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Pokemon Go appears to spoil the new Generation 8 Pokemon in update error

Doctor Oak

Staff member
As previously announced, when Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee come out in November, as well as featuring the original 151 Pokemon, a brand new, Generation 8, Pokemon will also be available in the game, and as such, available to transfer into Pokemon Go as well.

This morning, an apparent mistake in updating the icons for Kecleon (a Pokemon that isn't currently available in Pokemon Go) was picked up by Pokemon Go Watcher @Chrales with what happened to not be icons for Kecleon at all.

The Pokedex number associated with these icons isn't even Kecleon's (#352), rather the number comes through at #891. That indicates that, assuming Generation 8 follows the trend of a somewhat relatively small increase in Pokemon numbers, this new fellow is actually quite towards the end of the Pokedex, rather than the beginning.

There are arguments that the very basic (and odd) design might indicate that it is not actually a Pokemon - and rather is some sort of internally created placeholder. While there's logic to follow there, it really wouldn't be the first time we'd been surprised by how 'weird' and 'not like a Pokemon' a new Pokemon looks upon reveal. You kids these days don't even remember the arguments that came out of the early leaks of the Generation 3 starters and how utterly "not-like-a-Pokemon" they all looked...

We'll keep you updated on what's going on with this 'new Pokemon' and whether it is, indeed, legit, with all the info as we get it.

In the meantime, stay tuned this weekend to hear our first impressions of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee after we finally got to get hands on with the game yesterday. More on that to come!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
While there's a chance it could be a placeholder image, the number attached to it confirms it's from the Gen 8 Pokedex. The critter also looks a bit too elaborate to be a nothing design so I'm banking on it being the fabled new Pokemon.

As for my actual thoughts on it? I think I'll wait to see the official artwork. For now it just reminds me of a character from Banjo-Kazooie. :p
While there's a chance it could be a placeholder image, the number attached to it confirms it's from the Gen 8 Pokedex. The critter also looks a bit too elaborate to be a nothing design so I'm banking on it being the fabled new Pokemon.

As for my actual thoughts on it? I think I'll wait to see the official artwork. For now it just reminds me of a character from Banjo-Kazooie. :p
I never got to play the original Banjo-Kazooie :( Just nuts & bolts(ITS ACTUALLY A GREAT GAME WHY DO PEOPLE HATE IT?)
I expected them to reveal a gen 8 mythical and.. this doesn't really look like a mythical at all. Maybe I'm wrong? Still, I'm fairly confident it's not a placeholder, it wouldn't make sense to create a new model just to use it as a placeholder. Looks cute tho
If there is really gonna be a generation 8 then I'll be SO EXCITED!
Number 891?! That's a lot of ideas to come up with. Good job Pokémon! It doesn't look like a common animal. Zeraora is cute and in a movie already.

Congratulations for getting Let's Go though! I'm jealous at you! I hope it's fun!
Caught my own and it turned into a Ditto, but not before I got a selfie with it! I really like it but I don't think it's the gift pokemon for Let's Go (the kecleon model thing makes no sense for a reveal) like Serebii is speculating. I hope TPC releases a statement on it soon.
Keyword: “appears to” leak. I think Pokémon company did this on purpose. It is probably a steel/ghost type mythical, since we haven’t had many steel/ghosts yet. Even so, I’m kinda hoping it isn’t since that would ruin Aegislash. I would rather a steel/normal type.

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