Bearded Trout Warrior
So, Linkachu and I decided to hold a Winter Cup Tournament this season... even though it was actually meant to be a November Tourney, my laziness got it put off for TWO MONTHS. ^^;
I should also give credit where due to King of Lucario for being a huge help in coming up with some rules and deciding on some not to be used.
If you need to PM me for any reason, click HERE for a shortcut to do so.
I suppose I'll get right to it then... In order to qualify for this tournament, pokemon must both be unevolved, but capable of evolving. They will be low level and un-EV'd so that the window for battlers is opened up a bit more to even people who can't/don't EV train.
I have compiled a convenient list of all qualified pokemon for the tournament [unrestricted seperated from restricted] with all base stats lined out beside them. PM me if you're interested in it, as it can really help with some choices.
The Following pokemon are completely banned from use for the Tourney. We decided on a blanket sweep of all pokemon that didn't evolve before Gen IV because they were all overpowered compared to the others. Other pokemon we banned have a reason listed beside them.
Pokemon that didn't evolve before Gen IV
Banned for other reasons [with base stats to the right]
There are TWO restricted lists for this tournament. You're allowed only one pokemon from each list.
Most of the pokemon from the first list were restricted to inspire originality more than fear of an overpowered team... that said, the fossils are a notch above average in Baby Cup. The pokemon on the second list each have a reason beside them for being restricted.
Restricted List A
Restricted List B [with base stats to the right]
That will leave all of the remaining pokemon unrestricted, and though you may not have two pokemon of the same species on your team, you may use as many pokemon from these lists as you wish.
[size=12pt]*[/size]Just because I didn't restrict a pokemon, don't assume it's not restricted; I may have accidentally skipped over a pokemon when I was covering all of them. please check this list for it and let me know if you don't see it.
First Generation
Second Generation
Third Generation
Fourth Generation
[size=12pt]Tournament Rules and Regulations[/size]
Banned Attacks
Sonicboom, Dragon Rage, and Accupressure are banned from use in this tournament.
Sleep Clause: You may not put two of your opponent's pokemon to sleep at the same time. If the sleeping Pokemon wakes up or is KO'd, you may use another sleep move on it or a different pokemon.
If your opponent uses Rest and switches pokemon, you may still put one of their pokemon to sleep.
If effect spore activates and puts a pokemon to sleep, you may not put another to sleep until they wake up.
If effect spore activates and puts a second pokemon to sleep, you will not be disqualified.
If a Swablu is put to sleep and switches out, it has been cured of its status and you can put another to sleep.
Other pokemon with Natural cure [Staryu, Budew, Happiny] also have secondary abilities, so you may not put another pokemon to sleep until you've confirmed that they had Natural Cure and have been healed.
Evasion Clause
Double Team and Minimize are banned from use.
Attacks such as Flash, Sand Attack and smokescreen are not banned from use.
I'm mentioning it here too since it can raise evasion: Accupressure is banned.
Self-KO Clause
If your last pokemon out uses Selfdestruct or Explosion in order to make the battle a draw, you've lost. Double Edge and it's kind, Life Orb, and Sandstorm/Hail don't count here.
OHKO Clause
Horn Drill, Fissure, Sheer Cold and Guillotine are all banned from use.
Species Clause
You may not have two pokemon of the same species on your team at once... This means your six-pokemon team you will be battling with
Item Clause
No two pokemon may hold the same item. This is also for your six-pokemon team.
Keep in mind items must be the same for all battles and cannot be swapped in between.
Pokemon Requirements
All pokemon competing must be hatched; not neccessarily by you, but hatched
All pokemon are to be level 5 for battles, and battles will be Open-Level
EV training or using vitamins on competing pokemon is NOT allowed. [see below]
Good Sportsmanship
If you lose your match, you may not reveal any information involving an opponent's team to other people until the tournament is over. Doing so will result in being n00b'd [possibly banned], and you will not be allowed to take part in any further competitions.
Special Restrictions
Trick Room may not exist anywhere in a six-pokemon team containing Trapinch
Pokemon attacks that can only be learned Via Platinum move Tutors may not be used.
If a pokemon was hatched in a Third Generation game, Emerald move tutors may still be used.
TMs and HMs ARE Allowed. As are egg moves and level moves, if they can be bred on.
[size=12pt]Tournament Information[/size]
Let us know by posting here that you're interested in the tournament. Discussion of the tournament will go here, but try to stay on the topic of it. If you have any questions you would rather PM me, feel free to do so; My online status is set as hidden, but I'm on fairly frequently and will respond within a day.
Pokemon registered for the tournament will be teams of up to eight pokemon. Yes, eight. You will be allowed to swap pokemon between battles. So long as a legal six-pokemon team can be built from it, you may have as many restricted pokemon among the eight you register as you like. Same goes for like held items; if two pokemon have leftovers, they can never be used at the same time.
The deadline for Finalizing your team will be Midnight Saturday December 20th [US Central Timezone]. You will have to PM your team to me by this time. Team information should include the following information in the following format:
Your pokemon are to be exactly Level five and battles will be held in Open-Level Wi-Fi matches. I will be calculating stats to check for EVs as well... souping up your pokemon on Vitamins will not be allowed, though I know a small amount of EVs will be present from leveling up to 5... the seven or eight pokemon it took to get to level 5 shouldn't show up in your stats at all.
Because I'm being given such information, I won't be taking part in this tournament, sadly
I think I'll be a bit too busy making sure the first tournament runs smoothly, so I'll know what to tweak if/when we do it again.
Also, since I'm going on your word that the pokemon match the information you've given, for the final battle, I will be on Wi-Fi making sure neither person leaves and will immediately inspect the winner's team via trade screen before they can be allowed to disconnect.
Other entrants will have one pokemon inspected nearly at random... you'll see how that works below.
[size=11pt]How matches will work[/size]
Each Tournament match will consist of 3 battles, with six-pokemon teams for each battle.
Win two out of three battles to win the match.
Matches will be Open Level and over Wi-Fi.
Between battles, you may swap any members of your current team for the pokemon you chose not to use for the last battle.
Disconnections: If you are found to have disconnected intentionally, you will be disqualified [of course, there is no way to prove this >>].
If it was rather obvious you had lost the match, [i.e. you had one pokemon left and were facing four at full health] accept it as a loss and don't make your opponent fight the whole battle again. You will have another shot in your next battle, which is one of the reasons for doing two out of three wins.
If a disconnection was early in the match, the battle is to restart exactly as it was unless BOTH players wish to change their leading pokemon/teams.
If you show a pattern of disconnections that seems suspicious [i.e. the beginning of every match], you may be disqualified.
Running: counts as surrendering the match to your opponent. If your opponent feels willing to grant that it was an accident, and/or the match had just started, it will restart exactly as it was.
Keep in mind that you will have another battle in the match to make up for an accident.
If it's fairly clear that you're losing the battle.. running rather than revealing your last pokemon might give you that element of surprise next battle.
Tournament Battles will be scheduled to begin on Saturday December 27th as time zones allow, and will hopefully be done within the following two weeks. The week between the deadline and the start is being used to make sure all teams are straight and fit the bill.
Each match of the tournament you win, you will be allowed to keep one pokemon from your opponent's team. This pokemon MAY be used for the remainder of the tournament as a member of your main team [to add some strategy into the choice].
You won't be given any information on the pokemon other than what you saw of its use in battle.. that and what your opponent is willing to tell you
With the above in mind, do know that any one member of your team is up for grabs if you lose. Don't put too much effort into breeding, Just join, have fun, and maybe score something for your pokedex too XD
The pokemon's held item is NOT up for grabs, and the original owner may take the held item before trading. This way items are not at risk and people aren't discouraged from using them
After you have gained the pokemon you chose, you will be sent the entry information used for registration, to ensure it's the same pokemon. If it isn't the same pokemon, let us know. This is what I meant above when I said one nearly random pokemon will be checked. You don't know which your opponent will pick.
Cloning a pokemon you lose in the tourney is forbidden
This is why I've asked for the received and hatch date.
If you have two seemingly identical pokemon, and you lose one in the tournament, the other will not be allowed for use in the future as a precaution against cloning.
[size=11pt]Prizes for the winners:[/size]
The top three ranking members of the tourney will get a Custom title and membergroup on the forum, which will give them a different set of pokeballs by their name as well as a chance to take part in the Beta of Alex's [Doctor Oak's] new website.
Depending on the final number of entrants, a selection of top competitors will also get forum titles, but not the chance with the website beta.
PM me and I'll send you an extremely detailed explaination of the prizes, even of what the items do if you'd like.
There are also the following items in store for the winners to choose from:
Lucky Egg x2
Master Ball
PP Max
Odd Keystone
Old Amber x2
Choice Specs
Black Sludge
Enigma Berry
Liechi Berry
Ganlon Berry
Petaya Berry
Apicot Berry
Salac Berry
Starf Berry
Lansat Berry
King's Rock
Dragon Scale
The following TMs are here for you to choose from
TM 01: Focus Punch
TM 04: Calm Mind
TM 13: Ice Beam
TM 24: Thunderbolt
TM 26: Earthquake
TM 29: Psychic
TM 31: Brick Break
TM 35: Flamethrower
TM 51: Roost
TM 53: Energy Ball
TM 59: Dragon Pulse
TM 64: Explosion
TM 71: Stone Edge
TM 89: U-Turn
TM 92: Trick Room
And the following Level 1 pokemon shall be up for grabs as well:
Eevee [shiny] Male, Modest nature, no egg moves
Eevee Female, Adamant nature, Bred with wish
Treecko Female, Jolly Nature, TM'd with Rock Slide, Brick Break, Aerial Ace and Swords Dance
Lotad Male, Calm Nature, Rain Dish Ability, Bred with Leech Seed
Cacnea Male, Adamant Nature, no egg moves
Tangela Male, Adamant Nature, Bred with Leech Seed
Misdreavus Male, Modest Nature, Bred with Sucker Punch and Will-o-Wisp
Riolu Male, Jolly Nature, Bred with Bullet Punch, Blaze Kick, Hi Jump Kick, and Crunch
And then all these other pokemon shall be up for the winners
Buizel [shiny] Gentle Natured, Level 8, Untouched
Dialga Quiet Nature, Level 47, Untouched
Raikou Hasty nature, Level 54, Touched
Azelf Mild Nature, Level 51, Touched
Azelf Timid Nature, Level 50, Untouched aside from various TMs
Finally, these event pokemon are here for the taking
Jirachi WISHMKR, haven't actually received it yet, but is explained in an update.
Prizes will be choosen as follows: First place gets first choice, Second Place gets second choice, and the people tying in third and fourth will have a battle to decide who places where. Unless this tournament manages to grow to more than 24 people, I believe only the top four placers will get prizes [other than pokemon won each match], and only one pokemon/item per person. Leftover/unclaimed prizes will be returned to the donator or kept for future Tournaments.
Prize donations are still greatly appreciated
I still need to list quite a few I haven't actually received yet.
[size=11pt]Things to know[/size]
If the total number of entrants is not properly divisible for a bracket [if for one round we have an odd number of players], Then for that round one person will be chosen randomly to move on to the next round without battling. This means they also won't be gaining any extra pokemon. Once a person has been chosen randomly to move on, they will be omitted from being randomly chosen again.
On that note, unless someone has something enitirely against me allowing this. If the person chosen to be omitted doesn't want to be, and there is someone else who DOES want to be omitted. The person that wants to be omitted must get permission from his assigned opponent first, but may trade positions.
Finally, if we get to a round with three people left, rather than one being omitted, they will all battle each other in rotation. If one beats the other two, they will be declared winner. If all three lose one match and win one match... we'll take it from there >>;;
After registration is complete, and a Tournament Bracket is put up, teams will be made public.
Only the Pokemon used in the teams, not their movesets/hold items/natures or anything else.
Shroomish is the only exception to this, it's ability will be posted as that determines whether it is restricted or not.
Also: Only your original eight will be made public, the pokemon you choose as prizes after battle will be left unknown by your competitors. Keep the mention of "Good Sportsmanship" in mind here.
TMs and HMs ARE Allowed. As are egg moves and level moves, if they can be bred on.
I've got a simple breeding guide put together on breeding moves onto your pokemon if anyone is having difficulty getting certain moves to transfer. Let me know and I'll PM it to you.
[size=12pt]Tournament Entrants[/size]
[click names to go to the profile]
[size=12pt]Tournament Updates[/size]
December 20th
Bah >>
Learned that some of the prize donations were hacks
Namely all of the event pokemon that came from the same person.. sorry if this disappoints anyone :/
Katie will be donating her WISHMKR Jirachi and can actually make as many as are requested since she has the bonus disk and Sapphire.
December 8th
Deepseatooth and Deepseascale banned for the overpowering effects they have on Clamperl.
December 3rd
Sorry for lack of updates anyone still paying attention ^^;
Hasn't really been anything to update about. No new donations [not that we need more] or anything special.
22 confirmed members so far, 4 registered early
November 22nd
Prize donation by Midnight Shadows: Jolly Riolu with full physical set.
November 19th
Unveiled consolation prizes for everyone placing below 4th are now in store
You can thank Linkachu for this massive donation XD [and no, they aren't feebas or ditto ]
I should also give credit where due to King of Lucario for being a huge help in coming up with some rules and deciding on some not to be used.
If you need to PM me for any reason, click HERE for a shortcut to do so.
I suppose I'll get right to it then... In order to qualify for this tournament, pokemon must both be unevolved, but capable of evolving. They will be low level and un-EV'd so that the window for battlers is opened up a bit more to even people who can't/don't EV train.
I have compiled a convenient list of all qualified pokemon for the tournament [unrestricted seperated from restricted] with all base stats lined out beside them. PM me if you're interested in it, as it can really help with some choices.
The Following pokemon are completely banned from use for the Tourney. We decided on a blanket sweep of all pokemon that didn't evolve before Gen IV because they were all overpowered compared to the others. Other pokemon we banned have a reason listed beside them.
Pokemon that didn't evolve before Gen IV
- Aipom
- Yanma
- Gligar
- Sneasel
- Murkrow
- Misdreavus
- Lickitung
- Tangela
- Nosepass
Banned for other reasons [with base stats to the right]
- Ponyta Base Stats: 50 85 55 65 65 90
- Scyther: Base Stats 70 110 80 55 80 105
- Meditite: Ability that doubles its attack
- Lileep: Stockpile, Recover, inability to phaze, and base stats: 66 41 77 61 87 23
- Wynaut: Because it likes to play tag
- Cranidos: Massive attack, considerably average defense, and decent speed: 67 125 40 30 30 58
- Munchlax: Base stats 135 85 40 40 85 5
- Phione: Shouldn't even need to be listed because it doesn't evolve 80 80 80 80 80 80
There are TWO restricted lists for this tournament. You're allowed only one pokemon from each list.
Most of the pokemon from the first list were restricted to inspire originality more than fear of an overpowered team... that said, the fossils are a notch above average in Baby Cup. The pokemon on the second list each have a reason beside them for being restricted.
Restricted List A
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Eevee
- Porygon
- Omanyte
- Kabuto
- Dratini
- Chikorita
- Cyndiquil
- Totodile
- Larvitar
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Anorith
- Bagon
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Shieldon
- Gible
- Riolu
Restricted List B [with base stats to the right]
- Abra: Base Stats 25 20 15 105 55 90
- Gastly: Base Stats 30 35 30 100 35 80
- Onix: Base Stats 35 45 160 30 45 70
- Rhyhorn: Base Stats 80 85 95 30 30 25
- Magby: Base Stats and very large mixed movepool 45 75 37 70 55 83
- Elekid: Base Stats and very large mixed movepool 45 63 37 65 55 95
- Shroomish[if it has poison heal]: Above average defenses and rapid HP regeneration
- Wailmer: Base Stats 130 70 35 70 35 60
- Duskull: Pain Split + Base Stats 20 40 90 30 90 25
- Drifloon: Stockpile, High Speed, High HP: 90 50 34 60 44 70
- Bronzor Base stats, many resistances, and only one weakness given ability.
- Mantyke: Base Stats: 90 50 34 60 44 70
- Hippopotas: Base Stats and Ability 68 72 78 38 42 32
That will leave all of the remaining pokemon unrestricted, and though you may not have two pokemon of the same species on your team, you may use as many pokemon from these lists as you wish.
[size=12pt]*[/size]Just because I didn't restrict a pokemon, don't assume it's not restricted; I may have accidentally skipped over a pokemon when I was covering all of them. please check this list for it and let me know if you don't see it.
First Generation
- Caterpie
- Weedle
- Pidgey
- Rattata
- Spearow
- Ekans
- Sandshrew
- Nidoran [female]
- Nidoran [male]
- Vulpix
- Zubat
- Oddish
- Paras
- Venonat
- Diglett
- Meowth
- Psyduck
- Mankey
- Growlithe
- Poliwag
- Machop
- Bellsprout
- Tentacool
- Geodude
- Slowpoke
- Magnemite
- Doduo
- Seel
- Grimer
- Shellder
- Drowzee
- Krabby
- Voltorb
- Exeggcute
- Cubone *Thick Club Banned
- Koffing
- Horsea
- Goldeen
- Staryu
- Magikarp
Second Generation
- Sentret
- Hoothoot
- Ledyba
- Spinirak
- Chinchou
- Pichu
- Cleffa
- Igglybuff
- Togepi
- Natu
- Mareep
- Hoppip
- Sunkern
- Wooper
- Pineco
- Snubbul
- Teddiursa
- Slugma
- Swinub
- Remoraid
- Houndour
- Phanpy
- Tyrogue
- Smoochum
Third Generation
- Poocheyena
- Zigzagoon
- Wurmple
- Lotad
- Seedot
- Tailow
- Wingull
- Ralts
- Surskit
- Slakoth
- Nincada
- Whismur
- Makuhita
- Azurill
- Skitty
- Aron
- Electrike
- Gulpin
- Carvanha
- Numel
- Spoink
- Trapinch*
- Cacnea
- Swablu
- Barboach
- Corphish
- Baltoy
- Feebas
- Shuppet
- Snorunt
- Spheal
- Clamperl *Deepseatooth and Deepseascale banned
- Beldum
Fourth Generation
- Starly
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Shinx
- Budew
- Burmy
- Combee
- Buizel
- Cherubi
- Shellos
- Buneary
- Glameow
- Chingling
- Stunky
- Bonsly
- Mime Jr.
- Happiny
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
- Finneon
- Snover
[size=12pt]Tournament Rules and Regulations[/size]
Banned Attacks
Sonicboom, Dragon Rage, and Accupressure are banned from use in this tournament.
Sleep Clause: You may not put two of your opponent's pokemon to sleep at the same time. If the sleeping Pokemon wakes up or is KO'd, you may use another sleep move on it or a different pokemon.
If your opponent uses Rest and switches pokemon, you may still put one of their pokemon to sleep.
If effect spore activates and puts a pokemon to sleep, you may not put another to sleep until they wake up.
If effect spore activates and puts a second pokemon to sleep, you will not be disqualified.
If a Swablu is put to sleep and switches out, it has been cured of its status and you can put another to sleep.
Other pokemon with Natural cure [Staryu, Budew, Happiny] also have secondary abilities, so you may not put another pokemon to sleep until you've confirmed that they had Natural Cure and have been healed.
Evasion Clause
Double Team and Minimize are banned from use.
Attacks such as Flash, Sand Attack and smokescreen are not banned from use.
I'm mentioning it here too since it can raise evasion: Accupressure is banned.
Self-KO Clause
If your last pokemon out uses Selfdestruct or Explosion in order to make the battle a draw, you've lost. Double Edge and it's kind, Life Orb, and Sandstorm/Hail don't count here.
OHKO Clause
Horn Drill, Fissure, Sheer Cold and Guillotine are all banned from use.
Species Clause
You may not have two pokemon of the same species on your team at once... This means your six-pokemon team you will be battling with
Item Clause
No two pokemon may hold the same item. This is also for your six-pokemon team.
Keep in mind items must be the same for all battles and cannot be swapped in between.
Pokemon Requirements
All pokemon competing must be hatched; not neccessarily by you, but hatched
All pokemon are to be level 5 for battles, and battles will be Open-Level
EV training or using vitamins on competing pokemon is NOT allowed. [see below]
Good Sportsmanship
If you lose your match, you may not reveal any information involving an opponent's team to other people until the tournament is over. Doing so will result in being n00b'd [possibly banned], and you will not be allowed to take part in any further competitions.
Special Restrictions
Trick Room may not exist anywhere in a six-pokemon team containing Trapinch
Pokemon attacks that can only be learned Via Platinum move Tutors may not be used.
If a pokemon was hatched in a Third Generation game, Emerald move tutors may still be used.
TMs and HMs ARE Allowed. As are egg moves and level moves, if they can be bred on.
[size=12pt]Tournament Information[/size]
Let us know by posting here that you're interested in the tournament. Discussion of the tournament will go here, but try to stay on the topic of it. If you have any questions you would rather PM me, feel free to do so; My online status is set as hidden, but I'm on fairly frequently and will respond within a day.
Pokemon registered for the tournament will be teams of up to eight pokemon. Yes, eight. You will be allowed to swap pokemon between battles. So long as a legal six-pokemon team can be built from it, you may have as many restricted pokemon among the eight you register as you like. Same goes for like held items; if two pokemon have leftovers, they can never be used at the same time.
The deadline for Finalizing your team will be Midnight Saturday December 20th [US Central Timezone]. You will have to PM your team to me by this time. Team information should include the following information in the following format:
Pokemon @ Held Item
-Attack 1
-Attack 2
-Attack 3
-Attack 4
Egg Received Date
Hatch Date [all pokemon must be hatched]
Special Attack
Special Defense
Your pokemon are to be exactly Level five and battles will be held in Open-Level Wi-Fi matches. I will be calculating stats to check for EVs as well... souping up your pokemon on Vitamins will not be allowed, though I know a small amount of EVs will be present from leveling up to 5... the seven or eight pokemon it took to get to level 5 shouldn't show up in your stats at all.
Because I'm being given such information, I won't be taking part in this tournament, sadly
I think I'll be a bit too busy making sure the first tournament runs smoothly, so I'll know what to tweak if/when we do it again.
Also, since I'm going on your word that the pokemon match the information you've given, for the final battle, I will be on Wi-Fi making sure neither person leaves and will immediately inspect the winner's team via trade screen before they can be allowed to disconnect.
Other entrants will have one pokemon inspected nearly at random... you'll see how that works below.
[size=11pt]How matches will work[/size]
Each Tournament match will consist of 3 battles, with six-pokemon teams for each battle.
Win two out of three battles to win the match.
Matches will be Open Level and over Wi-Fi.
Between battles, you may swap any members of your current team for the pokemon you chose not to use for the last battle.
Disconnections: If you are found to have disconnected intentionally, you will be disqualified [of course, there is no way to prove this >>].
If it was rather obvious you had lost the match, [i.e. you had one pokemon left and were facing four at full health] accept it as a loss and don't make your opponent fight the whole battle again. You will have another shot in your next battle, which is one of the reasons for doing two out of three wins.
If a disconnection was early in the match, the battle is to restart exactly as it was unless BOTH players wish to change their leading pokemon/teams.
If you show a pattern of disconnections that seems suspicious [i.e. the beginning of every match], you may be disqualified.
Running: counts as surrendering the match to your opponent. If your opponent feels willing to grant that it was an accident, and/or the match had just started, it will restart exactly as it was.
Keep in mind that you will have another battle in the match to make up for an accident.
If it's fairly clear that you're losing the battle.. running rather than revealing your last pokemon might give you that element of surprise next battle.
Tournament Battles will be scheduled to begin on Saturday December 27th as time zones allow, and will hopefully be done within the following two weeks. The week between the deadline and the start is being used to make sure all teams are straight and fit the bill.
Each match of the tournament you win, you will be allowed to keep one pokemon from your opponent's team. This pokemon MAY be used for the remainder of the tournament as a member of your main team [to add some strategy into the choice].
You won't be given any information on the pokemon other than what you saw of its use in battle.. that and what your opponent is willing to tell you
With the above in mind, do know that any one member of your team is up for grabs if you lose. Don't put too much effort into breeding, Just join, have fun, and maybe score something for your pokedex too XD
The pokemon's held item is NOT up for grabs, and the original owner may take the held item before trading. This way items are not at risk and people aren't discouraged from using them
After you have gained the pokemon you chose, you will be sent the entry information used for registration, to ensure it's the same pokemon. If it isn't the same pokemon, let us know. This is what I meant above when I said one nearly random pokemon will be checked. You don't know which your opponent will pick.
Cloning a pokemon you lose in the tourney is forbidden
This is why I've asked for the received and hatch date.
If you have two seemingly identical pokemon, and you lose one in the tournament, the other will not be allowed for use in the future as a precaution against cloning.
[size=11pt]Prizes for the winners:[/size]
The top three ranking members of the tourney will get a Custom title and membergroup on the forum, which will give them a different set of pokeballs by their name as well as a chance to take part in the Beta of Alex's [Doctor Oak's] new website.
Depending on the final number of entrants, a selection of top competitors will also get forum titles, but not the chance with the website beta.
PM me and I'll send you an extremely detailed explaination of the prizes, even of what the items do if you'd like.
There are also the following items in store for the winners to choose from:
Lucky Egg x2
Master Ball
PP Max
Odd Keystone
Old Amber x2
Choice Specs
Black Sludge
Enigma Berry
Liechi Berry
Ganlon Berry
Petaya Berry
Apicot Berry
Salac Berry
Starf Berry
Lansat Berry
King's Rock
Dragon Scale
The following TMs are here for you to choose from
TM 01: Focus Punch
TM 04: Calm Mind
TM 13: Ice Beam
TM 24: Thunderbolt
TM 26: Earthquake
TM 29: Psychic
TM 31: Brick Break
TM 35: Flamethrower
TM 51: Roost
TM 53: Energy Ball
TM 59: Dragon Pulse
TM 64: Explosion
TM 71: Stone Edge
TM 89: U-Turn
TM 92: Trick Room
And the following Level 1 pokemon shall be up for grabs as well:
Eevee [shiny] Male, Modest nature, no egg moves
Eevee Female, Adamant nature, Bred with wish
Treecko Female, Jolly Nature, TM'd with Rock Slide, Brick Break, Aerial Ace and Swords Dance
Lotad Male, Calm Nature, Rain Dish Ability, Bred with Leech Seed
Cacnea Male, Adamant Nature, no egg moves
Tangela Male, Adamant Nature, Bred with Leech Seed
Misdreavus Male, Modest Nature, Bred with Sucker Punch and Will-o-Wisp
Riolu Male, Jolly Nature, Bred with Bullet Punch, Blaze Kick, Hi Jump Kick, and Crunch
And then all these other pokemon shall be up for the winners
Buizel [shiny] Gentle Natured, Level 8, Untouched
Dialga Quiet Nature, Level 47, Untouched
Raikou Hasty nature, Level 54, Touched
Azelf Mild Nature, Level 51, Touched
Azelf Timid Nature, Level 50, Untouched aside from various TMs
Finally, these event pokemon are here for the taking
Jirachi WISHMKR, haven't actually received it yet, but is explained in an update.
Prizes will be choosen as follows: First place gets first choice, Second Place gets second choice, and the people tying in third and fourth will have a battle to decide who places where. Unless this tournament manages to grow to more than 24 people, I believe only the top four placers will get prizes [other than pokemon won each match], and only one pokemon/item per person. Leftover/unclaimed prizes will be returned to the donator or kept for future Tournaments.
I still need to list quite a few I haven't actually received yet.
[size=11pt]Things to know[/size]
If the total number of entrants is not properly divisible for a bracket [if for one round we have an odd number of players], Then for that round one person will be chosen randomly to move on to the next round without battling. This means they also won't be gaining any extra pokemon. Once a person has been chosen randomly to move on, they will be omitted from being randomly chosen again.
On that note, unless someone has something enitirely against me allowing this. If the person chosen to be omitted doesn't want to be, and there is someone else who DOES want to be omitted. The person that wants to be omitted must get permission from his assigned opponent first, but may trade positions.
Finally, if we get to a round with three people left, rather than one being omitted, they will all battle each other in rotation. If one beats the other two, they will be declared winner. If all three lose one match and win one match... we'll take it from there >>;;
After registration is complete, and a Tournament Bracket is put up, teams will be made public.
Only the Pokemon used in the teams, not their movesets/hold items/natures or anything else.
Shroomish is the only exception to this, it's ability will be posted as that determines whether it is restricted or not.
Also: Only your original eight will be made public, the pokemon you choose as prizes after battle will be left unknown by your competitors. Keep the mention of "Good Sportsmanship" in mind here.
TMs and HMs ARE Allowed. As are egg moves and level moves, if they can be bred on.
I've got a simple breeding guide put together on breeding moves onto your pokemon if anyone is having difficulty getting certain moves to transfer. Let me know and I'll PM it to you.
[size=12pt]Tournament Entrants[/size]
[click names to go to the profile]
Aero | | | Registered |
dutytrooper | | | Registered |
Ice_Trey | | | Registered |
jertyuiop | | | Registered |
Jeydis | | | Registered |
King of Lucario | | | Registered |
Leafreo | | | Registered |
LoN_Colossus | | | Registered |
Midnight Shadows | | | Registered |
Omega1095 | | | Registered |
Sem | | | Registered |
Silver Magpie | | | Registered |
ulises87g | | | Registered |
D | | | Extended |
DeftFunk | | | Extended |
Doggy Ears | | | Extended |
Narutomon | | | Extended |
Brendan Savem | | | Never Registered |
Chao | | | Never Registered |
Cody *implodes* | | | Never Registered |
Crashy | | | Never Registered |
Dark_Link12 | | | Never Registered |
POKEMAN thy 1st | | | Never Registered |
Steveglen95 | | | Never Registered |
Twisted_Nath | | | Never Registered |
Vinyacoire | | | Never Registered |
000aj | | | Withdrawn Self |
diamondphantom | | | Withdrawn Self |
Reina Carmen | | | Withdrawn Self |
kakashidragon | | | Removed |
ToonLink99 | | | Removed |
[size=12pt]Tournament Updates[/size]
December 20th
Bah >>
Learned that some of the prize donations were hacks
Namely all of the event pokemon that came from the same person.. sorry if this disappoints anyone :/
Katie will be donating her WISHMKR Jirachi and can actually make as many as are requested since she has the bonus disk and Sapphire.
December 8th
Deepseatooth and Deepseascale banned for the overpowering effects they have on Clamperl.
December 3rd
Sorry for lack of updates anyone still paying attention ^^;
Hasn't really been anything to update about. No new donations [not that we need more] or anything special.
22 confirmed members so far, 4 registered early
November 22nd
Prize donation by Midnight Shadows: Jolly Riolu with full physical set.
November 19th
Unveiled consolation prizes for everyone placing below 4th are now in store
You can thank Linkachu for this massive donation XD [and no, they aren't feebas or ditto ]