in an almost instance it begins to rain and seemingly out of nowhere a hydro pump knocks one of the raiders against a wall. on the other side is a golduck. There stands a light blue skinned, blue spikey haired man with a circlet with a red jewel on his head a in the center, blue t-shirt, blue rain jacket, swim trunks, swimming gloves and swimming shoes. "the others are helping the farmers evacuate to safety! says the golduck. A moment later Sol uses zen headbutt on one of the bandits and helps them clear out the base. "the bandits at the farm northeast of here are still a threat." He hits another bandit with his staff. "just like good old days huh Godu?" (golduck's name) Sol says laughingly. "except Siren isn't here to scold you!" laughs Godu. Sol shudders for a moment (don't remind me!) He thought to himself as he tries to block the horrifying memories.