn wears a white scarf and a white flower clipped to the base of her right ear.

Species: Absol
Name: Cres
Level: 20
Ability: Super Luck
Moves: Leer, Quick Attack, Double Team, Knock Off, Detect, Taunt,
Appearance: Cres has a silver anklet on her front right leg and a blue moonstone necklace.

Name: Albert Kaiser | xXX_ShadowKing_XXx
Titles/Aliases: Shadow, Lord Shadow of Saint Denis, Lord Shadow
Age: 18
Level: 50
Appearance: Shadow has black hair that goes down to an inch and a half above his shoulders and brown eyes. He is short, standing at 5’5. For more casual wear, he tends to wear a dress shirt with a solid color sweater vest on top. He also wears tan pants and knee-high riding boots. His formal wear while he was the lord of Saint Denis included a formal white jacket and a faux fur-lined cape,
Personality: Shadow is a prickly individual who tends to push others away and holds himself in high regard, well at first glance. In reality, this is a front, well, the holding himself in high regard part. Shadow pushes people away due to being unable to trust others because of what he was taught as the son of one of the wealthiest people in the world. So he doesn’t. Shadow is not used to showing affection to others and tends to continue acting like a brat. It should be noted that when he thinks no one is watching or around someone he trusts, he can be quite affectionate to his Pokemon, especially his Vulpix.
Occupation: Savant, Lord of Saint Denis
Pokewield: Charcadet, dual weilder. He gains the armor of Charcadet and gains two red swords. Once Charcadet evolves, said swords and armor will become purple
Backstory: Shadow comes from a distant region that’s not well known. He grew up in a wealthy family and is the 3rd child out of 4. His father owns Poogle, the largest web browser and search engine in the Pokemon world. His older brother is also one of the top trainers. While Shadow may not like these two, his childhood was amazing and he got everything he could’ve wanted. Even if he chose to not go on a Pokemon journey.

His father got him the game, no questions asked. Shadow was eager to try it. It soon became a daily past time, though he always made sure to spend time with his little sister and his mother’s Ninetails. However, one day, he was trapped in the game. The first one to find Shadow was his mother’s Ninetails. Eventually the rest of his family found him, too, once news got out about the trapping inside of Pokearts. Shadow was then admitted into one of the top hospitals in his home region.

While trapped, Shadow became determined to make a name for himself. He quickly rose to power on floor two, becoming a lord there. With this game being his new world, he refused to let any abuse to happen within the area he ruled. After all, they were no longer just pixels and code to him, they were his new reality. He also entered duels against other players, stopping PVP once health got to around the halfway point. His life was going pretty well (though he did miss some things from the real world) until the collapse.

Lawlessness quickly fell upon his kingdom, and he struggled to stop it. It was like nothing he did could work. Even now, he struggles to keep what he had built up to this point standing.

Pokemon Bio
Species: Charcadet
Name: Flammenritter
Level: 30
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Clear Smog, Fire Spin, Will-O-Whisp, Night Shade, Flame Charge, Incierate, Endure
Appearance: Normal Charcadet

Species: Vulpix
Name: Fuchsfeuer
Level: 12
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Ember, Tail Whip, Disable, Quick Attack, Spite
Appearance: Is a shiny

Species: Ponyta
Name: Feuersturm
Level: 25
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Ember, Flame Charge, Agility, Flame Wheel
Appearance: Commonly has riding tack
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Name: Jason/Argus
Titles/Aliases: (any names picked up along the way?)
Age: 30
Level: 50
Jason screenshot.png

Personality: Jason is typically a loner, preferring to only work with his Pokemon. However, seeing as he has chosen to go with a defensive play style, he decided to become a bodyguard for hire for low level gatherers. He keeps a stoic atmosphere while on the job, but he enjoys hanging out with his Pokemon in private. He likes to keep up appearances and projects an image of an impenetrable wall to his enemies, especially when he equips his Pokewields.
Occupation: Stalker
Pokewield: Dino Shield - Heavy Armor
Jason's Bastiodon transforms into a large shield capable of enduring most damage.
Dragon Blades - Close-Range/Dual Weapon
Jason's Fraxure becomes a pair of sword gauntlets, the scales making up the armor while the blades are fashioned from the already blade like tusks. Likely to change as it evolves.
Aron Armor - Heavy Armor
Jason's Aron manifests as a helmet with metal plates coating his leather pauldrons. Likely to change as it evolves.
Feral Jaws - Close/Long Range
Jason's Croconaw appears to merge with his right arm, taking the shape of a large claw where his hand would be. It also doubles as a cannon of sorts. The "claw" is shaped like Fang's head. Likely to change as it evolves.
Backstory: Jason was born and raised in Newbark Town, in the Johto region. Much like many people his age, Jason had initially wished to become a Pokemon trainer in his younger years, but due to underestimating the difficulty of training, traveling, and caring for himself and his Pokemon, not to mention managing his finances, he was forced to retire. Rather than keep his Pokemon, he reluctantly gave them to Professor Elm for safekeeping.
When he discovered the ABRA-Gear and PokeArts Online, Jason was hooked. He enjoyed the freedom afforded to the players, as well as the setting of the game itself. It was definitely frustrating at first, but once he figured out the fighting mechanics and catching his Pokemon he had to keep going.
While his base armor was of a lighter variety, Jason, now Argus, preferred a more defensive play style, using a sword and shield in combat. After learning how the Pokewields worked and discovering his Aron became heavy armor, Argus decided to keep his typical light armor and allow the Steel/Rock type to add to it. Regrettably, Argus was unable to evolve Rocky in the two years he was stuck due to how the leveling mechanics worked. Not to mention his desire to have a more equally leveled team for various situations. Because of this, the only fully evolved Pokemon he owns is his Bastiodon, Aegis.
Lately, Argus has been taking jobs as a bodyguard for lower level players traveling around. Thanks to this, he doesn't have to rely completely on finding the odd treasure chest every now and again to survive.

Pokemon Bio
Species: Bastiodon
Name: Aegis
Level: 30
Ability: Sturdy
Moves: Iron Head, Protect, Body Slam, Ancient Power
Appearance: Face/shield is covered in shallow battle scars

Species: Fraxure
Name: Blade
Level: 30
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: Dragon Claw, Crunch, Slash, Breaking Swipe
Appearance: Shiny

Species: Aron
Name: Rocky
Level: 30
Ability: Heavy Metal
Moves: Metal Claw, Protect, Rock slide, Iron Head
Appearance: Normal

Species: Croconaw
Name: Fang
Level: 30
Ability: Sheer Force
Moves: Water Gun, Ice Fang, Crunch, Bite
Appearance: Normal


Name: Tora/Adara
Titles/Aliases: (any names picked up along the way?)
Age: 28
Level: 55
Adara screenshot.png

Personality: (what is this mug like?)
Occupation: Savant
Pokewield: Lycan Knuckles -
Dart Feather Mantle -
Bone Shield -
Blaze Gauntlets -
Backstory: (try to include what happened in that 2 year period of being trapped, even if its brief)

Pokemon Bio
Species: Midday Lycanroc
Name: Luna
Level: 30
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Thunder Fang, Accelerock, Iron Head, Rock Tomb
Appearance: In place of the usual shades of brown, her coat is a light gray while her stones and claws are black.

Species: Dartrix
Name: Robin Hood
Level: 30
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Peck, Shadow Sneak, Razor Leaf, Pluck
Appearance: (any unique things or accessories?)

Species: Drednaw
Name: Shell Shock
Level: 30
Ability: Shell Armor
Moves: Razor Shell, Headbutt, Crunch, Protect
Appearance: (any unique things or accessories?)

Species: Charmeleon
Name: Thorn
Level: 28
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Dragon Breath, Slash, Smokescreen, Fire Fang
Appearance: (any unique things or accessories?)

Definitely have more to add, will edit.
Name: Daisy Blum.
Online username: Thorn.
Titles/Aliases: Ghost of Thorns.
Age: 24.
Level: 53.
Appearance: 5’2. 1.57 meters.

Personality: Quiet, tense and cold. She doesn’t talk much and she’s always on her guard. She rarely let anyone get close to her.
Occupation: Stalker. She’s a hybrid-balanced. She works alone (for the most part) and she’s not exactly loyal to any kingdom, more so to whoever pays her. She finds shelter where she wants to.
Pokewield: Floragato. Turn into a pair of sai. The blades are that of traditional sai, albeit with a greenish tone, while the handles are completely emerald green.
Backstory: Hah, nope.

Pokemon Bio
Species: Floragato.
Name: Dahlia.
Level: 33.
Ability: Overgrow.
-Aerial Ace.
-Low Kick.
-Low Sweep.
-Hone Claws.
-Petal Blizzard.
Appearance: A Floragato.

Name: Landon Emery Spencer. Sunshine_Queen.
Titles/Aliases: Nope.
Age: 21.
Level: 35.
Appearance: 5’8.

Personality: He’s very flirtatious and acts much like a typical dude-bro. He will flirt with anyone and everyone. If you ever need a yes-man or a gym partner, this is the guy to go to.
Occupation: Savant, I guess?
-Gloom: Gloom gives Landon a magical girl transformation where he gets a black sleeveless crop top with a heart symbol cut out at the chest area so you can see his skin underneath. He also gains a black skirt as well. He keeps his sunglasses. He also gets a wand.
-Oricorio: Yellow cheerleader outfit. He also gets pom poms.

Landon grew up in Alola, but he and his family moved to Unova when he was 13. He had wanted to go through the Island Trials with his Rockruff but his father had gotten a job in Unova so Landon, as a still very young boy, did not want to be left behind. Therefore, his Pokémon journey was halted. In Unova, he tried his luck at it again and got a good bit of the way. However, before he was going to challenge the Bug type gym, he got a phone call from his father asking him to come home. Landon’s mother had been caught cheating and Donald, Landon’s father, wanted Landon home while the divorce process was underway. He came home and put a pause on his journey, holding out hope he would be able to get back to it at some point. He never would. But he didn’t mind that too much, he still had his Rockruff and a pair of other companions that he picked up along the way. An Emolga and a Deerling. After getting back into a routine at home, he also decided that he wanted to visit a summer camp. His father helped him find one and he met a few kids who he befriended quickly. Most notably, Zach Hansley, Avery-Joy Torres and Quincy Payne.

After a couple of years, Landon began studying medicine. He played guitar and sang in a band as a hobby. Then PAO came out and his friends wanted to play it with him. He agreed to get it and they began playing. Zach and Avery-Joy (AJ) had begun dating two years prior to the game’s release and were very happy. They got married in-game. Zach had gotten a Scorbunny as his first Pokémon. Life was going really well. So of course tragedy had to strike. It was a normal day in the real world. Landon, Zach, AJ and Quincy were on a stroll in a forest when a Mightyena seemingly just appeared out of thin air. They all stopped dead in their tracks. No one had brought their Pokémon with them. Not out of carelessness, simply because this part of the forest was safe. No one would expect a Mightyena to appear here. They all began backing away slowly, with Quincy and Zach in the front and Landon helping AJ to not trip.

I’m not writing out the whole thing, just imagine it yourselves if you feel like you need to.

In the end, Quincy was hospitalized with a few scratches from the Mightyena’s claws. He would be fine after a day or so. Landon was crying and so was AJ. And Zach… despite Landon doing everything he could after the Mightyena was scared off, there was no saving him. The funeral was held, and there was no one who could keep their eyes dry. But life goes on. Landon couldn’t bear to speak to AJ after this. He blamed himself. He would try to keep her at a distance, finding whatever excuse he could to avoid talking to her.

He kept on playing PAO with Quincy, where he had caught an Oddish and an Oricorio. When they all got stuck inside the game, he was distraught. His heart sank. He couldn’t believe it. It was terrifying. He cried then as well. Who wouldn’t? But… again, life goes on. And Landon wasn’t someone that would give up easily. He was a cheerful guy. Sure he was sad and scared, but he wasn’t gonna let it get in the way of his life. He is currently living on the third floor with Quincy Payne.
Pokemon Bio
Species: Gloom.
Name: Dancing Queen.
Level: 26.
Ability: Chlorophyll.
-Pollen Puff.
-Sleep Talk.
-Sunny Day.
-Grassy Terrain.
Appearance: A Gloom.

Species: Oricorio Pom-Pom Style.
Name: Pim Pom
Level: 23.
Ability: Dancer.
-Air Cutter.
-Calm Mind.
-Helping Hand.
-Feather Dance.
-Baton Pass.
Appearance: An Oricorio Pom-Pom Style.


Previously Lily May
Name: Quincy Payne | Forge
Titles/Aliases: Flame Boy
Age: 22
Level: 34
Appearance: He has blond curly hair up in a bun, brown eyes, glasses, and has tan skin. He’s 6’2”, chubby, yet somewhat muscular.
Personality: He’s a bit socially awkward, but he’s really nice, even though he looks really intimidating. He has a hard time focusing, so don’t disturb him when he’s concentrating, otherwise he’ll get annoyed. When he speaks, he either sounds tired or annoyed, which isn’t usually the case. Half the time he’s got his mind on other things. He’s a very caring guy.
Occupation: Blacksmith. Stat Booster. House of Bewear: Team Graystone.
Pokewield: None
Backstory: N/A

Pokemon Bio
Species: Litleo
Name: Leo
Level: 25
Ability: Unnerve
-Work Up
-Fire Spin
Appearance: Red bandana around his neck.

Species: Flareon
Name: Evie
Level: 23
Ability: Guts
-Double Kick
-Sunny Day
-Fire Fang
Appearance: Gold dangle clip-on earrings.

Species: Quilava
Name: Quill
Level: 23
Ability: Blaze
-Fire Pledge
-Flame Wheel
-Iron Head
Appearance: Dark teal friendship bracelet on his right hand.

Name: Avery-Joy Torres | Avery-JoyStar
Titles/Aliases: Joy, JoyStar, AJ
Age: 22
Level: 36
Appearance: She has brown hair up in a ponytail with bangs, light gray eyes, light skin, and freckles. She wears pinks, reds, and sometimes greens. She generally likes to dress in flowy clothing.
Personality: Avery-Joy’s positive, insightful, and she tries to understand both points of view. She is always willing to give anyone advice and she’s very friendly and easy to talk to. She is a little more reserved than she used to be, though she is still welcoming and warm.
Occupation: Savant. House of Bewear: Artemis’ Hunt.
Pokewield: Balanced. Alcremie. Long wooden bo-staff and a frilly white dress.
Backstory: N/A

Pokemon Bio
Species: Alcremie
Name: Allie
Level: 24
Ability: Sweet Veil
-Sweet Kiss
-Sweet Scent
-Aromatic Mist
-Draining Kiss
-Pain Split
Appearance: Rainbow swirl with strawberry sweet.

Species: Raboot
Name: Lucky
Level: 26
Ability: Blaze
-Quick Attack
-Double Kick
-Flame Charge
-Swords Dance
Appearance: N/A
Name: (Real life | In game) Michael | HIYAAAA
Titles/Aliases: Quan
Age: 20
Level: 35
Appearance: Quan comes in at 5’8” and 139 lbs. He has tanned skin and scruffy brown hair, as well as brown eyes. He is lean, but muscular. For clothes, Quan’s outfit consists of a brown hoodie sweatshirt and tan pants of a light but tough material. He also wears a red bandana around his neck, and keeps a pair of goggles to use during those sandstorms on Floor 2. Hidden by the red bandana, Quan’s neck has a few ugly green and purple splotches on it, a lingering injury from a poison trap on Floor 1. Quan keeps his knuckles and wrists wrapped with bandages.
Personality: Despite being unable to speak, Quan is a bright and cheerful individual. Always smiling, he has a very difficult time refusing people that are asking for help. Quan’s favorite thing is fighting and sparring, especially against Fighting types or people who use Fighting Type Pokeweilds. He’s straightforward with his suggestions, however he does get bashful around women, and has difficulty going all out against women in battle.
Occupation: Savant, unemployed
Pokewield: Quan’s primary Pokeweild is his Hitmonchan, SF. The Pokeweild is an all-around type. It grants Quan brown and purple armor, similar to football pads. His face is covered with a brown tactical face mask that covers his nose and mouth, and a helmet that resembles a Hitmonchan’s head. The weapon of the Pokewield is a pair of red boxing gloves.
Backstory: Currently still working on. But while exploring ruins on Floor 1, triggered a booby trap. He inhales a strange poison gas that hurt him, and inflicted a lingering wound preventing him from being able to speak. Despite it, Quan survived. He was rewarded with a scroll, explaining what was needed to do to evolve a Tyrogue into a Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop.

Pokemon Bio
Name: MK
Level: 17
Ability: Guts (Boosts power when he has a status condition, being burned does not lower attack)
Moves: Tackle, Fake Out, Foresight, Helping Hand
Appearance: (any unique things or accessories?)

Species: Luvdisc
Name: Be Mine ♡
Level: 12
Ability: Swift Swim (Boosts speed in rain)
Moves: Tackle, Charm, Water Gun, Agility
Appearance: Traded from a friend

Species: Hitmonchan
Name: SF
Level: 25
Ability: Iron Fist (Boosts power of punching moves)
Primary Moves: Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Detect, Low Sweep, Vacuum Wave
Secondary Moves: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Foresight, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Bullet Punch
Rusty Moves: Feint, Fake Out, Power-Up Punch, Revenge
Unpracticed Move: Quick Guard, Focus Energy, Tackle, Helping Hand
Appearance: (any unique things or accessories?)


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Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
definitely didn't forget to post this earlier hahah

Name: Misao Kubo | Valor
Titles/Aliases: Val, Guardian of Starlight Syndicate (formerly), Parry God, Leader of SSR
Age: 25
Level: 44

Appearance: Valor stands at 5’5, with fair skin and an athletic build. She has a long, crimson mane of hair that cascades halfway down her back in waves, and her eyes share the same color.

Personality: Misao is a courageous and moral person at heart, driven by a strong sense of justice. She's compassionate and never hesitates to stand up for what she believes is right, although sometimes this shows as gulllibleness. Despite her best intentions, her lack of critical thinking at times can make her more of a hindrance than a help. She can also come off as strict or rigid to others, as she follows her moral code with little room for flexibility. Still, Misao is loyal to a fault, willing to drop everything to assist a friend in need in an instant. She’s quick to admit and rectify her mistakes once she recognizes them.

Occupation: Savant; Leader of Starlight Syndicate Redux (SSR)

Pokewield: Karma is Valor's infamous main heavy Pokewield, and takes the form of a greatshield that resembles a mirror with a blue tint. Dauntless' dual-wield Pokewield provides a pair of purple gauntlets that cover Valor's forearms, with silver blades that can be extended and retracted from the wrist.

Like everyone else in the world, Misao aspired to be a Pokemon trainer more than anything else. And like (mostly) everyone else, she completely and utterly failed once facing her first major battle. Misao, however, was more stubborn than the average rookie. Countless attempts were made to obtain her first gym badge, to the point where she was a regular at Violet City's Pokecenter. Her Pokemon spent more time knocked out than conscious, and having your own team despise you didn't make victory any easier. For two weeks, Misao was swept, ran to revive her team, and demanded a rematch with nothing learned from her past tries.

After having their advice about training or diversifying her team heedlessly ignored time and time again, the gym leader made the decision to refuse Misao's challenge. Only then did she decide to give up and go home, releasing her team out of guilt and handing in her starter to the professor. Her dreams now shattered, Misao begrudgingly went back to school, barely passing and getting a dull job afterwards.

Once Misao caught wind of Pokearts Online years later, she saw it as the second chance at the adventure she always dreamed of and began playing, driven by a new spark of hope. However, it was still clear Misao's skills and knowledge were still abhorrent, given how quickly she was familiarized with the respawn button. Eventually, a small group took pity on her and took her under their wing: the Starlight Syndicate.

A small guild comprising of 5 members: cloud_ninja, Sparklesparkle, uusername89, Wayfarer, and Starlight herself. The latter two formed the guild with the intent of assisting newer players, with Valor being their fourth recruit. The six friends regularly went on adventures while still residing on the 1st floor, Valor along simply for the ride and learning from watching the others battle. Together, they slowly built a strong community for players that either had no interest in risking their lives, or hadn't considered themselves strong enough to do so yet.

Despite her original abstinence from trying to raise a team again because of her past failures, Wayfarer had gifted her a Wynaut of his as a reward for catching her first Pokemon in PAO. The stalemate of a Pokemon ended up being a perfect partner for her, forcing her to adjust to a more passive playstyle instead of her usual reckless approach. She eventually earned the nickname of 'Parry God' from her guildmates. Not for her use of the mechanic (despite being pretty decent at it), but for how she one-shot unassuming, aggressive Pokemon using Karma's counteracting Pokewield, its high HP leaving small repercussions besides the occassional armor break.

Once the lockdown began, the two leaders of the Starlight Syndicate began to have opposing views. Starlight believed their guild should assist in clearing boss zones and reaching new floors, whereas Wayfarer believed this to be against the notion the guild was built upon; to not put their members in any danger. So the two decided to part ways, and the guild was split roughly in half. Valor stayed with the original guild, too attached to everyone to leave. Wayfarer rebranded the remains of Starlight Syndicate to Safehaven, to differentiate themselves from those left with Star and Sparks. And they stayed true to its name — a group now classed as savants that searched for some feeling of normality within Pokearts.

‏‏‎That was until The Collapse. ‎ Nearly the entire guild was wiped out, ill-prepared for an event like it, and the ones that were failed to save many. In the chaos, Wayfarer had also passed away, leaving the few survivors without a leader. Only Valor, cloud_ninja, uusername89, and a small fraction of Safehaven remained, the majority leaving for one of the floor's kingdoms. After getting their bearings together, they retreated to the 4th floor, and the last three original members formed a new guild: Starlight Syndicate Redux, often abbreviated to SSR due to the original guild still standing. Valor had taken up the mantle of leader after cloud_ninja and uusername89 declined the offer. For the past week or so, SSR has resided on the 4th floor, clearing out the dangerous and invasive nests of Pokemon near towns in an effort to make Pokearts safer, even just by a little bit.


Species: Wobbuffet
Name: Karma
Level: 28
Ability: Shadow Tag (User creats a dark zone in a radius around themself, preventing escape)
Moves: Amnesia, Charm, Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard
Appearance: N/A

Species: Wimpod
Name: Dauntless
Level: 26
Ability: Wimp Out (Upon reaching half health, automatically switches out / doubles speed while halving attacking stats in Pokewield)
Moves: Defense Curl, Sand Attack, Aqua Jet, Metal Claw, Wide Guard
Appearance: Has a small red ribbon wrapped around her left antenna.

Species: Corvisquire
Name: Cavalier
Level: 22
Ability: Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy drops)
Moves: Hone Claws, Pluck, Taunt, Defog, Roost, Tailwind
Appearance: Sharper talons and larger wingspan than the average Corvisquire.