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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

She coughed and tried to break the weird tension going on
"It's only the first day and we basically spent half an hour in the hallways wanna spend the other half somewhere you guys?"she twiddled with her fingers a bit " I mean if you guys want to sorry you had to see that side of me that early on,I can be the sweetest person but at the same time if I get mad I can get pretty nasty to people heh and thanks but it's alright jack I can control it let's just go to lunch mmkay guys?"
"Let's go to the cafeteria first if the teachers see us with food outside of class that'll suck" she led them and brought the infernape with her to the cafeteria and made sure to kick the bullies who just got the locker of of them and they got knocked out
"We wouldn't want to get in trouble on the first day. And I am not feeling too hungry after all of that just happened so no thank you Jack" He looked back at the unconscious bullies and silently laughed to himself. "Can't you be nicer to them Kyu?"
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She looked at them and laughed
"Trust me if I let them follow us they would try to hurt you bad they like picking on people that they think that arnt as strong as them so I did you guys a favor plus it's funny you should try kicking em hehe"she lead them to the cafeteria
Jack sat in silence and ate his food he looked at ryu in fear but still liked her she's nice and will stand up for her friends(I'm not Able to post for the next hour
Kyu appears to not be eating and sees that aqui is not eating anything
"Would you like me to get you some food? I don't like using teleport since I feel like it's cheap but I can get whatever you want if you want something"
She instantly noticed his tear and she felt horrible after hearing that
"Hey bud my trainers not exactly the best to me either he's evil and I hate him but I mean he tries to take care of me and I guess that's nice but you sure you don't want me to get you some food? Like anything at all?"
"I could go with a nice cup of tea. That's if they even have it here" He turned his face away from her sight. "That isn't even the worst part about it."
"Oh wow I'm so sorry to hear that we can discuss it in private if you would like to later on"she smiled at him and try's to get him to look at her "what flavor tea do you prefer?
"Oh umm sure"
She led him to a Pokémon library but right before she left she got a cup of perism Berry tea and handed it to him
"Yeah they have a coffee and tea maker thing so here you go!" She led him into a library
He slowly drank the tea as they walked. "So you really want me to talk about this Kyu?" He started to regret bringing up the topic.
"M-My owners said that I am not allowed to go home, not until I evolve. I do not think I can though." A tear stained the floor.
She is shocked by the cruel mess of his trainers and is mad
"Listen your great as you are you don't have to evolve if you don't feel like it you do know you can eat rare candys to evolve if you want to but that's horrible" she wipes his tears and looks at him
"I tried rare candies already, they didn't do anything to me. The only way is to battle but that always ends up badly for my opponent." He shivered at the thought of his fights.
Now she seemed really intrested
"You didn't seem like the fighter type hey we should fight soon! I would love to see your strength and maybe you'll be able to evolve"she says a little too excited
"I think it would be too dangerous for the both of us Kyu, and besides I don't know if my strength can match yours." He backed away from her. "I don't want to strain my body that much." He sighed and finished up his tea.
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"Yeah I've been known to be carried away when it comes to battles but hey if you need some training I could train ya"
All of a sudden a book hit her in the back of the head and you see a primape threw it and is laughing at her
"Get lost freak this is my place to hang"said the primape boastly as he sees the tododile on her shoulder "and who are you squirt?"
Kyu is trying her hardest to contain her anger"primape get out now!"
"D-Do you want me to show you what I can do Kyu?" He observed the Primape carefully. "Or do you not want me to waste my time with this twig of a monkey?"
She sighs
"Not in the library let's just go ....it's almost one for our final class to begin anyway"she carries him and starts walking off but then the prime ape said something that hit her to her very core
"Oh ok gonna walk away like how your previous trainer did to you huh?"
She is silent for a minute that seemed like a while
He wiggled out of her grip and faced the Primeape, the glowing blue outline of something along his arms was seen under his hoodie. "Say that again...I dare you. I will not allow my friends to be bullied by brainless Pokemon like you who have to stay in the library to learn!"
She is twitching slightly as she is struggling to hold the power that she is wanting to release so badly upon the primeape
"Well it's not my fault her other trainer left her heh and don't start anything you little twerp"the prime apes eyes go red and some steam is letting loose from his head
"And I know she can beat me but she's too afraid to show her power since she's just a scared little girl just like her past trainer"
Kyu is within her breaking point and she hits the floor slightly and it cracks a little as her hair is tiring to a dark tint of black
"Aqui......get him to shut up before I loose control again"
"As you wish." He threw his hoodie to the side, showing off the markings of different Pokemon on his body and the metallic blades protruding from the sides of his arms. "Kyu...Go into the other room. I will be out when this is over."
Jack walked looked at hydri and kyu in fear he walked off and left to the library he sighed "why do I have to get crazy friends" he walks back over to the infernape "now I know why you stay out of this stuff" he sighed @Gamefreak1996
She try's to open the door but it breaks in the process and she teleports a few feet away and is gripping her head doing her best to hold the power and anger in
"I....can't....grrrrrr!!!....."*is trying to breathe properly
"Please not again!..."
Meanwhile with aqui and the primeape
"Hah even with those cool blades I can still whip you*in a fighting position as a lot of the other Pokémon are leaving and there's a container field around both of them that's 20 feet wide and long so they won't destroy the school
Jack saw what hydri was going to do he started to cry he sat down in a corner a cried "my my life sucks" jack said though gritted teeth "I I thought that high school would be different but no" I've got crazy friends who are scarier than bullies" he kept crying
He laughed to himself, "I want to see if you can even last as long as the others who tried to abuse the feelings of my friends." He turned a little to the right and put his clawed hands together, the energy from them connecting growing into an orbed shape.
Kyu finnaly controlled it and is breathing heavily a bit and sees jack crying in the corner
"Ugh every year this happens at least once but the first freaking day?!"she gets near jack but far away enough so he won't freak out
"I'm so sorry you had to see that this school always has one event like this but afterwards it's normal but I didn't expect it to be the first day......I'm sorry and I can understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore.....I always lose them to me losing control....but I'm here for you ok?" She's trying her hardest to comfort him and to calm him down
Meanwhile with aqui and the primape
"Well I see the squirt has a bit of powers huh? Well let's see how it is against this"he quickly dashes to use a quick attack
"No" jack said blandly "I.will not.leave.you." Jack tried to smile "you are my friend!" He shouts he he ran over to kyu and hugged here he started to cry
She's very shocked and fell over a bit and hugs him
"Heh well that's good to know anyways ummm at least we don't have class next period and we are gonna get in trouble but I'm sure I can persuade the principle that it wasn't our fault"she winked at him and chuckled "might as well pin the blame on monkey boy"
Meanwhile with primeape and aqui
He swept aquis feet and brought both fists down to try to hit him on the ground