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Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

"Well, Sato, it's nice to meet you." the Zoroark said, letting out a yawn. " You mind if I take a seat? " He asked, currently he was kneeling down on his knee and it was getting slightly uncomfortable.
"Go ahead, I don't mind, just as long as I can have a conversation." He'd say looking at Nox with the crimson eyes the lucario naturally possesses.
Nox sighed as he took a seat next to Sato, he put his arms behind his back and let out a slight yawn. "Thank you." He managed, Nox looked out to the horizon and watched the clouds swirl about. " I don't know what it is but, storms like this just soothe me." He said as he relaxed further.
"Any weather is fine for me, the rain soothes one's mind, the sun relaxes the body, but the snow sings lovely melodies throughout the storm that they have." He'd say, it was so weird hearing that, it was like if it was told to him by someone or something that he grew up with.
" That was very beautiful, did you just come up with that?" Nox replied, yawning once more. He would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed by the Lucario. Nox was almost completely dry, he brushed his hand through his fur and returned his arm back behind his head.
"Someone taught me that lesson...Someone I value, he did teach me all my lessons to make me stronger.." He'd say looking at Nox, smiling a little.
Nox was very impressed if not a bit jealous, this lucario was very wise. " You must of had a great master to teach you all those things." He said, the zoroark picked up a smooth stone from the earth. Nox held it in his hand and closed his eyes while he concentrated, the stone was enveloped with dark energy. He thrusted his hand out and the stone was sent flying leaving a trail of energy in it's wake. It flew a few feet before it began falling to the ground. "Darn, I just can't focus long enough." He said feeling disappointed.