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Ask to Join pokehumans collage

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Hello and welcome to pokehumans collage this is a place where pokehuman learn to use there powers possilbly get in a relationship with someone and more
No one liners please

Character Sheet
The Pokemon you are

My Character Sheet
Name Geno Galo
Nickname Genocide
The Pokemon you are :Gallade
Apperance Describe your character. DO NOT post unsourced stolen art.
Personality brave protective trusting
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name: Grace
nickname: Leafy
the Pokémon you are: Leaf eon
personality: kind and a social butterfly. Can be extremely violent with people are threatening her friends.
(please pm me if I can join ^-^)


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Geno Walks and stops looking at the entrance thinking about what to do ill just sit on the bench sits on the bench grabs a sword and starts to swing it around looking around if anyone is here. Geno lays down on the bench smiling at the sky @Shadowgirl1234
Grace headed to the school with her laptop bag. 'I still cant believe they made this school for us' She though as she glanced and saw a gallade pokehuman swinging a sword and smiling at the sky. "You know that is dangerous, swining a sword." Grace said as she stared at him strat in the face.
don't worry Geno said slyly I wont hurt you the names Geno by the way. smiling Who are you? putting away the sword im a master swordsmen so i know how to use it looking at Grace its nice to meet you (im letting you know Geno and Grace are in the same dorm room)@Shadowgirl1234
Character Sheet
Name: Annie
Nickname: N/A
The Pokemon you are: Beautifly
Apperance: Below
Personality: Shy, Quiet, Athletic.

Annie opens her dorm room, Light was beaming through the only window in the room. She locked the door behind her, and looked around. A small desk in the corner with a lamp , and a bunk bed. She placed her laptop on the desk and placed her backpack next to the chair, and connected the laptop to its charger. She sat down on the bed, and fell asleep...
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"Doesnt matter if your a master sword man if you arent even looking at were you are moving your sword" Grace argued still. "And the name is grace but you can call me leafy" She said turning around and heading inside.
ok sorry but still using psychic energy to lift leafy off of the ground and teleports her to there dorm them teleports self to dorm heh its kinda fun teleporting people laughing a bit well grabs an apple and then hands one to leafy @Shadowgirl1234
(Its hard to understand you if you dont use " :/)
Grace started walking to the building just before she got herself teleporting to a dorm room. From the number on the door in front of her she reconised it as her room. Suddenly behind her appeared Geno and he was laughing. He grabed an apple for himself and gave one to grace. "You also cant just teleport people without there opinion." She grumbled and thanked geno for the apple. Once she grabed it she used gigadrain on the apple and made it shrivel up.
(ok)"heh sorry leafy"finshing the core of the apple throwing the apple core in the garbage "hey leafy since I upset you is there anything I could do for you?" Geno asks politely "Im really happy that I could meet you" Geno says calmly looking at Leafy @Shadowgirl1234
Grace though out the apple before responding, "well....." She said thinking for a minute. "You could help me move by bags into this dorm since i guessing we are roommates. And no teleporting" Grace finished with a smirk.
(OOC: I have already gotten approval to join here, but this RP seems a little chaotic to be honest. There's a lot of things that just seem rather odd. I am also putting some more information in my OC sheet since I felt like it needed some more. As always, if there's any issues, please feel free to privately discuss it wth me.)

Nickname: Soma (This is the short name that he usually goes by.)
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Deino
Appearance: He looks to be around 5'2", skinny, while he has a blue jacket with a hoodie around his head. The jacket also has hidden pockets, while under it, he wears a white T shirt, short white cargo pants. He has brown leather sandals, and a leather bag that functions as a carrier sling and storage.
Appearance (Pokémon Features): There is black fur that covers his head and neck, while there are also some purplish spots around his neck. The hair on his head has a short point that resembles a tiny horn. He also has a short, tapered, blue tail that is on his lower back.
Personality: He is taciturn, slightly sensitive, and he often fights back.
Other: He also wears reading glasses to help combat his blindness, while they are specially made to fit his modified head.

Soma headed over to the the college campus a little later, as he carried his bag, while he thought to himself, "Well, I know where my room is, but the directions are so complicated. Go to this building and go left, then twice right, and then my room is on the left side."

He walked inside the campus, while he scratched his fur, as he went over to his room, while he tried to not lose his sense of direction. He hoped that everyone in the area was friendly, as he continued to walk to a building, where his dorm would be. He knew that he might be here for some time, as he had to go to his dorm to prepare himself for the obstacles that the college had for him.
Grace gave Geno the directions on were to find her bags that he needs to carry up as she left the dorm room. Grace left to the stairs and noted as she headed down. Downstairs she found a confused looking Deino. Grace walked up to him before responding, "Are you lost?" She asked him with her usual quirky smile.
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Walks all the way to the bags and starts carrying the bags "Wow these are heavy what does she put in these" Geno thinks walking to the dorm. Panting as Geno opens the door to the dorm sets the stuff down and collapses on Geno's bed laying down thinking about what to do. @Shadowgirl1234

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Freya's sake.
Okay. For starters? DESCRIBE your characters. Do NOT post unsourced, stolen art that is not yours to cheap out on description. That's not allowed here and warnings will be issued for this sort of behaviour if I see it again.
Second. ALL OF YOU - Read the rules. This is not how we RP here. This is INCREDIBLY not how we RP here. Third person, past tense, story format. PARAGRAPHS.

Thread locked. Try again later. Or earlier.
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