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Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

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Previously Swirled
Sythn then noticed a Leafeon relaxing in the sun while he was watching the battle he decided to go talk to her. He approached her and gave a small wave with his vines, "Hi, how are you?" He hoped to make another friend and was happy that he had that chance.

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
From Jolty´s residence, there was loud noises, banging, and flashes of light, leaking from every pour in the over a century old home. What happened there, was only speculated upon. It was said that the child´s parents where never home, as they where internationally renowned as real estate agents, who sold homes all over the world.Thus, they where rarely home, and left their child, who they knew was serious, trustworthy, and wouldn´t make rash decisions, and host wild parties. One particularly loud noise, not to loud, but certainly noticeable to the other nearby students, rocked the area, and was followed up by a flash of light.
She looked up; startled, perhaps, at the initiation of a conversation. But she managed a simple flick of her tail as acknowledgement- her attempt at a wave.
"Mm, I've been better. New schools aren't really my thing, but I think I'll survive. You?" she replied simply, a faint grin tugging at the corners of her mouth, looking up at him with her chilling pair of eyes. Although her facial expressions were serious, and maybe a bit boring, her tone was light. Not cheerful, but cool. Her eyes shared the faintest hint of a playful twinkle.
And then she noticed a small Sableye seemed to scuttle up to them, and she nodded in his direction as a way to say 'hi'. Kyra wasn't the best at social interaction, and frankly she saw no need to be. She was an introvert and that was final.
A noise chuffed at her ear, followed by a brief yet bright glare of light that attacked her eyes. She huffed quietly.
Zak used Psycho cut to get Comet off his arm, then Finished her off with leaf blade. Comet looked badly hurt, and Zak ran over to her assuming she needed help. "Comet!" Zak shouted "You OK!?"


Previously Swirled
Sythn was glad that she answered his question and wanted to continue the conversation, "I haven't introduced myself yet, but hi my name is Sythn what's your's?" He recognized the slightest twinkle in her eyes and that caused him to smile, putting on the shades he continued to watch the battle. When he saw that Zak won, he congratulated him from his distance for now he wanted to continue his discussion with the Leafeon.
"Thanks Sythn!" Zak shouted over to him. Comet didn't look badly hurt but she should be taken to sick bay. "Hey, can I have some help here?" He shouted over at the distracted chat.
(Good, Good, now just use punctuation, and you're good to go!)

Beep sat watching the battle, drinking some Astral Milk. He, too, noticed the blinding light. "Not today." He said to himself. Beep looked behind him, and saw that Sythn was next to a Leafeon and Sableye. "Hey Sythn! Who's the new ones?" He yelled, before glancing at the battle. Comet was getting pretty beat. "See ya later Tim!" Beep yelled, still sipping the Astral Milk. (lol im writing this in real time) "Aw crap. Okay, let's get her to the nurse."

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
Jolty, moments later, comes racing out of the woods, and onto the the field, and begins rolling in the grass. ¨HOLY MOSES, I´M ON FIRE!¨ The Jolteon screeches, flailing about. And, sure enough, a patch of flame was ignited on his shoulder, and burning rather strongly. After putting out the dangerous fire, he huffs, pulling up the welding googles he was wearing, and squints. With his glasses at home, he has difficulty seeing anything, but sees two blobs next to one another, and, hoping they are friendly, helpful pokemon, begins to stumble towards the two creatures. When he gets what he thinks is an appropriate distance, but is actually (rather awkwardly) 3 or 4 feet away, he waves, and mumbles ¨Uh....hello....could....I have some assistance?¨
“ I’m mostly okay. I think. “ Comet’s whole body was sore. Her only main concern was the Jolteon that just appeared. He was on fire, but luckily he was able to put it out. She tried to jog over to him to see if he was okay, but her leg wouldn’t let her. “ Hey.....would you look at that. My leg’s twisted. A little help? “
"Well, my 'friends' call me Loser, or Wuss, or Fag, but I really prefer Kyra." she huffed. She'd had a lot of difficult times back at the old schools, and it was very obvious in the sarcastic tone she used. The aforementioned "friends" were obviously former bullies. "But, yeah. Kyra." she repeated, confirming that it, in fact, was her name.
And then one of the oddest looking Jolteons she'd ever seen approached her, seemingly wobbling, balancing awkwardly on his paws.
"I suppose it depends on what kind of assistance you need," she replied coolly, hardly missing a beat. There was definitely a lot going on. A Joltik, on his way over to them, the battle that appeared to be over, the Rockruff having lost, Sythn attempting conversation with her, and the Jolteon, Arceus knew what happened to him. She was easily overwhelmed, Kyra, and she quickly stood up, backing away just a step or two, until the chaos settled down.
Beep looked the Jolteon up. "Hey, aren't you the Jolteon that i almost killed with a rock?" Beep then went over to Comet. "Uhhhh. Yup. That's a twisted leg. Wow, we sure are busy right now. Anyway, Sythn! We need you to twist Comet's leg back into position!" "Kyra! Hello Kyra. I'm Beep. Anyway, I'm going to need you to see what happened to that Jolteon." Beep had sorta gotten used to multitasking. It was alot like paying Pikmin.
"C'mon Beep you make a stretcher out of webs and I'll carry her on the stretcher!" Zak said. They rushed down the hall to the nurses office. "There you go, Comet." The Audino nurse just stood in shock. And Zak just ran out again. "Stay calm everyone!" This had gotten dramatic really fast and Zak didn't even know what to do! "Heal Pulse!" Zak shouted and the problems were instantly gone. The fire was out, and the Chaos had stopped. "Well that was easily dealt with!" Zak shouted over to Beep. "Beep can you find out stuff on your Thingamywhatsit?"
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Kyra cringed.
It would've been so much easier for her to just stay in her dorm. Or just at her Aunt's house. Not going to school.
Wow, not going to school would've made the Leafeon's like a lot less traumatic.
It appeared that the injured Rockruff, who now had a name, and her were seemingly the only females, which didn't bother the awkward, small Leafeon. She shrugged it off with ease; boys were a lot easier to deal with than girls.
She tucked her ears back, glancing at the one Pokemon she'd appropriately spoken to; Sythn.
"Is it always this chaotic?" she mumbled through strained teeth.
"Okay. Since apparently Zak has more medical knowledge than me, now we'll just help the Jolteon that i almost killed once." Beep walked over to the Jolteon. "Alright. What do you need help with?" "It comes and goes."

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
The Jolteon squints at you. He certainly looks strange. He is dressed in some kind of lab coat, and has a utility belt on, with strange looking devices on it. Among them, a medical kit. He shakes his head, noting your cold tone. ¨Nevermind....I´ll find my own way.¨ He uses a fore paw to feel for the medical kit, and takes it, opening the casing, he squints at the case, and from this, you can tell that he has sight issues, and most likely left his glasses at whatever strange Science-Fiction he walked off. After locating the bandages, he wraps them around his burned areas, a few spots on his legs, and begins to walk away.....

Only to take a straight step directly into a tree. Clearly, he has pretty bad sight if he can´t even see a tree. Nevertheless, he shakes his head, clearing it, and begins to walk away. Unfortunately, it is the complete opposite direction from which he came. Poor soul.


Previously Swirled
"Yea, I got used to it after a while." Sythn said while he was looking at the Pokemon who were his friends he then turned to Kyra, "So who were these 'old friends' of yours? Seeing as they valled you bad things I'm guessing they were more of bullies then friends." He then looked over at the Jolteon that almost died, Boy he probably should stay away from us seeing as chaos follows us wherever we are.
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"Hey! uhhhhh. You sure? You seem to be going the wrong way." Beep said to the Jolteon, because he was stubborn when it comes to helping people. Pokemon? People. He astrally projected in front of the jolteon, saying, "Do you know what happened with the loud CRACK! and the bright light?"

(lol @LegendtheEj6427 autocorrect am i right?)
Comet slowly stood up again. Testing her leg by putting pressure on it. Relieved to be able to stand upright again. She made her way over to the Leafeon, whose name was Kyra. “ I’m sorry you had to see that. My name’s Comet! “
"Ayyyyyyy Comet! Your leg works! Also i'm only saying this So i can say goodnight to you all so i can sign off!" Beep exclaimed, suddenly perkier than before. "Can someone convince that Jolteon to let us help them? Thank Youuuuuuu!" Beep trailed off as he started dissolving into pixels.

(i have no gf goodnight)
"So much Chaos!" Zak shouted as Zak used Heal Pulse to heal the Jolteon. "Ok now that that is dealt with, Beep what results do you have?"
Zak was so confused about how this all happened so fast! Just calm down, Zak, He said to himself only just realizing there was a sabeleye and a leafeon not far away. Zak went over while he waited for beep to get some results, and said "Hi my name is Zak. Sorry about all the chaos being caused. By Arceus, Beep we need those results soon. Sorry for being a bit impatient but..." He looked over to where Beep was standing before and he had disappeared. "Well that's just great... Alright I can see you'll have some problem fitting in but that's Ok! We can support you through anything, can't we Sythn!" Zak turned around to hear Sythn's answer...


Previously Swirled
Sythn was distracted but he managed to say something, "Sure, I can help what is needed?" He felt bad for not helping as he wanted to talk to Kyra some more but he realized that he may not have that kind of time. He then noticed that Beep disappeared out of nowhere, "Firstly, How did Beep do that and second, where is Stevie?" He hoped that nothing bad had happened that would cause Beep to disappear like that.
"Dude you're right here!" Zak said. Sometimes Sythn can be a bit of a scatterbrain, Zak thought. "Anyway I think you guys will do nicely at this school. Hey Sythn can grab that shiny thing over there with a vine whip? I think its Beep's Whatsamajig. Maybe we can find a girl-... find out that information we need to find out" Zak said awkwardly, while nudging Sythn lightly in the bulb, being careful not to cut it off.

(also, how did you get your profile pic like a trainer in sun/moon?)
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“ Wait, find out what? “ Comet asked in confusion. She thought she heard something about a girl. Maybe someone Zak knew? Possibly.
Kyra had to bite back a laugh, but it didn't do too well, considering it managed past her mouth. Her laugh was quiet, maybe a little sweet. This Zak character was really bad at being subtle, and it was funny to see him try and gloss over it.
She leaned nearer to the Rockruff, trying her best not to laugh again.
"They're trying to find girlfriends, and something tells me you're their main target," she whispered quietly, chuckling when she pulled away. Good Arceus..
Maybe she'd have a good time here after all.
"Oh nothing Comet, Great to see that your all healed up" Zak said avoiding Comet's truth glare. "And Kyra, I have a great sense of hearing. You are right but both of you aren't i our egg groups, which is really unfortunate because you both are pretty great!" he said trying not blush while the others laughed playfully at him. This is embarrassing, Zak thought.
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This time Kyra wasn't able to hold back her laugh, closing her eyes and sticking her tongue out.
"Not my fault!" she chuckled, her tan cheeks going faintly pink despite her best efforts to prevent the blush from spilling. "Besides, I've never really been interested in that sort of thing. Romance, that is. I would be a sucky girlfriend, and I'm cool with that. Just means more alone time for me." she chuckled again, bringing her tail over her mouth to hide her smile, which she thought was horrific.
"Thanks, hey you guys want to come hang out at my dorm. Kyra you don't have to come if just want some alone time but..." Zak kind of stuttered and trailed off a bit.
The Leafeon was quick to notice this faint mess-up in his words but said nothing, studying him with two very different eyes- one brown and one blue- as she weighed her options.
"Mm.. I'll meet you guys in there, I have some stuff I need to do before I can socialize or whatever." she decided after a bit, turning tail and walking quickly (it was more of a trot) back to the building, her tail flicking behind her as she disappeared through the doors of the school and being quick to get to the library, sighing in relief at the familiar, book covered walls.


Previously Swirled
Sythn shrugged this off as usually and swiftly grabbed Beep's thing. Afterwards he wondered about getting a girlfriend even more, who would want to even be in a relationship? He pondered on this for a long time as he was curious about how people would want to be in couples. His cheeks did flush a little when Kyra found out. He was hoping that no one else would know but he tried not to show that he cared a little.
"Ok, let's head on over!" Zak then looked at the thing that was beep's, turning it on and accessing the school student database. "Purrloin, Pikipeck, Charmander. Nothing in my egg group! How about yours Sythn?" Zak was sad that he still couldn't find anyone that was in his egg group. They finally came to Zak's dorm. "Come on in guys!" Zak said proud of his humble abode.

(Is anyone going to post since this has been up for a while?)
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Previously Swirled
Sythn looked over at Beep's thing and searched for students here that was in his egg group, "I don't think I see anyone else in my egg group." He then wondered if anyone even was in his egg group and hoped he would find someone.
The Leafeon was a little perplexed, to say the least, why they were so fixated on only having partners in their egg group... Did it really matter that much to them? Had it been her, she frankly would've just chosen who she enjoyed being around, no matter their egg group. Then again, Kyra was a Field Pokemon, so her range was a lot wider than their's, which might've been why she was so loose about it.
Regardless, the small tan-and-olive Pokemon was scanning the shelves for more about the egg groups, when she saw it, high up on a corner.
The Pokemon Bias; Egg Group Particulars. And she immediately went to try and get it. Unfortunately, she had to climb the shelves to reach it, but after some difficulty she managed it in her forepaws.
The cover was rough, maybe old leather, and the pages were thin and feathery, almost pulpy. She silently tucked it in the little side satchel that limply lay at her hip, and went on her way, towards the dorms.
Beep projected back into the phycical realm, finding hiself in Zak's dorm. "Allo boys," Beep said ironically. "So, what'd you find?". Beep took a book out of his cloak, Astral Projection For Dummies, propped it up, and climbed on it to get a better view.


Previously Swirled
Sythn was surprised at Beep's ability to morph into pixels and then morph back into a physical form, "Firstly, Beep, how did you do that? And Secondly, I haven't found anyone in my egg group yet, I may have to go outside of my egg group which I don't mind." He wondered if there was any Pokemon in Beep's egg group, and if any of them should be people that Beep would like.
Kyra trotted towards the dorms, assuming the one with the most noise emitting from it was is. She smothered a chuckle and poked her head in.
"Cool if I come in?" she asked, and didn't wait for an answer. It was more so her announcing her arrival. The title of the book she just grabbed poked it's way out from her satchel, and she quickly hid it, her cheeks pinkening.
"So, what'd I miss?" she grinned smoothly, sitting down.
(Also- if I drew the group- Synth, Zak, Comet, Kyra, Beep, etc.. would you guys want to see it? My artistic skills have been pretty bad recently, but I'm getting back into it, and for some reason I keep wanting to draw things from this thread. :w: )
"It's pretty easy, actually. You just gotta ĺ̵̝̪͓͍̰̩͇̻͕͓ͦ́̅̒͛ͧ͐͛͛̎̅͆̈́̒̓ͬeͪ̊̾̈ͫ͗͊̐ͯͣ̚̚̕͏̴̘̥̹̰̠̺̠̭̩͈͚̮̙̟̬̠̀͝t̸̤͚̼̹͕̣̼̹̀ͬ̌̎̈́͝ ̶̵̬̺̣̬̦̹ͫ͒̃ͨ̌͊ͬ̓͗̊̅͊̀̚̚͜͟ͅģ̵̳̲̟͉̼̂̃ͥ̒̒͘o̻̮̖̮̳̮͇̭͓̬̗̭̎ͬ̓̉̋̎̓̃̂̒̑͐ͨ͗̀͜͜͞ ̵̨̨̬̖̯̯̏͊͌̽͛͒̑́̑̃̌̾̾͆́oͥͮ̑̅̌̉͢͏̷̗̳̘̪̼̀͟f͎̺͈̦̑̈́̇̂̏̊̂̐̄̂̂̃͗͒̌ͩ́͟͝ͅ ̛͖̙̼͈̘͂̌̔̀̚͠ȳ̶̬̞̻̻̪̜͇̩̠͈̼͍̞̤͖̲̎ͭ͂̃͐̄͢͢oͯ͆̇̆͐̂́ͯ̓̈́̃̚҉̯͖͎̖̼͔͈̺̮ȕ͓̬̮͇̪̹̣͉̠͎̥̲̙̙̭̾͑̋͊ͩͣ͒̃̓̓͐́ͅͅȓ̶̡͎͈̬̈ͫͩ͊̾ͤ͐ͫ͐̂ͮ̄̀͢ ̦̰̥͈͔͈͚̗͍͎̤̦̝̮̟ͩ̓̇̏͛ͪ̓̐̆͟͞p̶̗̳͖̻͎̼̯̬̲̻̘̫ͨ̍̄͒̽̉̑ͮ̀͌ͮͪͦ̋͋̀́͞h̸̶̶̩͇̩͉̻͔̫͚̪̫̊̎ͭ̋̂ͯ̕͜y̴̘͓̦͇̗̮̰̟̣̱̪̭͔̠̜͊ͨ̒́̓͌̐̍͆̓̋̀̑̋ͧͩ́͘͘͞s̡̨̰̗̳͕̣̟͔͙̯̣͙̤̈͂͋̋̿̒ͥ̿͘͟i̸̷̡͇̻̱̞͎̩͍̥̗̞͈̭̪͚̰̼̮͔̊̌̎ͥc̸͗ͯ̅ͫͯ̾ͮͦ̋ͩͦ̓̏̍ͪ́̚҉͈̗̘͉̣̱͍̦̼a̢͖̝̜͙̺͔̰̖̞̟̻̪̻ͯ̈́̀̑͠ļ̸̨ͥ̈́̅̂͊̋̓ͧ̄ͦ͛͏̹̯̭̮̙̗̦̺̙̣̳̤͍ͅ ̌̓̐̏ͩ̐̈́͛͋ͬ̔͊̆̚͏̹̬͓̟̦̳̫̬̣̲̦̣̹̕͜͝fͫ̎̆͗ͭ͛̋̾̄̌̃̾̉ͪ̕҉̬̟͖̭̠̗͕̲̣͕̪̬͍̤̮̪͢ǫ̶̛̦̯͇̫̺͔̈ͯ̋ͬͩͬ͠r̩̣͓̩̙̖̬̙͓̯͙͍̥̼̥̻̤̻̭ͮ̈́ͦ̅͋̅̌ͥ̋ͯ̕͠͠͞ḿ̅̌ͯ͏̛͔̞̰̻͈̦̣̻̹̭͙̠̩̫̣̱̩̯͝ͅ,̷̷̦̻̞͈̝̠͔͈̹̫̳͔̉͌͒̏̿ͫͦͨ̾̕͢ ̨̧͈̻̰̺̗̣͚̟̰̖͈̐̍ͥ̅͌͒̌̏̐ͮ͒ͤ̀͞a͒ͦͬ̐ͤ̀̉ͪͭͧ̈̋͂̌͑͝͏̹̠̝͓̜ͅñ̠͎̯͖̦̳̙̩̦͓̙̲̮̩͍̱̲̋ͦͤ̽̾́͢͡ḑ̷͉̮̝͚̖̬̜̙̥̠̦͍̖̣̥͉̥̰ͨ͋̒͆̊̆̑̾ͫ̌͐́͜ ̨̗̗̙͓̙͈̩͈̝̮̱͋̾͒ͣ̎͋ͅa̴͇͓̱͚ͩͬͤ̇̔ͨ̓̑͢l̢͋́̉͒ͪ̕͜͏̺̮͚͓͞s̢̧̜̜̬̫̗̪̖̰̞̤̊̉ͥͦͬ̎͢͝ǫ̅̓̓͒̊ͦͥ̎̏ͤͨ͏̵̛̘̮̜͖͎͓̖̦͡ ̶̡͓̮̲̬̠̗̟̭͍̰͚̬̳̎̽̽ͣ͑̍̊ͭ́̕ñ̶͉̣̪̹͙͖̝̤̥̈́͂̋̿̔̀͊̑̋̓͗͗̈́̀̅̓ͨ̚͢o̱̹̰̻͉̥̗̣̐͌̋͆̓̍́͟͞t̘̦̮͇̰̋̀̔ͤ͛ͥͦ̓̾ͧͮ̈̚̚͞͝ ̶̢͎̦̦ͣͨ̓͂ͨ́ͨͮͪͨͮ̒̀ͅͅc̾̑ͦ̍͏̧̞̠̬͙̗̖̭̲̣̠̭͍̼̭̠̮̰͜ͅḁ̛̼͔͉͖̤̪̤̱͚͑̌͒̈́̽̈͌ͩ̐̐̽̅ͯ̕ͅr̢̧̧͍͓̰͓̱̤̺̱͖͔͖͈̥̳ͩ̔ͪ̿̀͗ͩ̐̅̀́e͗͛̌̆ͥ̽҉͍̯̖̥͚̦̘̹̺̗͘͝ ̷̶̶̨̞͙̞̼͔͍͔̲̳͉͉͇̳̾ͬ͊͂͑̾͛ͫ̊ͤ͊ͬa̴̧͌ͥ̎̑̐͌̒ͩ̓̀ͧ̀̾͢͏̤͕͓̬̩̦b̢̞̟̱̣͔̻ͪ̋̌̓̅͐̕͝͞o̊̉ͮͥ̀̈ͬ͆̇ͫ̐ͯ̀̕҉̡̱̱͍͓̥̹̘̘͞ͅư̧̳̦̲̻̦̓̑̐̆͟͞t͌̐̿̇̈́̓ͮ̿ͯͯ͑͏̴͉͈͍͖̰̹͎̼̮̲̀́͡ͅ ̷ͨͦ̅ͥ̌̈̈͋ͨ̓͗ͤͭͨ̉͏̛̪̰͖̙̤̱̤t̜̗͍̻̺̭͈͓̠̱̝͖͓̼̤̐̂ͫ̉͋̃̊̋̆̅̅ͥ̅ͯͨ͘̕ͅh̶͕͎̮͚͖͇̻̾͊ͥ̐͌̌̍̋ͣ̎ͥ̊̇̕e̷̵̢̗̭̙̝̘̫ͧ̂ͧ̂ͪ̃̔̀͑ͣ̔̍͐̍̏ͣ̀̚ ̶̫͔̝̣͙͐ͥ̒́̓̈́ͪ̆̍͊͂̚̕l̢̖̪͙̟͙̦͐̇͊̓̋͡͝a̶̸͈̬̙̫͚̼̮̺̩͔̟̪̫͓̝͛͌̍ͮ̊̒͂̀ẅ̴́͗͒̆̍ͭ̈́͂̑͗҉͚͇̼̬̖̦̬̙͉͢ͅs̶̶̐ͮ̅͏̙̖͙̩̙̼̖̮͎̯ ̴̡̛̗͖͕̳̹͙̹̱̙͍̻̾͆̓͌́ͅō̶̡͈̬̱̪͚̯͕̖̞̼̭͖̘̺̱̆͊ͩͤ̍̑͆̾͆͗ͤ̄͋͛͊͟͟͝ͅͅf̢̬̖̠̙̻͉̤̥̟̤͙̤̪͕͇̑͆̽͑̀ ̆̒̉ͮ̒͐ͧ̕͏͓̤̭͓̬̥ͅpͤ̂̈̾̈́̔ͤ̀͗̏̚͝҉̸̩̥̝̬̼̜̣̲̹h̛͚͉͖̝̳͔̥̳̰̞͔̣̳ͪ̈́ͤ̏ͫ͒ͧ̌̽̐́͋͟ͅͅy̸̧̹̯͉̯̪̦̞̥̫̬̫̞̞̩̮ͤ͒̃͐ͯ̑ͭͮͨ̆ͥ̍͌̆͊ͪ͆ͪͮs̨̺̗̦ͤ̒͑͊ͤ̓͛̄̎ͤ̌̅̌͐̐̂̉ͅi̴ͣͤ̂̓ͩ̓̉ͮͣ͊͌ͬͬ͘҉҉̞͈̳̦͔͓͓̬̖̤̳̠̥̪̯̱͎ͅc̵ͫͪͨͫ̓ͪ҉̼͕̟̟͔̺̙̳͔͇̦̥̖͕̝̝̱͝s̶̡͈̤͈̣̻͔̝̺͕̹̺͙͖̿͑̊ͣͮ̎ͯ̄̍̈́͗̉̀ͧ́̀̚.̡̩͔͙̬̟͔̹͖͉̼͚̭͌̆̈́̾ͣͩ̓ͅand that just pretty much it." Beep said, watching Kyra sit down. "Isn't Charmander in the Monster egg group though?"

(I'm fine with that, @_obsequious and i would really want to see it! :3 )

(Also, read that corrupted text in whichever way you want, be it screeching, or garbling)
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Previously Swirled
Sythn was startled at Kyra's sudden arrival and he cared a little but he tried not to let it show, "Yea Charmander is in the Monster egg group but is the Charmander female? Also Kyra how much did you hear?" He was slightly embarrassed that she might know something about the conversation the three of them were having as he was beginning to blush as he said these sentences.
"My dude," Beep said, trying not to be mean. "I-I mean Sythn, i don't think there's anything to be embarrassed about. Also, why be embarrassed about trying to find love? I mean, love, is like, essential for a healthy mental state. I think. What is love anyway? Is it a primal urge to mate? Or is it just the need to fit in? A feeling of... Stability? Friendship? Baby don't hurt me? No more?" He asked, noticing he was rambling and tied it up with a joke.
"I honestly think that love is something that is will be cherished by humans and Pokemon forever" Zak said. "I mean if we didn't find a mate, then the life cycle of a Pokemon or Humans" Zak thought about this for a moment, then looked at beep's thing again. "Look a Phantump, and it's name is Cesar, which is in my egg group! Yes... Wait is it a male or a female? Beep can you check that?" Zak then pondered on the fact of mega evolution. "Beep, didn't you also say that somehow I would be able to find a mega stone, specifically, Galladite?"

(Yes I would like to see that @_obsequious but remember I'm a shiny Gallade).
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Previously Swirled
Sythn realized that Beep had a point, "Its not so much what we're doing it's more of who knows about it," he mumbled as he looked over at Kyra. He wondered what he was feeling as far as what was causing him to blush. "So Beep," he said, trying to change the subject of his internal discussion, "Is there anyone who you found?"
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