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Pokemon ABCs Game

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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Brendan Savem said:
Linkachu said:
Y'know, if you guys were going to change the game rules you likely should have messaged an admin/mod first to edit the intro post.
Dangnabbit!! I mixed up the games! D:. Now we're playing one decayed game instead of the existing one. Oops <<

So under old rules, it would now be Zebstrika, and under new rules, it's Aerodactyl. Ummm... I don't know what to do...

Use the new rules. I edited the first post of this topic with your new rules anyways so it's quite alright. :)
So to continue on from ShinyZekrom...

Um, Mari, I believe the next Pokemon had to start with the letter N, but you can look at above posts where Linkachu addressed the new rules for this game.

Now, to continue from you...

123till said:

I don't think that's how to do it. You have to take the last letter of the previous Pokemon and have the Pokemon you answer with start with that letter.

Anyway, continuing on...

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