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Previously Nutraln00b
"Yeah, let's head out to the gate," Izuku said. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Schrift.

On my way

Izuku then pulled his phone away and held his hand out for Koda to hold. "Come on, We should head off to get Winston."
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Previously Schrift007
The club was alive, everything there was loud and crazy. Schrift liked this place. He looked at Aine, excitement in his eyes. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks" he said. Even the small walk to the bar was exciting, the ice sculptures from the Alolan Sandshrew, looked live like. The battle zone had bolts of lightning and bursts of fire shooting out. This place was mad. When Schrift made it to the bar, he asked the waiter for two toxel drinks. The waiter handed him two cups with Toxel drinks. He walked back to Aine, handing her a cup. "What do you want to do?" He asked her.


Previously Night's Shadow
Aine sat with one leg crossed over the other, legs swinging off a chair. She took the drink Schrift offered and downed it in one go. The loud music resonated through the club, the bass vibrating the ground. Her head pounded in rhythm with the music.

She licked her lips. “Mm, that’s good. I wonder if the others are here yet?” Aine shrugged. “In the meantime, why don’t we go see what else there is here?” Bright neon lights were blinding in the relative dark of the rest of the club. Bodies writhed on the dance floor, both human and Pokémon, in tandem with the deafening tones blasting from the Loudred DJ. “This place is epic!”
She took Izuku’s hand shyly, a soft smile spreading on Koda’s face.

“I feel bad about the fight. It feels like it’s my fault it happened. Are you sure you’re alright?”

Koda looked down as they walked, her eyes trained on her boots. Surely Izuku didn’t blame her, or any of the others, right?
As Winston approached the toxtricty bolt, he noticed a tall figure watching him, backed by a large intimidating dragon. A hydreigon. Noticing that he was seen, the man walked away, soon being lost in the shadows. Curious but not wanting to let his friends down, Winston slowly entered the toxtricity bolt, looking for his friend group. However, his noibat had other ideas, flying straight towards the sound system where it sat, listening.


Previously Schrift007
Schrift made his way to the dance floor, taking Aine with him. "While we're waiting why don't we dance?" he said, as he danced to the music.He felt each beat as if it was physically hitting him. He always had a soft spot for dancing, sure he was more of a musician than dancer but what did that matter. He sent out Nisshoku, who had his own thing going. He remembered when he was younger how his brother would walk in, when Schrift was dancing. God all he wanted back then was his brother to go away, now all he wants is to have him back. The loudred was now starting to get louder, things were going up a notch.

Is this what it felt like to finally relax, no-one to bother him? Luxio would've loved to be here. "Hey Aine you gonna dance?" he asked, then seeing the shiny Noibat on the speaker one thing came to mind, what on earth is that doing here?


Previously Night's Shadow
Aine glanced around self-consciously. She’d never danced before in her life, probably because she didn’t know how or just didn’t have anyone to dance with. Oh well, she thought with an internal sigh. No time like the present. She inhaled deeply, closed her eyes, and let the music flow through her.

The pounding bass wove through her body like a drug. Aine’s body was no longer under her control; all her extremities had been taken over by the rhythmic beat. She wove through the crowd like she had been dancing her whole life, Flash jumping up and snapping at the hems of women’s dresses, just overall frolicking around her legs. Spark stayed on her shoulder, tiny legs waving in the sound waves. A wild laugh tore through her throat and burst from her chest.

At a glance, Aine noticed Schrift staring up at something. When she followed his gaze, she could just make out a small bat-like shape on top of a speaker. She paused in her undulating dance and walked up to him. What in the— “Is that a Noibat?” she asked in confusion. “What the heck would a Noibat be doing here?” It seemed to be without a Trainer, which was confusing to Aine.


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku let go of Koda's hand when the two arrived at the club. Izuku opened the door only to be blasted by music and light.

"Woah, this place is crazy!" Izuku chuckled. Izuku pulled his phone out and texted the others.

Koda and I are outside.

Izuku put his phone back in his pocket and turned to Koda. "We should head in and find the others. They're probably waiting."
Running over to his noibat, Winston called it down to him, which it refused, turning its back on him. Rolling his eyes and sighing, Winston pulled out noibat's Pokéball, returning it to the ball. Shaking his head, Winston walked off the dance floor, pokeball in hand. When he was at a safe distance, Winston released the noibat which slowly flew onto his shoulder.
“Alright.” Koda said, a bit nervous. She’d never been in a club before and this place seemed awfully loud.

“There’s a lot of people in here...” What if she lost sight of Izuku and got separated from the group?

She followed Izuku inside just a tad timidly. The lights were cool, and she did enjoy the music, but this was foreign and new to her. Despite her pride, Koda found herself seeking out comfort. She quietly latched her pinky to Izuku’s, not saying a word.

It’s just so I don’t get lost. That’s all. She thought.
As the noibat sat on Winston's shoulder, it looked around, still admiring the sound system, knowing full well that it would never be able to it there without its so-called trainer scolding it. The noibat's shiny fur glowed in the bright, strobe lights, a shining, guiding beacon of sorts. It was actually quite pretty to see, the reds and greens reflected. Suddenly, the music became yet louder, almost too loud for Winston to handle, which made him run outside to escape the noise.

The back patio was quite relaxed, with not many people there, the ones there sitting in groups taking sips from toxel drinks, there pokemon sitting around them. Not finding anyone he knew, Winston just went over to one of the low walls and sat upon it, his pokemon by his side.
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Previously Schrift007
" I'm gonna get some toxel drinks" he said walking away . He spotted Koda and shouted " Hey guys over here!". When he walked up to them the first thing he said was " Hey Izuku on a date?" he teased. He told them he was gonna get some toxel drinks and that Aine was on the dance floor. He pointed at the dance floor and made his way to the bar. "Two toxel drinks" he said. The man gave his usual grimmace before handing him the drinks. On the way back he saw Winston. "hey Winston, haven't seen you since I beat David" He gave a laugh. "Look you wanna join me and the others?" he asked.

Schrift made his way back to the dance floor. He gave Aine her drink before saying, " I could have more nights like this, with my friends no worries." He smiled at her before taking a sip from his cup.


Previously Night's Shadow
Aine took the drink she was offered and began to drink this one slowly. With the more methodical approach, she was able to appreciate the delicate flavor of the Toxel drink as opposed to just throwing it “down the hatch.”

“Yeah, no kidding, right?” Aine agreed. “Feels good to not have to worry about being killed by one thing or another.” A ways away, the girl could see two familiar heads. “Hey, Koda, Izuku,” she called.


Previously Nutraln00b
Still blushing from the remark from Schrift, Izuku held onto Koda's hand. "You okay?" He asked, "You're holding my hand a bit tight"

He then noticed how nervous she looked, And put his arm around her. "Don't worry, I'll be by your side. " He said comfortingly. And then heard a loud and familiar voice. He turned to see Aine. And waved back
Koda blushed and nodded, turning as well to see Aine.

“Hey, are you alright? You seemed pretty roughed up last time I saw you.”

Koda’s memories were still fuzzy. The last thing she remembered was the Hitmonlee attacking her. She wondered what happened between then and her wake in the infirmary.


Previously Night's Shadow
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Aine said in response to Koda’s question. She took a sip from her drink. “Got a concussion, so I guess I shouldn’t be having my brain vibrating from the bass, but you know what?” Another sip. “Who even gives a crap? Doesn’t hurt, though that may be from the fact that my whole body is numb with pleasure. Pain’s a phone call, and I am so totally on Do Not Disturb.” She tossed back the last dregs of her drink and licked her lips once the smooth liquid had slid down her throat. “Damn, that’s good.”
“Well, take it easy, alright? It would seriously suck if your concussion got worse. That kind of injury can leave permanent damage, you know.” Koda chided.

Loosen up. They came here to have fun, not for you to be a pain. Koda told herself. She rolled her shoulders and leaned on Izuku a bit, allowing herself to just enjoy the atmosphere. She was with her friends, and she wasn’t going to lose them. Izuku was holding onto her. Aine would get better. Everything would be fine.

Koda found herself actually smiling. A genuine grin. A smile looked good on her, it just never seemed to happen. She hopped onto the dance floor and felt the music, swaying a bit before breaking into a small dance.
Getting down from the patio wall, Winston slowly made his way back inside, fingers firmly planted in ears to block the blasting noise which some called music, which Winston couldn't disagree with more. As he made his way over to his friend group, Winston's inteleon too couldn't handle the noise, firing a mud shot into its ears to block out the noise, which seemed to prove effective. Soon after, Winston joined back up to his friend group.

"Sorry I took so long guys. I was... caught up." Winston said, smiling.


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku was sitting on the couches near his friends. Finally able to rest his broken leg. He thought that he should be resting, and not at a party. But then he just thought who gave a crap. As the music was blasting, he somehow heard a notification on his phone. He looked at it to see it and saw his mother texting him.

Hi son, I'm sorry for not being there for you. And just remember, You're always going to be a champion through my eyes.

Izuku started to tear up from the message and then wiped his tears away as he got up to join his friends. But Izuku's raboot came out of it's Pokeball and started to run around the dancefloor and then noticed Winston. It ran around Winstons' feet, as Izuku walked up to him. "Hey, bud!" Izuku waved, "It's been a while since I've seen you."
As the raboot circled Winston's feet, his noibat jumped from Winston's shoulder and flew around the head of the raboot, harassing the poor fire bunny and letting off the occasional supersonic. Looking down at it, Winston rubbed the back of his hair, moving his long brown hair out of the way before picking the shiny bat and placing it back on his shoulder, patting its head softly.

"Y-yeah, you t-too, Izuku..." Winston said, quite happy as he flipped a coin, always landing on tails.
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Previously Night's Shadow
Aine’s eyes flicked to the Noibat on Winston’s shoulder. “Oh, so that was your Noibat,” she said. It made sense to her now. “That makes more sense than a Noibat at a night club on its own.” She glanced down when she felt a slight pressure on her legs to see Flash, forepaws up on her shins, barking. The music was too loud for her to hear. She picked up the little doglike creature and he licked her ear. “Yeah, yeah, love you too,” she said to him, laughing quietly.


Previously Nutraln00b
Raboot approached the Noibat, it observed the bat-like pokemon. Then raboot looked up at Noibat's ears. And thought that they were similar to its own. It started to run around the bat pokemon, wanting to play. Izuku returned Raboot into it's Pokeball and went to sit down. He pulled out his phone to see another text from David. It read:

Tell that bastard with the Umbreon that I'm not done with him yet, and that I'll end him and his little girlfriend.

Izuku sighed at the Davids persistence, and just put his phone away. Izuku got up, stretched, and went out in search for Koda. "She might be lost, and afraid..." He murmured under his breath
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Sitting on the couch, Winston sipped some of his toxel drink, picked up his pumpkaboo and placed it onto the sofa, where it seemed to nestle into the cushions, becoming warm and snug, like a scatterbug in a rug. As it looked at Winston, its once sad eyes filled with a look of longing. A longing for power. Knowing what he had to do, he recalled his pumpkaboo to its pokeball and stood up.

"Now who to trade with... um.... Schrift! C-can you come here for just a second!" Winston said, a hint of excitement in his voice


Previously Schrift007
Schrift enjoyed his time, with Aine. Hearing Winston he gave a small moan. He was with the girl he liked, couldn't he be with her for a bit longer. "Yeah coming Winston, be back in a bit Aine". He waddled over to the couch and sitting next to Winston. "So why did you call me over?" he asked. he looked at the toxel drink and back. "How much have you had?" he asked suspicion in his voice.
"Ah... right, about that," Winston said, looking down at his half-empty toxel drink. The taste was bitter and sour to Winston, but he drank it anyway, not wanting to seem rude. Holding pumpkaboo's pokeball in his spare hand, Winston held it out at Schrift, the button facing away,

"I-I need you to take this pokeball, but give it back immediately. It might sound odd but trust me, then you can do whatever the hell it was you were doing with Aine," Winston said, almost thrusting the pokeball into schrift's hands.


Previously Night's Shadow
Aine nodded when Schrift said he’d be back. She glanced down into the dregs of her drink, then looked up and around. Her observant nature meant she rarely missed a detail.

At that moment, Flash began to bark furiously and wriggle in her arms. It wasn’t excitement; it was a combination of fear and anger. Aine tightened her grip on him and turned in the direction he was straining in. Did he recognize a scent? Or did he see something suspicious?

“Calm down, Flash!” Aine tried to wrestle him down. The doglike Pokémon settled down, but continued to glare and growl in the same direction. The girl squinted, trying to distinguish what he was so worked up over through the flashes of neon and glitter. Was that it? A man wearing all black and dark sunglasses was leaning against a wall, staring directly at their group. As their eyes met, the man began to walk towards them. Aine felt her stomach leap into her throat. Who the hell is this guy?

(I am NOT letting this die. No, nope, do NOT die. No.)


Previously Schrift007
Schrift stumbled back with the pokeball in his hands. "Wait Winston, why are you giving me this?" he gave a confused look to him. He wanted to let this Pokemon out, but thought he would do that in his own time. He looked down at his cup and realized, he probably had to much to drink. Screw it he thought it's not like you get to have fun everyday. He walked back to Aine, pokeball in hand. "Hey Aine winston gave me some pokemon. Wanna see it in the battle zone?"
"Wait Schrift, t-that's not...not what I intended. You were just supposed to give it back! Arceus damnit, get me back that pokeball, inteleon!" Winston said, cursing himself.

Hearing the command of his trainer, the inteleon stood up from the sofa and ran over to where schrift was, holding out one hand for the Pokéball and charging a snipe shot in the other. As it stood, the inteleon let out an intimidating growl and pointed at the Pokéball Schrift had in his hand.


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku walked around the club for a bit, his leg aching. In search for Koda. He saw Aine and Schrift standing there with a man who was wearing all black.

He sent out his Hattrem and walked over to them. "Hey, who's that guy?" Izuku asked. His hattrem started to freak out and started to yell at the man. Izuku picked up the pokemon in an attempt to silence Hattrem. Izuku recalled his Hattrem telling him about a man in full black in camp. Could this man possibly be the same person?


Previously Schrift007
Sense finally hit Schrift as he put down his cup. "I'm gonna lay off the drink, it's making me feel sick". Then he realised, he wasn't supposed to keep the pokeball he was supposed to give it back. His face turned bright red in embarrassment, he had just made himself look like a jackass in a club. He waddled over to Winston, "Hey sorry, I just had too much to drink". He gave the pokeball back, then he saw the inteleon ready to fire a snipe shot. "Were you going to assassinate me over a pokeball?" He said laughing. When he turned around he saw a man approaching the others. "I think we should go" he whispered to Winston. Who ever this guy was he looked like he was going to cause trouble. He swaddled over to the others and whispered to the others" I think we should leave now". He walked over to the door and left into the night.
Clutching the Pokéball, Winston rummaged through his pockets for the device he had been given. Finding it, he quickly pulled it from his pocket, ran outside into the murky dark of the night and activated it, sending of a beacon of light skyward. Almost immediately, he heard rummaging coming from around him and a man closely pursued by a Lucario ran into the nightclub. Feeling a sense of security, Winston sent out the Pokémon stored inside the pokeball, only to find, instead of a pumpkaboo, a gourgeist.
Koda stood up, smoothed out her skirt, and made her way through the crowd. She had lost sight of her friends and began to worry a bit. Would you stop that? Always worrying. Worry, worry, worry! That’s all you know how to do. Koda criticized herself. She shook her head.

Koda reached into her bag and found Absol’s poke ball. She tossed it down, comforted by the familiar friend. Her good hand fluttered down and clutched Absol’s fur, as the pair of them made their way through the club in search of the others. She wanted to see Izuku again.

She felt almost special around him. The whole group of friends made Koda feel strange and new, but Izuku had a different effect. Her heart kicked up a notch whenever he looked at her, yet she felt calmer whenever he was around. She wondered why she always felt the urge to hold his hand, or be hugged by him.

Maybe.. he’d even kiss me? What would that make us? Would Izuku ever date a girl like me?




Koda frowned. She couldn’t understand herself, and she couldn’t find any of her friends. Had they left her? No, they wouldn’t do that, she was pretty sure.

Koda decided to just get a drink and wait at the bar. They’d find her, and she needed to clear her mind. She sat at a barstool and ordered one of the stronger drinks. Koda had never drank before, but she figured she’d be fine. A little wouldn’t hurt!

She was wrong.

Only two drinks in and Koda felt warm and fuzzy. She wanted to dance with Izuku, and laugh with her friends, yet she had no idea where any of them were. Again, she looked around, speaking to herself in quiet, slurred Spanish.

“Dónde eres mi amigos? me dejaron, apuesto! qué grosero. Dónde está Izuku? Quiero ver su cara, Él es muy guapo.”


Previously Night's Shadow
“I don’t—“ Aine began to respond to Izuku, then a quick glance back told her the strange man had melted into the shadows. “—know?” She turned on her heel, immensely confused. “Where the hell—? Oh, look, there’s Koda.” She walked over to where her friend was sitting on a barstool, two empty glasses in front of her, and smothered a giggle as she felt the strange desire to burst into song.

“In the world that I’ve created, I’m intoxicated...” she hummed quietly. Actually, it was a fairly accurate depiction of their situation; the lot of them were high. “Set it free... lost ambition... Cmon, Koda, let’s go. Schrift and Winston already left, Izuku’s over there.” She stumbled back over to the door, then wobbled out into the dark.

The remaining words of the song came to her like someone was whispering them in her ear. “I... only caught my place in your life! Set it free... superstition... I... gave up on this fairytale— Lie!”

(OOC: the song is Intoxicated by Lacuna Coil)
As Winston walked down the dark street, he zipped up his parka because of the freezing cold outside. He hated being outside at night, it was always far too cold. Noticing the clearly intoxicated state of some of his peers, Winston thanked Arceus he hated the taste of the drink, as he would certainly not want to be in their state right now. As him and inteleon were freezing cold, Winston unclipped his Centiskorch's Pokéball from his belt and sent out the radiator bug, which instantly warmed all of them up.

"C-cheers, Centiskorch..." Winston said through slightly chattering teeth.
Koda laughed, dancing with Aine. She sang along, brushing her hair out of her face and grinning from ear to ear. When the song was over, Koda smiled at Aine, her eyes sparkling.

“Tienes una voz maravillosa, Aine! You’re a very good singer!” She said, switching between languages, though a thick Spanish accent made its way into her English.

“Hoy- Today is bueno. It’s good. No mas malo, sí? We’re done with the bad. I want to enjoy my time with mi amigos- my friends. Tu eres mi familia... You are my family. The best one I’ve had. Gracias!” Koda ended her small sappy speech with a laugh.


Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku walked over to Aine and Koda. "Hey, Koda." He said. "You feeling okay?"

Judging by the way she was talking, he knew the drink she took has taken effect. He sighed as he sat next to her. "Should we take you back to your dorm. It's getting a bit late anyways." Izuku suggested.
“You don’t want to stay out? La fiesta es aqui. Not at the dorm.” Koda chuckled, her hand subconsciously fluttering off of Absol and interlocking with Izuku’s. She’d never have done this so easily if it weren’t for her intoxication.

She leaned against Izuku and hummed for a moment, before quietly speaking.

“Izuku, gracias por ser amable conmigo. Desearía que salieras conmigo. Pero una chica como yo no es lo suficientemente buena para ti,eh? Esta bien. Guardaré mis sentimientos para mí mismo. I’ll keep it to myself. Aye, you make me happy, but I get so sad because of you.” She chuckled. “I want to be- I want to be tu Novia.”

She let go of his hand, suddenly aware of what she’d done.

“Uh- we should get back, yeah? You’re right. C-come on...!”
Stepping into his dorm, Winston unzipped his parka, flung it like he was using the move at the chair of his desk and laid down on his bed, completely exhausted for some reason. Yawning, Winston sat up, unclipped his Pokéballs from his belt and sent out all of his team members, his inteleon, gourgeist, Centiskorch and Noibat. The noibat immediately flew to the window and watched the crescent moon high above in the star-ridden sky which glowed like the tail of an ampharos.

"You ok, noibat?" Winston asked groggily.

The small bat looked at Winston, turned up its small nose and carried on watching the moon. Too tired to care, Winston quickly changed into his pyjamas, got into his bed and drifted off, his pokemon making themselves comfortable around the dorm.
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Previously Nutraln00b
Izuku had barely understood a word that Koda had said. But he didn't bother asking. "Alright, let's go..." He said before holding Koda's hand while walking out the door of the club. He sent a message to Aine and Schrift that Koda and he had left. And put his phone back in his pocket. After a minute, he turned to face Koda.

"Oh, and I've been meaning to ask. What were you saying back in the club? I couldn't quite understand it..." He questioned. "You don't need to if you feel uncomfortable doing so."
Koda looked up at him, confused.

“Hm? Did I not speak up...?”

She thought back, trying to recall what she’d said before they left...

“Oh! I said that in Spanish, didn’t I?” She rubbed her neck sheepishly. “Sorry. It’s easy to slip back into my native language without realizing.”

Koda sighed. She couldn’t find a good way to dodge the question without seeming strange... and now was a good time to tell him. She liked him- there was no hiding from that. It became evident in her drunken stupor. If he thought it was weird and hated her for it, she’d just go back to being lonely as usual.

“Uhm- it could translate pretty roughly to me thanking you for being such a nice friend. I said I.... I like you. And, you’d never date a girl like me, so I wouldn’t bug you about it. Yeah.. haha, lame, I know.” Her eyes fell to the ground, her face red with embarrassment.

“When I said I wanted to be ‘tu novia’... aye.. this is so hard to talk about! Novia means- well, it means g-girlfriend..”

Koda forced a laugh.

“We’ve made it back. Thanks for walking me to the dorms. I appreciate it. If you never want to talk to me again, I understand. Lo siento- ah, I’m sorry.”

Koda let go of Izuku’s hand, hiding her face to disguise the fact that tears were welling up in her eyes, and turned on her heel. She began slowly walking back to her dorm, half of her praying Izuku wouldn’t say anything, and half of her hoping he would.

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