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Open Pokemon Fright

Greetings fellow Pokemon roleplayers! My motives to joining this site was actually to share a prompt I have in mind here for a fun purpose and I do hope you take interest in it! Don't forget to add in this info if you join in this spooktacular roleplay.

Pokemon Species:
Wild Pokemon:


Pokemon Species: Pichu
Nickname/Name?: Machu
Gender: Male
Shiny: No
Wild Pokemon: No
By the by, please don't god-mod and don't use any legendary Pokemon. Thanks!
'Twas was three days before Halloween and decorations were littered throughout the house.
Not a creature was stirring, except for a boy and his mouse.
The boy's name? Not important to the audience as he's an average trainer preparing homemade blueberry pie for some apparent reason. He delicately placed the sweet treat in the oven, set the timer and the temperature and went away to attend to his daily businesses of even more pointless Halloween decorating. He wanted his house to be one where the interior and exterior were absolutely divine with cheesy classic "scary" designs. One where perchance somebody takes a double glance at and goes, "Well, that's just silly!" But the boy didn't care about such remarks; matching with the theme was all he desired.
Moving onward across the smooth kitchen tiles was his adventurous Pichu, sniffing the oven glass with curiosity. His bright pupils darted around, searching for anything to play with. Alas, there was nothing all too sparking to the electric type and he simply climbed up the table. There he was to jump out the open window, if not for abruptly tripping and falling out wrongly. He rolled down the miniature hill and slammed straight into a carved pumpkin in the moderately sized pumpkin patch his trainer owned. His pointy ears went right through the orange sphere, then he was stuck with the grinning pumpkin on his face. In a swarm of panic, he shook his head to attempt to get it off... Only to fail miserably. He just gave up after that and kept it on as a little headgear.
"What to do... What to do..." He pondered aloud, tapping his "pumpkin head". With that, moments later, an invisible lightbulb appeared on top of Machu to signify a childish idea he had.
"Oh, I know!"
He got on all fours and scurried swiftly to a destination elsewhere. It was soon revealed to be a misty forest, where he explored in without hesitation to get through to reach his location. Halfway through, he narrowed his eyes and his ears twitched. He could had sworn he picked up the presence of somebody being nearby. Nevertheless, he jumped across a log blocking part of the path and continued his journey with a slow pace.​
Pokemon Species: Munchlax
Nickname/Name: Laxer
Gender: Male
Shiny: No
Wild Pokemon: Yes

Laxer lays down between two bushes, snacking on some berries. "wow, that was tasty! I wonder if there is anything else to eat around here?" Laxer looked around and found an abandoned picnic basket.
"Oh Boy! What a treat!" Said Laxer while he looks through it.
"Hey, only 2 donuts and 4 apples? What gives?"
The little Munchlax eats this in nearly 5 minutes. He turns around.
"I think I heard something over here." He said quietly.
He Hides in the bush to see who is there.
Pokemon Species: Munchlax
Nickname/Name: Laxer
Gender: Male
Shiny: No
Wild Pokemon: Yes

Laxer lays down between two bushes, snacking on some berries. "wow, that was tasty! I wonder if there is anything else to eat around here?" Laxer looked around and found an abandoned picnic basket.
"Oh Boy! What a treat!" Said Laxer while he looks through it.
"Hey, only 2 donuts and 4 apples? What gives?"
The little Munchlax eats this in nearly 5 minutes. He turns around.
"I think I heard something over here." He said quietly.
He Hides in the bush to see who is there.
Whilst Laxer was hidden in the bushes, Machu was passing by that bush with no registration of fear glinting in his eyes. To the Munchlax, seeing a Pichu with a pumpkin head in the mist would be rather unpleasant perhaps. Especially since the little guy was humming. But the humming came to a pause and so did Machu's pace as he turned to the bush. The presence he felt was much closer now.
"Who's there?" He inquired with a monotone to his voice. He knew better than to drop his defense around a seemingly deserted forest.
Whilst Laxer was hidden in the bushes, Machu was passing by that bush with no registration of fear glinting in his eyes. To the Munchlax, seeing a Pichu with a pumpkin head in the mist would be rather unpleasant perhaps. Especially since the little guy was humming. But the humming came to a pause and so did Machu's pace as he turned to the bush. The presence he felt was much closer now.
"Who's there?" He inquired with a monotone to his voice. He knew better than to drop his defense around a seemingly deserted forest.

Laxer Decided it will be a smart Idea for a prank. Laxer with mischief in his eyes yells "I am the spirit of doom! If you want to be lifted of this deadly curse, uhh, leave a lot of food in this area, and the food better be good!" He then put a pumpkin on his head, and got ready for them to scream. "This is going to be good!" Laxer said to himself.
Laxer Decided it will be a smart Idea for a prank. Laxer with mischief in his eyes yells "I am the spirit of doom! If you want to be lifted of this deadly curse, uhh, leave a lot of food in this area, and the food better be good!" He then put a pumpkin on his head, and got ready for them to scream. "This is going to be good!" Laxer said to himself.
Machu's back tingled with anxiousness, hearing the yelling of what could potentially be a threat. He apparently was under a curse because the strange voice said so and he began to panic.
"I didn't bring any food with me!" He hastily replied with a deep frown. "Please lift the curse... I don't wanna die so soon!"
He shook like a leaf and yet, thought he should check the bush to see this spirit of doom. He parted the bush to peek his pumpkin head in only to see... Another pumpkin head? He shrieked, jumping back and falling to the ground with a thud. His heartbeat quickened as did his breathing.
Machu's back tingled with anxiousness, hearing the yelling of what could potentially be a threat. He apparently was under a curse because the strange voice said so and he began to panic.
"I didn't bring any food with me!" He hastily replied with a deep frown. "Please lift the curse... I don't wanna die so soon!"
He shook like a leaf and yet, thought he should check the bush to see this spirit of doom. He parted the bush to peek his pumpkin head in only to see... Another pumpkin head? He shrieked, jumping back and falling to the ground with a thud. His heartbeat quickened as did his breathing.
Laxer came out with his pumpkin head on. "I will let you go now, but I expect some food in the next 5 minutes! Now do not waste time, chop chop! Or you may never see your trainer again! Wait do you have one? If not then, umm You will be dropped in lava!" Laxer booms and then sits down in a beach chair. Then he drinks some old soda.
"Ok chop chop!" Laxer said in a normal voice. "If you need proof of what happens, umm" He then looks for a fake burnt Pokemon. He then picks up dirt and puts it on a pumpkin. "Look at what happened to this pumpkaboo!"
Laxer came out with his pumpkin head on. "I will let you go now, but I expect some food in the next 5 minutes! Now do not waste time, chop chop! Or you may never see your trainer again! Wait do you have one? If not then, umm You will be dropped in lava!" Laxer booms and then sits down in a beach chair. Then he drinks some old soda.
"Ok chop chop!" Laxer said in a normal voice. "If you need proof of what happens, umm" He then looks for a fake burnt Pokemon. He then picks up dirt and puts it on a pumpkin. "Look at what happened to this pumpkaboo!"
Machu squeaked and glimpsed at this so-called Pumpkaboo becoming nothing but a burnt one. His eyes slightly watered, but he wiped it away before Laxer could notice and he nodded, running off to collect food for him. Such a naive Pichu he was, to think Laxer was a spirit of doom and had really done any curses.
Since Machu had a mere five minutes to gather up food, he stood in the forest ground, searching for food there. He dug through many bushes and carefully examined which foods were riper than others. Eventually, he had many to carry as he wobbled over to where Laxer was.
"Here! I got your food." He spoke out of breath, dropping the load of berries in front of him. He looked up at Laxer with a weary smile. "Can I be free of the curse now?"
Pokemon Species: Umbreon
Nickname/Name: Mirage
Gender: Male
Shiny: No
Wild Pokemon: Yes

Mirage was laying on a nearby tree branch, protected by the foliage. One foreleg would lazily hang down, whilst he groomed the other. His ears would prick upon hearing a screech. He'd stand up on the branch, and slowly poke his head out of the foliage, gazing down at the two Pokemon. He would chuckle to himself at the Pichu's gullibility. He'd resume his relaxed position, but this time, instead of grooming, he would gaze out at the scene unfolding before him. "This should prove very amusing," he'd say to himself, quietly.
"Hmm." Laxer looked at the food. "For only 5 minutes! Then you must bring me more food!" he boomed, when suddenly the pumpkin started to slowly slip off.
Mirage would continue to watch the scene, a grin creeping across his face. *I knew he could only keep up this facade for so long. Even with such a gullible little Pokemon like this Pichu.* Mirage would, however, remain silent, seeing what would occur next.
"Hmm." Laxer looked at the food. "For only 5 minutes! Then you must bring me more food!" he boomed, when suddenly the pumpkin started to slowly slip off.
Machu peered at the pumpkin slipping off with a shocked expression. He suspected the pumpkin spirit was being destroyed but alas, he was wrong and had came to terms that he was tricked.
"Hey!" He said, his face twisting to one of irritation. "You...You tricked me! How dare you!"
Machu peered at the pumpkin slipping off with a shocked expression. He suspected the pumpkin spirit was being destroyed but alas, he was wrong and had came to terms that he was tricked.
"Hey!" He said, his face twisting to one of irritation. "You...You tricked me! How dare you!"
"Uh, heh no I did not umm, since I am the great spirit! and I am powerful!" Laxer noticed that his pumpkin was falling off. "OK, so what? I you can't do anything, err, Dragonite." He stuttered. Since its hard to see through the pumpkin, he thinks that Machu is a Dragonite. "But, I think I can, err beat you because, um, behind this mask is a, uhh, Gyarados! Yeah!" Laxer stuttered.
Mirage would speak, loud enough for the other two to hear. "Oh, I was right, this was amusing." He'd laugh. "You put on a good show. But now, it's time to feast on the two delicious looking Pokemon before me." Mirage would be leaping from tree to tree, so it was hard to tell what was speaking, or where it was. "Who should I devour first? The Pichu, or the Munchlax?" Mentally, he was wondering whether either of them would be gullible enough to actually be frightened. Oh well, it was worth a shot, right?
Laxer's pumpkin fell off. Laxer was freaked out now. He thought of a good idea to get rid of the savage Pokemon. "Take the Dragonite not me!" he said. He then realized the Dragonite was a Pichu. "or take the Pichu." Laxer suggested. "and I'm going to back up slowly into the bushes now." He started to back away slowly into the bushes.
A Shadow Ball attack would land behind the Munchlax, making him fly towards the Pichu. "Neither of you will leave. Put on a good show for me, and I just may let you walk away from this, limbs attached." He'd smirk, knowing he at least got the Munchlax frightened of him. Now, what about this Pichu?
Laxer thought. He thought on how to get away. He had a plan. "HEY LOOK A UFO!" Laxer yelled pointing at the sky. He then threw donuts at the Pokemon.
Mirage would watch, amused, as the Munchlax fled. He had gotten a good laugh, so he would let the gluttonous Pokemon go. The Pichu, though, is something else. *And what does this little one plan to do? Run like the Munchlax, or attempt to please me? We shall soon see.*
Mirage would watch, amused, as the Munchlax fled. He had gotten a good laugh, so he would let the gluttonous Pokemon go. The Pichu, though, is something else. *And what does this little one plan to do? Run like the Munchlax, or attempt to please me? We shall soon see.*
The Pichu shook his head at the Munchlax who had manipulated him to a stupid belief. But all was changed and Laxer ran off, although Machu had spaced out for more than a few seconds when in shock. He shot a glare at the Umbreon, hearing exactly the threats of devouring him and supposedly the Munchlax who escaped.
"You've got to be joking, right?" He questioned with a raise of a nonexistent brow. He thought Mirage was attempting to scare him, too.
"You saw through my facade. Good to know you aren't fooled so easily a second time." Mirage would jump from the trees, landing in front of the small Pokemon. It would be then that, in plain sight, there would be a scar, running down from right under the Umbreon's right eye, all the way across his cheek, past his flank, and down to his tail. "My name is Mirage. You live in that house near the pumpkin patch, right?"
Laxer comes back with a hose. "YOLO!" He yells whilst spraying Mirage. He starts to turn it up to get rid of the scary Pokemon that wants to eat him.
Mirage was caught off guard, and had lost his balance. He stood back up quickly, and used his Psychic attack to remove the hose from Laxer's grip, and turned off the hose.