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He looked over at Kristina yet kept humming as he examined her with a singular eye, keeping the other on Kyu. He was particularly unsure whether he should trust this new Pokemon or not.
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"Knarly dudes go catch some waves kyu and have fun you broskis" he sat back down letting them go bye
Adrian chuckled "I might as well be easy for my temporary time here chief"he dialed a very complicated number "oh yes is this mason? Oh hey bro I need for a favor that you owed me......yeah it happened like you said......what you have the president on the line?.....:no I can't talk to him now....uh huh.....yeah that'll be better......and can you al-yeah exactly you read my mind!!........ok I'll see ya later" Adrian hanged up "oh sorry I was just doing something don't worry it's not illegal or me breaking out just a small favor for outside of here"
Kyu blushed "I umm am gonna go change real quick you guys start off I'll catch up!"she ran to a changing room
He waddled up to the waters edge and used his feet to kick at the coldness. It was obvious that he didn't really want to swim today. "I-I might just build a sand castle or something, let my creativity out." He moved away from the water and sat down in the sand.
Kristina looked at Hydri ''Hello there'' She smiled at him happy to see another small pokemon as her, She then sat down her Towel and her Bag and ran to the water she then walked out of it holding a Luvdisc and giving it to Hydri
Kyu came back to the others and had her swimsuit on....needless to say she has absolutely no reason why she's shy about her body and she says shyly "umm sorry if I look weird or anything heh" she has a surfboard that is in a shark pattern with teeth and a bit of painted blood and kyus face is really red from blushing and the lifeguard whistled "looking good kyu!" He yelled "shut up mark! >\\~\\<" She said hiding her face
Ooc (changed ma profile pic lel)
He blushed at this but was immediately frustrated as he took the Luvdisk and quickly ran it back into the water before walking back to her, an annoyed look on his face. "You can't just do that to a water Pokemon!" He sat back down and seemed to have tears in his eyes.
Kristina looked at Kyu ''You do look good!'' She giggled and put on a Comfey Lei and started to Write something in the sand K-R-I-S-T-I-N-A It said, A Mega Gardevoir then walked in ''Mom! what are you doing here?'' ''I'm here to check on you Sweet K'' Said K's Mom ''Mom! your Embarrassing me!''
She looked up at the mega gardevoir "umm h-hey there"she said "Hey hydro i ummm gonna go see if I can catch some waves,I'll see ya soon"she ran off into the water
Adrian tapped his leg "so ummm chief are we like gonna go somewhere orrr what time is it?"
He carefully went and wrote his name in the sand beside hers. He then but his hand print in between the names and watched as Kristina went swimming. He knew he couldn't swim with the blades on the sides of his arms.
Kyu was in the middle of a large wave as she is surfing skillfully "WOHOO I MISSED THIS YEAH!!" She waved at everyone then lost her footing "Wooahahhh!!" She fell in the water as the large wave crashed over her and she flipped and landed hard on the sans next to hydri "hey hydri" she said as she didn't pick her head up and her voice was muffled by the sand
He saw her face. "Wh-What are you reading Kristina?" His voice was full of genuine curiosity as he watched her carefully, fiddling with some sort of stone in his left hand. There seemed to be a weird synergy symbol in the middle of it. He quickly looked down at Kyu. "You okay?"
She got up and spit some sand "that was awesome!!!! I'm going again!" She ran off back in the water with her surfboard and looked back at the two and chuckled "how cute,hydri the gentleman hehe" she found a wave and swam toward it and got into her ready position
He blushed more as he watched Kristina reading. the weird stone started to burn his hand so he dropped it spastically on her towel. He looked away as he reached for his stone back.
The chief raised an eyebrow at Adrian's slipping facade after the call, but said nothing to indicate it. "Right...well, you better get to the cafeteria before all the food's gone." he said, opening the door for Adrian.

Sun walked up to the tide until he was knee deep in the water. The scenery around him was breathtaking, to say the least. Then his glance fell on Kyu as she surfed. He was quite impressed by her skills. Then his eyes fell upon Hydri and Kristina with a smirk. Ah, young love, he thought, memories of the past once more resurfacing.
Kristina looked at the Stone ''Whats that?'' She asked curiously as she looked at Hydri. she put down the book and got up. she grabbed her Gallade surf board and headed to the Waves put it down and started Surfing
Kyu caught a huge wave and yelled "NOW THIS IS A GOOD ONE OH YEAH!!" As she skillfully went through,up and down the large ten foot wave,which was quite a distance away from the beach and was heading towards everyone at a really fast speed and when the wave nearly crashed ten feet away from the beach she kicked off the board and did a few side flips and stuck the landing,"OH yeah who's the queen of the beach!"but then got hit in the back of the head with her surfboard which landed on top of her and she fell to the floor in a weird style" crap shouldn't have gloated hehehe" she rubbed her head
Adrian smirked and went to the cafeteria already knowing what's gonna happen soon
Then in the front of the police station a very tall and menacing looking man wearing a black trench coat stood there looking at the station "huh Adrian pal...thought you'd be in a bigger prison,since you deserve it,but hey A favor is a favor no matter what my morals are so oh well,he better pay me well for this I had to do a lot for this" he walked in the police station waiting for someone of importance to talk with him
He laughed at Kyu as the stone was absorbed into his body, changing his form with a blinding light. He couldn't stop even as he seemed to skip his last evolution and go straight into what seemed to be a mega form.
Sun rolled his eyes while trying not to laugh as he made his way to Kyu and offered her a helping hand up. "Karma has ways of working that range from subtle to obvious." he chuckled. "Just ask Feraligatr." he pointed to the big water type brute who was getting swarmed by wingulls after hitting one away from his food. He let out a comedic shout of pain as they pecked him. Then the change occured, and the light brought on the fire type's attention.

The chief noticed the man and walked up to him, his manetric letting out a low growl, not liking the looks of the man. "Hello, Sir. Welcome to the (This Region's Name here) Local Police Department." he didn't like the looks of this man, but he still showed a polite demeanor. "How can I help you?"

(OOC: So what IS this region called, and is the 'military' you keep mentioning a gang of mercenaries?)
Ooc (it's the alola region,since it's owned by the USA,since it's in Hawaii,technically the military there works with the US and the "military" he's talking about,let's just say being a very rich and powerful man leads to a lot of bribery and favors,since he gave a lot of military equipment to the government,many people owe him favors,a very complicated answer but in short,he actually means the military,why didn't I mention this in the beginning? Illuminati lol)
The man wasted no time and pulled out an ID "Mason,part of the CIA,I came here for an individual known as Adrian corona do you happen to have his location here sir? Or is he currently residing in this building?" He pulls out a pen and paper
Kyu looked at hydri,her eyes sparkling "whenever you get the chance we HAVEto fight!! Except not now since I'm kinda wanting to relax and let loose"
He examined himself and noticed that the blades were no longer visible on his arms. "Wh-What happened to me?" His voice was deep and vibrated like the brisk waves. "This is all very new to me..."
(OOC: Well, you said "military", but you weren't really specific. I assumed they were mercenaries because I don't think a country's military and police force would turn against each other. But the bribery and such does clear that up.)

"Name's Sun, and see you later." Sun replied. He watched as Kristina left, then turned back to Hydri. "Looks like you've found a new way to mega evolve? I didn't even know Feraligatrs had mega forms...huh." Though he was simply analyzing, there was just the tiniest hint of envy in his eyes.

"Yes, he's in this building." the chief said, "Are you here to visit, or perhaps pay his bail?" He still seemed a bit uneasy about this agent's sudden appearance, but went with it...for now.
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Ooc (lol yeah I know,I won't have the military going against the police,just having the military make a few favors)
The mad handed him a paper that was signed by the president and you notice he has a deep and tough voice"you should know by now chief,federal laws such as the ones he committed cannot be payed by bail, however under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution,Adrian corona is now hereby freed of all crimes he has committed and to be released immediately,all charges and court cases against him are now pardoned and will not be fufiled as the charges were payed by federal taxes,the president gives his hopes that this little "incident" won't happen again" he said as he tapped his foot impatiently,since he wants him money and he's a very greedy man
Kyu sat on the beach and started making a sand castle "oh cool!"
"Alright then. Excuse me a moment, and I'll get Mr. Corona." the chief said, still suspicious. He made his way into the mess hall and sat down beside Adrian. "Someone from the CIA is here to pick you up. What did you do, exactly, to get THEM on your good side?" he asked, looking rather curious. "Anyways, follow me." He led the scientist to the lobby. "We're going to monitor him closely, though, just in case." he told Mason. "Given his split personality, we only want to keep his dark side in check and help him maintain control. I hope you understand it's in the best of intentions."

"Well, that was quick." Sun said, glancing at Kristina before laying down on the sand and relaxing. It was warm and soft, and as if right on cue, a coconut fell beside him. Using an open hand strike to split the coconut in half, he took a sip of the coconut milk inside and relished the strong, tropical taste.
He's smiled "oh nothing much only lent a few hundred million dollars of advanced weaponry to them and they said if I needed anything to just let them know,as long as it didn't hurt the welfare of others or you know hack into there computers download sex tapes over there intercoms and disguise it as a urgent memo from the superintendent,heheh I liked that prank but that resulted in me getting slapped in the face hard and losing my sandwhich"his eyes teared up "it was a good sandwich too"he said as he's glad the guy actually came fast,when he saw the man he slightly lost his smile and he wiped his eyes,this man is one of the very very few who Adrian actually kinda felt scared of,mainly just because of his large and mysterious demeanor "where's my money Adrian?" He said deeply and intimidating like "you'll get it mason keep your panties loosened up a bit and wait" he smirked at him knowing he annoyed the large man
Kyu is building and working hard at making a large sandcastle
"Hey, anyone wanna get some lunch real quick?" Sun called out, "I got some cash on me for the occasion!" As he called this out, a Blaziken training on the shore noticed he looked...familiar to him. However, he decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and resumed training.
She smiled and got out some money as well" I mayyyyyyy or may not have gotten this from the lifeguard hehe" she giggled as she got up "so where should we eat? Usually there's no food places in here and there usually outside the VIP area so let's take a walk shall we?"
Adrian walked up to the chief "well I bid you farewell"he slipped the chief a suitcase filled with hundreds and it amounted to 200,000 dollars "keep it so that you can keep you and your son comfortable for a bit,if your asking why I gave you it it's because you were nice to me the entire time I was here" he smiled and then smiled insanely "never know what a little bit of kindness can do for ya" then he turned around and went with mason outside "hey before I give ya your money,let's go eat somewhere,didn't exactly eat lunch or anything in two days" the guy just grunted in response signaling an ok from him
"I know a good barbecue place around here we could go to." Sun suggested. "Lucius took us there as a treat after we made the hall of fame. I think it's...this way." he said, pointing in the direction he meant. "It's pretty good, too. Customers allow for humans and Pokemon alike as customers, and the food's really good.

Adrian was gone before the Chief could refuse the money. He didn't need it, as his checks were often enough to pay for the house and supplies he and his family needed. So he stored it in a safe at the station until he could figure out what to do with it in the meantime. "I really hope things don't go south again..." he muttered to himself as he sat at his desk. Manetric simply gave a small whine and nuzzled her master's hand.
She walked with him "ooo sounds pretty good!" She said as she drooled in the prospect of food
He chuckled evilly as he walked by a few familiar Pokémon and saw an infernape,a Kirilia,a feragilator and a black haired gardevoir "greetings to you"he walked a few steps before slowing down slightly and quickly turned around "hey do I know you guys?hmmmm.......have we met at a grocery store orrrr" The other guy had his hands in his trench coat obviously not interested in what's happening and staring them down menacingly
Sun gave an equally menacing look at Mason, definitely not liking him. His eyes then shifted to Adrian. "So, they pardoned you, eh?" he said, not sure how to feel about it. "I just hope you've learned to better control yourself." he then gave another glance at Mason. "And who's this?"