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PokeCharms Sprite Contest~!

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Buneary cosplayer~
Seeing as I'm spriting now I may as well participate.

I had a lot more fun making this then I thought I would. This is my first cosplay ever and it's probably gonna be my last.

Also, is it sad that you can't enter this competition being the one running it and all?
This is my Victreebel girl! :)
Her sash ties the leaf and tail to her back, but it's kinda hard to see. :-\
This is my first cosplay ever. :D

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This is late, buuut ...

The sprite contest is now CLOSED.

Thanks everyone for entering! :3 The results will be displayed tomorrow. ^^​


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Hi guys! Now, I'm not Tun, but I'm here to announce the winner of this week's sprite contests anyway!

Our winrar is:
And our fabulous runners up: Quashie, Rain, French Toasta, and Toastie!

This week, our guest judge is none other than me,
(How I love to see my name in lights :'D)

And for this week's theme:
Pokémon Dressup - Isshu Starter Style!
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to dress up one of Isshu's fine starters:
, or

Remember, although you COULD just steal some of the premade items and stick them to the sprites, that's not really original or fun, is it? This contest is to see how well our spriters can scratch. And the more imaginative the items, the better! You can do anything you like, as long as your sprite is still distinguishable as the original Pokémon.​
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Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Just here to say it was extremely difficult for Tun and I to choose the winner this time. It was a very close tie between Krysune and the runner-ups, and it took us a long time to pick. Good job to all the contestants, and have fun scratch-spriting items onto these Isshumon~

Also, beware, Shiny's not a judge anymore so I might get first prize/runner up again, folks :p (no not really since I fail at scratch-spriting and working with non-trainer sprites)

EDIT: Also, higher-quality ish sprites that aren't so pixely, taken from Bulbapedia.

This is probably the most fun I've ever had making a sprite. I never knew that I could scratch clothes.

Hide your dubloons 'cause Mijumaru and his crew are on the horizon.

Edit: Also, shouldn't the first page be updated? It says that the theme is still HG/SS Trainers and there is only one sprite in the hall of fame.

Hueston, we have a Pokabu. There is an oxygen canister above the breathing apparatus, so it can also be used on earth, and the eye is green because of HUD that he sees. Space Pokabu FTW!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Kekekekeke, I have successfully managed to hack into Shiny's account while she's away! Now, what's this? Pokemon dress-up? Ah, perfect! Let me introduce meself.


The name's Tsutarja the Fourth, but I prefer it if you all me Tsuta. I'm so cute, aren't I, with my cane and hat and everything? Yes, I found this is Shiny's dad's closet, so I just shrunk the clothes to fit me... suits me rather well, huh?
TSUTA! Get off my computer!
Awww, look, she's here. Shiny, is that any way to talk to a gentleman?
OFF. NOW. Or do you want a taste of my laser-fan?
Or I could kick you, you football.
That's it, you're only allowed to eat sour poffins for a whole month.
WHAT NOOOO- fine I'll get off. Hmph <<


Resident Furry

Because showing bodily harm on a Pokemon seems to be one of my specialties...

Whatever, I don't care...
Hai guys~! Sorry I'm like two days late D: Been super duper busy </3

This week's winner issssss ...

Congrats, Indie! :3 Runners up are Isaac/Rex, Blazikid/Riley, Shiny, and Sare~!

Congrats to the other three competitors, too! You all done greeaat ♥

Our next guest judge issssssss ...

(Otherwise known as Byakuren Hijiri :3) Rainbow'd because Tanny asked for it o:

Our new theme isss~!


(no transparency is fun :'D)
A delectable peice of sushi. Restores your PokeMon's PP by a random amount! (1 use)

50x50 maximum, 10x10 minimum~!
No "Powers up grass moves by 1.1%"s, please~! Use your imagination, like in the PokeMon games~! Say things like "A bumpy orange lump of rock with turqoise tentacles protruding from the sides. When you look at it, it seems to remind you of unicorns and rainbows." (influenced by Tangrow)

Gogo gadget spritery!​

ARGH I SUCK. It's supposed to be larger. Anyway, I present to you...

The Aura Orb:
General Effect: An item to be held by Lucario. This ball gives off a mystic aura, raising attack.
Secondary Effect: When held by a Lucario in breeding, the Riolu will know the move Aura Sphere.
Well, I'm no good at scratches, but here's my attempt.


Item Name: Spirit Fang

Description: An item said to be forged from the dream realm itself. When a Pokemon with a strong bond with their trainer wears this, it gives them more strength. The beads glow when held by two beings intertwined by destiny, and the fang points to people who may be a part of your destiny.

Actual Effect: Doubles a random stat when in a pinch. This item is useless if the Happiness level of your Pokemon isn't at its peak.

Secondary effect: It can have different effects.

1. When used for breeding, it will make the hatched Pokemon happier (small percent).
2. Tells which Pokemon on your team would benefit more by holding it.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
EDIT: I didn't like my original entry, so here's a new one:


Item Name: Golden Pocketwatch

Description: A present given to you from your long-lost father. It's made of pure gold, and looks very expensive. It seems to alter time for everyone around it...

Effect: Randomly affects the speed of everyone on the field every turn. If a Pokemon uses a move that allows it to go first or last, the attack still attacks at a random time.

Secondary Effect: If your lead Pokemon's holding this item, your Walking, Running, and Biking speeds are altered every route/city/town/floor level (you'll never go slower than regular walking)


Affect: Restores the PP of all of your pokemon's moves by half of the full amount.

Socondary Affect: Makes your bike move faster for 500 steps.
Tried My Best

Bonjour Skitty Keychain

Description: A Small Keychain with a Picture of a Cute Baby Skitty on it. It's smooth and shiny.

Effect: When given to a traded pokemon it always listens to you

Side Effect: When given to a pokemon during breeding It increses the chance of a female being produced.
well its the worst entry ever but I'll try anyway,



general effect: four shiny balls that are connected by a strong flow of electricity, it boosts the power of electric type moves by 100% when held by a pokemon

secondary effect: a certain pokemon might use this to evolve (its a secondary way to evolve magnazone)
No turning back now

Fear the awesomeness of...

The Super Shiny Unresistable Red Button of Doom! (say that five times fast)

"You show me a button, and I wanna push it," muses the creator. With the perfect combination of temptation and doubt, this underrated object has tormented people since the day of its making. There have been reports of the face pattern on the box using Taunt and Glare. Pokemon and Trainers alike have lost control trying to resist looking at, touching, and ultimately pressing the button. None have succeeded, few have survived.

In-battle effect:
When held by a Pokemon in battle, there is a 50% chance of this item activating at the end of each turn. Upon activation, it can randomly alter HP, induce stat changes, inflict status, or force switches for either the user or all Pokemon on the field.

Overworld effect:
Dramatically increases the chances for a wild encounter. Also causes the Pokemon holding this item to occasionally break free of its Pokeball only to jump and flash uncontrollably. The trainer is temporarily immobilized due to the blinding light and the possible threat of a seizure. Continues for an undetermined length of time.
Trainer J said:
No turning back now

Fear the awesomeness of...

The Super Shiny Unresistable Red Button of Doom! (say that five times fast)

"You show me a button, and I wanna push it," muses the creator. With the perfect combination of temptation and doubt, this underrated object has tormented people since the day of its making. There have been reports of the face pattern on the box using Taunt and Glare. Pokemon and Trainers alike have lost control trying to resist looking at, touching, and ultimately pressing the button. None have succeeded, few have survived.

In-battle effect:
When held by a Pokemon in battle, there is a 50% chance of this item activating at the end of each turn. Upon activation, it can randomly alter HP, induce stat changes, inflict status, or force switches for either the user or all Pokemon on the field.

Overworld effect:
Dramatically increases the chances for a wild encounter. Also causes the Pokemon holding this item to occasionally break free of its Pokeball only to jump and flash uncontrollably. The trainer is temporarily immobilized due to the blinding light and the possible threat of a seizure. Continues for an undetermined length of time.

Well we all know who is going to win now! xD
Oh! I must have totally forgotten but we secretly extended this week's contest for another week! In he hope for more entries. Golly guys, I expected more people to have fun with this :< Ah well, about time to now say that~


Why, thank you, Tan, for that post~! :'D I needed to like rush of yesterday so yeah </3

The winrar this week isssssss ...

Trainer J!
We only have two runners up this week (Tan and I really couldn't decide! </3) who are Shiny and Windsaver~! Congrats, everyone, you all done marvelouslyyyy ♥

This week's Guest Judge issssss ...

Now for our theme~!


This is Tunduli.
She's getting a bit bored of her usual looks -
How about something ...

Is to give Tunduli a makeover! :D

Take the sprite mugshot I just provided you with and edit it to your hearts content - the more imaginative, the better! :'D




Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member

Please read the post. This is a sprite contest where the goal is to decorate that Tunduli. And that doesn't look like a Tunduli.
here it is its not that creative but its shadow000 style ;)


  • tunduli.bmp
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My entry. Tunduli is celebrating Black and White with Yin-Yang earrings.
T is for Tun, as say collar signifies.
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