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Pokemon ABCs Game

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Formerly Jason59707
It takes some pretty sad, miserable individual to cheat in a forum game. Do not follow this child's example.
Serebii (Celebi in Japenese)
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT! Cheating! English names only.

Rendering the entire thread that followed (Infernape->Escavalier->Reuniclus->Sigilyph->Hitmonchan->Noibat->Tyranitar) invalid, I'm afraid.

And for that matter - only one Pokémon per person/post are allowed. This means the shit that Iain108 has been pulling off does not fly either. If you can't play by the rules, you will be sent to bed without dinner.

And this is the last time I hope I'll have to intervene in this clusterfuck. Since the last valid name before Jason59707's shameless attempt at cheating happened ended with S, I will continue this with...

I have I chance to win now
Nidoran ♀.

Edit: The kid attempted to force a restart to Jolteon. Nope.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
NO, YOU DON'T RESTART. Non-alphanumeric characters do not lead to a restart, you simply use the last letter that came before them. The rules say nothing about a Pokemon starting and ending in the same letter restarting the game, either.

Your 'Eeveelution Challenge' is not part of the game, and cheating to win something that isn't even in the game is just plain sad. I cannot believe I have to put my goddamn admin hat on not once but TWICE On this game. What is WRONG with you, people.

Either way. Continuing from Nidoran...

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