I guiys its me p sdorry abouit my sdpelliunjg errots byt up until trhis poimn t i mhad my mhumsan slave typew eveeryuthin gb formme becausxer my marsxhomkp fingers aree too mbig mfor mthbe nkeyboared. i'mn lost this site isa sdo0 big csan som eon e tell mer whyere trhe rolepay sedc tgion is? I figuered i should ask mat the introdfucti9ons therad so thsts nwhy I canem hwerew . i nt the m ean tij me i SUPPOESE illf tralkm aobguit5 myslerfm andn muy mplan s int ther form mof ma stpry because mrthatas what peoploe do herte, right??>
oned day there whasa a mkarsho0mpm named quakje (m e) who alweyasa wanjrtwed to be a humazn tihnfgs
this ias why he gtoes in to peoples closetssa cwhew n there not looking so nthsat he c asn wear rthwere clolthesa. btu qwhwen he realiuzerd thaT HEW DIDN;t look like thius
quake waqs furious an dewcidsed thatr if couldn 't be hum an , N O ONJES CANN N N NN.
afdter burninjg dowjn mANTY HOUSDES he dec isded thatr e could mjusat multiplyt an d tazke ovfeer thje planet. he'll be in nyour amusemen t parks.
he'll. be in ypur treains.
he'll wevewn be in your favorite animuuuu.
oned day there whasa a mkarsho0mpm named quakje (m e) who alweyasa wanjrtwed to be a humazn tihnfgs
he'll. be in ypur treains.
he'll wevewn be in your favorite animuuuu.