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Open Pokemon Academy-TheDreams

Well Hello pokefans!!! My name is LucarioAngel and i wanted to create a new RP!!! The theme is about a pokemon academy!!Now de rules!1!1!!1!111!1
Rule 1: you can only have 3 or least pokemon
rule:2 no megas allowed
rule:3 no shinys, op pokemon , op lv like 90 or 100
rule:4 you have to have a student and a teacher
rule:5 ENJOY
So now wat you have to put to your characters!!

pokemon team (Max 3 for now)

pokemon 1

and goes on with pokemon 2 and 3

btw the max 3 for now is because in the RP its gonna be a place where you can catch pkmn
Oh... and btw i am gonna make a pokemon rp region map!! just for us!!! (the region is the Baden region)
and the battles are gonna be done in pokemon showdown !!
and your team at showdown is gonna be based on your team on the rp.
So please if you havent an actual showdown account go make one and make some teams, practice and make your rp team
name: Melissa
age: 14
personality: Happy, nice
appearence: Brown haired girl with brrown eyes and a purple cape
pokemon team (Max 3 for now): Charizard, hydreigon, Dragonite
On Showdown, my name is somehow ElloUStinkyLizard

Name: Emi (though her full name is Emmeline)
Age: 15
Personality: Emi can be described as a true free spirit - charming, independent, energetic and compassionate. Her active imagination is something she relies on quite daily, allowing her to see things from many different perspectives - because of this, she sees life as a big puzzle where everything is somehow connected, she's always searching for a deeper meaning. Though if she accidentally hurts someone, may it be mentally or physically, you can bet that she also feels the pain.
Good points - Curious, Empathetic, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Excellent communication skills, Observant
Neutral points - Idealistic, Independent, Sensitive
Bad points - Bad practical skills, Fluctuating self-esteem, Has a "play first work later" approach, Highly emotional, Impulsive, TOO selfless

Appearance: Emi has quite a pudgy body, her height being quite short giving the impression that she could be like a rodent. She grins often, not to show off but it does reveal that she has braces. Her hair is ash brown in colour and in terms of hairstyle, she often has it tied up, may it be a bun or even pigtails as it tends to get in the way - she loves having it down though. When down, it is naturally wavy and comes down to her hip. Her eyebrows are often covered by her fringe. Her eyes are large and cornflower blue in colour.
She doesn't have much going for her in the bust department, even more so due to her choice in clothing being oversized and cormfortable things.

Pokemon Team:
Pyukumuku || Nereid
Level: 25
Moveset: Counter, Purify, Toxic, Taunt
Minior || Bolide
Level: 25
Moveset: Stealth Rock, Acrobatics, Swift, Confuse Ray
Deino || Mr. Saur
Level: 1
Moveset: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Earth Power

Teacher (if needed)
Name: Raizo
Age: 47
Personality: A man of misfortune in his current age, having miraculously landed a job at the Pokemon Academy in the Baden Region. Despite his lazy appearance, he is very dedicated, having taught quite a few children how to battle when he was broke and homeless by a river (including his son); also he aims to make his classes as fun as possible without appearing to have put too much effort into them. He is quite casual in the way he treats his pupils, being very friendly with them as opposed to being strict and even teasing them sometimes. Even though he is an adaptable man, he just can't understand the students sometimes because of their slang and claims that he "needs a translator".
Appearance: Raizo is a man of average height (well, he's taller than a good portion of the students), though he appears to be lazy due to his body language and evil because of the smug expressio he wears sometimes. His skin is naturally tanned and has dimples, his chin has a stubble since he hasn't shaved in a while he's very poor. His eyes are small pupiled and brown in colour and his hair is short, thin and black in colour.

Pokemon Team:
Level: 50
Moveset: Clanging Scales, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, X-Scissor
Level: 50
Moveset: Power-up Punch, Fake Out, Return, Earthquake
Level: 50
Moveset: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Grass Knot
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(So...My showdown name is TheNutThief)
Pokemon team: Ribombee, rockruff and rotom

Pokemon 1:Ribby/Ribombee
Age:6(I Think most pokemons must have a age like dogs so)
Moveset:Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, psychic and moonblast
Pokemon 2:Ruffy/Rockruff
Moveset:Stone edge, crunch, roar and stealth rock
Pokemon 3:Eletrolux/Rotom
Moveset:Will o wisp, thunder, shadow ball, return
you have to do it like ribby did with the pokemon name lv and everything.and ikuze you have to have both teacher and student.And pokemongirl your pokemon are too op so you have to change them...SORRY!!
The map!!(before changes and towns and a.t.c


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i have a question... not for the rp.Can you make me a pokemon image with my team?? if you know how tell me or make me one.
the pokemons are

mega charizard x
Combining some pictures and removing background and stuff stuff, but if i get some free time i can draw for you, I made this one for my friend.


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charizard mega x

i know they are 12 but....
also if you want pictures for them tell me
Hi i would like to join ur RP! hear are the details for my character. (my showdown name is gamer 160)
Name: Jonah
Age: 13
Personality: Jonah is a hard battler and spends a lot of time battling with his pokemon. He is always confident in battles and likes to show off his strategies. When not battling he likes to help other people out.
. Wild Ginger hair
. Usually wears casual clothes
. Medium Weight and height

(all lvl 30)

Riolu (Main Pokemon)
Age: 3
Moves: Vacuum wave, Aura sphere, Circle throw and bulk up

Age: 3
Moves: Leaf Blade, Energy ball, Tackle and Protect

Age: 4
Moves: Cross Poison, Fire Fang, Guillatine and Poison Jab

(btw if we catch or evolve a pokemon do we create a new fact file for it?)
but if you evolve we say a riolu to a LUCARIO with other moves you have to create a new profile.
btw i am gonna post my team soon.i have 17 different teams compinasions right now