"Oh I'm so stupid she doesn't even like me" Mitch said to himself "she doesn't even think I'm serious when I say I have a crush on her" he sat down and cried
"OOPS! Sorry, my insticts are weird sometimes... Let's go up south! Woo!" Sprigsteen said, as he ran off up south. "So, uh, what are we gonna do in the city anyway? I've heard that trainers gather up in the city... I HATE trainers!" He said with an angry face, it sure was obvious that Sprigsteen hated trainers from the look on his face.
Mitch looked at spotlight in disbelief "really?" He asked sceptically taking the bed off of spotlight "so so do you like me or not" he shouted in a sudden outburst of anger "cause I don't know you act like I can do no wrong! But you hate me! Don't you!" Mitch started breaking down a little "you think I'm an idiot!" He started to cry "cause I don't know about myself anymore" he said though the tears
Sprigsteen scratched his head. "No idea." He said, looking around while following Mo to the cabin. "Not in here... Where could they be???" He asked himself. "Mo? Where did you last see them?" He asked.
"Got it but if you are angry enough to attack me just do it you'll feel better and I'll be fine" he smiled at her he got up "and look I've been mean done everything I shouldn't have so truly if you attack me I'll feel better about myself
Sprigsteen was just watching them all, as he ate a Oran Berry he just found, watching them all in awe. He was thinking about his backstory. "Hey, guys, you know why I always say this thing about my friends?" Sprigsteen asked. "Well.... I really wanna tell you my backstory... Is that fine?" He asked.