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Ace flew and patted the Beartic's head. "There there, Bear. Everything is going to be alright..." The Vivillion then stopped patting him, and took out a map. "The Bug Tribe is very weak... and we need as many friends as we can get! So, please. Allow us to give us the queen a gift, to signify our friendship, and peace around the world." Ace frowned. "Unless you don't want to accept our gift of peace, showing that you all just want war, and are all meanies and bru-" "But, we all want peace, right?" Arnold interrupted Ace. Ace stared at the Araquanid.
The Beartic grumbled at this accusation. "We are but a tribe of harmony and peace. We practice diplomacy and empathy and have no desire for war. We only engage in violence when it is in defense, nothing more. To insinuate that not accepting your gift means we want war is preposterous. We would only be looking out fo-" "Are you giving our guests Vernon?" The air suddenly becomes noticeably chilly, even in the climate of the land. Behind the Bug soldiers approached Venus. She was holding her tiny hands together with her eyes shut. "I do believe it was unfortunate of you to visit while I was away. But I am here now." The Beartic backed off and kneeled. "Now, what might be the occasion of your visit?" Venus asked in a curious tone.
Ace would turn open the bag, and hand it to Venus. "I think in order for our tribes to prosper, we need to trade with each other. So that is why, I am giving you a bag full of Sleeping Powder!" Arnold would nod. "So, if you are in a war, you can use it and put your enemies to sleep! It is quite useful." Arnold then walked away, heading back towards the tribe. "Oh. And by the way. If you ever get in another fight with the water tribe, we can help." Ace would then turn, and follow Arnold to go back to the Bug Tribe.
Marry and her small group set out towards the intersection between the bug and Ice tribe to meet up with Ace to discuss a peace treaty. Her platoon consisted of two Emboar, a Talonflame, two Salandits and Marshall the Litleo scout. They moved quickly to make sure to cut off the Bug tribe before they got to their territory, in order to make the reasoning seem as "Fair" as possible and to make sure they weren't ambushed. After a while of hiking and burning through the forest they found a spot to set up a camp, and wait for Ace to meet them.

"Are you sure they came this way?" Marry complained
"Yes, your majesty! I saw them with my own two eyes!" Marshall replied as he gathered loose wood around the camp for firewood.
"Well you better be telling the truth because if they aren't here in the next 24 hours than I'm demoting you," She sighed
"I won't let you down!" Marshall replied
Arnold followed Ace through the Forest. Soon though, Arnold jumped in front of Ace. "What are you doing?" Ace questioned. Arnold pointed towards a camp. "What. Its just a camp of Pokémon." "A camp of Fire Types, that is." Arnold corrected. Ace sighed. He then pushed Arnold into the camp. Arnold looked frightened. "Hey. Just a father on a walk with their son, right Ruby?" Ace flew into the camp behind Arnold. "Uh. Yeah! We are just walking through, don't mind us please!" Ace immediately dashed through the camp. Arnold rolled his eyes. "Kids, am I right? Well, I guess we should be going..." He then slowly backed away from the camp.
"Hey, I've seen you two before!" Marshall said as two walked by the camp, "You passed through here earlier! With the Bug ultra pokemon, what's their name again?" He said as he started to remember
"Is this true? Then I must speak with Ace immediately. We just want to discuss a peace treaty. We have noticed you might be in search of a powerful army/ally?" Marry said as she walked out of her tent, with a rather calm look (compared to normal)
Arnold sighed a breath of relief. "Alright, Ace. Time to drop the act." Arnold called out into the forest. "Ace? Hello?" Ace flew back into the camp, covered in leaves. "What is it, Dad?" Ace asked. Arnold sighed. "I said drop the act. Anyways, Lord, these nice people want to make a peace treaty!" Ace fluttered up to Marry. "So. You want a peace treaty? Ok!" Ace smiled. "So, do we sign a paper or what?"
Marry nodded and grabbed a paper off a table and handed it to ace, "No need to read the fine print. The contract basically states that the Fire tribe will supply the Bug tribe with troops and various supplies you might need as long as you help us in battle and warn us about incoming enemy troops." Marry finished as she reached into a bag and pulled out a large pear, "I also offer you this," She said as she passed it to Ace.
Once the visitors have left, all of the townsfolk began to exit their homes and surround the town square. Venus held the bag in front of her, staring at the contents inside. "Pierce... What's this about an attack on the water tribe? You didn't order such a barbaric action did you?" Pierce scrambled to find his words. "N-No m'lady! I wouldn't order an attack without your command. This must be some kind of misunderstanding." Venus floated in place, pondering the situation at hand. "Well surely there's some kind of conflict happening. I shall pay a visit to the water tribe to sort things out. Please make due and take care of this." Venus handed the bag to the Abomasnow. "You want me to dispose of this?" Venus laughed at his response. "No silly. This is a gift from our guest who traveled all the way here. Just put it somewhere safe." Pierce nodded and headed towards the temple. "Vernon, gather some of our higher ranking troops. We're taking a trip to visit our neighbor." Venus said with a warm grin.
Ace would pick up the pair, and began to eat it. "So, before we sign, I advise we should check the fine print quickly, Lord." Arnold poked the back of Ace, to no response. "Lord?" Arnold walked around him, to see the signed contract. "Great work there, Ace." Arnold slowly clapped. "Enough tone. Anyways, when are the supplies coming?" Ace asked happily, taking another bite out of the pair. "Well. I think it will be for the best if I stay out of this talk." Arnold sighed, and stood behind Ace.
"Well, that depends on what you want!" Marry said cheerily, "If you want food we can have it brought to your tribe by tonight, but if you want something like weapons or armor it will take us a couple week to make it all and have it brought out.". Marshall decided to wander off while all the talking ensued, the peacefulness bored him. "All we ask in return is that you warn us about any large number of enemy troops in coming so we can prepare. They will be like a moth to a flame, pardon the pun. Any questions? concerns?" Marry asked,
Ace would smile. "No questions needed, alright Arnold, let's go." Arnold nodded. "Yes, my Lord. Farewell!" He waved goodbye to the camp, before following Ace into the forest. "So. I suppose that went well?" Arnold asked. "It went great! We now have a new friend!" Ace took another piece of the pear. "But, really. They seemed odd. A bit suspicious if you ask me." Arnold whispered to Ace. Ace would look at him. "And what would make you say that?" "Perhaps, how they didn't want us to read the fine print, or how they seemed oddly relaxed. The fire tribe has had many Ultra Pokémon in the past few years, and this one just took over through force! What if the fine print said 'Fire Tribe owns the forest' or something?" Arnold started to get nervous. Ace then laughed. "How funny! They would never do that!" Arnold would shrug. "Only time will tell."
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Marry and her group began heading back to the Fire territory in silence until Marry spoke up, "Oh, by the way, good work scout...", She looked back when no reply came, "Marshall? Where are you?" Marry held up the journey home to look for Marshall but he was nowhere to be found, "We must have left him back at camp your highness. He does know his way around here better than all of us though so he will be home eventually" an Emboar said,
"He had better be. I was going to reward him" she responded
"I would gladly take the reward on his behalf!" the second Emboar piped up
"no dice commander, you get enough of your fair share." she joked as they resumed their journey home.

Marshall hopped around the forest until the trees became fewer an fewer and the temperature began to drop, "Brrr, I think I'm approaching the Ice territory now... I should head back" Marshal said to himself as he began to journey back home. While he was walking up a rather steep slope he slipped on a patch of black ice an fell down the hill and hit his head on a rock, he was out cold. (Paron the pun)

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

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