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Ask to Join Pokemon Academy

"Y...you're kidding? PRZ-12? That's stuff's b-banned in all forms of competitive battle!" Winston exclaimed, dumbfounded on how someone could be such scum as to use PRZ-12 in serious battle.


Previously Schrift007
"That's the issue though, we can't fight together. My fight against him is in a week and if I lose I'm probably gonna get kicked out. All I can do is train. train harder than I ever did, I came here on recommendation because I was able to take down--" he gulped "a Mega Pokemon that went wild. Like you guys know the 3 ingredients for mega evolutions? 2 of them being the stones and the the 3rd being a strong bond. That trainer forgot the 3rd ingredient. When I beat it I didn't know someone from the school was watching me battle so then I was sent here on recommendation." Schrift stared at the 3. "You guys gonna help?"


Previously Night's Shadow
“How could I not help?” Aine was seriously pissed. David was such a scumbag, using PRZ-12 in competitive battling! “Spark and I will do everything we can to help you send that motherf— jerkwad to hell. Give him a taste of his own poison.”


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku just wanted to walk over and punch David's face in, but there was something else on his mind.

How did David get his hands on PRZ-12 to begin with?

The more Izuku thought about it, the more suspicious he became. "Im not gonna just sit back while this sad excuse of a pokemon trainer get one of my friends kick out of the school," said Izuku furiously "If there's anything I could do to help, just say the word, Schrift"
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(OOC: I'm new to this, I hope I don't mess everything up heh

The girl watched from a distance, observing the group of friends. Her brown eyes narrowed as she tried to read their lips, maybe decipher a bit of the conversation. She wondered what they were going on about, and if it were worth her time to intervene. She couldn't help but be curious, though, especially after hearing them say something about a PRZ-12. She wasn't quite sure she knew what it was, but she had occasionally heard people speaking about it. Didn't it make a pokemon extremely powerful? She guessed it was something like a Dynamax Band.

The girl pushed her dark hair out of her face. She could always interact with this group later. She watched them battle and was intrigued by their strength. A small voice in the back of her mind told her she was too weak to interact with these kids. They'd find her lame, for sure. Even the blonde girl with the Joltik seemed overly powerful. She reached down to her back, where she kept her poke balls. Her fingers ghosted over one in particular, and she turned away. No, she'd learn more about this group later.

But oh, she was so curious! Her questions always got the best of her. But she had no way to approach them while appearing cool and collected. She decided she'd just stay here and watch them a bit more. Yes, that would work.


Previously Nutraln00b
After staring off into space, Izuku snapped out of it and noticed the girl watching him and his friends

More people watching us! seriously...

Izuku ignored it, and turned to Aine, "Wanna battle, Aine?"
The girl frowned as she realized she'd been spotted. She shrugged her bag over her shoulder and began to walk off. This was a waste of time. Nobody in this stupid school liked her; these evidently-much-stronger group was not going to be the first. The girl bitterly reached into her bag of poke balls, picking out her first catch, arguably her only true friend. She gently tossed down the ball, smiling as her Mimikyu appeared. She bent down and pet her pokemon, already a bit less lonely. They walked off together.

Most people found Mimikyu's creepy, but not her. She understood where the misunderstood pokemon was coming from. To dress up and act like a famous pokemon everyone loves? Yeah, she might have been in the same position a few times. She didn't need this group of kids, no. She had Mimikyu, and that was all that mattered.

Soon after Izuku noticed the odd girl watching them, Winston looked skyward only to see the clouds turn to a stone gray. Slowly, more of them rolled in until the sky was shrouded in rain clouds.

"G...guys, we should head inside..." Winston said nervously, alerting the others.

The first drops of rain fell.
The girl was quick to make her way inside when rain started falling. If Mimikyu got wet, his disguise would begin to deteriorate, and she did not want a distressed Pokémon. She brushed her black hair out of her face once more. I need to trim this again, she thought. Long hair was such a hassle.

The girl walked through the entry doors of the academy, suddenly remembering she hadn’t been assigned her dorm yet. She went up to the front desk and was greeted by an elderly woman.

“How can I help you, dearie?”
“Can I get my dorm assignment, please?”
“Sure thing, hon. What’s your name?”
“Koda Rodriguez.”
“Here ya go!” The old lady handed Koda a slip of paper and a room card. She was room B24, 3rd floor.

Koda prayed she’d get lucky and have a dorm all to herself, but she knew that was unrealistic. The dorms here were made for 4 people, some even open to 5. Oh well, she’d try and scare off any roommates if she could.

Koda held out her poke ball, putting Mimikyu away and heading off to her dorm.


Previously Night's Shadow
Aine was about to reply yes, she would very much like to battle with someone who knew what they were doing, when rain started to fall. Her Joltik started sparking uncontrollably.

“Here, Spark,” she said quietly, holding her jacket open so Spark could stay dry. He obliged happily. Aine looked back at Izuku. “Maybe we could battle when the rain stops,” she said, disappointed. All the interesting battles she could have seem to always be interrupted. “We should get our dorm assignments before we all get soaked to the skin.”

Aine irritably brushed her soaking hair out of her face. The rain had gotten hard, fast. “And preferably before Spark starts accidentally electrocuting us.” She hunched over the lump in her jacket, trying to keep the Joltik dry. “It’s a pity water conducts electricity.”


Previously SuperNerd07
The "Super Nerd" rushed into the building soaked in water, his Magnemite following behind in panic trying to shake the water of itself.

"What are you, a weakling!? I mean you're half Steel type, which means your not so effective against water, but you are one of the Electric types, that are STRONG against water, why are you in a panic!?," Super Nerd shouted at Magnemite, his face turning red in rage.

Magnemite flew backwards, shaking in fear. "That's what I thought!," Super Nerd said, before he began to head off towards his dorm.


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku's poofy green hair now flopped over his eyes, he dried it off and when to get his dorm assigned. His Rabbot sat and looked over towards the girls Mimikyu, and then got up to start a conversation with it. Izuku was told his dorm was in B12 2nd floor. He looked over towards his rabbot, only to see he was trying to talk with another pokemon
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As Winston ran inside, he dried off and checked his dorm assignment. B12, 2nd floor, the lady had told him. Not wanting to waste any time, Winston ran upstairs and unlocked his room. The room was simple, consisting of 5 beds, a bookshelf, a desk and a TV.
Koda smiled as a Raboot bounced up to her Mimikyu. Her Pokémon shied behind her leg for a moment until she ushered him up to the Raboot. Mimikyu observed the newcomer, his head lolling to side a small bit. His small black body under the rag wiggled for a moment, and he produced a leppa berry. Mimikyu offered it to Raboot shyly, before rushing back behind Koda.

She looked around, wondering where this Raboot’s trainer was. Didn’t one of those strong kids have a Raboot?
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Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku ran over and scooped up his Raboot.
"I'm sorry!" apologized Izuku "My raboot is just really social is all!"
Izuku's face turned red with awkwardness, but then caught a glimpse of Mimikyu, he had seen one before, but never with a trainer.
Izuku wandered off to his dorm while giving his Raboot a small lecture of how not to talk with strangers. When he entered his dorm room, he was surprised so see Winston there.


Previously SuperNerd07
When walking towards his dorm, he noticed Izuku and Winston in the dorm next to his.

"Oh great, I'm next to the second-classers," he whispered to himself before walking into his own dorm, quickly shutting the door to not be noticed.

"Everything about this AcAdEmY is to stupid for me, especially the students!," he mockingly said. "I'm too brilliant for this, but I have heard about rumors of a kid using a PRZ-12 in battle! If I could get my hands on it, then nobody would disrespect me anymore!" After he finished monologuing, he laughed maniacally while his Magnemite looked around in confusion.

"Well goodnight!," he said to Magnemite, allowing it to return into it's PokéBall before he collapsed onto his bed, falling asleep almost immediately.


Previously Night's Shadow
“Crap.” Aine stood in the threshold of the open dorm room door. “Before you piss me off even more, shut your mouth,” she told the boy laying on a top bunk. David.

She went to the bed farthest away from his and threw her bag down, squeegeeing water out of her hair. Spark jumped out of her open jacket, electricity shrouding him. “Don’t, Spark,” she warned. “He’s not worth it.” She turned to the smirking boy. “I can’t believe this.”

Aine stormed out of the dorm, Spark back on her shoulder, intent on finding Izuku, Winston, or Schrift. She peered into each open dorm room, hoping that they were in the same building. There!

She stopped in the doorway and looked in to see Winston, Izuku, and some other girl in the room. “Wassup,” she said in a parody of nonchalant-ness. “How are you liking your dorm? I’m three doors down the hall. With David.


Previously Night's Shadow
“It’s disgusting,” Aine agreed. “And I’ll bet at least one of the girls fawning over him will be in there too.” She made a face. “Maybe I’ll be able to steal—and destroy—his supply of PRZ-12. That, at least, will give me some satisfaction.”

The girl paused as a more appealing, though implausibly stupid, idea came to her. “Or maybe I’ll have Spark electrocute him while he sleeps.” Aine grinned to show she was joking.

The grin fell from her face a moment later. “I’ll try to figure out his fighting style to help Schrift out. We could use some inside info.” Aine winced. “I can guarantee I won’t be doing much in that dorm room, though.”
Winston turned his head to see Aine standing outside in the hallway, speaking to Izuku. Peering outside, he cleared his throat.
"Oh, hey Aine….. let me g-guess, your dorm's agonizing?" Winston spoke

OOC: Anyone notice how the pokemon we use represents our character?
Izuku: The scorbunny line is energetic and outgoing
Winston: The sobble line is shy and nervous
Aine: Even if joltik isn't at its full power, like Aine with her cerebral palsy, it can still deal some serious blows
Schrift: After his brother's demise, Schrift became a dedicated fighter, just like how umbreon can be cruel (this one I struggled with, sorry)
Super Nerd: Magnemite is a smart pokemon with the capacity to be dangerous
Koda: Like mimikyu, Koda lived under a façade, not showing her true form


Previously Night's Shadow
Aine snorted. “No kidding.” She began to count on her fingers. “One: David. Two: David. Three: also David.” A sigh escaped her lips before she could stop it. “Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to make the best of it.”


Previously Schrift007
Schrift walked into the dorm, he looked up at anyone in his dorm that was familiar and instantly his eyes lay on David. Would he I to be with him, Schrift thought. He was about to walk away when he saw Aine, and the others. That calmed him down enough. He then looked outside the window at the rain, then to Spark. When David walked out the room to find one of his fan girls, Schrift used this as an opportunity to ask Aine for help. " Hey Aine you know how Spark is an electric type. Well since it's raining and electric moves are more accurate can we try practising dodging in the rain? If that's ok with you." He looked at spark then to the window.
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Koda laughed a bit at the green-headed boy walked off, chiding his Raboot. She leaned down, giving Mimikyu some love.
“Good job, buddy! That was very nice of you to offer a berry.”
She lifted her Pokémon and went off, still in search of her dorm. Koda passed the 2nd floor, peering in and seeing the same group. The blonde girl was complaining to Veggie-Head and their shy friend was standing nearby. She saw their other buddy, the darker-seeming one who beat up that kid, approach. Koda managed to hear him ask about a battle, and walked off. The last thing she wanted was for them to catch her spying again. They’d definitely think she was creepy for sure.

Koda got to her dorm, using the key card and swinging open the door. She saw two other girls, who were talking rapidly on the beds they’d claimed. They noticed her and shut up, eying her like a piece of fresh meat.

“Uh- can we help you?” One of the girls asked, her voice shrill and annoying.

“This is my dorm room...” Koda raised an eyebrow.

“Ugh- Couldn’t we have gotten another friend, or someone we know? Nooo~ we had to get the weird loner girl.” The other one complained.

Koda rolled her eyes, picking the bed pushed up against the inner wall, farthest from them. She unpacked, setting down her sheets and putting up her clothes. Thankfully, she was able to drown out her roomies.

After settling in, she plopped down on her bed and brought out her sketchbook. Koda began to draw the Raboot that had approached Mimikyu.


Previously Night's Shadow
“Sounds good to me,” Aine said. Spark zapped her once. “Spark’s up for it, too. I’m not scared of a little water! Let’s go.” She began to walk out of the room, then stuck her head back in. “See ya— Izuku, Winston!”

Aine didn’t take the stairs or the elevator; she took the railing. Sliding down staircase railings was always a rather mischievous habit Aine had entertained. When she got to the bottom, she turned to look back at Schrift. “You coming?”


Previously Nutraln00b
"Bye Aine, bye Schrift," said Izuku before heading into his dorm before collapsing onto his bed.

Slowly as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a loud knock on the door. With a loud sigh, he opened it and went from the break of sleep to complete surprise in a matter of seconds

David stood at the door looking rather impatient. "What do you want?" asked Izuku slightly annoyed. "I'm here for that one kid I beat in a battle, and please for the sake of my eyes, fix that green mess you call your hair".

Izuku slammed the door in David's face before texting Schrift and Aine that David was looking for them.
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Previously SuperNerd07
The door slamming made Super Nerd wake up, his Magnemite exiting it's PokéBall and spinning around uncontrollably across the room in shock.

"Agh, you IMBECILE!," he shouted to his Magnemite, "Get back in your ball!"

Once Magnemite returned, Super Nerd looked around to see what the ruckus was, only to see David out in the hall.

"Oh ho, it's that kid who used the PRZ-12! Excuse me, fellow student!," he said, walking towards David who seemed both annoyed and interested at the same time. "What do you want?," David asked while walking up to Super Nerd in a rude demeanor.

"I have heard that you have been using...a certain object called a PZR-12?," Super Nerd asked, causing David to lash out. "What about it, nerd!? Huh!? Think you're going to get me expelled!?," he shouted. Super Nerd backed away, shaking his head. "Oh, no, no my dear fellow. You see, I think we could become... hmmm, what would you call it... partners in crime! I give you a little information about the Second Classer's Pokémon so you can beat them, and you let me borrow that PRZ-12 sometimes. Deal? Hmmm?"

David didn't know what to answer at first, but finally he shook the hand that Super Nerd was holding out. "See you tomorrow then, partner," Super Nerd said, David answering with a simple "Shut up," before beginning to walk up and down the hallway. Super Nerd walked back to his dorm, trying to look as maniacal as possible, even though the only one around is David.

"Nighty nighty!," he said, waving to his new partner in crime before he went to sleep.


Previously Nutraln00b
Although Izuku was sleeping, his raboot overheard their conversation and went outside to expose the Super Nerd.

Before Super Nerd could close the door, he walked over and flame kicked him. And straight after running to Izuku's dorm to shut the door behind it.


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku got up, his hair covering his eyes.

"What?!" he said annoyed. "It's 3 AM, get a life and go to bed"

Eventually, he lifted his hair from his eyes to see Super Nerd. "Oh, it's the creepy kid, what do you want?"


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku looked at Super Nerd with confusion. "Okay, first off tomorrow is school, so go to bed. and second of all, is there proof?" asked Izuku, trying to get the conversation over-with
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Good flipping grief, some people need a refresher on the rules.

Remember: forcing a hit on another player's character without their permission is autoing and is strictly forbidden by our rules! You can launch an attack but it's not up to you to decide if it actually hit. That's up to the other person.

Also posts need to be at least one paragraph long and this absolute one-liner-fest is definitely not paragraphs.

Shape up or the next time there will be system warnings and actual consequences.
Koda was sleeping semi-peacefully, until her Mimikyu aggressively jumped on to her stomach. Her eyes snapped open as she looked up, relieved it was only her little buddy that awoke her.

“What’s wrong, little guy?” She whispered, careful not to wake her roommates. Mimikyu looked very upset, and she realized as she squinted in the dark that his disguise had been ripped at the neck. Immediately, Koda stood up and got her backpack, finding the emergency sewing kit she carried for this exact reason. She began to gently mend her Pokémon’s costume.

“How did this happen, Mimikyu? Did you get in a fight while I was sleeping?” She asked quietly, even though she knew she’d have no answer. The hidden black mass beneath the rag just wiggled. Koda finished sewing up the disguise and released Mimikyu.

She settled down in bed once more, her Pokémon snuggled up beside her under the warm covers. Koda smiled a bit. Mimikyu has always been her closest- her only friend. Since 3rd grade, when she tried to fit in with all the other kids, pretending to like their favorite things and be good at all their hobbies. It was after she ran off into the forest to hide from the embarrassment of the rejection of her peers, that she’d found her new life long companion.

Mimikyu had never left her side since then, not when she was removed from her parents’ care, or when she was placed in the foster system. With each move, she always knew that no matter where she went Mimikyu would follow. This thought relaxed Koda, and she managed to fall asleep again.


Previously SuperNerd07
"The only proof I have is in my memory, and your Raboot's! Why don't you ask that little lagomorph yourself!?," Super Nerd scoffed at Izuku, staring down at the Raboot who was glaring back at him.

"Well? Go on, ask it!," Super Nerd demanded, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. "Or do you admit that I am in fact speaking the truth, hm?"


Previously Schrift007
Outside Schrift sent out his fletchinder. " I think Flare is gonna need the most training. No offence flare but you can be better. So here's the plan Flare but you have to dodge any move Spark shoots at you." Flare gave a chirp and flew into the air. "God I hope we can win" Schrift muttered.


Previously Night's Shadow
“Ready, Spark?” Aine asked her partner. The Joltik gave an affirmative grunt. “Okay.” She pointed at Flare. “Rapid-fire Electro Balls, go!” Spark began to fire off spheres of electricity into the rainy night.


Previously Nutraln00b
"Raboot, did you hurt this guy?" asked Izuku, raboot shook it's head while slightly giggling, "Look, raboot, apologize," said Izuku while shutting the window trying to drown out the noise of Schrift and Aine training. Raboot walked up to the Super Nerd, but instead of an apology, he gave the Super Nerd a deathly stare.

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