"Uh, because you can't keep track of every cave in the island. Anyway, I have to be off. Goodbye." As Steelix dived down and headed back towards Henlow, he flicked his tail, collapsing the the tunnel further onwards from where Hektor was. Surfacing in the city, he immediately sent out a sonic pulse, which was relayed to a psychic type, who transmitred it to Chimcheo
"King Hektor has uncovered one of our fractured tunnels." Chimcheo said in Hyrain's ear. Since there was no reply, he quickly scribbled a note saying to knock three times in the back ally, and ran off. Shifting into a Umbreon, he ran towards the sight of the crack, and reached it quickly. Running down into the hole, he quickly saw the king, and returned to his natural form. "Hello. I think we may have met before." Hyrain greeted him